





該当件数 : 62



I want to destroy the negative image of developing countries by showing that they have wonderful resources and possibilities.発音を聞く  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


It can be seen that developing countries, such as those in East Asia, are occupying an increasingly important position in the production of goods, and at the same time, are increasing the trade in goods among developing countries as well as between developing countries and developed countries. - 経済産業省


Since foreign investment contributes to the economic growth of developing countries, the establishment of such a framework is important in ensuring that these countries can profit from liberalization. - 経済産業省


It is important for Japan to support the development of developing countries by utilizing its considerable experience with such disasters and contributing to disaster prevention in these countries, through the development of infrastructure and creation of anti-disaster systems. - 経済産業省


The damage resulting from natural disasters in these countries is enormous in comparison with their economic scale. - 経済産業省


On the agenda are three major issues related to: ways to reduce tariffs (formulas); flexibility applied to developing countries; and the handling of products free of the tariff bindings imposed by WTO. Developed and developing countries take differing positions in that developed ones generally maintain lower tariffs for imports and are interested in the lowering of the tariffs imposed by developing countries, which, in contrast, maintain high tariffs for imports and seek flexibility in tariff reductions from the viewpoint of each country to protect its industries and maintain room for its own policies. - 経済産業省

このような①発展途上がかかわるEPA / FTAの増加、②締結間の地理的な近接性の変化、という性質の変化が起こりつつある背景として、グローバル化の進展により、境を越えた際的な分業が拡大し、先進発展途上間の貿易が活発化した結果、先進発展途上間での経済統合のメリットが高まったことが挙げられる。例文帳に追加

These are summarized as the changes of: 1) an increase of EPA/FTAs involving developing countries, and 2) the geographical distances among party countries to the agreements. In the background is an increase of the merits based on economic integration between developed and developing countries, as a result of globalization in progress, that has been expanding an international division of labor and thus activating trade between developing and developed economies. - 経済産業省


One of the reasons for the "increase in EPAs/FTAs signed by developing countries" and the "change in the geographical proximity of the signatories" is the fact that the progress in globalization has expanded the international division of labor and accelerated trade between developed and developing countries, and, as a result, the benefits of economic integration between developed and developing countries have increased. - 経済産業省


Thus, a situation is emerging in which international transactions of goods are transitioning to a composition in which developing countries are the origin. - 経済産業省


However, the current aggregate value in the Chinese stock market compared to GDP is still at a low level and is still at a developmental stage. - 経済産業省


These perceived benefits account for their frequent use in developing countries. - 経済産業省


Notwithstanding this fact, the current aggregate value in the Chinese stock market compared to GDP is still at a low level, and is still at a developmental stage. - 経済産業省


However, such phenomena are likely to accelerate in the future in developing countries, as well. - 経済産業省


In the background to this rapid expansion of the trade in goods lies the rapid increase in the amount of the trade in goods involving developing countries. - 経済産業省


a major goal is to improve access to health care for people in developing countries and in groups who do not get good health care.発音を聞く  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


This program aims to transfer the technology, skills, and knowledge that were developed and accumulated in Japan to developing countries, and to contribute to the improvement of the human resources which shoulder the economic growth of the aforementioned developing countries. - 経済産業省


7. Services: In light of the rapid growth of the service sector in the world economy, trade liberalization in services is important for developing countries as well as for developed countries. I call for commercially meaningful trade liberalization in services which would contribute to the development of both developed and developing countries.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


The state or territory is among the least developed states or territories according to the UN's classification at the time in question or has insufficient manufacturing capacity in accordance with the Annex to the WTO's General Council Decision of August 30, 2003 (the WTO Medicines Decision); - 特許庁

3. (a) 開発途上が1に規定する協定の締約ある場合には、分野全体及び個々の分野における当該開発途上発展の水準に従い、1に定める要件、特に1(b)の要件を弾力的に適用する。例文帳に追加

3. (a) Where developing countries are parties to an agreement of the type referred to in paragraph 1, flexibility shall be provided for regarding the conditions set out in paragraph 1, particularly with reference to subparagraph (b) thereof, in accordance with the level of development of the countries concerned, both overall and in individual sectors and subsectors. - 経済産業省

こうしたドーハ・ラウンドの特徴を踏まえ、我がは、2005 年 12月の香港での第 6回閣僚会議に先立ち、発展途上が自由貿易の利益を十分に得る体制を整えることが開発にとって重要であるとの観点から、貿易を通じた発展途上の開発に資するための包括的な方策「開発イニシアティブ」を小泉首相(当時)が提唱し、多くの加盟から賛同を得た。例文帳に追加

In line with this characteristic of the Doha Round, Japan set forth a Development Initiative for Trade ahead of the Sixth Ministerial Meeting of December 2005 in Hong Kong. This Initiative covers a comprehensive set of measures to contribute to the development of developing countries through trade. The Initiative is based on the stance to assume the importance of establishing a system in which developing countries can fully benefit from free trade. Many member countries acclaimed the Initiative, proposed by the then Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. - 経済産業省


In addition, various anti-disaster activities in such countries become valuable learning experiences for Japan because they provide us with a lesson for disaster prevention in our own country. - 経済産業省


With regard to the currencies of emerging and developing countries, it is crucial what exchange rate regime we advise each country to adopt. - 財務省

我がは、1990 年ごろまで近隣諸発展途上あることから、際分業構造を構築できず、「フルセット型」の産業構造を自前で維持してきた。例文帳に追加

Japan maintained a "Full Set Type" industrial structure by itself as neighboring countries were developing ones and unable to construct an international specialization structure until mid. 1990s. - 経済産業省


