
「差押品」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 91



seized goodsattached goodsdistress  - 斎藤和英大辞典


to distrainon) one's goodsdistress one's goods  - 斎藤和英大辞典


to seize smuggled goods  - 斎藤和英大辞典


to seize contraband goods  - 斎藤和英大辞典



a distress sale  - 斎藤和英大辞典



Detention of infringing goods  - 特許庁


Order the seizure of the articles stated in item (2).  - 特許庁


Infringing goods may be detained.  - 特許庁


Seized goods means goods seized under section 133.  - 特許庁



seized goodsmeans goods seized under section 82; - 特許庁



objector”, in relation to particular seized goods, means the person who gave the notice under section 82 as a result of the giving of which the goods were seized; - 特許庁


Seized goods shall be taken to such secure place as the Director-General directs. - 特許庁


(1) The Director-General may permit the objector or the importer to inspect the seized goods. - 特許庁


(2) The notice shall be given before any infringement action in relation to the seized goods is instituted. - 特許庁


Before carrying out the seizure, the bailiff shall give to the holders of the articles and instruments to be seized, on pain of nullity and liability to damages, a copy of the seizure order and of the seizure report together with, where appropriate, the act recording the deposit of a security referred to in paragraph 4. - 特許庁


Where no opposition to the seizure is made, at the latest within two weeks of service of the notification under Section 146(2), sentence 1, the customs authorities shall order confiscation of the seized goods.  - 特許庁


Seizure of infringing products under Article 76(1)(iv) may be requested both with regard to articles at concrete premises or articles in the commercial network.  - 特許庁


Objector, in relation to seized goods, means any person who has given under section 132 a notice in respect of those goods that is in force.  - 特許庁

第57条 (1) (iv)に基づく侵害製差押は,特定の建物及び商業販売網の何れにある物についても請求することができる。例文帳に追加

Seizure of infringing products under Article 57 (1) (iv) may be requested both with regard to articles at concrete premises and articles in the commercial network.  - 特許庁

(3)本条とは別に付与されうる救済に加えて,裁判所は次のことをすることができる。(a)もしあれば裁判所が適当と認める条件に従って,差押を輸入者に解放するよう随時命令すること (b)定める期間の末日前に,差押を輸入者に解放しないよう命令すること,又は (c)差押を政府が没収するよう命令すること例文帳に追加

(3) In addition to any relief that may be granted apart from this section, the Court may- (a) at any time, order that the seized goods be released to the importer subject to such conditions, if any, as the Court thinks fit; (b) order that the seized goods not be released to the importer before the end of a specified period; or (c) order that the seized goods be forfeited to the Government. - 特許庁

(5) 差押が,その発端から正当化できるものではなかったことが証明され,かつ,申請人が差押に関する(1)に基づく申請を維持するか,又は遅滞なく宣言すること((4)第 2文)をしない場合は,申請人は,差押によってその製の処分権者に生じた損害を賠償する義務を負う。例文帳に追加

(5) Where the seizure proves to have been unjustified from the outset and if the applicant has maintained the application under subsection (1) with respect to the seized product or has not made a declaration without delay (second sentence of subsection (4)), said applicant shall be required to compensate the damages that the party entitled to dispose of the product has incurred owing to seizure.  - 特許庁


The detention of any goods under section 86 is not rendered illegal by a failure to serve notice under this section.  - 特許庁


infringement actionmeans an action for an infringement of the relevant registered trade mark constituted by the importation of seized goods; - 特許庁


(1) Subject to subsection (2), the importer may, by written notice to the Director-General, consent to the seized goods being forfeited to the Government. - 特許庁


Where the customs authorities order a seizure, they shall advise the person entitled to the right of disposal and the petitioner thereof without delay.  - 特許庁


Material referred to in the above paragraph may be confiscated pending the implementation of the said order in which case the general regulations on confiscation in criminal cases shall apply.  - 特許庁


If an authorised user of a notified trade mark is an objector in relation to any seized goods, the authorised user may start an action for the infringement of the trade mark in respect of the goods within the required period without first ascertaining whether the registered owner is willing to bring the action.  - 特許庁


