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Wiktionary英語版での「care factors」の意味

care factors

出典:『Wiktionary』 (2016/10/15 22:11 UTC 版)

「care factors」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 13


To provide a skin care preparation preventing aging of the skin due to external factors.例文帳に追加

外的な要因による皮膚の老化を防止する皮膚外用剤を提供する。 - 特許庁

medical care of the whole person considered as subject to personal and social as well as organic factors発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

器質的要因だけでなく個人的、社会的要因を受けていると考えられる全ての人の治療 - 日本語WordNet

Meanwhile, due to factors such as the trend towards nuclear families and the aging of caregivers, situations are changing for the families that have supported elderly persons needing long-term care.例文帳に追加

一方、核家族化の進行、介護する家族の高齢化など、要介護高齢者を支えてきた家族をめぐる状況も変化。 - 厚生労働省

To provide a tool and a method for skin care counseling discriminating each of melanin increase factors such as ultraviolet rays, aging or the like promoting the melanin increase resulting from excessive generation of the melanin or resulting from a decrease of the excretion of the melanin outside of the body and helping appropriately take the skin care.例文帳に追加

紫外線、加齢等の各メラニン増加要因が、メラニンの過剰生成によってメラニン増加を促すものか、メラニンの体外排泄低下によってメラニン増加を促すものかという識別し、適切な対処を肌に行う美白カウンセリングツールと、美白カウンセリング方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a detergent composition which gives suitable slippiness to articles to be washed on hand-washing carried out at home, imparts smooth touches to clothes in a washing liquid, can reduce physical feebleness and unpleasant factors such as [roughness] and [creaking], and has a hand care performance and a care performance for articles to be washed.例文帳に追加

家庭で行われる手洗い洗濯時の被洗浄物に、適度なスベリ性を与え、洗濯液中で衣類に滑らかな感触を付与することで、「ざらつき」、「きしみ」といった不快因子や肉体的な疲労感が低減し、ハンドケアや洗浄物のケア性能を有する洗剤組成物を提供すること。 - 特許庁

In order to build a sustainable social security system, we should aim at coordinating the scale of benefits and burdens so that the system suits the size of the national economy, while comprehensively considering all factors such as pensions, medical care, and nursing case.例文帳に追加

将来にわたり持続可能な制度を構築するには、年金、医療、介護等を総合的に捉え、給付と負担の規模を国民経済の「身の丈」にあったものとすることを目指す必要があります。 - 財務省


To objectively and quantitatively evaluate user's and provider's satisfaction levels in care and social work service and to find proper improvements by clarifying factors causing the reduction in the satisfaction level.例文帳に追加

介護福祉サービスに対して、利用者及び提供者の満足度に関する評価を客観的かつ定量的に行い、満足度を低減させる要因を明確化して、的確な改善点を見い出せるようにする。 - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「care factors」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 13


Regarding the policy for selecting business partners in Asia, an overwhelming number of companies replied that they do not care whether a partner company is a Japanese company or not while taking into consideration factors such as delivery time and quality.例文帳に追加

アジアで取引企業を発掘する際の方針も「日系企業にはこだわらず、納期、品質等を考慮して検討」への回答が圧倒的に多い。 - 経済産業省

To provide a skin care patch and skin care patch sheet using the same that can permeate and replenish its effective ingredient into the skin for hours, having excellent cell invigoration, moisturizing effect, adhesiveness and safety, effective against skin aging phenomena such as wrinkles, flabbiness, dryness or the like, as well as abnormality and itching caused by various factors.例文帳に追加

長時間皮膚に有価成分を浸透、補給することができ、細胞賦活性、保湿性、粘着性および安全性に優れ、しかもシワ、たるみ、乾燥肌等の肌の老化、種々の原因に起因する異常肌および痒みに対して有用なスキンケア用貼付剤および該スキンケア用貼付剤を用いてなるスキンケア用貼付剤シートを提供すること。 - 特許庁

