a finishing blow [stroke]
《フランス語》 a coup de grace
〈息の根を完全にとめる〉 put an end to somebody's life; 《口語》 finish somebody off; 【形式ばった表現】 administer [deliver] the coup de grace to somebody.
読み方 とどめ
A finishing blow; a coup de grace; one's quietus
読み方 やめ
(=中止)stop; cessation; discontinuance; end:(=る) to stop (doing something); to cease (doing something―from some action); to quit (doing something); to leave off, break off (doing something); to discontinue (a study); to desist (from the attempt); to end (anything); to put an end to (anything)
(=断念)abandonment:(=る) to abandon; to give up
(=辞職、廃業)resignation; retirement:(=る) to resign (one's office); to retire from (business); to leave; to quit
(=廃止)abolition:(=る) to abolish; to do away with (anything)