The court may, in any civil or penal action, order the sale of the articles distrained, or to be distrained, and deduct their value from the amounts of the compensation or fines, or dispose of them by any other means the court may deem appropriate.  - 特許庁


Where the seizure proves to have been unjustified from the beginning and if the petitioner has maintained the request under Section 146(1) in respect of the seized goods or has not made a declaration without delay (Section 147(2), sentence 2), he shall be required to compensate the damages that seizure has occasioned to the person entitled to the right of disposal.  - 特許庁


Regardless of whether or not the infringement is deliberate, the Public Prosecutor or the court may order that the material referred to in the foregoing paragraph be confiscated if the plaintiff so requests and, where considered necessary, gives acceptable security for any damage that the defendant may suffer as a result of the confiscation and for the costs occasioned by it; otherwise, in this case the general provisions on confiscation in criminal cases shall apply.  - 特許庁


Where seizure proves to have been unjustified from the beginning and if the petitioner has maintained the request under subsection (1) in respect of the seized product or has not made a declaration without delay (second sentence of subsection (4)), he shall be required to compensate the damages that seizure has occasioned to the person entitled to dispose.  - 特許庁

(1)差押(第87条に基づき政府に没収された商ではないもの)の留置期間の満了前に異議申立人が次を行っていない場合は,長官は輸入者に対し,当該期間の満了時に差押を解放する。(a)当該商に関連して侵害訴訟を開始したこと,及び (b)訴訟が開始されたことを記載する書面通知を長官に与えたこと例文帳に追加

(1) The Director-General shall release seized goods (not being goods forfeited to the Government under section 87) to the importer on the expiration of the retention period for the goods if the objector has not, before the expiration of that period- (a) instituted an infringement action in relation to the goods; and (b) given written notice to the Director-General stating that the action has been instituted. - 特許庁

(4) 製の処分権者が差押に対して異議を唱えた場合は,税関は,申請人にこれについて遅滞なく通知する。申請人は,税関に対して,同人が,差し押さえられた製に関する(1)に基づく申請を維持するか否かを,遅滞なく宣言しなければならない。 1. 申請人がその申請を取り下げたときは,税関は,遅滞なく差押を解除する。 2. 申請人がその申請を維持し,かつ,申請人が差押の保管又は製に係る処分権の制限を命じる執行可能な裁判所決定を提出したときは,税関は必要な措置を講ずる。1.又は 2.の何れにも該当しない場合は,税関は,第 1文に基づく申請人への通告の送達から2週間の期間の満了後に差押を解除する。申請人が,2.による裁判所決定を請求しているが,未だそれを受領していないことを証明したときは,差押が維持されるものとし,その期間は,最長で 2週間とする。例文帳に追加

(4) Should the person entitled to dispose of the product object to the seizure, the customs authorities shall inform the applicant thereof without delay. The applicant shall declare to the customs authorities without delay whether he will maintain the application under subsection (1) in respect of the seized product. 1. If the applicant withdraws his application, the customs authorities shall lift the seizure without delay. 2. If the applicant maintains his application and submits an enforceable court decision ordering the impounding of the seized product or limitation of the right to dispose thereof, the customs authorities shall take the necessary measures. Where neither of the cases referred to in nos. 1 and 2 are applicable, the customs authorities shall lift the seizure after expiry of two weeks after service of the notification to the applicant under the first sentence; should the applicant show that a court decision according to no. 2 has been requested, but has not yet been received, the seizure shall be maintained for a further two weeks at the most.  - 特許庁

(6) 記述及び差押は,申立書に明記されていない個人に属する商に関係することもできる。ただし,その商が,当該処置が命じられた者によって生産され,提供され,輸入され,輸出され又は市場に出されており,かつ,個人的使用を意図したものでない場合に限る。執行された差押及び記述の記録は,応じなければ無効になると警告して,申立書及び裁判所の命令と共に,前記手続の完了の日から 15日以内に,その差押又は記述により影響を受ける商の属する第三者に送達されるものとする。例文帳に追加

