
「まだ認識されていない」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > まだ認識されていないの意味・解説 > まだ認識されていないに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 23


このコマンドは認識されるが、まだ実装されていない。 gasp は例文帳に追加

This command is recognized, but not yet implemented. gasp  - JM


To easily recognize and select information which is not selected yet. - 特許庁


The component mounting position with the component to be mounted the earliest is extracted among component mounting positions not yet recognized by the camera, and the recognition of the component mounting position by the camera is enabled for one or a plurality of component mounting positions L containing the extracted position as a target. - 特許庁


Therefore, a user can immediately recognize that a play list 131 without having been displayed yet is present on the upper side or the lower side of the content panel 141 and can be scrolled. - 特許庁



Meanwhile, the fact that there is a working cycle of the recognition of huge losses by major financial institutions followed by the raising of capital necessary to cover a recognized capital shortfall is a positive factor. However, as there are still major financial institutions that book huge losses, there is no end in sight to the current severe situation.  - 金融庁



We recognized that a significant number of our residents still lack effective access to safe and reliable financial services, including in some advanced economies.  - 財務省


Although it is nearly one month after the bill for the basic act on the reform was submitted to the Diet, the bill is still hanging in the air, without being referred to the relevant committee. What do you think of this situation? Also, tell me about your resolve with regard to enacting this bill during the current Diet session.  - 金融庁


We recognize that there may be situations in which conflict minerals are past the point in the supply chain where they are able to be used to finance or benefit armed groups, but these minerals have yet to be stored outside the Covered Countries,387 smelted, or refined. - 経済産業省


When wage levels are compared to the United States and the United Kingdom, there are many professional and technical occupations with relatively lower wage levels in Japan. - 厚生労働省



In the regency period, the dairi in Heian-kyu palace was still recognized as the primary imperial palace, and the satodairi was rarely used as the imperial palace when the dairi in Heian-kyu palace was available; in the cloistered government period, however, the satodairi was commonly used as the imperial palace irrespective of the presence of the dairi in the Heian-kyu palace.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


・ また、まだ治療方法のない難病の治療薬や、希少疾病用医薬品(オーファンドラッグ)、新たな感染症の予防等に有効な新たなワクチンなど、収益性は低いものの、開発の重要性が認識されている医薬品は多い。例文帳に追加

There are many pharmaceutical products whose importance of development is recognized though profit performance is low such as therapeutic drugs for incurable diseases for which the therapeutic method has not been discovered, orphan drugs and new vaccine effective for prevention, etc. of new infections. - 厚生労働省


There are many pharmaceutical products whose importance of development is recognized though profit performance is low such as therapeutic drugs for incurable diseases for which the therapeutic method has not been discovered, orphan drugs and new vaccine effective for prevention, etc. of new infections. - 厚生労働省


We recognize that many barriers limiting women’s economic participation still exist and instruct officials to work on policies and concrete actions across all APEC fora to further women’s economic participation and empowerment across the APEC region. - 経済産業省


Images of violation vehicle candidates are photographed, and the image except a standard-sized vehicle or the like not having a possibility of causing the axle load violation is accumulated as the image of the axle load violation vehicle from the images based on a vehicle height and information about a license plate read by image recognition. - 特許庁


To provide a program guide display apparatus and a program guide display method for enabling a user to immediately recognize that an electronic program guide is not displayed while giving a message to the effect if it is required to display the program guide on a date/time when program information for creating an electronic program guide is not distributed yet. - 特許庁


Since your last press conference, a series of insider trading cases have occurred at financial institutions. It may be difficult for you to comment on the case of Aozara Bank. However, in light of the cases involving kabu.com Securities and Nomura Securities, could you tell us about your view on the fact that a succession of insider trading cases involving financial institutions have occurred, which I think is unusual?  - 金融庁


