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アクト... 連続もの? しかも出会いって...。例文帳に追加

Act ... a continuous one? and encounter .... - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

子供の頃に出会い 共に育ち例文帳に追加

We met when we were children, grew up together. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


I would love to find someone real. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


a casual meeting with a person or thing  - 日本語WordNet



rapid momentaneous association of things that meet and pass  - 日本語WordNet



Every encounter, no matter how small, has a meaning. - Eゲイト英和辞典


He dramatically encountered the Christianity.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


I want to see more revolutionary thinking - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


For me, meeting you is a very happy present.  - Weblio Email例文集



This movie is about encounters with a tsunagu. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


化け物は 夢の中で一匹の蛇と出会いました例文帳に追加

In a dream, the monster came upon a serpent. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


I hope that this encounter will be mutually beneficial.  - Weblio Email例文集


The encounters between Korea and Western European countries were generally not satisfactory.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

旅行中の素晴らしい出会いの いくつかはゴルフ場でのものでした例文帳に追加

Some of the best interviews I ever scored during my trip were on the golf courses. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

ケニアでは 物腰の柔らかな デビッド・クリアと出会いました例文帳に追加

In kenya, we met the softspoken david kuria. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

私と同じ事を感じている 他の若者にも出会いました例文帳に追加

And I found a group of youngsters like me who felt the same way. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Meeting my host family and Ms. Jane is an irreplaceable and precious thing to me.  - Weblio Email例文集

私達の出会いを実り多き物とする為に まずは大切な関係を築きましょう例文帳に追加

If we are to have a relationship that has any real meaning... we must first establish the most important ingredient. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

彼らの出会いに不足はなかった あえて善悪について 語ろうとする者達の例文帳に追加

I've encountered no shortage of those who would presume to speak of good and evil. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Where I met a man who was trying to blow up the math building of nyu. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


I was surprised to come across vending machines that sell cans of coffee, where you can even choose between hot and cold ones. - Tatoeba例文


Bamboo shoots and seaweed freshly harvested in spring are called 'a perfect match in the early spring,' so they are often used together in nimono or sirumono (soup).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A legend states that once, when Hideyoshi was thirsty, he stopped by Kannon-ji Temple in Omi to ask for tea, and Mitsunari, who was a tera-kosho (boy doing the chores of a temple) at that time, served tea.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To prevent sudden accidents at alley entrances by making vehicle drivers, alley passers-by, etc. visually recognize the presence of alleys in streets of all sorts and conditions. - 特許庁


These products came to life due to a chance meeting by Kochi-born designer Takumi Shimamura. - 経済産業省


Her episodes with Tsunekawa (a friend of Junichiro TANIZAKI) such as their encounter are introduced in "Seishun Monogatari" (The Tale of Youth) written by Tanizaki.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a search system showing members within a desired distance range from a searching member as a search result without informing addresses of other members to the member in a meet-a-mate site. - 特許庁

何年もの間、皆さんのような株主の方々が、我々を支え続けて下さいました。 そして今日、私に新たな出会いもありました。 また、こんな遠い国にまでお越しいただいた皆さんに感謝しております。例文帳に追加

Many of you shareholders have been with us for years, and I see a few new names here, but I want to thank you all for traveling so far to this beautiful country and, well, for slumming it at shaba talbanar. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


In the first half of the story, Agui no Hoin identifies himself and says he's on his way to Ishiyama-dera Temple, meets the soul of Murasaki Shikibu and holds a dialog with persons standing in front of Ishiyama-dera Temple gate, after which the second half begins.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The above encounter with Mabuchi was described in his essays 'The History of My Study' and 'The Instructions of My Mentor,' which were compiled in a collection of essays "Tamakatsuma".  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a building for small-scale business which is constructed so as to eliminate a large quantity of simultaneous construction works at a site in a short period of time, and facilitates the dismantling, movement, etc. thereof, and to provide a method of constructing the building. - 特許庁