6. Description and seizure may likewise concern goods belonging to individuals not specified in the complaint, provided that those goods have been produced, offered, imported, exported or placed on the market by the party against whom the said measures were ordered and are not intended for personal use. The record of the seizure and description performed, together with the complaint and the court order, shall be served on the third party to whom the goods affected by the seizure or description belong within 15 days of the completion of the aforesaid operations, on pain of nullity. - 特許庁

「留置期間」とは,差押に関連して,次を意味する。 (a)当該商に関して第85条に基づき付与する通知に定める期間,又は (b)その期間が第85条に基づいて延長された場合は,かく延長された期間例文帳に追加

retention period”, in relation to seized goods, means- (a) the period specified in a notice given under section 85 in respect of the goods; or (b) if that period has been extended under section 85, that period as so extended; - 特許庁


(1) As soon as is practicable after goods are seized under section 82, the Director-General shall give to the importer and the objector, either personally or by post, a written notice identifying the goods and stating that they have been seized. - 特許庁


(3) If the objector gives written notice to the Director-General stating that he consents to the release of the seized goods, the Director-General shall release the goods to the importer. - 特許庁

本法に基づく侵害訴訟は,次の事項を対象とすることができる: 侵害事実の立証, 侵害行為の差止, 損害賠償, 侵害製並びに侵害をするために使用した手段の差押及び廃棄例文帳に追加

Infringement actions under this Law may relate to: (i) establishment of the fact of infringement; (ii) suspension of the act of infringement; (iii) compensation for damages suffered; (iv) seizure and destruction of the infringing products, as well as of the means with which the infringement was carried out.  - 特許庁


The Public Prosecutor, the plaintiff and the party either declaring or in possession of the goods shall be informed without delay by the customs service of the withholding measure taken by the latter.  - 特許庁

(f) 侵害製並びに専ら又は主として侵害のために用いられた手段及び材料の差押,特定の者への移転,商業経路からの回収及び確定的除去又は廃棄を請求すること例文帳に追加

(f) he may request the seizure, the transfer to a specific person, the recall and the definitive removal from the channels of commerce, or destruction, of the infringing products, as well as of the means and materials exclusively or principally used for infringement. - 特許庁


Any person may apply to the court for an order that any goods detained under section 86 be released, and the court may make such an order accordingly.  - 特許庁


Withholding measures shall refer, in particular, to putting a stop to the acts that infringe legal rights and to safeguarding evidence of the origin of goods and services on which protected trademark or a protected geographical indication is unlawfully affixed. - 特許庁

前記の記録においては, 商差押が行われた場所を特定するものとし, それが業者の倉庫であるか, 業者の店舗の一部であるか又はその目的で指定されたある倉庫であるかを問わない。例文帳に追加

Said record shall specify the place wherein said seizure of goods was conducted, be it the trader’s warehouse, a part of the trader’s shop, or a warehouse designated for this purpose. - 特許庁

店舗の所有者が当該商は差し押さえられている旨を言明する場合は, 当該人は, 当該差押が行われたことを証明する書類を提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加

If, however, the owner of the shop declares that said goods are under seizure, he shall submit documents which prove that said seizure has been conducted. - 特許庁

何れの場合においても, 当該差押機関の代表の参加を得て当該機関との間に調整ができていることを条件として, 当該商は差し押さえられる。例文帳に追加

In all events, said goods shall be seized provided that coordination with the seizing authority has been made with the participation of a representative thereof. - 特許庁


(2) If the objector gives the requisite undertakings, the Director-General may permit the objector to remove a sample of the seized goods from the custody of the Director-General for inspection by the objector. - 特許庁


(3) If the importer gives the Director-General the requisite undertakings, the Director-General may permit the importer to remove a sample of the seized goods from the custody of the Director-General for inspection by the importer. - 特許庁


(2) Where the Court is satisfied that the applicant had suffered loss or damage as a result of the seizure of the goods, the Court may order the objector to pay compensation in such amount as the Court thinks fit to the applicant. - 特許庁


(4) A Court may not make an order under subsection (3)(a) if it is satisfied that the Government or any statutory authority is required or permitted under any other law to retain control of the seized goods. - 特許庁



Where no opposition to the seizure is made, at the latest within two weeks of service of the notification under the first sentence of subsection (2), first sentence, the customs authorities shall order confiscation of the seized product.  - 特許庁


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