
「例外状態」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 70





An insufficient stack can be handled as one exception condition and subjected to exception handling. - 特許庁

例外状態情報を消し去る関数です。 完全な例外状態情報は、3 つのオブジェクト: 例外の型、例外の値、そしてトレースバック、からなります (どのオブジェクトもNULLを取り得ます)。例文帳に追加

clears the exception state.The full exception state consists of three objects (all of which can be NULL): the exception type, the corresponding exception value, and the traceback. - Python


If an exception condition occurs in a general task, information necessary for exception handling is added to the cue and, at the same time, the task in the exception condition is brought to a halt. - 特許庁


また、これらの例外状態情報に対するアクセス手段は、両方とも意味づけ (semantics) が変更され、ある関数が例外を捕捉すると、その関数を実行しているスレッドの例外状態情報を保存して、呼び出し側の呼び出し側の例外状態情報を維持するようになりました。例文帳に追加

Also, the semantics of both ways to access the exception state have changed so that a function which catches an exception will save and restore its thread's exception state so as to preserve the exception state of its caller.  - Python



In the predetermined state, for example, the data processing part is running away or is predicted to run away during the reset exception process. - 特許庁

課題 114171: CASA によって生成された WSDL ファイルを手動で編集すると、無効な状態例外がスローされる。例文帳に追加

Issue #114171: Manually edited WSDL files generated by CASA throw Illegal State Exceptions.  - NetBeans


This exception is raised when a writable mailbox has its statuschanged by the server.  - Python


In either case, the scheduler will maintain a consistent state and propagate the exception. - Python



To restore a state capable of being viewed in a computer to its original state when an exception is generated by one instruction. - 特許庁


新たなインタプリタの生成に失敗すると、NULL を返します;例外状態はセットされませんが、これは例外状態が現在のスレッド状態に保存されることになっていて、現在のスレッド状態なるものが存在しないことがあるからです。例文帳に追加

If creation of the new interpreter is unsuccessful, NULL is returned; no exception is set since the exception state is stored in the current thread state and there may not be a current thread state. - Python


An exception processing part 11000 extracts an exception condition from a job state definition table 10 and inputs this exception condition to a status watcher 11010. - 特許庁


Sensor information under a plurality of normal conditions measured by a plurality of sensors 11 are computed by one class support vector machine, as to a detected device under a normal operation condition, an exceptional combination of the sensor information is extracted by an exceptional condition extractor 13, and the omen of abnormality is detected based on the exceptional combination of the sensor information. - 特許庁

このモードが使われている場合、制御状態情報の存在がマスタ側から読み込めるかは、例外的な条件でselect (2)例文帳に追加

While this mode is in use, the presence of control status information to be read from the master side may be detected by a select (2) for exceptional conditions.  - JM

説明: CASA によって生成された WSDL ファイルにユーザーが手動でエラーをもたらした場合、IDE で無効な状態例外がスローされます。例文帳に追加

Description: If the user manually introduces errors into a WSDL files by CASA, the IDE throws Illegal State Exceptions.  - NetBeans

要求された可視属性を端末がサポートしている場合、以前のカーソル状態が返されます; そうでなければ例外が送出されます。例文帳に追加

If the terminal supports the visibility requested, the previous cursor state is returned;otherwise, an exception is raised. - Python

待機可能なオブジェクトの 3 つのシーケンスはそれぞれ入力、出力、そして `例外状態' に対応します。例文帳に追加

The three sequences of waitable objects are for input,output and `exceptional conditions', respectively.  - Python


This is called even if the test method raised an exception, so the implementation in subclasses may need to be particularly careful about checking internal state. - Python


The web browser executes a code which tests abnormal conditions using an exception handler coded in PHP. - 特許庁


Special processing is done to take account of the exceptional states of the activity, such as sudden movement variations. - 特許庁


To accurately identify an occurrence state and increase overall processing speed when an exception or interrupt occurs. - 特許庁


When the error occurs, the process is branched from a normal program execution state to a predetermined error processing routine shown by an exception processing vector or the like. - 特許庁


To easily realize the exact (under the consideration of the order of instruction executions) preservation of the executed states of speculative execution instructions after the generation of any exception. - 特許庁


To secure stability of a vehicle in an exceptional yaw motion such as braking on a crossover passage whose road surface condition is bilateral asymmetrical. - 特許庁


The exception handler also terminates execution of executable code on the web server which encounters the abnormal condition. - 特許庁

このような文で例外が発生した場合には例外名がプリントされますが、デバッガの状態は変化しません。 複数のコマンドを";;"で区切って一行で入力することができます。例文帳に追加

When an exception occurs in such a statement, the exception name is printed but the debugger's state is not changed.Multiple commands may be entered on a single line, separated by";;". - Python


To support a software developer in a task guaranteeing that the developer can recover from an exception condition and a program error when it is executed by executing a process in response to an instruction in an instruction set. - 特許庁

例外減圧の実施時点を遅らせることにより、車輪速Vw_i が目標車輪速Vw_i ^* を上回る状態例外減圧が行われることを回避し、減圧過多となり減速度が低下することを回避する。例文帳に追加

By postponing the time of carrying out the exceptive decompression, this exceptive decompression is avoided, to be conducted in such a state that the wheel velocity VWi is more than the target wheel velocity VWi*, and an overabundance of decompression for lowering deceleration, is avoided in this way. - 特許庁


