〈忍耐する〉 be patient 《with somebody》; bear; stand; put up with; 【形式ばった表現】 endure
can't stand 《it》 (any more [longer])
《物・相手が主語》 be unbearable
【形式ばった表現】 be insufferable
(put up with something or somebody unpleasant)
読み方 がまん
Endurance; patience; perseverance; toleration; sufferance:(=する) to endure, bear, stand (pain); to tolerate, suffer (one's insolence); to support, sustain (fatigue); to be patient of (control); to put up with, make shift with (poor fare); to persevere; to hold out; to stand out; to bear up (bravely)
(=我慢して何かせずにいる我慢は)self-restraint; self-denial; continence; forbearance:(=する) to restrain oneself; to contain oneself; to deny oneself (the comforts of life); to forbear (doing something); to abstain from (wine); to refrain from (saying); to repress (one's anger); to suppress (a laugh)