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rural populationの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 26


a rural population 例文帳に追加

農村の人口 - EDR日英対訳辞書

There is now a shift back to rural areas by the working population. 例文帳に追加

今日労働人口が都市から地方へ還流しつつある. - 研究社 新和英中辞典

As about 70% of Africa’s population lives in rural areas, agricultural development and improvement of rural livelihood is imperative for socio-economic stability. 例文帳に追加

人口の約7 割が農村で生活するアフリカにおいて、農業の発展と農村生活の向上は、社会・経済の安定に不可欠です。 - 財務省

These polarized trends are largely due to the fact that the pace of income increase of the rural population is slower compared to that of the urban population (Fig. 1.2.17).例文帳に追加

これは、都市住民の所得に比べて、農民の所得増加ペースが遅いことが大きい(第1-2-17図)。 - 経済産業省


Urbanization was in progress throughout the 2000s and the population in urban areas exceeded the population in rural areas for the first time in 2011 (see Figure 1-4-2-11).例文帳に追加

なお、2000 年代を通じて都市化が進展しており、2011 年には初めて都市部人口が農村部を上回った(第1-4-2-11 図)。 - 経済産業省


In addition, the analysis of the population in cities and rural areas presents a forecast for the continuos growth of the population in cities.例文帳に追加

また、人口数を都市部と地方とに分けてみると、都市部人口の割合は今後益々高まっていくと考えられる。 - 経済産業省

In the hope of revitalizing rural areas that are suffering from declining population, the government has set up a committee to select the best 100 local dishes. 例文帳に追加

過(か)疎(そ)に悩む農山漁村の活性化を期待して,政府は郷土料理百選を選定するための委員会を設置した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

As we all know, poverty in rural areas tends to invite a concentration of population in urban areas. This serves as one of the causes behind air pollution and water contamination, leading to a deteriorating the urban environment. 例文帳に追加

農村の貧困が都市への人口集中を生みだしており、大気汚染や水質悪化等、都市環境を悪化させる要因となっています。 - 財務省

Community co-ops are often found in rural areas where a sparsely distributed and aging population has led to the closure of local shops. 例文帳に追加

コミュニティコープは過疎化・高齢化などにより個人商店が閉店し、店舗がなくなってしまった地域にできることが多い。 - 経済産業省


A breakdown of population changes over the past few years according to region shows, however, that, as described in Part III, Chapter 1, it is only in certain areas (primarily in and around major urban areas) that population growth is occurring, and population decline, including the depopulation of rural areas due to population movements after birth, is already considerably advanced in provincial areas.例文帳に追加

しかしながら、ここ数年の地域別の人口の増減を見ると、第3部第1章で述べたように、人口が増加しているのは大都市部を中心とした一部地域のみであり、出生後の移動による社会減(いわゆる過疎化)も含め、既にかなりの地方で人口減少が進んできている。 - 経済産業省


Taking all these things together, it seems that while TFRs are higher in rural areas, many people migrate to urban areas after birth, causing populations to grow in urban areas and population decline to accelerate in rural areas. The end result, in other words, is rural depopulation. 例文帳に追加

つまり、これらをまとめると合計特殊出生率は地方の方が高いが、出生後に都市部に移動してくる人が多く、その結果、都市部では人口が増えて地方では人口減少が加速するという、いわゆる過疎化が進展していると言える。 - 経済産業省

The consumption of China has a structure in which the ratio of consumption of rural areas, which account for approximately 60% of the population, is small, and cities, which account for only around 40% of the population, sustain three quarters of domestic consumption overall (Figure 1-3-45).例文帳に追加

中国の消費は、人口の約 6 割を占める農村部の消費割合は小さく、同4 割を占めるにとどまる都市が国内消費全体の4 分の3を支えるという構造となっている(第1-3-45図)。 - 経済産業省

As a result, the flow of population from rural to urban areas increased after which the income disparity steadily widened. Furthermore, over concentration in the industrialized regions came to be realized to address.例文帳に追加

その結果、農村部から都市部への人口流入が増大するとともに、地域間の所得格差は拡大を続け、また、工業化した地域の過大都市問題が指摘されるようになった。 - 経済産業省

