
「職域」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索










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The original scope of work  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス




(iii) the additional pension for specified occupations under the mutual aid pensions; - 厚生労働省


A manufacturing company working at internal revitalization by expanding women’s work fields  - 経済産業省



Additionally, there are occupational organizations such as faculty federations and businessmen's federations, as well as school organizations.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス





However, this paragraph shall not apply to the additional pension for specified occupations under the mutual aid pensions. - 厚生労働省


iv. Research on desirable consideration for patients with hepatitis at work sites - 厚生労働省


To increase and stabilize a card transaction market and also to activate an occupational organization, etc., by giving various special privileges to card transactions made in an affiliated store by a member of the occupational organization, etc. - 特許庁



This has also made the men look beyond their own work to find other areas for improvement.” The synergy with expanding women’s work fields is bringing renewed vitality to the company.  - 経済産業省



Before making efforts to expand work fields for women, Terashima’s plant was male-centered, like other press factories.  - 経済産業省


However, the foregoing shall not apply to the additional pension for specified occupations under the mutual aid pensions and the lump-sum payments equivalent to the refund of contributions. - 厚生労働省

ただし、この規定は、各共済年金の職域加算年金及び保険料の還付として支給される一時金については、適用しない 。例文帳に追加

However, the foregoing shall not apply to the additional pension for specified occupations under the mutual aid pensions and the lump-sum payments equivalent to the refund of contributions - 厚生労働省

ただし、この1の規定は、各共済年金の職域加算年金及び保険料の還付として支給される一時金については、適用しない 。例文帳に追加

However, the foregoing shall not apply to theadditional pension for specified occupations under themutual aid pensions and the lump-sum payments equivalent tothe refund of contributions . - 厚生労働省


Terashima says “With the expansion of work fields for women to include forklift operation and other new areas, women are gaining confidence by responsibly carrying out their duties.  - 経済産業省

ただし、この規定は、各共済年金の職域加算年金及び保険料の還付として支給される一時金については、適用しない 。例文帳に追加

However, the foregoing shall not apply to theadditional pension for specified occupations under themutual aid pensions and the lump-sum payments equivalent tothe refund of contributions .2 .In applying paragraph 1 of this Article, the periodsof coverage under the legislation of India shall be takeninto account as periods of coverage under the Japanesepension systems for employees and as corresponding periodsof coverage under the National Pension . - 厚生労働省


Universal healthcare insurance and pension system were established; salaried workers are subjects of workplace insurance schemes (health insurance and Employee's pension), while the self-employed workers, farmers, aged persons, etc, are subjects of the system for the self-employed, etc., group (National health insurance and National pension) . - 厚生労働省


National and local government shall request the relevant parties, including personnel in charge of health care at work sites, health care insurers and business operators, to continuously recommend hepatitis testing to workers in cooperation with other relevant parties. - 厚生労働省

イ 国は、地域や職域において健康管理に携わる者が肝炎患者等に対して提供するために必要な情報を取りまとめ、地方公共団体や医療保険者等と連携を図り、普及啓発を行う。例文帳に追加

b) The national government shall collect information necessary for personnel in charge of health care in the community and at work sites to provide to patients with hepatitis, and shall cooperate with local governments and health care insurers to disseminate such information. - 厚生労働省

オ 国は、肝炎患者等、医師等の医療従事者、職域において健康管理に携わる者、事業主等の関係者が、それぞれにとって必要な情報を取りまとめ、普及啓発を行う。例文帳に追加

e) The national government shall separately collect information necessary for patients with hepatitis from health care workers including physicians, personnel in charge of health care at work sites and business operators, and shall disseminate information. - 厚生労働省

(a) 情報が,要素の精密な形態及び構成において又は全体として捉えて,一般に知られておらずかつ関連種類の情報を定常的に処理する職域の人々が容易に入手できるものでないとの意味での秘密性を有すること例文帳に追加

(a) the information is secret in the sense that, as a whole or in the precise configuration and composition of its elements, it is neither generally known nor readily accessible to persons in the circles that normally handle the type of information concerned; - 特許庁


To provide a system for awarding of special benefit capable of enriching the life while bringing a sense of future security with bringing enjoying of special benefit of an employee in an enterprise, in other words, a right to obtain occupational field insurance and a right to use a welfare plan into an applicant. - 特許庁


An electronic transaction system has a sorting means for distinguishing card transaction data by the member from card transaction data by other general customers with respect to transaction data in an affiliated store, and can use both price settlement by a card company and price settlement by an organization such as the occupational organization, etc. - 特許庁

オ 国は、職域における肝炎患者等に対する理解を深めるため、肝炎の病態、治療方法及び肝炎患者等に対する望ましい配慮についての先進的な取組例等の情報を取りまとめ、各事業主団体と連携を図り、普及啓発を行う。例文帳に追加

e) The national government shall collect information about hepatic disease conditions, treatment and prevention, in cooperation with local governments, to disseminate to each individual examinee to ensure they are able to have correct understanding on hepatic disease conditions, treatment and prevention prior to hepatitis testing and when receiving the results.. - 厚生労働省


It is important to establish procedures for environments in which patients with hepatitis receive treatment while working, in order to secure the cooperation of relevant parties, including business operators, personnel in charge of health care in the community and at work sites and labor unions. - 厚生労働省

