free-wheelingとは 意味・読み方・使い方

意味・対訳 自由奔放に動きまわる
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該当件数 : 20件
Shuho was known with his free-wheeling playing style of Igo.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
奔放な棋風で知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a semiconductor device for power for realizing suppression of an oscillation phenomenon of a free wheeling diode while reducing reverse recovery loss Err of the free wheeling diode.例文帳に追加
環流ダイオードのリバースリカバリ損失Errを低減しつつ、環流ダイオードの発振現象の抑制を実現する電力用半導体装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
A balance control element 11 is installed on each of IGBT elements 5 and free wheeling diode elements 4.例文帳に追加
バランス制御素子11をIGBT素子5およびフリーホイルダイオード素子4上に設置する。 - 特許庁
Even when the currents are circulated by free wheeling diodes Du+, Du-, Dw+ and Dw-, directions of the currents are the same.例文帳に追加
フリーホイールダイオードD_u+,D_u-,D_w+,D_w-によって還流する場合も電流の方向は同じである。 - 特許庁
An electronic circuit 1 has an IGBT(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) 11, an FWD(Free Wheeling Diode) 12, and a semiconductor element driving circuit 13.例文帳に追加
電子回路1は、IGBT11と、FWD12と、半導体素子駆動回路13と、を備えている。 - 特許庁
When the pair of switching transistors of the bridge is turned off, the battery is charged through a pair of free wheeling diodes.例文帳に追加
このブリッジのスイッチングトランジスタペアがオフされる時、バッテリはブリッジのフリーホイーリングダイオードペアを通じて充電される。 - 特許庁
This semiconductor device for power is provided with a capacitor which is connected to the free wheeling diode in parallel and has a capacitance C satisfying an inequality C/I<10(pF/A) with respect to a rated current I of the free wheeling diode.例文帳に追加
本発明に係る電力用半導体装置は、環流ダイオードに並列接続され、上記環流ダイオードの定格電流Iに対し不等式C/I<10(pF/A)を満たす容量Cを有するキャパシタを備えているものである。 - 特許庁
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Wiktionary英語版での「free-wheeling」の意味 |
free-wheeling (comparative more free-wheeling, superlative most free-wheeling)
- Alternative form of freewheeling
- 2008, BioWare, Mass Effect, Redwood City: Electronic Arts, →ISBN, OCLC 246633669, PC, scene: Asari: Government Codex entry:
- Communication over internet evolved into an "electronic democracy". Asari have no politicians or elections, but a free-wheeling, all-inclusive legislature that citizens can participate in at will. Policy debates take place at all hours of the day, in official chat rooms and forums moderated by specially-programmed virtual intelligences. All aspects of policy are opened to plebiscite at any time.
freewheeling (comparative more freewheeling, superlative most freewheeling)
- Unbounded by rules or conventions; unrestrained.
- 1967, Donald M. Counihan, “Statement of American Producers of Italian-type Cheeses Association and Universal Foods Corp., Stella Cheese Division, Milwaukee, Wis.”, in Import Quotas Legislation: Hearings before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, Ninetieth Congress, First Session on Proposal to Impose Import Quotas on Oil, Steel, Textiles, Meat, Dairy Products, and Other Commodities: Part 1: October 18 and 19, 1967: […], Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, OCLC 452561, page 142:
- 1977 December 14, John P. Weise, trial judge; Audrey Bernhardt, reporter, “The Singer Company, Librascope Division v. The United States [No. 132-75; 215 Ct. Cl. 281]”, in Cases Decided in the United States Court of Claims: September 1, 1977 to February 28, 1978: […], volume 215, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, published 1979, ISSN 0149-2810, OCLC 7891288, page 298:
- To begin with, the advisory panel did not operate in the freewheeling fashion that the plaintiff's brief seems to suggest. There was not a disregard by SIDG [Subsystems Integration Design Group] of the contractual implications of the action that it was generating.
