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house by the riverの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 18


a housedownby the river 例文帳に追加

川端の家 - 斎藤和英大辞典

His house stands by the river.例文帳に追加

彼の家は川のそばに立っている。 - Tatoeba例文

His house is by the river.例文帳に追加

彼の家は川のそばに立っている。 - Tatoeba例文

His house stands by the river. 例文帳に追加

彼の家は川のそばに立っている。 - Tanaka Corpus


Tom and Mary live in a house by the river.例文帳に追加

トムとメアリーは川沿いの家に住んでいる。 - Tatoeba例文


Tom's house is by the edge of Amstel River.例文帳に追加

トムの家はアムステル川のほとりにある。 - Tatoeba例文

It is said that the name 'Chushojima' was generated because Yasuharu WAKIZAKA, who worked at Nakatsukasasho (Ministry of Central Affairs) in the Bunroku era (1593 - 1596), built a house on an island surrounded by a branch river of the Yodo-gawa River and lived there. 例文帳に追加

文禄年間、中務省の職にあった脇坂安治が淀川の分流に囲まれた島に屋敷を建て住んだことから「中書島」の名前が生まれたとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was inspired by the sight of a helpless man of warrior class who came to Mokuami's house to sell ink brushes and from the tragic incident in which a mother living behind his house became insane and threw her own child into a river. 例文帳に追加

黙阿弥の家に筆を売りに来た士族の哀れな姿と、自宅の裏に住んでいた母親が発狂して我が子を川に投げ落とす騒動をヒントに作ったといわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Princess Terute was banished along Sagami-gawa River and then saved by Murakimi Dayu (performer Murakimi), but she was maltreated by the old woman of the house, and although she escaped the hardship under the protection of Senju Kannon (thousand-armed Buddhist deity of mercy), she was sold off to a human trafficker and then accepted in a general store in Aobaka, Mino Province, where she ended up being abused. 例文帳に追加

照手姫は相模川に流され、村君太夫に救われるが、姥の虐待を受けるが千手観音の加護で難を逃れたものの人買いに売り飛ばされ、美濃国青墓の万屋にもらわれ、こき使われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although desparately stopped by Sangoro, a rickshaw man and tenement residents who had rushed in at the noise and furthermore by HAGIHARA who has come to see what was happening, Kobei, holding his own child, jumps into the Okawa river behind his house. 例文帳に追加

騒ぎを聞いて駆け付けた車夫三五郎や長屋の人たち、さらに様子を見に来た萩原が必死に止めるのを聞かず、幸兵衛は我が子を抱えて裏の大川に投身する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When MINAMOTO no Yoritomo was routed with Yoshitomo at the Heiji Revolt, he got separated from Yoshitomo and wandered around the banks of the Nagara-gawa River, and stayed at the house of Hakumyo, the head of Ukai and satisfied his hunger by eating delicious ayu sushi there. 例文帳に追加

平治の乱で源頼朝が義朝と敗走するとき、義朝とはぐれて長良川河畔をさまよい、鵜飼の長である白明の家にやどり、そこで食したアユすしの美味に飢えをいやした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Konoe fell deeply in love with this house located on a hill with a sloping south side and a beautiful, sweeping view of the near-by Zempukuji-gawa River and Mt. Fuji in the distance, and persuaded Irisawa to sell it. 例文帳に追加

近衛は南に斜面をもった高台に立地し、近くは善福寺川から遠くは富士山までの景勝を一望のもとに見渡せるこの別荘に惚れ込んで、入澤を口説き落としてこれを買い受けている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A circulating strip material for capturing the floating materials such as driftwood and a house to guide them in a riverbank direction is provided stretched obliquely in a river crossing direction upstream in the river over which a bridge is constructed, and the guided end is provided with a pit for recovering the floating materials and constituted to remove the floating materials in the pit by a removing means.例文帳に追加

橋が架けられた河川の上流側に流木や家屋などの浮遊物を捕捉し河岸方向に誘導する循環条材を河川横断方向に対し斜めに張架して設け該誘導される端部に浮遊物を回収するピットを備えてピット内の浮遊物を除去手段で除去し得るように構成した。 - 特許庁

In the early dawn of March 7 (January 30 in old lunar calendar which is a day called Shogatsu Misoka at the time), a fire broke out at an unoccupied house in Donguri no Zushi in Miyagawa Town on the eastern side of Kamo-gawa River (in the vicinity of modern-day Miyagawasuji, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City) and was carried south by strong winds to Gojo-dori Street while sparks also spread to Teramachi-dori Street on the opposite side of Kamo-gawa river and throughout central Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

