
「Spell」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(8ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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For one thing he despised all mothers except Wendy, and for another he was the only boy on the island who could neither write nor spell; not the smallest word. 例文帳に追加

なぜならひとつにはウェンディを除くすべての母親という母親を軽蔑していましたし、もうひとつにはピーターが、この島で書くこともほんの短い単語さえつづることもできないたった一人の男の子だったからでした。 - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』

The early stage of Mikkyo, Zo-mitsu (the Mixed Esoteric Buddhism), which was established at the stage when magical elements were incorporated into Buddhism, was not particularly systematized but aimed to gain practical benefits in this world by reciting mantra, Shingon and litany, as well as the spell of each Buddha, being affected by the mantra of Brahmanism, in which religious services were performed. 例文帳に追加

呪術的な要素が仏教に取り入れられた段階で形成されていった初期密教(雑密)は、特に体系化されたものではなく、祭祀宗教であるバラモン教のマントラに影響を受けて各仏尊の真言・陀羅尼を唱えることで現世利益を心願成就するものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Additionally, while in the dainibun-Kudokuhon (第二功德) No. 32 of "the Mahaprajnaparamita-sutra (Dai-Hannya-kyo Sutra)," 'Hannya Haramita' (a word or an idea itself) is considered to be the great spell (明呪), in "Hannya Shingyo," the phrase 'Hannya Haramita Shu' is set in to add the litany of Zo-mitsu (Mixed Esoteric Buddhism). 例文帳に追加

また『大般若波羅蜜多経』(大般若経)では、第二分功德品第三十二に「般若波羅蜜多」(という語句・概念自体)が大明呪(偉大な呪文)であると説かれているが、『般若心経』では、雑密の陀羅尼を付加するために「般若波羅蜜多咒」という語句が挿入されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Nichirensho sect and the sects originated from the same dharma as the Nichirensho sect including Soka Gakkai, Shoshinkai and Fujitaisekiji Kenshokai, believers every morning and evening chant (called 'dokuju') the opening of Hoben-bon (until Junyoze [ten factors of life]) and Juryo-bon of Hoke-kyo (Saddharmapundariika-sutra, the Lotus Sutra) and chant the important spell of the Nichiren sect (called 'shodai') for a Mandala, the honzon of the Nichirensho sect. 例文帳に追加

日蓮正宗や教義の根を同じくする創価学会、正信会、冨士大石寺顕正会では、朝と夕に、「本尊(日蓮正宗)(ごほんぞん)」と呼ばれる曼荼羅に向かって法華経(方便品(冒頭の十如是まで)と寿量品)の読誦、唱題(題目を唱える)を行う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On December 31, 1935, "Sunae Shibari Morio Jushiro Zenhen" (The Spell of the Sand Painting, Jushiro MORIO, Part One) directed by INUZUKA was screened with two other films: "Hatsu Iwai Nezumi Kozo" (The Rat Man, First Celebration) directed by Toshizo KINUGASA of Kataoka Chiezo Productions, and "Umon Torimonocho: Harebare Gojusan-tsugi Ranma-hen" (The Detective Records of Umon: Journey of the Fifty-three Tokaido Road Stages - Anarchy) directed by Matsuo YAMAMOTO of Arashi Kanjuro Productions. 例文帳に追加

犬塚監督による『砂絵呪縛森尾重四郎前篇』は、片岡千恵蔵プロダクションの衣笠十四三監督作『初祝鼠小僧』、嵐寛寿郎プロダクションの山本松男監督作『右門捕物帖晴々五十三次乱麻篇』と同時上映で同年12月31日に公開された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Isetsu machimachi," an essay written by Masamichi WADA, who was a feudal retainer of Sekiyado Domain, describes that in Izumo Province (the present-day northeast part of Shimane Prefecture), when they went into a valley where a stream was running under the bridge on one of the days under the long spell of rainy and humid weather, people experienced a situation where white lights were flying like butterflies and once they adhered to people's body, they could not be easily taken away. 例文帳に追加

関宿藩藩士・和田正路の随筆『異説まちまち』によれば、出雲国(現・島根県北東部)で雨続きで湿気が多い時期に、谷川の水が流れていて橋の架かっているような場所へ行くと、白い光が蝶のように飛び交って体に付着して離れないという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that Seimei performed phenomenal magic by using a spell called Seman (Seimei kikyo, Seimei mon and Gobosei) and using dolls to make most of Shikigami Junishinsho (Twelve Shikigami gods) such as Seiryu, Kochin, Rokugo, Suzaku, Toda, Kijin, Tengo, Daion, Genbu, Taimo, Byakko and Tenku. 例文帳に追加

セーマン(晴明桔梗・晴明紋・五芒星)という呪符を使い、人形を使って「青龍」・「勾陳」・「六合」・「朱雀」・「騰蛇」・「貴人」・「天后」・「大陰」・「玄武」・「大裳」・「白虎」・「天空」の式神十二天将を自由に駆使し、驚異的な呪術を展開したとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Doma hoshi was a member of one of the civilian (illegal) onmyoji groups in Harima Province (present-day Hyogo Prefecture) excelling in magic, and legend has it that he preferred a spell called seman doman (a lattice pattern consisting of 4 vertical and 5 horizontal lines representing 9 letters), or he became known as 'Doman seman' by using ABE no Seimei's seman doman. 例文帳に追加

