
「エネルギー発生の」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(15ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 2408



To provide an electric bicycle with high energy using efficiency which can efficiently use electric power generated in early stage during travel, energy-converts the excess power in travel support by an electric motor, and can store it as electric power. - 特許庁


The recording head 101 includes a nozzle 600 having a foaming chamber 200 provided with heaters 400a, 400b arranged to generate thermal energy utilized to discharge ink, and formed with a discharge port 100 for discharging ink given thermal energy by the heaters 400a, 400b. - 特許庁


To generate a pulse energy having a peak intensity larger than those achieved with a single mode (SM) fiber, by increasing a capacity for accumulating energy in an optical fiber amplifier before starting undesirable non-linearity and gain saturation. - 特許庁


Plasma is a high energy fluid in which corona discharge or arc discharge is generated between electrodes by high voltage and plasma-generating gas is contacted to this to give energy, and electrons or molecules and atoms in the gas are ionized or dissociated to collide with each other, and ions or electrons and radicals are generated. - 特許庁



A method for reducing audible noises in a steering system 10 transmitted through a transmitting medium including the column mounted steering system interrupts the transmitting medium and absorbs road impact energy through the steering system 10. - 特許庁



A battery charger charged with a natural energy by solar power generation, wind power generation, hydraulic power generation or the like as device starting energy is used to electrify a heating material, whereby bubbles are generated in liquid to push up a bubble receiving tray by the buoyancy. - 特許庁


A snubber circuit 31 is provided with a capacitor 42 that absorbs the surge energy of the primary winding 34a which occurs during 'OFF' periods of the switching element 35 and an inductor 43 which stores the energy discharged from the capacitor 42 during 'ON' periods of the element 35. - 特許庁


The solenoid includes a plunger, having a polarity so that the plunger, is attracted to the permanent magnet to maintain a hold position, when the single coil is in de-energized state and that the plunger repels the permanent magnet to create push/pull force, when the single coil is in energized state. - 特許庁


To realize compactness and high energy density of a battery by providing a positive electrode lead and a negative electrode lead with excellent electric characteristics capable of passing large current which are free from an edge burr or a ride up and can prevent damages due to energy loss or heat generation. - 特許庁



The second layer formed on the first layer is obtained by irradiating a composition containing a silicon compound having an -OR group (R is hydrogen, a methyl group, or an ethyl group) bonded directly to a Si atom and an active energy ray-sensitive acid generating agent with the active energy rays. - 特許庁



The hydrogen generating system is provided with a hydrogen generating device 12 to generate hydrogen by the reaction of water with hydride 23 and the fuel cell 13 in which energy is obtained by making the hydrogen generated by the hydrogen generation device react with oxygen. - 特許庁


To provide a plasma generation device and a plasma generation method which are performed at relatively high pressure, and generating high energy plasma capable of generating diamond. - 特許庁


To provide a steam generating quantity measuring device measuring quantity of steam generated from a steam generating body having a steam generating part using chemical energy more accurately than in the past. - 特許庁

第二十条 特定事業者は、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、その設置している工場等におけるエネルギーの使用量その他エネルギーの使用の状況(エネルギーの使用の効率及びエネルギーの使用に伴つて発生する二酸化炭素の排出量に係る事項を含む。)並びにエネルギーを消費する設備及びエネルギーの使用の合理化に関する設備の設置及び改廃の状況について、経済産業大臣の登録を受けた者(以下「登録調査機関」という。)が行う調査(以下「確認調査」という。)を受けることができる。ただし、第十六条第一項の規定による指示を受けた特定事業者は、当該指示又は勧告を受けた日から三年を経過した後でなければ、当該確認調査を受けることができない。例文帳に追加

Article 20 (1) A specified business operator may, pursuant to the provision of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, undergo an investigation conducted by a person registered by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (hereinafter referred to as a "registered investigation body") with regard to the energy consumption and other status of energy use in its factories, etc. (including the matters concerning efficiency in energy use and CO2 emissions from energy use) as well as the status of establishment, modification and abolition of energy-consuming facilities and other facilities relating to the rational use of energy (this investigation shall hereinafter be referred to as an "investigation for verification"); provided, however, that a specified business operator that has received instructions under Article 16, paragraph (1) shall not undergo an investigation for verification until three years have elapsed since the day when the instructions or recommendations were received.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二条 この法律において「新エネルギー利用等」とは、石油代替エネルギーの開発及び導入の促進に関する法律(昭和五十五年法律第七十一号。以下「石油代替エネルギー法」という。)第二条に規定する石油代替エネルギー(以下この条において「石油代替エネルギー」という。)を製造し、若しくは発生させ、又は利用すること及び電気を変換して得られる動力を利用すること(石油に対する依存度の軽減に特に寄与するものに限る。)のうち、経済性の面における制約から普及が十分でないものであって、その促進を図ることが石油代替エネルギーの導入を図るため特に必要なものとして政令で定めるものをいう。例文帳に追加