Although there are many challenges that are still to be overcome, including the income disparity between urban and rural areas, there is huge potential for the Chinese market to further expand, given its enormous population.例文帳に追加

都市と農村の所得格差等克服すべき課題も多いが、巨大な人口を抱える中国市場が今後とも更に拡大する可能性は極めて大きい。 - 経済産業省

While the ratio of the agricultural sector of India to GDP is a little less than 20% and low, the agricultural population account for 70% of total popualtion. Therefore, the influence of drought over the total economy is not insignificant because it will harm personal consumption in rural areas.例文帳に追加

インドの農業部門はGDPの2 割弱を占めるに過ぎないが、農村人口は全体の7 割を占めるため、干ばつが農村消費の減少を通じて経済全体に及ぼす悪影響は小さくない。 - 経済産業省

Since the population and advanced urban functions were concentrated solely in Tokyo in the 1980s, regional policies until around 1990 focused primarily on the decentralization of various functions from large cities and regional promotion through rural development.例文帳に追加

1980年代には人口や高次都市機能の面で東京一極集中が強まったため、1990年頃までの地域政策では、諸機能の大都市からの分散や地方展開により地域振興を促す政策が主流となった。 - 経済産業省

The nation will directly support efforts by Japan's small and medium retailers in accordance with national policy issues such as the declining birthrate and ageing population, safety/security, and support for those who are renewing their efforts-including those who intend to make a "U-turn" (Japanese term for the movement of people who were born in rural areas, who then relocated to a city for either school or work, and eventually returned to their home town.) or an "I-turn" (Japanese term for the movement of people who were born and raised in a city and who later relocated to rural areas.)and those who left their previous jobs-bringing liveliness to city centers and promoting its revitalization.(continuation) (\\2,972 million budget)例文帳に追加

全国の中小小売商業者が行う、少子高齢化、安全・安心、I・Uターン志向者や離職者等の再チャレンジ支援等の国家政策的課題に対応する取組に対して、国が直接支援することで、商店街等ににぎわいを創出しその活性化を図る。(継続)(予算額2,972百万円) - 経済産業省

In order to realize these goals, China must overcome a multitude of issues including raising incomes of farmers, eliminating surplus labor forces in rural areas and easing restrictions on moving from rural to urban areas. However, if China’s population of approximately 1.3 billion, which is approximately ten times that of Japan, there is huge potential for the Chinese market to further expand.例文帳に追加

その実現には、農民収入の引上げ、農村部余剰労働力の解消、農民の都市部への移転制限の緩和等、克服すべき多くの課題が山積であるが、中国の人口が約13億人と、我が国の約10倍であることを考えれば、中国市場が今後とも更に拡大する可能性は極めて大きいと考えられる。 - 経済産業省

As will be covered below, the Chinese government has adopted various measures aimed at correcting the disparity between cities and rural communities and has laid out a policy of making efforts in the development of institutions, starting with a family registration system, but raising the level of income of persons residing in rural areas, which account for the majority of the population, also appears to be extremely important in order to realize strong economic growth that is driven by domestic demand.例文帳に追加

後述するように、中国政府は、都市と農村間の格差是正に向けて様々な対策を講じており、戸籍制度を始めとした制度整備にも取り組んでいく方針を示しているが、人口の大半を占める農村部住民の所得の底上げは、内需主導による力強い経済成長の実現を図る上でも極めて重要であると考えられる。 - 経済産業省

Since 1989 (the beginning of the Heisei period), Shiga has attracted attention as a bedtown for Osaka urban zone, and owing to the feature of Kyoto urban area as in the past and the expand of the Urban Network of West Japan Railway Company (JR West) has increased its population, which is quite rare in rural areas. 例文帳に追加

平成に入ってからは、西日本旅客鉄道のアーバンネットワーク拡大によって大阪都市圏のベッドタウンとしても注目されるようになり、従来からの京都都市圏の性格と合わせて、地方では数少ない人口増加県となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With regard to income gaps, estimating movements in regional disparities, extracting regions corresponding to the top 20% (cumulative population) and regions corresponding to the bottom 20% in per capita disposable income in 62 regions (urban areas and rural areas in 31 province-level areas), from 1997 onward the disparities were on an expanding trend, and recently they amounted to 5.7 times (2006) (Figure 1-3-41).例文帳に追加