Negotiations were thus suspended at the end of July 2006. Member countries sought hard for an early resumption of talks, seeing that stagnated negotiations would put the multilateral free trade system at risk and hamper the development of developing countries to no small extent. - 経済産業省


With regard to the rise in commodity prices including crude oil and precious metals, some have argued that it has been due to the rapid increase in the amount of consumption of energy and raw materials in developing countries including remarkably growing China and India which has tightened the global supply and demand of energy and resources. - 経済産業省


It is vital that we provide reliable, stable networks at a global level so that both developed and developing countries have the opportunity to expand their e-commerce opportunities. - 経済産業省


Fair participation of developed and developing Members and fair reflection of developed and developing Members' views are especially important for the development of global E-Commerce.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


The free flow of trade and investment is essential to ensure a return to sustainable economic growth and rising standards of living for all, particularly for developing countries.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


To provide a protective clothes to protect a person such as a guard or a person having an escort job in an extremely dangerous condition because there are people carrying knives or even guns under bad public security in developing countries. - 特許庁

新ラウンドは、正式には「ドーハ開発アジェンダ(Doha Development Agenda)」と呼ばれるが、これは、最大の特徴は「開発」の視点を全面に打ち出し、自由貿易の推進において発展途上の利益への考慮が重要であることを明確にしたものである例文帳に追加

The new round is officially called the "Doha Development Agenda." It stresses the "development" aspect of trade in its entirety and clearly states that it is important to consider the interests of developing countries in promoting free trade; - 経済産業省


The objective of the Industrial Training and Technical Internship Program is to assist developing countries in their efforts todevelop human resources” who will lead the country’s economic growth through the transfer of technology, skills, and knowledge122. - 経済産業省


Good governance of developing countries, which would be reinforced through the Bank’s engagement, contributes to enhance effectiveness of aid and to improve the aid environment, and, thus, is in Japan’s interest as a major bilateral donor.発音を聞く  - 財務省


According to the OECD (2008), the expanding trade of capital goods and intermediate goods is, in itself, a major source of technology transfer; it has been particularly noteworthy in developing countries 128. - 経済産業省


4. I would like to reemphasize that the results in individual negotiating areas are extremely important in order to promote growth of the developing countries. Without the expansion of trade in goods which covers more than 80% of world trade, there will be no economic growth. Without the healthy development in the service sector, which covers more than half of the employment in most, if not all, developing countries, there could be no healthy and balanced development. The abuse of anti-dumping measures could also obstruct growth of the developing countries. Efforts to overcome these issues are indeed the central contribution of the WTO Round to the world, and we must not forget that.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


Under these circumstances, the World Bank is expected to play an even greater role in the development community.I hope that the Bank becomes a more effective, efficient and relevant partner for developing countries under the leadership of President Wolfowitz.発音を聞く  - 財務省


Besides establishing rules and striving to free trade and investment, East Asia, as such, needs a framework of development by all members, in that regional forerunners like Japan and South Korea support the growth of newly emerging members. - 経済産業省


In the case of emerging or developing economies, it might be generally appropriate for them to peg their currencies to a basket of currencies of the developed countries with which they have the closest trade and investment interdependence, adjusting the peg periodically to reflect developments in real effective exchange rates and current and capital account balances among other things. - 財務省

「投資保護・自由化協定」では、米など先進は、より透明性と法的安定性の高いネガティブリストを採り(NAFTA 投資章ほか)、発展途上は外投資規制の政策的余地を残す観点から、WTO・GATS と同様のポジティブリストを指向する傾向にある例文帳に追加

Ininvestment protection/liberalization agreements,” developed countries such as the U.S. tend to adopt the negative list approach, which is highly transparent and legally stable (see e.g. the chapter on investment of NAFTA), and developing countries tend to adopt the positive list approach, which is the same approach as the WTO GATS, in order to leave political leeway for foreign investment restrictions . - 経済産業省


For developing countries, whose economies are still developing, it is financially and technically difficult to implement environmental policies and achieve economic growth at the same time. But it can be expected that the CDM will promote the environmental policies of developing countries in an economically efficient manner, making it important to promote and utilize the CDM while effectively utilizing ODA instruments such as yen loans and technical cooperation. - 経済産業省


Based on this recognition, first, even in an emerging or developing economy where capital account liberalization is an appropriate and necessary strategy for promoting further growth and efficiency in light of its stage of economic development, it is critical that such liberalization is implemented as and when certain appropriate conditions exist, such as a robust financial sector and a capable supervision system. - 財務省


However, it was noted that there existed a wide disparity in tariff rates among Members after the conclusion of the Uruguay Round. In realizing a fair expansion of trade, it is vital to reduce the tariff rates to a certain targeted level corresponding to the level of development, giving due consideration to each Member's situation including its current trade weighted average tariff rate. As to the certain targeted level in the case of LDCs, full consideration is needed, and in the case of developing countries, the degree of development and competitiveness of each member should be carefully analysed.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


Furthermore, as Japan continues the dual efforts of establishing rules by EPAs and cooperation and correcting imbalances by ERIA, Japan may be able to contribute to smoothening negotiations at WTO, where developed and developing countries are increasingly at odds with each other. - 経済産業省


Contingency planis generally understood as a secondary step in developing countrieswhere water supply operation is still developing; however, considering the case of Thailand,which experienced a flood disaster in 2011, it became more important to preparecountermeasures and plans in emergency situations, such as preparing water tank trucks,securing drinking water, and facility backup. - 厚生労働省



The Doha Round is aimed at strengthening rules and approaching new fields such as services and intellectual property rights, in addition to further liberalizing trade. Yet, the Doha Round’s defining characteristic lies in its emphasis on the perspective ofdevelopment,” clarifying the importance of the consideration for developing countriesinterest in the course of promoting free trade. - 経済産業省






The country which is developing






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