
「責任ある地位」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 責任ある地位の意味・解説 > 責任ある地位に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 41



a position of responsibility  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


a post of responsibility - Eゲイト英和辞典


hold a position of trust  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


He was appointed to a responsible post. - Tatoeba例文



assume responsibility for or leadership of  - 日本語WordNet



he holds a position of great responsibility  - 日本語WordNet


He was appointed to a responsible post.  - Tanaka Corpus


the exclusion of women from positions of responsibility  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


A man who lacks decision cannot hold a position of responsibility.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典



The position is left vacant for want of a fit person.  - 斎藤和英大辞典



My father has no longer a responsible position. - Tatoeba例文


She gained a position of responsibility in the firm. - Tatoeba例文


Beth is unqualified for such a responsible post. - Tatoeba例文


a role as owner of a private school  - EDR日英対訳辞書


a person who is in charge of a section, within an organization - EDR日英対訳辞書


to resign from one's position in order to take responsibility for one's failure  - EDR日英対訳辞書


He holds a position of trust in the bank. - Eゲイト英和辞典


My father has no longer a responsible position.  - Tanaka Corpus


She attained a responsible position of the firm.  - Tanaka Corpus


Beth is unqualified for such a responsible post.  - Tanaka Corpus


a person who is an owner of a private school  - EDR日英対訳辞書


a person who is in the top position in a company or organization and who is responsible for managing it - EDR日英対訳辞書


Since you are in a responsible position, I want you to behave as discreetly as possible.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


After fifteen years at a building firm, Bill Pearson was given the responsible position of area manager. - Tatoeba例文


After fifteen years at a building firm, Bill Pearson was given the responsible position of area manager.  - Tanaka Corpus

5. 前各項の規定にかかわらず、有限責任組合員は、その取得又は買付けに係る組合員たる地位を不適格投資家に対して譲渡することが禁止される。適格機関投資家である有限責任組合員がその発行に応じて取得した組合員たる地位については、当該有限責任組合員及びその後当該組合員たる地位を承継した有限責任組合員は、当該組合員たる地位を適格機関投資家以外の者に対して譲渡することが禁止される。また、適格機関投資家以外の者である有限責任組合員がその発行に応じて取得した組合員たる地位については、当該有限責任組合員及びその後当該組合員たる地位を買付けた有限責任組合員は当該組合員たる地位を一括して譲渡する場合以外に譲渡することが禁止される。例文帳に追加

(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, a Limited Partner shall be prohibited from transferring its status as a Partner that it has acquired or purchased to any Disqualified Investor. In respect of a status as a Partner acquired upon its issuance by a Limited Partner which is a Qualified Institutional Investor, such Limited Partner and any successor to such Limited Partner’s status as a Partner shall be prohibited from transferring its status as a Partner to any person other than a Qualified Institutional Investor. In respect of a status as a Partner acquired upon its issuance by a Limited Partner which is not a Qualified Institutional Investor, such Limited Partner and any successor to such Limited Partner’s status as a Partner shall be prohibited from transferring its status as a Partner, unless such status is transferred in its entirety.  - 経済産業省

7. 無限責任組合員は、他の組合員の全員の書面による同意がある場合を除きその組合員たる地位を譲渡することができない。例文帳に追加

(7) The General Partner may not transfer its status as a Partner without the written consent of all other Partners.  - 経済産業省

4. 前項に定める有限責任組合員は、組合員たる地位ある間、法令の変更に基づく場合及び無限責任組合員の事前の書面による承諾がある場合を除き、適格機関投資家であり続けるものとし、前項の表明及び保証が真実若しくは正確でないことが判明した場合、又は適格機関投資家でなくなった場合は、直ちに無限責任組合員に通知するものとする。例文帳に追加

(4) Each Limited Partner set forth in the preceding paragraph shall continue to be a Qualified Institutional Investor while it is a Partner, except where there is any change of laws or regulations or the prior written consent of the General Partner. If it is discovered that the representation or warranty given under the preceding paragraph is not true or correct or that it has ceased to be a Qualified Institutional Investor, it shall immediately notify the General Partner.  - 経済産業省

1. 有限責任組合員は、無限責任組合員の書面による承諾がある場合を除き、その組合員たる地位について、裁判上及び裁判外の事由の如何を問わず、譲渡、質入れ、担保権設定その他一切処分することができない。例文帳に追加

(1) A Limited Partner may not transfer, pledge, hypothecate or otherwise dispose of its status as a Partner for any reasons existing in or out of court without obtaining the written consent of the General Partner.  - 経済産業省


One stable master pointed out, "Grand champions don't get their titles taken away no matter how bad their results are. Therefore, they carry a very heavy burden of responsibility. Takanohana must not take advantage of his title."  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

一 役員、雇入解雇昇進又は異動に関して直接の権限を持つ監督的地位ある労働者、使用者の労働関係についての計画と方針とに関する機密の事項に接し、そのためにその職務上の義務と責任とが当該労働組合の組合員としての誠意と責任とに直接にてい触する監督的地位ある労働者その他使用者の利益を代表する者の参加を許すもの例文帳に追加

(i) which admits to membership of officers; workers in supervisory positions having direct authority with respect to hiring, firing, promotions, or transfers; workers in supervisory positions having access to confidential information relating to the employer's labor relations plans and policies so that their official duties and responsibilities directly conflict with their sincerity and responsibilities as members of the labor union said; and other persons who represent the interests of the employer;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