Article 2 In this Act, the term "New Energy Utilization, etc." shall mean, from among production, generation, and utilization of the types of petroleum alternative energy provided for in Article 2 of the Act on the Promotion of Development and Introduction of Alternative Energy (Act No. 71 of 1980; hereinafter referred to as "Petroleum Alternative Energy Act") (hereinafter in this Article referred to as "Petroleum Alternative Energy") and the utilization of power obtained from the conversion of electricity (limited to those activities which particularly contribute to the reduction of dependency on petroleum), those activities the acceptance of which is not yet widespread due to constraints from the standpoint of economic efficiency and which are provided for by Cabinet Order to be activities the promotion of which is particularly necessary for furthering the introduction of Petroleum Alternative Energy.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


This vegetable organic waste-carbonizing system comprises carbonizing the vegetable organic wastes in a carbonization oven 1 to obtain the carbonization product 9A and the pyroligneous acid 9B, using the flammable gas produced on the carbonization as a main fuel in a power-generating system 2 to generate electric energy, and using the flammable gas as a main fuel in a boiler system 3 to obtain hot water or steam with the generated heat energy. - 特許庁


The method includes: preparation of a brushless excitation system 10, which includes a diode rectifier 30 having at least one diode 32; sensing 42 of thermal energy generated by at least one diode; detection 20 of deflection of the thermal energy generated from at least one diode; and generation 20 of a signal for indicating a diode failure or defect when the deflection of the generated thermal energy exceeds a predetermined threshold deflection level. - 特許庁


To provide a remarkably efficient method and apparatus for producing hydrogen by which the energy required for the production of hydrogen is reduced, the equipment is very simple and the raw materials for the production of hydrogen are inexpensive and easily obtainable. - 特許庁


To provide an electromagnetic wave utilization system wherein electromagnetic waves generated by an electromagnetic wave source is reused as electric power for the electromagnetic wave source, and thereby dissipation of electromagnetic waves is suppressed and the energy efficiency is enhanced. - 特許庁


A detector for an ultraviolet lamp system of the type having a microwave generator includes a first circuit that is configured to detect the microwave energy generated from the microwave generator. - 特許庁


To provide a photosensitive resin composition containing a base generating agent that has high solubility with various kinds of organic solvents and does not accompany generation of carbon dioxide gas upon generating a base by irradiation with active energy rays. - 特許庁


When first and second near-field light-generating portions 8A and 8B are irradiated with laser light or other energy rays LB, near-field light is generated at the tips of both the near-field light-generating portions 8A and 8B. - 特許庁


The fuel cell system comprises a reformer for generating hydrogen from a hydrogen-containing fuel and at least one electricity generator for generating electric energy through an electrochemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen. - 特許庁


Since the reaction between the metal amide and metal hydroxide progresses at a temperature lower than 320°C, the amount of the energy used for hydrogen generation can be reduced compared with the conventional case, and also, a hydrogen generator provided with the hydrogen generating material can be miniaturized. - 特許庁


To provide a steam generating device capable of efficiently generating steam, and a steam cooker of high energy efficiency provided with the steam generating device. - 特許庁


By the energy of the operation of an ignitor 40, the first gas generating agent unit 71 is crushed and approximately completely burned and the second gas generating agent unit 72 is approximately completely burned after burning of the first gas generating agent unit 71. - 特許庁


The fuel cell system includes the reformer to generate hydrogen from a fuel containing the hydrogen, and at least one electricity generating part to generate electric energy by an electrochemical reaction of the hydrogen and oxygen. - 特許庁


To provide an X-ray generator, an X-ray inspection device and an X-ray generating method that can automatically focus energy beams such as electron beams for generating X-rays, on a target. - 特許庁


To provide a drying device in which hot air at sufficiently high temperature can be generated by a hot air generator of the drying device, and energy for generating hot air can be reduced. - 特許庁


To provide a supercritical fluid plasma generating device and a supercritical fluid plasma generating method capable of generating high energy plasma in a supercritical fluid and attaining a high reaction rate. - 特許庁


To provide an electron gun, an energy beam generating device, an electron beam generating device, and an X-ray generating device, capable of restraining an adverse effect due to swelling of an insulating block. - 特許庁


This invention relates to a fluid vibration power generation apparatus P including a vortex generation part 1, which has a cable like form, divides a fluid F at the upstream side, and generates vortexes V at the downstream side, and a vibration power generation part 2 which is disposed at the downstream side of the vortex generation part 1 and converts vibration energy of vibrations generated by the vortexes V into electric energy. - 特許庁


This invention relates to a fluid vibration power generation apparatus P including a vibration generation part 1, which has a cable like form, divides a fluid F at the upstream side, and generates vortexes V at the downstream side to vibrate itself, and a vibration power generation part 2 which vibrates integrally with the vibration generation part 1 and converts vibrational energy of the vibrations into electric energy. - 特許庁


and makes a current flowing between the power recovery circuit and a capacitive load a current obtained by adding a current generated by the energy previously accumulated in the first inductor to a current generated by LC resonance, during the rising and falling of the sustain pulse. - 特許庁