播磨国(現在の兵庫県)の民間(ヤミ)陰陽師集団出身で、呪術に長けセーマンドーマン(九字を表す縦4本・横5本の格子模様)という呪符を好んで使ったとか、安倍晴明のセーマンドーマンを使って「ドーマンセーマン」と呼ばれるようになった等の説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Transforming into a crocodile suggests that the people of the sea worshipped crocodiles as their totem, feathers of cormorant was used in the ubuya, a hut for a delivery of baby, as magic (a spell) for safe delivery ('Shaku Nihongi' (annotated text of the Nihon Shoki) 'Nihonki-sanso'), and Amenooshihito no Mikoto swept away a crab when the ubuya was built as a similar magic to celebrate the long life and good health of the newborn. 例文帳に追加

ワニに化したのは海人族がワニをトーテムとして崇拝したことを示唆し、産屋にウの羽根を用いるのは安産呪術であり(「釈日本紀」「日本紀纂疏」)、産屋が設けられたとき天忍人命がカニを掃ったのは生児の長寿息災をことほぐ類似呪術である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


First of all, a Japanese sentence is registered from an input device 21 into the word processor and next, when translating it into English and registering it into a word processor for English, the key input including Roman characters in the partial spell of an English word, for example, is registered by an abbreviated system key.例文帳に追加

先ず、入力デバイス21から日本語文章をワープロ登録し、次に英語に翻訳して英語でのワープロ登録する場合、例えば英語の単語等の一部の綴りでローマ字を含むキー入力を短縮システムキー入力登録する。 - 特許庁


Then, Sakyamuni Buddha said, 'There is a secret spell of Kanzeon Bosatsu (the Goddess of Mercy). If you serve food on a dish and perform Kaji (incantation) by reciting this "Kajionjiki Dharani" (literally, incantation for food and drink), the food will become an immeasurable amount of food for all hungry ghosts to feel full enough, and immeasurable sufferings will be relieved, and you can live longer and get a certificate of Buddhism by that good deed.' 例文帳に追加

すると釈迦仏は『観世音菩薩の秘呪がある。一器の食物を供え、この『加持飲食陀羅尼」』(かじおんじきだらに)を唱えて加持すれば、その食べ物は無量の食物となり、一切の餓鬼は充分に空腹を満たされ、無量無数の苦難を救い、施主は寿命が延長し、その功徳により仏道を証得することができる』と言われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Before long, as the ritsuryo system became more relaxed after the mid-Heian period, with the Sekkan seiji (politics run by the sessho and kanpaku) and the shoen (manor) system becoming widespread, a custom developed in which 'illegal onmyoji,' who were not bureaucrats that belonged officially to the Onmyoryo, openly violated the ritsuryo by privately getting close to noblemen, starting what became a common practice of them secretly performing divinations to judge good and bad luck or ceremonies to prevent disasters; in some cases, people would even contract them to cast a spell to kill an adversary. 例文帳に追加

やがて平安時代中期以降に、摂関政治や荘園制が蔓延して律令体制がさらに緩むと、堂々と律令の禁を破って、正式な陰陽寮所属の官人ではない「ヤミ陰陽師」が私的に貴族らと結びつき、彼らの吉凶を占ったり災害を祓うための祭祓を密かに執り行い、場合によっては敵対者の呪殺まで請け負うような風習が横行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the Heian period onwards, when the Ritsuryo system declined and the Fujiwara clan gained power, Ommyodo, showed people how to avoid natural disasters through the art of divination and spell-casting and became guidelines that could affect the private life of the Emperor and court nobles, in contrast to Goryo-shinko (an off-shoot of Shintoism, its purpose to quell angry spirits of individuals who have been done injustices), which had become increasingly popular and more ritual in the imperial court. 例文帳に追加

平安時代以降は、律令制の弛緩と藤原氏の台頭につれて、形式化が進んだ宮廷社会で高まりつつあった怨霊に対する御霊信仰などに対し、陰陽道は占術と呪術をもって災異を回避する方法を示し、天皇や公家の私的生活に影響を与える指針となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a grille for an air-conditioner airflow outlet capable of deflecting the wind direction smoothly with a wide degree of flexibility in flexural deformation and with a minor operating force, precluding generation of breathing spell noises offensive to the ear resulting from intermittent separation vortices, and suppressing the vibratory emission sound when a vibratory input occurs or vibration is generated.例文帳に追加

曲げ変形の自由度が高く、小さな操作力にて滑らかに風向きを偏向することができると共に、間欠的な剥離渦による耳障りな息継ぎ騒音の防止と、振動入力時や振動発生時における振動放射音の抑制を達成することができる空気調和装置の吹き出し口グリルを提供すること。 - 特許庁


The 5-year Plan for Priority Measures and the 5-year Plan to Promote a Shift from Welfare to Employment (formulated in December 2007) spell out that the number of employed persons with disabilities should be increased to 640,000 by FY 2013 and that anEmployment and Life Support Center for People with Disabilitiesshould be established in every Healthcare and Welfare Zone for People with Disabilities. Various measures will be taken to achieve the targets set in these plans.例文帳に追加

「重点施策実施5か年計画」及び2007(平成19)年12月に策定された「『福祉から雇用へ』推進5か年計画」において、2013(平成25)年度までに雇用障害者数を64万人とすることや、2011(平成23)年度までに「障害者就業・生活支援センター」を全障害保健福祉圏域に設置することなどが盛り込まれており、計画の目標を達成するための各種の施策を講じることとしている。 - 厚生労働省


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