1月30日(当時の感覚でいえば、「正月晦日」)の未明、賀茂川東側の宮川町団栗辻子(現在の京都市東山区宮川筋付近)の空家から出火、折からの強風に乗って南は五条通にまで達し、更に火の粉が鴨川対岸の寺町通に燃え移って洛中に飛び火した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a luminous boundary pile capable of clearly confirmably showing the position of a boundary pile and exhibiting excellent safety and guide effect by making a boundary pile to be raised on the side of a road or river or the boundary of a private house to accumulate the sunlight during the day and naturally emitting a light with high luminance for a long time in the dark.例文帳に追加

道路や河川側面、また民家の境界に立設される境界杭が、日中の太陽光を蓄光し、暗闇で高輝度に長時間自然発光することにより、境界杭の位置を明確に確認でき、優れた安全性や誘導効果を発揮することができる蓄光境界杭を提供すること。 - 特許庁

In 1896, after becoming an English teacher at Kumamoto prefectural daigo kotogakko (predecessor of Kumamoto University), he married Kyoko, the oldest daughter of Juichi NAKANE, the Chief Secretary of the House of Peers, as recommended by his relatives, but his married life was not favorable; in the third year of their marriage, Kyoko suffered from such serious hysteria due to the environment she could not become accustomed to accompanied by a miscarriage that she attempted to drown herself in Ikawabuchi of Shirakawa river in Kumamoto. 例文帳に追加

明治29年(1896年)、熊本県第五高等学校(旧制)(熊本大学の前身)の英語教師に赴任後、親族の勧めもあり貴族院書記官長中根重一の長女夏目鏡子と結婚をするが、3年目に鏡子は慣れない環境と流産のためヒステリー症が激しくなり白川(熊本県)井川淵に投身を図るなど順風満帆な夫婦生活とはいかなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the development of marshland in Musashi Province (presently Tokyo and Saitama Prefecture) was completed for the time being, the fourth shogun FUJIWARA no Yoritsune was told of a government strategy that, as a public works project, they planned to draw irrigation water from the Tama-gawa River water system to secure drinking water and to develop rice paddies but since it was located true north of Kamakura City, the home of the Kamakura Shogunate, the direction of the proposed development was judged as daibondo (the unluckiest direction) by onmyoji and the Shogun's residence consequently was moved (katatagae as called in Onmyodo) from Kamakura to another house of Akita jo no suke Yoshikage (秋田城) in the present Tsurumi Ward, Yokohama City which was deemed a lucky direction prior to ordering the commencement of construction. 例文帳に追加

4代将軍藤原頼経は、武蔵国(現在の東京都および埼玉県)の湿地開発が一段落したのを受けて、公共事業として多摩川水系から灌漑用水を引き飲料水確保や水田開発に利用しようとする政所の方針を上申された際、その開発対象地域が府都鎌倉市の真北に位置するために、陰陽師によって大犯土(大凶の方位)であると判じられたため、将軍の居宅をわざわざ存府の鎌倉から吉方であるとされた現在の横浜市鶴見区(横浜市)所在の秋田城介善景の別屋敷にまで移転(陰陽道で言う方違え)してから工事の開始を命じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A bamboo lancing was found underfloor in Gentaro's house in Kyoto several months before, and Gentaro's body could not be found following the accident (?) in Hozukyo Gorge and a fire fighting team and other in Saga village lit a Taimatsu torch and tried to search for his body along the coastline of Katsura River for consecutive nights, but in vain. Several days later, his body was found on the bottom of Chidorigafuchi moat (currently, the opposite side of Ogurayama Park) with stones in the sleeves of his kimono. According to witnesses, 'white tabi socks were floating below water' and 'his montsuki-hakama (formal kimono with family crest and divided "skirt") was too tightly fit on his body to remove it from his body.' That is, Gentaro's body was once found and again sunk in the water' (Witnessed by a member of Saga firemen team who was serving for Tanaka family). 例文帳に追加

「数か月前に源太郎の京都の家の床から竹槍が発見されこと、保津峡の事故(?)の後、源太郎の死体の発見が遅れ、嵯峨村の消防団などが連夜に渡って松明を掲げて桂川(淀川水系)沿岸の捜索を行ったが、発見できなかった。数日後に千鳥ヶ淵(現在の小倉山公園の対岸)の水底に紋付きの袂に石を入れられた状態で発見されたのです。目撃談では「白足袋が水面下に漂っていた」「紋付き袴が食い込んで脱がせられなかった」とあります。つまり、一度発見された源太郎は改めて沈められたのです」(嵯峨消防団員、田中家奉公人の証言)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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