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該当件数 : 14件
However, the following towns were established in 1869 through the merger of a few adjacent towns: Shinhigashidoin-cho, Kikuhoko-cho, Shinkurumaya-cho, Okiku-cho and Shinmaruta-cho.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
At the Kanno Disturbance, on Tadayoshi's side, he confronted the Hatakeyama clan who was on Takauji's side, in March 1351, he attacked Kuniuji HATAKEYAMA and his father Takakuni HATAKEYAMA at Iwakiri-jo Castle in Mutsu Province (present-day Rifu-cho, Miyagi Prefecture) and made them commit suicide, but he was temporarily forced to leave Taga-jo Castle when he was attacked by Akinobu KITABATAKE of the Southern Court who took advantage of infighting in the Northern Court.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
According to shrine records, it began in 656 when Choshin Fukushi/Irishiomi from Koguryo enshrined Susanoo-no-mikoto, who is enshrined at Mt. Gozu in Shilla, at Yasakago in Otagi-gun, Yamashiro province, and received the name "Yasaka-no-Miyatsuko".発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Therefore, in the early morning of the next day, April 21, the 1st and 2nd brigades advanced towards Otsu, then towards Tojima, Domyo, Oyatsu, and Kiyama by chasing the Satsuma army, and advanced to Kiyama through small-scaled battles.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Furthermore, Yoshizo TAKAYAMA, the mayor of Kyoto City, and Shigeo ODACHI, the Minister of Education condemned the blockage of the school as a 'Violent revolution' and required the early establishment of the 'Two Education Laws' that made the situation more confused.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The Meitoku Rebellion in 1391 weakened the prominent provincial constable Yamana's clan, and with the samurai families united under Yoshimitsu, he had Yoshihiro OUCHI, who was the provincial constable of Isumi and Kii Provinces and whose property lay next to the Southern Court, to intervene and start serious negotiations.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
After a temporary withdrawal of his army to Kyoto due to diplomatic maneuverings and diversions to other powers, Hideyoshi resumed the attack next month, followed by attacks in the middle of March on Nagashima-jo Castle, a base of Kazumasu, along with Mine-jo Castle and Kameyama-jo Castle, leading to the surrender of Kameyama-jo Castle on April 24.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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該当件数 : 14件
In 1391, at Meitoku War, Yoshimitsu weakened the Shugo daimyo (military governor turned daimyo), the Yamana clan and took complete control of the Samurai forces, and then started serious negotiation with the help of Yoshihiro OUCHI, who was military officer of Izumi Province, Kii Province and who had private estate next to the Southern Court.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
There were 2 lineages in the Southern Court, and since the false Emperor, Emperor Gokameyama, who was put in Yoshino Province as a distraction, made peace with Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA by falling into his snare, after the unification of Southern and Northern Courts in 1392, samurai throughout the country who were pro-Imperial lost their reason to support miyagata (Legitimate Succession of the Southern Court), and the power of miyagata only shrunk as time went by.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Kameyama was disappointed and became a priest in 1289 (aged 41), and was accused of being involved in an incident where bushi Tameyori ASAHARA and others who lost their territory during the Shimotsuki Incident, invaded the Imperial Palace and tried to assassinate Fushimi, and had to submit an appeal to the bakufu to clear his name in 1290.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When, during Yamagata's second term as cabinet head, Kanetake OURA, Eitaro KOMATSUBARA, and Banichiro YASUHIRO, bureaucrats who were all protegees of Yamagata, were appointed to the House of Peers by imperial selection and thereafter joined the Tea Party, the influence of the Tea Party began to grow, and they managed to acquire members from among the large-scale taxpayers and the barons, and during Hirata's tenure as Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal, from the late Meiji period into the early Taisho period, the group possessed 67 members at its largest; the Tea Party supported Taro KATSURA during the Keien period (1905-1912), and its power and influence grew to rival the Kenkyukai's.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
As concrete progress, the Executive Board of the Fund reviewed the Fund programs during the Asian currency crisis at the request of Japan and other Members in December 1998, and discussed lessens such as: (1) the failure in growth outlook led to more severe consequences, (2) fiscal policy was too much tightened at the outset, and (3) implementation of the structural policy measures needed more careful consideration. A paper was also published in January 1999. Besides, at the Manila Framework Meeting in Melbourne in March 1999, active discussion was made among participants from Asia-Pacific nations, IMF, etc. - 財務省
意匠所有者は, 意匠登録に関する情報の補正若しくは当該情報で確認された誤り, 所有者の名称の変更, 代理人の変更, 意匠創作者に関する情報についての釈明, これらの者の宛先の修正に関して, 又は第39 条(2) に基づいて排他権を否認することにより補正された形で意匠の効力を維持する希望に関して, 遅滞なく, 特許庁に通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加
The owner of a design shall without delay notify the Patent Office regarding amendments to or errors established in the information pertaining to the registration of a design, the change of the name of the owner, the change of a representative,clarifications in the information regarding the designer, amendments in the addresses of such persons or regarding the wish to maintain the design in force in an amended form by refusing from the exclusive rights in accordance with Section 39, Paragraph two of this Law. - 特許庁
Without limiting subsection (1), that subsection includes the power to make regulations: requiring persons to give statutory declarations in relation to applications under the Act or regulations, or in relation to proceedings under the Act (other than court proceedings); and making provision for and in relation to the making of a declaration, or the doing of an act, under this Act on behalf of a person who, because of infancy or physical or mental disability, is unable to make the declaration or do the act; and providing for the refund, in the whole or part of a fee paid under the Act; and providing for the waiver, in whole or part, of a fee that would otherwise be payable under the Act; and making provision for and in relation to the amendment of an entry in the Register to correct a clerical error or an obvious mistake, or for any other purpose; and empowering the Registrar to require a person to inform the Registrar, within the period prescribed by the regulations, whether or not the person wishes to be heard for the purposes of a provision of the Act; and empowering the Registrar to require a person who wishes to be heard for the purposes of a provision of the Act to appear on a day, and at a place and time, specified by the Registrar; and providing for the contents of design applications in which one or more designs are disclosed, including, but not limited to, requirements as to common ownership of the designs; and empowering the Registrar to direct an applicant for registration or publication of a design to do such things as are necessary to ensure that the application is in accordance with the requirements of the regulations for filing and: providing for the lapsing of the application if such a direction is not complied with within the period specified in the regulations; and providing for the restoration of an application that has so lapsed; and providing for appeals against decisions of the Registrar made under the regulations; and making provision for and in relation to the practice and procedure of prescribed courts in proceedings under this Act, including provision prescribing the time within which any proceeding may be started or anything else may be done, and providing for the extension of any such time; and making transitional or consequential provisions as necessary or convenient because of the repeal of the Designs Act 1906 and the enactment of this Act; and provide for regulations under the Designs Act 1906 to continue to have effect (with any prescribed alterations) for specified purposes of this Act; and providing for things to be done for the purposes of this Act or the regulations by means of electronic equipment or communication; and empowering the Registrar to prepare, publish and sell such documents relating to designs as the Registrar thinks fit; and making provision for and in relation to the destruction of documents.発音を聞く - 特許庁
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