
「Murder」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(15ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Yoshitoki HOJO managed to avoid the brunt of criticism over the murder of the innocent Shigetada, by deserting his father, Tokimasa, who had supported Tomomasa, Maki no kata's son in law; he also took advantage of a chaotic situation and took control of Musashi province by sweeping Tomomasa, and powerful members of the Chichibu clan including Shigenari INAGE and Shigetomo HANGAYA, from power. 例文帳に追加

北条義時は牧の方の娘婿である朝雅を担ぐ父時政を切り捨てる事によって、無実の重忠を討ったという御家人達の憎しみの矛先をかわし、混乱に乗じて朝雅と秩父一族の稲毛重成・榛谷重朝ら有力者を一掃して武蔵国の掌握に成功した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Now,' she said, sweetly, when she had finished, 'which do you prefer, to recognize your wife, or to turn all the property over to Samuel Walcott's widow and hang for his murder?' 例文帳に追加

書類を読み終わった後で、ニーナはいかにも親切な口調でこう付け加えました。ねぇ、あなた、あたしを喜んで妻に迎えるのと、サミュエル・ウォルコットの未亡人に財産をすべて譲って殺人罪で絞首刑にされるのと、どっちがいいのかしらね。 - Melville Davisson Post『罪体』

During those days, he asserted that it was unfair not to return to the Otomo family the paddy fields covering an area of about 10.9km in the Province of Kaga, which had been formerly owned by the Otomo family but confiscated and incorporated into the Kangakuden, state paddy fields to produce food for bureaucrat trainees, following the murder case of FUJIWARA no Tanetsugu; although OTOMO no Yakamochi was acquitted, and had the paddy fields forcibly returned to the Otomo family according to IkenJunikajo (lit. Twelve Opinions) by Kiyoyuki MIYOSHI. 例文帳に追加

また、この頃(承和_(日本)年間)藤原種継暗殺事件によって没収されて大学寮勧学田に編入された加賀国にあるかつての大伴家持所有の100町余りの水田を家持は無罪として赦免されているのに返還されないのは不当として強引に返還させたという(三善清行『意見十二箇条』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, the Seii Taishogun (literally, "a great general who subdues the barbarians") Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA banished the Kamakura kubo (Governor-general of the Kanto region) Shigeuji ASHIKAGA from Kamakura because Shigeuji's behavior, including the premeditated murder of Noritada UESUGI, was too violent and rude to be overlooked, but since the shogun was not powerful enough to defeat him, Noritane attempted to increase his influence by supporting Shigeuji ASHIKAGA's side, which lineage has also been called the Chiba clan from that time onwards. 例文帳に追加

また、征夷大将軍足利義政は、上杉憲忠を謀殺するなど粗暴な振る舞いの目立つ鎌倉公方足利成氏に対し、鎌倉からは追放はしたものの討伐するだけの力が無かったので、孝胤は足利成氏側に付き勢力拡大を図り、その後この系統も千葉氏と呼ばれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although his fiery temperament allowed him to achieve remarkable feats on the battlefield, he ran away because he was criticized for his violation of military command such as his carrying out Ichiban-yari (a person who instigates the war) in the battle of Komaki-Nagakute even if he was a general of an army as well as the murder of his vessel who reported his misconducts to Tadashige, and he received a hokokamae (virtual prohibition of working for other families, as a punishment) by his father. 例文帳に追加

気性が激しいだけに戦場での働きはめざましかったが、小牧・長久手の戦いの際に一軍の大将でもあるにも関わらず自ら一番槍を挙げるなどの軍令違反を咎められたことや、さらに自らの不行状を忠重に報告した家臣を斬ったことで出奔し、父によって奉公構え(事実上の他家への仕官禁止)となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is recorded in Shinchoko-ki that Toshiie who had run away because of Kogai-giri (Japanese hairpin murder), when he took part in the Battle of Okehazama without Nobunaga's permission in order to get a chance to return to the Oda family, gained one severed head in the morning battle and two in the final battle, and when he then took part in the Battle of Moribe, made a great achievement of killing a stouthearted samurai who had another name "Kubitori Adachi". 例文帳に追加

笄斬りで出奔した利家が織田家復帰を賭けて信長に無断で参戦した桶狭間の戦いでも朝の合戦で首級一つ、本戦でも首級二つを挙げ、またその後の森部の戦いでは「頸取り足立」なる異名を持つ豪の者を討ち取る功を立てた、と信長公記に記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The murder episode depicted in this novel is a fiction created by the author Kikuchi; according to the novel, the main character killed his master, a direct retainer of the Tokugawa Shogunate, Saburobei NAKAGAWA, ran away with his master's concubine, became a robber while running a rest house at Torii Pass (Nagano Prefecture), but when he felt his sin, he went into priesthood, started excavation of a tunnel in expiation for his sin, and ended up working together with a son of Saburobei, who followed him seeking revenge, to complete the excavation. 例文帳に追加