To provide a matching system for accurately and easily selecting a compatible partner from among persons whose living ranges are common in the case of looking for an encounter or companion. - 特許庁


Support was provided for programs to expand SMEshiring activities at Job Cafés, encourage more job offers from enterprises interested in hiring new graduates, and establish avenues for information distribution and meeting with young people.  - 経済産業省


To secure safety on a corner blind spot by seeing through the corner blind spot, while the front of a corner at an intersection in a building or the like may be a blind spot and passersby may collide with each other at the corner. - 特許庁


To secure safety by making it possible to see a corner dead space through although there has been the danger that passersby collide with each other as they meet since there is a dead space in a corner where passages intersect in a building etc. - 特許庁


Nihon-ga may have been a product of a nationalistic feeling of crisis due to the rapid influx of western culture under the Meiji government's westernization policy combined with an affinity felt in the encounter with Fenollosa who sought to create a foothold in America to counter the dominance of European culture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Signs, marks, etc. indicating the presence of alleys are displayed on the road surfaces of the entrances of alleys which are most easily and most visually recognized by vehicle drivers, and characters for urging them persons heading outside out of alleys to temporarily stop are also displayed to draw attention and prevent sudden accidents at the entrances of the alleys. - 特許庁


According to his remembrance, Kogetsu met a hunter named Hiratoji whose father was the "Guji (chief of those who serves shrine, controls festivals and general affairs) of Katakamuna Shrine" during his investigation in Kincho-san mountain in Rokkosan in Hyogo Prefecture and he showed him the makimono, the shintai (sacred object) of the shrine.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The encounter support device 300 receives retrieval key information for retrieving a match-making candidate to be transmitted from a portable terminal device 100, retrieves the match-making candidate with only a person in a waiting state as a retrieving object, based on this received retrieval key information, and transmits a retrieval result to the device 100. - 特許庁


Considering that the Gojo-ohashi Bridge in the era of Ushiwakamaru and Benkei was located on the former Gojo-oji Street (the present-day Matsubara-dori Street), the historical evidence may not be properly examined, but the encounter of Ushiwakamaru with Benkei on Gojo-ohashi Bridge, which in fact occurred in a different place, may have been a contrived tale.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Among the Yoshitsune legends, especially famous stories is the story of his encounter with Musashibo Benkei at Gojo-ohashi Bridge, the anecdote that he learned strategy by stealing ancient Chinese strategy books, "Rikuto" and "Sanraku" owned by Onmyoji (diviner) Hogen KIICHI, making use of a love affair with his daughter, and the legend of Musashibo Benkei's Standing Death in the Battle of Koromogawa, and they were extended widely through "Gikeiki," which is said to have been written in the early Muromachi period, 200 years after Yoshitsune's death.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A shared space providing server 25 operating on the network 1 realizes a new entertainment allowing users to make active commitments to it by bringing the users using the same media contents together, and based on the meeting between the users having a common interest object, preparing a system for synchronous/asynchronous communication among the users, attachment of information to the contents, and shared experience by event generation. - 特許庁


A shared space providing server 25 operated on a network 1 introduces users utilizing the same media contents to each other, and arranges a mechanism for synchronous or asynchronous communication between the users, attachment of information to the contents, shared experience due to the occurrence of an event, based on an encounter of users having the common interesting object to achieve a new entertainment with which the users are actively concerned. - 特許庁



A shared space providing server 25 operated on the network 1 realizes the new entertainment capable of allowing users to participate in the activity by setting up the users utilizing the same media content with each other, preparing a system of synchronous or asynchronous communication among the users, the addition of information to the contents, and the shared experience by generating an event, on the basis of the meeting of persons having the common interest. - 特許庁


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Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
浜島書店 Catch a Wave
Copyright © 1995-2024 Hamajima Shoten, Publishers. All rights reserved.
Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © Benesse Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved.
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