- 1994, Christopher Anderson, “David O. Selznick and the Making of Light’s Diamond Jubilee”, in Hollywood TV: The Studio System in the Fifties, Austin, Tx.: University of Texas Press, →ISBN, page 109:
- In the movie industry, the promise of windfall profits at the box office had encouraged his freewheeling spending. Now [David O.] Selznick feared that the entire budget for Light's Diamond Jubilee would barely cover his company's typical operating expenses during the months of production.
- 2018 June 8, Sabrina Siddiqui, “Freewheeling Trump sounds off on tariffs, pardons and NFL ahead of G7: Speaking to reporters on the White House lawn, the president also discussed international tensions and EPA chief Scott Pruitt”, in The Guardian[1], London, archived from the original on 18 June 2018:
- Donald Trump sounded off on presidential pardons, international tensions over trade and his embattled environmental chief, Scott Pruitt, on Friday as he departed Washington for what is likely to be a combative G7 summit in Canada. Speaking to reporters on the White House lawn, the freewheeling president also said he would like to meet with the NFL athletes who he has sharply criticized for kneeling during the national anthem.
該当件数 : 20件
Each of the upper arm 21U and the lower arm 21L comprises an insulating substrate 41, an insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) 42, and a free-wheeling diode (FWD) 43.例文帳に追加
上アーム21U及び下アーム21Lの各々は、絶縁基板41と、IGBT42と、FWD43と、を備えている。 - 特許庁
In the countermeasure, previous phase is subjected to free wheeling, as long as the previous phase generates a positive torque while that next phase is being excited.例文帳に追加
方策は、前の位相を、次の位相が励磁される間に、前の位相が正トルクを生じる限り、フリーホイールさせることである。 - 特許庁
To provide a semiconductor for electric power low in ON-resistance of a free-wheeling diode formed to connect in antiparallel to an IGBT area.例文帳に追加
IGBT領域に逆並列接続して形成された環流ダイオードのオン抵抗が低い電力用半導体装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
Akimitsu's younger brother, Asamitsu, was a free-wheeling genius and was a good friend of Michitaka, and while Akimitsu was only a Chunagon (vice-councilor of state), Asamitsu had been promoted to Dainagon (chief councilor of state).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
弟の朝光は闊達な才人であり、かつ道隆の飲み友達で、顕光が中納言であるのに対して、大納言に昇進していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
By using an oscillator apparatus having a free-wheeling oscillator O, a synchronization signal S is received periodically by a receiver E, the synchronization signal S is made to correlate with a reference signal in a correlator K, the arrival time of the synchronization signal S is established accurately, and fine adjustment of the free-wheeling oscillator O is performed correspondingly.例文帳に追加
フリーホイ−リング発振器Oを持った発振器装置を使用し、受信器Eが周期的に同期化信号Sを受信し、同期化信号Sが相関器Kにおいて基準信号と相関せしめられ、同期化信号Sの到着時間が正確に確定され、フリーホイーリング発振器Oが相応して微調整される。 - 特許庁
A cap mechanism at the opposite end of the arbor retains the drop box on the arbor, and applies enough drag on the box to inhibit it from free wheeling on the arbor.例文帳に追加
軸の反対端のキャップ機構がドロップ箱を軸に保持し、箱が軸上で自由に回転することを抑制するために十分な抗力を箱におよぼすようになっている。 - 特許庁
The di/dt feedback part 23 generates the feedback voltage VFB based on a commutation current IFWD of an FWD(Free Wheeling Diode) not shown in a figure when the IGBT 11 is turned on.例文帳に追加
また、di/dt帰還部23は、IGBT11がターンオンするときに、図示せぬFWDの転流電流IFWDに基づいて、帰還電圧VFBを生成する。 - 特許庁
To suppress the resonance in reverse recovery operation of an FWD(Free Wheeling Diode) formed of silicon carbide, which is connected to a semiconductor switching element in reverse parallel, to prevent generation of an electromagnetic noise.例文帳に追加
半導体スイッチング素子に逆並列に接続される炭化ケイ素のFWDが逆回復動作をするときに共振が抑制されて電磁ノイズの発生を防止できるようにする。 - 特許庁
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