ア 国は、地方公共団体と連携して、肝炎患者等が個々の病態に応じた適切な肝炎医療を受けられるよう、肝炎ウイルス検査後のフォローアップや受診勧奨等の支援を地域や職域において中心となって進める人材の育成を推進する。例文帳に追加

a) The national government shall enhance education of support personnel involved in the community and work sites, including follow-up after hepatitis testing and recommendations for treatment, in order to provide hepatitis treatment appropriate for the pathological condition of individual patients with hepatitis in cooperation with local governments. - 厚生労働省

イ 国は、地方公共団体と連携して、肝炎患者等が個々の病態に応じた適切な肝炎医療を受けられるよう、肝炎ウイルス検査後のフォローアップや受診勧奨等の支援を地域や職域において中心となって進める人材の育成を推進する。(再掲)例文帳に追加

b) The national government shall enhance the education of personnel involved in providing support in the community and at work sites, including follow-up after hepatitis testing and recommendation of treatment in order to provide hepatitis treatment appropriate to the pathological condition of patients with hepatitis in cooperation with local governments. (Repeat) - 厚生労働省

第四十二条 厚生労働大臣は、短時間労働者がその有する能力を有効に発揮することができるようにするため、短時間労働者のその職域の拡大に応じた雇用管理の改善等に関する措置その他短時間労働者の雇用管理の改善等に関し必要な事項について、調査、研究及び資料の整備に努めるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 42 In order to enable Part-Time Workers to exercise their abilities effectively, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may endeavor to conduct research, study and preparation of data with regard to measures concerning the Employment Management Improvement, etc. according to the expansion of the scope of Part-Time Workers' job and other necessary matters concerning the Employment Management Improvement, etc. for Part-Time Workers.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

エ 国及び地方公共団体は、肝炎患者等への受診勧奨を行うため、医療保険者、医師その他の医療従事者の団体、職域において健康管理に携わる者の団体、事業主団体等の協力を得て、肝炎の病態、知識や肝炎医療に係る制度について普及啓発を行う。例文帳に追加

d) The national and local governments shall disseminate information regarding symptoms of the disease and knowledge of hepatitis and the systems established for hepatitis treatment, to recommend that patients with hepatitis visit institutions in cooperation with health care insurers, organizations of physicians, other health care workers and personnel in charge of health care at work sites and business operator organizations. - 厚生労働省


The prefectural government shall therefore make use of councils for the promotion of regional and occupational cooperation made up of Health Promotion Plans executive, personnel, medical institutions, representatives of companies, prefectural labor department personnel, and other relevant personnel, shall hold discussions regarding policy in order to define the divisions of roles between these relevant personnel and facilitate10 cooperation between them, and shall reflect the results of these discussions in the Prefectural Health Promotion Plan. - 厚生労働省

社会保障の機能強化の議論は、「国家」、 「共同体(家族・地域)」 「市場」の特徴・機能を踏まえる必要。 ※デンマーク出身の社会政策学者(1947-)。緻密な歴史分析と計量分析を用いた「福祉レジーム」論を提示し、世界中に大きな影響を及ぼしている。 類 型 主な特徴 社会民主主義レジーム (北欧諸国) 国家の役割大 保守主義レジーム (大陸ヨーロッパ諸国) 家族・職域の 役割大 自由主義レジーム (アングロサクソン諸国) 市場の役割大 日本はどの類型にもはっきりとは収まらないが、以下の特徴がある。例文帳に追加

The debate of functional enhancement of social security should be included with special features and functions ofstate’, ‘community (family and local community) and ‘market’. S ※ A Danish sociologist (1947- ). He presented the ‘Welfare regime’ with meticulous historical analysis and quantitative analysis that has had a great impact all over the world. Molding Major characteristics Social democracy regime (Northern European nations) Big role of states Conservatism regime (Continental European nations) Big role of family and employment Liberalism regime (Anglo-Saxon nations) Bigger role of marketsThe Japanese system is not quite categorized into one model, but has the following characteristics: - 厚生労働省


3 職員団体が登録される資格を有し、及び引き続いて登録されているためには、規約の作成又は変更、役員の選挙その他これらに準ずる重要な行為が、すべての構成員が平等に参加する機会を有する直接かつ秘密の投票による全員の過半数(役員の選挙については、投票者の過半数)によつて決定される旨の手続を定め、かつ、現実にその手続によりこれらの重要な行為が決定されることを必要とする。ただし、連合体である職員団体又は全国的規模をもつ職員団体にあつては、すべての構成員が平等に参加する機会を有する構成団体ごと又は地域若しくは職域ごとの直接かつ秘密の投票による投票者の過半数で代議員を選挙し、この代議員の全員が平等に参加する機会を有する直接かつ秘密の投票による全員の過半数(役員の選挙については、投票者の過半数)によつて決定される旨の手続を定め、かつ、現実に、その手続により決定されることをもつて足りるものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) In order to qualify for and maintain registration, an employee organization is required to provide procedures whereby the adoption or revision of its constitution, election of officers, and other equivalently important acts are decided by a majority of all its members (by a majority of those who voted, in the case of the election of officers) by direct secret vote in which every member is given an equal opportunity to participate, and is required to ensure that these important acts are actually decided in accordance with the procedures so provided for. In the case of an employee organization which is a federation or is national in scope, however, it shall suffice to establish and to actually observe such procedures provided for that delegates are elected by a majority vote by direct secret vote held for each constituent organization or each geographical area or occupational area which every member is given an equal opportunity to participate in, and, further, that the foregoing important acts be decided by a majority of all the delegates (by a majority of the delegates who voted, in the case of the election of officers) by direct secret vote in which each delegate is given an equal opportunity to participate.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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