1. 自然人である組合員が死亡し、その相続人が、無限責任組合員に対し、死亡後[3]ヶ月以内に無限責任組合員が別途要請する資料とともに被相続人の組合員たる地位を承継する旨を通知した場合、相続人は当該組合員の地位を承継することができる。但し、当該相続人が反社会的勢力に該当すると無限責任組合員が合理的に判断した場合又は当該相続人を組合員として認めることにより無限責任組合員が金融商品取引法第63 条第1 項に規定する要件を充足しないこととなる場合には、無限責任組合員は当該相続人による組合員の地位の承継を拒むことができる。例文帳に追加

(1) If a Partner who is a natural person dies, his/her heir may succeed to such Partner after providing the General Partner with a notice to the effect that such heir succeeds to such Partner’s status as a Partner within [three] months from death, together with materials as separately requested by the General Partner; provided, however, that if the General Partner reasonably determines that the heir falls under any category of Antisocial Forces or the General Partner would, by admitting the heir as a Partner, cease to satisfy the requirements prescribed in Article 63(1) of the FIEA, the General Partner may refuse the heir’s succession of such Partner’s status of a Partner.  - 経済産業省


How many women do you know that are managers with high levels of responsibility in Italian companies, public or private? - Tatoeba例文


Although Kurodo no betto was in an organizational position to supervise the entire staff at the Kurododokoro, including the Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain), all of the general practical business at the Kurododokoro was the responsibility of the Kurodo no to and the Kurodo no betto was regarded only as a public representative and honorary position not involved in practical business.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


China has a clear plot to deny Japan's responsibility for public safety, the independency of Korea, and the Treaty of Tianjin, hamper the rights and interests of Japan, and prevent peace in the East.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

2. 有限責任組合員は、組合員たる地位ある間、不適格投資家のいずれにも該当することになってはならないものとし、前項の表明及び保証が真実若しくは正確でないことが判明した場合、又は不適格投資家のいずれかに該当することとなった場合は、直ちに無限責任組合員に通知するものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) Each Limited Partner shall not fall under any category of Disqualified Investor while it is a Partner and, if it is discovered that the representation and warranty given under the preceding paragraph is not true or correct or that it has become a Disqualified Investor, it shall immediately notify the General Partner.  - 経済産業省


Furthermore, such incidents came to often happen and they began to think that, behind those incidents, there were political wars in provincial units, concerning positions of government officials such as gunji and so on, or intentional concealment efforts of absence of shozei payment or illegal confiscation of kanmotsu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


I visited Beijing and Hong Kong during this trip. On August 28, I, together with six other ministers, attended the Third Japan-China High-Level Economic Dialogue and, on August 29, I met with Premier Wen Jiabao in Zhongnanhai and also met with People's Bank of China Governor – the Chinese central bank governor, as you knowZhou Xiaochuan and also officials at the helm of supervision in the fields of banking, securities and insurance in Beijing. They are all officials responsible for supervision and are very high-ranking members of the Communist Party of China. I also had a chance to meet the State Post Bureau Director-General.  - 金融庁


Although the higher status enjoyed by the oban gashira, who was merely a head of security and an army captain compared to "Ometsuke" or "machi-bugyo" (town magistrate) who were, in fact, hatamoto in the 3,000 koku class, appears strange from the modern perspective, persons appointed to take charge of defense and military affairs were regarded more important in the shogunate, which was by nature a military regime.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

何人かが次に該当するときは,自己の名称を鑑定人名簿に記入させる資格があるものとする。 (i) 科学,工学,技術又は同等の学位を保有するとき (ii) 少なくとも15年の実務上又は研究上の経験を有するとき,及び (iii) 中央政府又は州政府の科学若しくは技術関係の部局又は何らかの機関において責任ある地位に現にあるか若しくはあったとき例文帳に追加

A person shall be qualified to have his name entered in the roll of scientific advisers, if he - (i) holds a degree in science, engineering, technology or equivalent; (ii) has at least fifteen years' practical or research experience; and (iii) he holds or has held a responsible post in a scientific or technical department of the Central or State Government or in any organization.  - 特許庁


3 職員は、職員団体を結成し、若しくは結成せず、又はこれに加入し、若しくは加入しないことができる。ただし、重要な行政上の決定を行う職員、重要な行政上の決定に参画する管理的地位ある職員、職員の任免に関して直接の権限を持つ監督的地位ある職員、職員の任免、分限、懲戒若しくは服務、職員の給与その他の勤務条件又は職員団体との関係についての当局の計画及び方針に関する機密の事項に接し、そのためにその職務上の義務と責任とが職員団体の構成員としての誠意と責任とに直接に抵触すると認められる監督的地位ある職員その他職員団体との関係において当局の立場に立つて遂行すべき職務を担当する職員(以下「管理職員等」という。)と管理職員等以外の職員とは、同一の職員団体を組織することができず、管理職員等と管理職員等以外の職員とが組織する団体は、この法律にいう「職員団体」ではない。例文帳に追加

(3) Officials may organize or refrain from organizing, or may join or refrain from joining an employee organization. However, officials making important administrative decisions, holding managerial positions who participate in making the aforementioned decisions, holding supervisory positions with direct authority on the appointment and dismissal of officials, or those holding supervisory positions with access to confidential matters related to plans and policies of the proper authorities on appointment and dismissal, change in employment status, disciplinary action or service discipline, remuneration and other working conditions of officials, or on their relations with employee organizations, whose obligations and responsibilities in the course of their duties are thus found to directly conflict with the sincerity and responsibilities as members of employee organizations, and other officials taking charge of duties which, in their relations with employee organizations, should be performed from the standpoint of the proper authorities (hereinafter referred to collectively as "managerial personnel, etc.") shall not form the same employee organization as officials other than managerial personnel, etc., and, further, an organization formed jointly by managerial personnel, etc. and by the officials other than managerial personnel, etc., is not the employee organization referred to in this Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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