When the state for detecting the operational exception generated in the execution of the specific purpose operation instruction is set up, whether the operational exception in the execution of the specific purpose operation instruction has been detected or not is checked. - 特許庁


An exception handling reception means 112 receives the source code for exception handling to be carried out when a status is different from any status defined by the graphic data. - 特許庁


A first notification 60 of the condition is conveyed to a responsible party 59 at a first instance of determination of the exception, and conveyance of a second notification is prevented at a second, subsequent, instance of determination of the exception. - 特許庁


An exceptional event can be set separately from steady auto-shutdown setting, thereby shifting the apparatus to a sleep state which is the most power saving state to perform an exceptional event. - 特許庁


When an exception detection section 108 detects an exception state such as interruption and process switching, an arithmetic processing section 103 instructs an encryption processing section 109 to save a context such as values of each register in a register group 102. - 特許庁


When an operation exception is detected at the execution of a certain specific use operation instruction, a specific use operation instruction execution part 54 sets up the flag 61 to an effective state. - 特許庁


The processor core 11 checks the value of the F/F 14, and when the value is 1, the processor core 11 decides that the clock stop state is obtained when the exceptional processing is generated, and executes the clock stop instruction for restoring the clock stop state after the exceptional processing is ended. - 特許庁


There are many exceptions, but the lid of sakadaru (wine cask or barrel) is constantly closed for preservation and in the case of furo oke the lid is usually opened when taking a bath.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A double transmission status managing means 3 manages double transmission status of information based on criteria including at least history of transmission, the number of allowance of double transmission, duration of allowance of double transmission, or exceptional address. - 特許庁


The electronic equipment includes a timer for managing the time, a storage part for storing an exception table wherein the operation state and the power interrupting operation are related to each other, and a control part for recognizing the operation state when the timer reaches the preset set time and determining the power interrupting operation on the basis of the operation state and the exception table. - 特許庁


In an apparatus control system 10, even if an automobile 1 is switched from on state to off state, a first information processor 11 is sustained exceptionally in on state on condition that reception of the first information processor 11 is set through a high speed broadcast channel. - 特許庁


A method executed by the system 30 receives data elements from the monitoring device 28, processes the data elements 58 to detect the condition of the apparatus 26, and determines that the condition defines an exception to a normal condition of the apparatus 26. - 特許庁


When the flag 61 is set up to the effective state at the execution of a trap instruction for causing an interruption, the control part 55 informs an interruption control part 41 of the occurrence of an interruption due to the operation exception of the specific use operation instruction. - 特許庁


When not within the first preset allowance range, an evaluation value-to-exceptional-reference-waveform is calculated based on an amplitude difference between the detection signal waveform and an exceptional reference waveform in a preset reference condition of the engine 1 (S6), to determine whether the calculated evaluation value-to-exceptional-reference-waveform is within the second preset allowance range or not (S7). - 特許庁


In a case where the key input accepted in the main system 20 and a page state at that point of time meet the exception processing request stored in an exception processing storage section 322 thereafter, the UI content control section 31 then notifies the main system 20 about occurrence of exception processing and in the main system 20, content according to the notification is displayed on a display section 24. - 特許庁


When an interrupt such as an arithmetic exception interrupt occurs in an operation unit 6, an instruction control part 4 stops the instruction issue control to wait for the completion of an instruction in process in an instruction pipeline so that the state in the processor is in the static status. - 特許庁

シェル実行環境の状態は全て、関数とその呼び出し側で同じになりますが、例外としてDEBUGトラップ (後述のシェルの組み込みコマンドの項で、組み込みコマンドtrapの説明を参照) は継承されません。例文帳に追加

All other aspects of the shell execution environment are identical between a function and its caller with the exception that the DEBUG trap (see the description of the trap builtin under SHELL BUILTIN COMMANDS below) is not inherited unless the function has been given the trace attribute (see the description of the declare builtin below).  - JM

Python インタプリタ全体を通して、一つの重要な取り決めがあります:それは、関数が処理に失敗した場合、例外状態をセットして、エラーを示す値 (通常は NULL ポインタ) を返さねばならない、ということです。例文帳に追加

An important convention throughout the Python interpreter is the following: when a function fails, it should set an exception condition and return an error value (usually a NULL pointer). - Python

で明示的にエラーテストを行う必要があります。 例外時の状態情報 (exception state)は、スレッド単位に用意された記憶領域 (per-thread storage) 内で管理されます (この記憶領域は、スレッドを使わないアプリケーションではグローバルな記憶領域と同じです)。例文帳に追加

.Exception state is maintained in per-thread storage (this is equivalent to using global storage in an unthreaded application).  - Python

オブジェクトがイテレータの場合、この関数は反復処理における次の値を取り出します。 要素が何も残っていない場合には例外がセットされていない状態で NULL を返します。例文帳に追加

If the object is an iterator, this retrieves the next value from the iteration, and returns NULL with no exception set if there are no remaining items. - Python

現在実行されているフレームで例外がセットされ、何らかのバイトコードが処理された後に、what にこの値がセットされた状態でコールバック関数が呼び出されます。例文帳に追加

The callback function is called with this value for what when after any bytecode is processed after which the exception becomes set within the framebeing executed. - Python



If an abnormal condition is encountered, the exception handler calls one or more global functions to generate Java Script and send it to the client for gracefully terminating execution of the client-side browser executable code. - 特許庁


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Copyright (c) 2001 Robert Kiesling. Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 David Merrill.
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