If Mr. Namikawa was referring to the absence of the announcement by Incubator Bank of Japan, whose business operations were taken over by the Second Bridge Bank of Japan, our answer is that since Incubator Bank of Japan is not a listed company, I understand that it is taking the procedure to announce its financial results in the fiscal first half within three months from the end of the fiscal first half in accordance with the Banking Act.  - 金融庁


The information recording and reproducing apparatus records the latest disk management information recorded in the disk management work integration region in a new disk management work integration region where the disk management information is not yet recorded, if a free space of the disk management work integration region where the latest disk management information is recorded is smaller than a threshold value when a write-once optical disk is recognized. - 特許庁


To provide a network configuration information teaching method capable of attaining network information teaching that can teach network configuration information with high contemporaneity for whole searching paths to a master station and can be immediately applicable to a network start state or the like when the master station does not yet recognize a slave station without uselessly increasing a communication cycle time. - 特許庁


Now, let me answer the question(*) that I received in the previous press conference from Mr. Namikawa of Toyo Keizai, who is here today. He asked me about the absence of the announcement of the financial results of Incubator Bank of Japan in the fiscal first half. The Second Bridge Bank of Japan, which has taken over the business operations of Incubator Bank of Japan, is not a listed company, so I understand that it is taking the procedure to announce its financial results in the fiscal first half within three months from the end of the fiscal first half in accordance with the Banking Act.  - 金融庁


As I said earlier, I would like to refrain from commenting on the impact of the bailout of Dexia following its failure, as the details of the bailout have not yet been revealed. Generally speaking, I understand that public bailout of a financial institution is desirable for Japanese financial institutions as market players, as it restores the financial soundness and credibility of the troubled financial institution, and provides some degree of reassurance to the financial market.  - 金融庁

2. 世界経済の回復は、主としてG20の前例のない、協調した政策努力のお陰で、以前予想されていた以上に進んでいる。しかし、それは地域内・地域間で異なるスピードで進んでおり、多くの国で失業率は依然高い。我々はこのような状況では異なる政策対応が必要であることを認識する。成長が未だに政策支援に大きく依存しており、持続可能な財政と整合的な国においては、回復が確実に民間セクター主導となり、より確固たるものになるまでは政策支援が維持されるべきである。既に出口を実施している国もある。例文帳に追加

2. The global recovery has progressed better than previously anticipated largely due to the G20's unprecedented and concerted policy effort. However, it is proceeding at different speeds within and across regions, and unemployment is still high in many economies. We recognize that in such circumstances different policy responses are required. In economies where growth is still highly dependent on policy support and consistent with sustainable public finances, it should be maintained until the recovery is firmly driven by the private sector and becomes more entrenched. Some countries are already exiting.  - 財務省


たくさんの、普通であれば倒産しなくて済むような中小企業がたくさん倒産をするというようなことでありまして、急速にご存じのように信用収縮、貸し渋り貸しはがしによって、大変経済が本当に傷んだわけでございますから、そういったことを踏まえて、やはり自己資本に関しては、この自己資本比率が高ければ高いほどいいというものでもない。やはりグローバル、やはり経済の、その地域におけるそれぞれのマクロの経済があるわけでございます。また、国によって、色々と経済の実体も違いますから、そういったところで、私は非常にこの世界、今度バーゼル III が一応合意になりましたが、最終的にはまだ、ソウルサミットが11月にありますが、そういった意味で、やはり日本あるいはドイツ、フランスがかなりこれを主導的できたというふうに私は認識をさせていただいておりまして、そういったことが非常に大事なことでございます。例文帳に追加

Many SMEs that would not have gone bankrupt under normal circumstances went bust, and the rapid credit contraction, credit crunch and credit withdrawal really damaged the economy. If you take this into account, a higher capital adequacy ratio is not necessarily desirable. At the end of the day, the economy consists of macro economies of regional communities. Furthermore, given that economies vary in substance from country to country, it is extremely important that an agreement was reached on the outline of Basel III-awaiting finalization at the Seoul Summit in November-as it is my understanding that Japan, Germany and France were able to significantly take the initiative in shaping the agreement.  - 金融庁


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