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vulnerable peopleの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 63


to take advantage of other people's vulnerable points 例文帳に追加

つけいる - EDR日英対訳辞書

Presentation 5 :“Meeting the Social and Health Needs of Vulnerable People: A Systems Approach”(PDF:373KB)例文帳に追加

講演5 "Meeting the Social and Health Needs of Vulnerable People: A Systems Approach"(PDF:373KB) - 厚生労働省

Presentation 5 : "Caring societies for the socially vulnerable people suffering after natural disasters" (PDF1,577:KB)例文帳に追加

講演5 "Caring societies for the socially vulnerable people suffering after natural disasters" [1 - 厚生労働省

The Present Condition and Issues of Japan about the Employability Promotion for the Vulnerable People”(PDF:8,207KB)例文帳に追加

講演3"The Present Condition and Issues of Japan about the Employability Promotion for the Vulnerable People"(PDF:8 - 厚生労働省


The global economic crisis affected disproportionately the most vulnerable people. 例文帳に追加

世界経済危機は,最も脆弱な人々に過大な影響を与えた。 - 財務省


Poverty alleviation with a focus on vulnerable people- through strengthening collaboration between the social welfare and health services例文帳に追加

社会的弱者の貧困対策-保健と福祉の連携強化を通じて - 厚生労働省

Poverty alleviation with a focus on vulnerable people through strengthening collaboration between the social welfare and health services例文帳に追加

「社会的弱者の貧困対策-保健と福祉の連携強化を通じて」 - 厚生労働省

Group 1:“Gaps between supply and needs in the community care services for socially vulnerable people,例文帳に追加

グループ 1: 地域社会での社会的弱者ケアにおける需要と供給のギャップ - 厚生労働省

Group 2:“Gaps between supply and needs in the community care services for socially vulnerable people,例文帳に追加

グループ 2: 地域社会での社会的弱者ケアにおける需要と供給のギャップ - 厚生労働省


In order to implement measures for the socially vulnerable people, it is essential to closely coordinate with employment policies.例文帳に追加

社会的弱者に対する施策の実施には、雇用政策との連携が不可欠です。 - 厚生労働省


We must not forget that poor people, women, handicapped persons and elderly people are vulnerable to risks. 例文帳に追加

また、貧困層、女性、障害者や高齢者などがリスクに対して脆弱であることも忘れてはなりません。 - 財務省

To promote Public Private People Partnership (PPPP) in providing a supportive environment for the vulnerable groups to optimize their potential;例文帳に追加

社会的弱者の能力を最大限に活用するための支援環境の提供に際して、官民及び市民パートナーシップ(Public Private People Partnership:PPPP)を促進する。 - 厚生労働省

Former Minister Takenaka aimed to create a competitive society, while former Minister Kamei paid consideration to vulnerable people and enacted the SME Financing Facilitation Act. 例文帳に追加

竹中元大臣の競争社会を作っていくというところ、亀井元大臣の弱者に対する配慮、金融円滑化法を作られました。 - 金融庁

Human Resource Development in the sectors of Welfare and Health~ with a focus on capacity building of service providers and employability promotion of vulnerable people ~”例文帳に追加

「福祉及び保健分野における人材育成-サービス提供者の能力向上と社会的弱者の就業能力育成に焦点をあてて-」 - 厚生労働省

To protect human dignity and promote decent and productive work for older persons, people with disabilities (PWDs) and other vulnerable groups,例文帳に追加

高齢者、障害者その他社会的弱者の人間としての尊厳を守り、やりがいのある生産的な仕事への就労を促進する。 - 厚生労働省

At this tenth meeting over the coming three days, it is my hope that the participants will exchange a wide range of useful information and experience in natural disaster response and management for social vulnerable people.例文帳に追加

こうした対応の経験と教訓を共有し、ASEAN各国の政策立案のお役に立てることを期待いたします。 - 厚生労働省

Japan learned a number of meaningful lessons supporting the socially vulnerable people in the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11 last year, which was a quake of unprecedented magnitude.例文帳に追加

昨年3月11日に発生した東日本大震災の規模は予想外の大きさで、社会的弱者への対応に関しても教訓が多くありました。 - 厚生労働省

In order to reduce disaster risk to socially vulnerable people, it is necessary to improve the safety nets in communities beforehand so that it may function immediately after disaster strikes.例文帳に追加

社会的弱者の災害リスクを軽減するため、平時からの地域における社会的セーフティネットの整備が非常に重要です。 - 厚生労働省

The full theme of this year’s meeting isPoverty alleviation with a focus on vulnerable people—through strengthening collaboration between the social welfare and health services.”例文帳に追加

今回の会合は、「社会的弱者の貧困削減~保健と福祉の連携強化を通じて~」をテーマとしております。 - 厚生労働省

Introduction “The 8th ASEAN & Japan High Level Officials Meeting on Caring SocietiesPoverty alleviation with a focus on vulnerable people” (Mr. Daisuke Koga, Deputy Director, Office of International Cooperation, International Affairs Division, Minister’s Secretariat, MHLW)例文帳に追加