The modalities of accepting foreigners into Japan is a complex but vital issue which must be addressed with extreme care on the basis that various factors have been comprehensively taken into account, namely; Japan's socioeconomic situation which was noted earlier, where Japan stands internationally, and the impact that accepting foreigners would have on the Japanese economy and society.例文帳に追加

外国人の受入れの在り方は、上で述べたような我が国の経済・社会の状況、我が国の国際的な位置づけ、外国人の受入れが経済・社会に与える影響等の様々な要素を総合的に勘案した上で、きめ細かに対応していくべき複雑かつ重要な問題である。 - 経済産業省

Although the reasons for this low mortality rate have yet to be identified, the following factors seem to be contributing to the favourable result: closure of schools across wider areas, good access to medical services, high standard of medical care, dedicated efforts of medical professionals, prompt prescription of anti-influenza medicines, and high public health awareness among the public such as hand washing and gargling.例文帳に追加

死亡率が低い理由については、現時点では未解明であるが、広範な学校閉鎖、医療アクセスの良さ、医療水準の高さと医療従事者の献身的な努力、抗インフルエンザウイルス薬の迅速な処方や、手洗い・うがいなどの公衆衛生意識の高さなどが指摘されている。 - 厚生労働省

(16) The term "Outpatient Long-Term Care for a Dementia Patient" as used in this Act means to provide care for bathing, bodily waste elimination, meals, etc., and for other daily activities as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, and functional training for an In-Home Person Requiring Long-Term Care who is in the condition that memory functions and other cognitive functions have become underactive as far as causing disorder with performing daily activities due to organic changes of the brain that are caused by cerebral vascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, or other factors (herein referred to as "Dementia"). This is accomplished by having said person commute to a facility as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare as set forth in Article 5-2, paragraph (3) of the Public Aid for the Aged Act or Long-Term Care Day Service Centers for the elderly as provided in Article 20-2-2 of the same Act.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

16 この法律において「認知症対応型通所介護」とは、居宅要介護者であって、脳血管疾患、アルツハイマー病その他の要因に基づく脳の器質的な変化により日常生活に支障が生じる程度にまで記憶機能及びその他の認知機能が低下した状態(以下「認知症」という。)であるものについて、老人福祉法第五条の二第三項の厚生労働省令で定める施設又は同法第二十条の二の二に規定する老人デイサービスセンターに通わせ、当該施設において入浴、排せつ、食事等の介護その他の日常生活上の世話であって厚生労働省令で定めるもの及び機能訓練を行うことをいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


It should be noted that the inspector shall take care to avoid making excessive intervention in matters that concern the management decisions of the financial institution. The inspector shall bear in mind that although the scale and nature of the financial institution need to be taken into consideration when evaluating the establishment of necessary arrangements and procedures at the compliance control division and the improvement of the control environment for legal compliance at individual operational divisions, sales offices, etc., these factors cannot constitute an excuse for any violation of Laws. With this in mind, the inspector shall grasp the effects of any detected violation of Laws on the management of the financial institution, as well as the cause and background of the violation, and give a rating in light of this. In giving a rating, the inspector shall take into consideration the cause and background of any detected violation of Laws, as well as its impact on the management of the financial institution, even if the violation concerns laws other than those specified in “III. Specific Issues.” With regard to response and improvement measures taken in relation to a violation of Laws, it is important for the management to take the initiative in developing and implementing rigorous and effective measures in light of the cause and background of the violation. If only stop-gap measures or insufficient improvement measures have been taken, the inspector shall focus on grasping how the management recognizes the current situation and on identifying the cause and background of the lack of sufficient measures, and give a rating in light of this.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

債務者に対する経営相談・経営指導及び債務者の経営改善に向けた取組みへの支援の評価に当たっては、創意工夫を凝らした特別な取組みのみならず、日常的で地道な取組みにより、債務者の実態をきめ細かく把握した上で対応しているかがポイントとなることに留意する。 - 金融庁


「care factors」の意味に関連した用語

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