When a defect such as peeling occurs on a covered sheet 4 by the circulating movement of the handrail 3 by the operation of the passenger conveyor, reflected energy wave is not detected though projected energy wave from the projection part 13 of a detector 12 is reflected on a projection surface 10 to automatically detect the occurrence of the abnormality of the covered sheet 4. - 特許庁


To provide a method using a natural phenomenon in which violent atomic power of 1:10 to 38-th power is suddenly produced beyond an energy universal principle in a closed system to generate continuous and gentle energy leading to gravity, weak force, electromagnetic force and nuclear power, and to provide its device. - 特許庁


To provide a method and a device of generating continuous and moderate energy ranging from gravity, a week force and an electromagnetic force, to a nuclear force, by controlling a natural phenomena that an intense atomic power of 1:10 to the 38th power is suddenly generated exceeding the law of energy conservation in a closed system. - 特許庁


The eye care apparatus includes a mist generation part 2 for generating mist by electric energy, a supply route 3 for supplying mist generated by the mist generation part 2 near the eye, and a controller 14 for controlling the amount of mist generated by the mist generation part 2. - 特許庁


To provide a ship having a cargo space for storing some solid materials generating combustible gas in a bulk state, in which energy attained through combustion of the combustible gas generated during its cruising can be combined with exhaust heat energy of a propulsion motor during its cruising and effectively utilized as a heat source for electric power for the ship and heating operation, and to provide a processing method for combustible gas in the ship. - 特許庁


The method includes the steps of: providing a brushless excitation system (10) including a diode rectifier (30) having at least one diode (32); sensing heat energy generated by at least one resistor (33) connected in parallel with the diode (32); and detecting a deviation of the generated heat energy from the at least one resistor (33). - 特許庁


To provide an active energy ray-curable ink which has curability by active energy rays, is designed with ultraviolet rays generated by a light emitting diode (UV-LED) which generates ultraviolet rays especially in the range of 350-420 nm as a curing wavelength, exhibits excellent photopolymerizability and curability upon ultraviolet irradiation by the UV-LED, and is excellent also in storage stability and printability as offset ink. - 特許庁


This high-energy electron generation method for generating the high-energy electron by radiating pulse laser beams onto a solid specimen 60 is provided with a process, in which plasma with a critical field plasma density or less is generated from the surface or a part of the solid specimen 60 before radiating the pulse laser beams onto the solid specimen 60, and a process, in which the pulse laser beams are radiated to the plasma. - 特許庁


A water-insoluble or slightly water-soluble acid generator which generates an acid by the action of an active energy ray is dispersed in the form of fine powder in an aqueous solution of a water-soluble resin to prepare a dispersion and an acid reactive insolubilizing agent which insolubilizes the water-soluble resin by the action of an acid is dissolved or dispersed in the dispersion. - 特許庁


When a shifting request to the energy saving standby mode occurs due to a user instruction, a time-out, etc., even in the case the functional deficiency takes place (S203), an energy saving control part 5 constituting the facsimile machine 20 instructs a power supply switching part 12 to switch to the power supply of the energy saving standby mode (S204). - 特許庁


The liquid discharge head includes: the substrate having, on one side thereof, energy generating elements for generating energy used for discharging liquid; a member provided on the substrate and having a discharge port for discharging liquid; and a sealing member arranged on a part of an end face of the substrate and being a cured product of a composition having an epoxy resin having a butadiene skeleton and an epoxy resin curing agent having a butadiene skeleton. - 特許庁


Air and fuel are reacted in the solid electrolyte type fuel cell FC to generate the electric energy, offgas containing unreacted fuel exhausted from the solid electrolyte type fuel cell FC is supplied to the heater 24 of the stirling engine E and is catalytically burned, and heat activates the stirling engine E to generate the mechanical energy. - 特許庁


A treatment table for an X-ray treatment apparatus is provided which comprises a pair of low energy X-ray generating apparatuses 10 and 20 for detecting a position detecting marker embedded near a treatment object part of a patient and respective X-ray image sensors 11 and 21. - 特許庁


To provide an active energy ray-curable composition with low viscosity and good workability, and when heated after curing the composition, capable of preventing generation of volatile components and occurrence of smell and haze, to provide an ink containing the composition and a printer using the ink. - 特許庁


The auxiliary thermal head 24 generates a heat energy of a size which makes a sum of thermal energies generated thereby and by the recording thermal head 12 constant while the recording thermal head 12 is recording one line, so that a transfer load applied to a transferring mechanism consisting of a transfer roller 15 and a pulse motor 16 is made constant. - 特許庁



The system comprises an electron beam accelerator 12 forming high energy electron beams 1 at 100MeV or more, a mirror potential generator 14 generating a static mirror potential in the direction of the formed high energy electron beam and forming a trap region 2, and an ion introducing device 16 for introducing cation of the objective element 3 into the trap region. - 特許庁


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