本会合の趣旨説明(古賀大輔 厚生労働省大臣官房国際課国際協力室長補佐) - 厚生労働省

At this ninth meeting over the next four days, participants from ASEAN countries and Japan will exchange information on and discuss ways of developing the capacity of health and welfare service providers. We are also aiming at promoting the employability of the socially vulnerable people such as the elderly and the disabled who receive welfare services, through setting human resource development in health and welfare services as the main theme.例文帳に追加

本年の会合は本日から、4日間、保健と福祉の人材育成(human resource development in health and welfare services)をメインテーマとして、保健及び福祉サービスを提供する人材の能力向上(increasing the ability of socially vulnerable people)について、ASEAN各国及び日本での情報の共有、情報交換、議論を行います。 - 厚生労働省

We have placed focus on vulnerable people so that we may discuss not only countermeasures targeting people currently placed in poor conditions - that is to saysaving the poor” - but also measures to prevent members of the middle class vulnerable to worsening of the economy, illnesses and other risks, from returning to poverty - that is to saypreventing poverty”.例文帳に追加

社会的弱者に焦点を当てているのは、現に貧困な状況にある人々への対策(救貧)のみならず、経済の悪化や病気といったリスクに対して脆弱な中間層が、貧困に逆戻りすることのないための予防対策(防貧)についても議論するためです。 - 厚生労働省

For that reasons, the furiuri was though to be a job for the socially vulnerable, and the bakufu issued a law that gave people aged 50 and over, or 15 and under, and people with disabilities permission to start the furiuri. 例文帳に追加

そのため振売は社会的弱者のための職業とされており、幕府は振売のための開業許可を50歳以上か15歳以下の人物、そして身体が不自由な人物に与える、と触れ書きを出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide an automatic voice messaging system that vocalizes and reports disaster information to people vulnerable to disaster who requires the disaster information most, and the visually handicapped and the aged people who are information shortfall.例文帳に追加

災害情報が最も必要とされる災害弱者や情報弱者となる視覚障害者や高齢者に対して、災害情報を音声化した上で通報する自動音声通報システムを提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁

10 ASEAN countries: 46 High level officials from Health, Welfare and Employment sectors respectively, for vulnerable people such as the disabled and elderly in Labour sector from each country Brunei Darussalam, Kingdomof Cambodia, Republic of Indonesia,Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia,Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Republic of the Philippines, The Republic of Singapore, Kingdom of Thailand,The Socialist Republic of Vietnam例文帳に追加

ASEAN10ヶ国(計46名) ブルネイ、カンボジア、インドネシア、ラオス、マレーシア、ミャンマー、フィリピン、シンガポール、タイ、ベトナム - 厚生労働省

Acknowledge that the issues related to vulnerable people are multidimensional, therefore, there is a need for closer collaboration and coordination among relevant Ministries, at both central and local levels, working in partnership with the people and private sectors, including civil societies, government officials, professionals and community volunteers;例文帳に追加

社会的弱者の抱えている問題は多様であるとの認識に基づき、国及び地方レベルの関連省庁間の緊密な連携の下に、官、民及び市民社会がパートナーシップを強化する必要がある。 - 厚生労働省

In particular, for the elderly, children and people with disabilities, and children, who are vulnerable to heat strokes, people around them should cooperate and carefully attend them.例文帳に追加

特に、熱中症への注意が必要な高齢者、障害児・障害者や子どもについては、周囲が協力して注意深く見守るようにしましょう。 - 厚生労働省

In addition, communicable diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, are making the situation even more serious. Regional conflicts do not only affect the countries directly engaged but the neighboring countries as well, effecting the most damage upon the vulnerable people. 例文帳に追加

これに加え、エイズ、結核、マラリアといった感染症が貧困問題を深刻にしており、また、地域紛争は紛争当事国だけでなく周辺地域にも影響を及ぼし、脆弱な人々に最も深刻な打撃を与えています。 - 財務省

According to "the Vision" announced in 1999, the Bank Group's ultimate mission is to bring sustainable growth and to reduce poverty in Africa. Regional conflicts do not only affect the countries directly engaged but the neighboring countries as well, effecting the most damage upon the vulnerable people. 例文帳に追加

1999年に策定された指針では、アフリカ経済の持続的成長と貧困削減の実現を究極的な使命とし、農業及び農村開発を業務の重要な柱と位置付けています。 - 財務省

Continuous efforts are required to establish more effective and efficient development approaches that will maximize the impact of development activities and thereby deliver benefits to the most vulnerable people. 例文帳に追加

援助資金が最大の開発効果を生み、また最も脆弱な人々に支援が直接に届くようにするためには、より効果的・効率的な援助手法を考案していく努力の継続が必要です。 - 財務省

Poor people in developing countries, living on subsistence agriculture, livestock farming, fishing, and the simple use of forest resources are the most vulnerable to direct damages on economic activities which the loss of ecosystems may cause. 例文帳に追加