また、所得格差について、62地域(31省市の各都市部、農村部)における1人当たり可処分所得の上位20%(累積人口)相当の地域と下位20%相当の地域を抽出して地域間格差の推移を試算16すると、1997年以降、格差は拡大傾向にあり、直近では5.7倍(2006年)となっている(第1-3-41図)。 - 経済産業省

In rural areas, in particular, there is a big concern that ensuring services related to daily living will be difficult, because the population is decreasing. Providing medical, nursing and welfare services, etc. may become difficult in municipalities, due to the increase in the number of elderly, and a reduction in the number of people of the working generation engaged in the health care and long-term care fields.例文帳に追加

特に地方では、人口減少の中で、生活関連サービスの確保が困難になることが懸念され、基礎自治体レベルでは、高齢者の増加 と医療・介護等サービスに従事する現役世代の減少により、医療、介護、福祉等のサービス提供も難しくなるおそれがある。 - 厚生労働省

For example, in Thailand, to ease the over concentration of industries in the Bangkok metropolitan area, Eastern waterfront development plan has been promoted at the location which is 80km to 200km southeast of Bangkok to build a machinery and electric device industry cluster since the 1980s. It is said that this plan has been efficient for some extent for the balanced population transfer from rural areas.例文帳に追加

例えば、タイではバンコク首都圏への産業の一極集中の緩和を目的として1980 年代からバンコクの東南80kmから200kmに機械、電気機器産業の集積を図るべく東部臨海開発計画が推進され、農村地域からのバランスのとれた人口吸収に一定の効果を果たしてきたといわれている。 - 経済産業省

Japan concentrated its efforts on the development of infrastructure for the existing coastal industrial zones from the period of restoration after World War II until the first half of the high-growth period. As a result, population flows from rural regions to urban areas increased, income disparities among difference regions continued to grow, and the problem of overpopulation in industrialized areas began to draw attention.例文帳に追加

戦後の復興から高度成長期前半まで、我が国では既存の臨海工業地帯の産業基盤整備に重点が置かれた結果、農村部から都市部への人口流入が増大するとともに、地域間の所得格差は拡大を続け、また、工業化した地域の過大都市問題が注目されるようになった。 - 経済産業省

The contribution of consumption for China’s economic growth has been relatively small and moderate. Responsible for the trend is the fact that China’s consumption structure is one being led by urban areas while spending in rural areas, which constitute about 60% of the total population, has been slack. Also behind the trend is the fact that the expansion of China’s consumption is being led by upper-ranked income earners at a time when income gaps exist in urban areas where consumption is expanding.例文帳に追加

中国の経済成長の中で、消費の寄与度が相対的に低く、緩やかなものにとどまっている背景として、①人口の約6割を占める農村部の消費が低迷し、都市部主導の消費構造となっていること、②消費が拡大している都市部の中でも所得格差が存在し、上位所得層がリードする消費の拡大であること、が挙げられる。 - 経済産業省


Looking at consumption trends in recent years, the government has implemented proactive measures such as government spending in order to support consumption. These measures included raising salaries for public officials and life guarantee benefits for low wage earners after 1998 and introducing long vacations. Despite such measures, however, the overall level of consumption has leveled off against a background of increased unemployment resulting from reform of SOEs, concerns that financial burdens will be increased in the future due to social security system reform and little growth in incomes in rural villages which account for nearly 70 percent of the population (Fig. 1.2.14).例文帳に追加

近年の消費動向を見ると、1998年以降の公務員給与や低所得者向け生活保証金の引上げ、大型連休の導入等、消費を下支えするための政府の積極的な財政支出等の施策にもかかわらず、国有企業改革に伴う失業の増大、将来の社会保障制度改革から生じる負担増への懸念、人口の7割近くを占める農村の所得の伸び悩み等を背景に、総じて頭打ち傾向になっている(第1-2-14図)。 - 経済産業省


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