作中では主である旗本中川三郎兵衛を殺害してその妾と出奔、鳥居峠(長野県)で茶屋経営の裏で強盗を働いていたが、己の罪業を感じて出家、主殺しの罪滅ぼしのために青の洞門の開削を始め、後に仇とつけ狙った三郎兵衛の息子と共に鑿ったものとされるが、主殺しなどのエピソードは菊池の創作である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The woman pointed out how much I resembled Walcott, what vast changes ten years of such life as we had led would naturally be expected to make in men, how utterly impossible it would be to trace back the fraud to Walcott's murder at Hell's Elbow, in the wild passes of the Sierra Nevadas. 例文帳に追加

するとニーナは、自分の計画に有利な点を数え上げました。私はウォルコットにそっくりだ。私たちが暮らしてきた十年あまりの人生を経験すれば、誰だって顔かたちは変わっていく。それに、彼の名を騙ったところで、シエラ・ネバダの人も通わぬヘルズ・エルボウで起こった人殺しにまで過去をたどってくることは誰にも出来ない。 - Melville Davisson Post『罪体』

If counsel for the People had been other than play-actors, they would have known in the beginning that Victor Ancona could not be convicted for murder, unless he were confronted in this court room with a living witness, who had looked into the dead face of Nina San Croix; or, if not that, a living witness who had seen him drive the dagger into her bosom. 例文帳に追加

検察側の面々がかかる役者揃いでさえなければ、今回の事件において、ニーナ・サン・クロワの死に顔を目撃した生き証人か、あるいは被告人が被害者の心臓にナイフを突き刺すところを目撃した者がこの法廷に現れぬ限り、そもそもヴィクター・アンコーナを殺人罪に処することはできないことくらい、当然知っていたはずであります。 - Melville Davisson Post『罪体』


Article 262 (1) Where a person who has filed a complaint or accusation regarding an offense set forth in Articles 193 to 196 of the Penal Code, Article 45 of the Subversive Activities Prevention Act (Act No. 240 of 1952), or Article 42 or 43 of the Act on Regulation of Organizations Which Have Committed Indiscriminate Mass Murder (Act No.147 of 1999) is dissatisfied with the disposition not to institute prosecution made by a public prosecutor, the complainant or accuser may request the district court which has jurisdiction over the location of the public prosecutors office to which that public prosecutor belongs to commit the case to a court for trial. 例文帳に追加

第二百六十二条 刑法第百九十三条から第百九十六条まで又は破壊活動防止法(昭和二十七年法律第二百四十号)第四十五条若しくは無差別大量殺人行為を行った団体の規制に関する法律(平成十一年法律第百四十七号)第四十二条若しくは第四十三条の罪について告訴又は告発をした者は、検察官の公訴を提起しない処分に不服があるときは、その検察官所属の検察庁の所在地を管轄する地方裁判所に事件を裁判所の審判に付することを請求することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Around this time in Kyoto in 1565, Miyoshi sanninshu (three chief retainers of the Miyoshi clan, Nagayuki MIYOSHI, Masayasu MIYOSHI and Tomomichi IWANARI), influential people in the Miyoshi clan who had power in the Kinai region (the five capital provinces surrounding the ancient capitals of Nara and Kyoto), and Hisahide MATSUNAGA all collaborated in the murder of the thirteenth seii taishogun, Yoshiteru ASHIKAGA, who had been in increasing conflict with the Miyoshi clan due to his goal of restoring power to the Muromachi bakufu, and installed his cousin Yoshihide ASHIKAGA as the fourteenth shogun to serve as their puppet (Eiroku Incident). 例文帳に追加

このころ中央では、永禄8年(1565年)、かねて京都を中心に畿内で権勢を誇っていた三好氏の有力者・三好三人衆(三好長逸、三好政康、岩成友通)と松永久秀が、室町幕府権力の復活を目指して三好氏と対立を深めていた第13代征夷大将軍・足利義輝を暗殺し、第14代将軍として義輝の従弟・足利義栄を傀儡として擁立する(永禄の変)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There is a theory that the name Sasaki was changed from the ancestor's name, Misasagi no He, but in Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan) it was written that 'Sasakiyama gimi Karafukuro no Sukune' helped the Emperor Yuryaku to murder Prince Oshiha and was therefore demoted to the humble rank of Ryoko instead of receiving the death penalty and was transferred under Yamabe no muraji after being deprived of any title; however, because 'Okime no Omina' from his family confessed to where the remains of the Prince Oshiha were placed, 'Yamato Fukuro no Sukune', who was the brother of Okime no Omina, was given the name Sasakiyama gimi in place of Karafukuro no Sukune. 例文帳に追加

祖先は陵戸(みささぎのへ)で沙沙貴(ささき)の名前も陵戸が変化した物と言う説があるが、日本書紀には「狭々城山君韓袋宿裲」(ささきやまぎみからふくろのすくね)が雄略天皇による押磐皇子謀殺に荷担したために罰せられ、死刑とする代わりに身分を落とし賤民である陵戸とされ全ての官籍を剥奪の上で山部連の下に置かれたが、同族の「置目老嫗」(おきめのおみな)が押磐皇子の遺骨の所在を知らせた功により置目老嫗の兄である「倭袋宿裲」が韓袋宿裲に代わり狭々城山君の姓を賜ったとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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