自給農業、畜産、漁や素朴な森林利用に依存している途上国の貧困層は、生態系の喪失により経済活動が直接的な打撃を蒙るリスクに最も晒されております。 - 財務省

For over a decade since then, we have been providing support in grant to the most vulnerable people around the world by taking direct and innovative approaches, thereby supplementing assistance extended by the WBG to the governments and private sectors of developing countries. 例文帳に追加

以後10年にわたり、世界各地の最も脆弱な層の人々に対し、直接的且つ革新的なアプローチでグラントの提供を行い、途上国の政府や民間企業を対象とする世銀グループの支援を補完してまいりました。 - 財務省

Natural disasters can be a serious impediment to poverty reduction and affect poor and vulnerable people the most, and their impact is on the rise. 例文帳に追加

自然災害は貧困削減を進める上での深刻な障害となりうるものであり、貧しく脆弱な人々に最も大きな影響を与え、かつ、そのインパクトは増大。 - 財務省

Clearly, the global economy remains vulnerable, with a negative impact on the everyday lives of people all over the world, affecting jobs, trade, development, and the environment. 例文帳に追加

明らかに,世界経済は引き続き脆弱であり,世界中の人々の日々の生活への悪影響を及ぼし,雇用,貿易,開発及び環境に影響を与え続けている。 - 財務省

The Asia-Pacific region is among the most vulnerable in the world to natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods; people in this region are with a long history of severe damages inflicted by natural disasters. 例文帳に追加

アジア太平洋地域は、世界の中でも、地震や水害などの自然災害に見舞われやすい地域であり、これまで多くの被害を受けてきました。 - 財務省

Progress has been made in that many people in the LAC region have escaped from poverty. However, those middle-income citizens are still financially vulnerable and the risk of falling back into poverty remains high. 例文帳に追加

LAC諸国において多くの人々が貧困から抜け出していることは進展ではありますが、中所得層は脆弱で貧困層に転落してしまう畏れがあります。 - 財務省

To provide a fire prevention slide door with an excellent safety which is easily opened or closed by even persons vulnerable to disasters such as children, high-aged people or those utilizing wheelchairs while effectively shielding flame and smoke in case of fires.例文帳に追加

火災時に火炎や煙を効果的に遮断することができるとともに、子供や高齢者、車椅子利用者等の災害弱者であっても、開閉が容易に行える安全性に優れた防火引き戸を提供する。 - 特許庁

6. In cooperation with local governments, it is necessary to consider how to provide information, taking into account "people/groups vulnerable to information" such as foreigners, the disabled and the elderly.例文帳に追加

6. 外国人や障害者、高齢者などの「情報弱者」に配慮した情報提供の方法につい て、地方自治体とも連携しながら検討すべきである。 - 厚生労働省

To promote collaboration among health, social welfare and labour sectors for the vulnerable people, including the strengthening/establishing of national committees charged with developing and adopting cohesive cross-sectoral policies and actions;例文帳に追加

分野横断的な政策策定を任務とする国家委員会の強化や設置を含め、社会的弱者のための保健、福祉及び労働分野の連携を促進する。 - 厚生労働省

To enhance the functional integration of the vulnerable people into communities, especially older persons and PWDs, by documenting best practices and supporting effective approaches in community based social welfare services;例文帳に追加

地域社会に根ざした福祉サービスの成功事例の文書化と効果的アプローチを支援することによって、社会的弱者、とりわけ高齢者と障害者が、地域社会で役割を担うことを推進する。 - 厚生労働省

Themes for 2010 and 2011 are also reaffirmed as follows;- 2010: Health and Welfare Services for Vulnerable People- 2011: Human Resource Development in Welfare and Health例文帳に追加

また、2010年の会合のテーマは、社会的弱者に対する保健・福祉サービス、2011年の会合のテーマは保健・福祉分野の人材開発とすることが確認された。 - 厚生労働省

During the country presentations each ASEAN member state outlined basic policies for healthcare, welfare, and employment during natural and man-made disasters management including measures taken for the socially vulnerable people. They also shared information and experience among participating countries.例文帳に追加

ASEAN各国によるカントリープレゼンテーションでは、自然及び人為的な災害における保健、福祉及び雇用分野の政策や社会的弱者への対応に関する取組を報告し、参加国の間で情報、経験を共有しました。 - 厚生労働省

Recommended the following actions:Mainstream the special needs of socially vulnerable people such as the persons with disabilities, the elderly, women, children and other victims of disasters in the whole cycle of disaster preparedness, response, recovery and reconstruction;例文帳に追加

災害の準備、対応、復旧及び復興というサイクル全体に、障害者、高齢者、女性、子ども及びその他の被災者のような社会的弱者のニーズに配慮することを組み込む。 - 厚生労働省

This year’s meeting will be held for four days beginning today. With the main themePoverty alleviation with a focus on vulnerable people”, we will be sharing and exchanging information and conducting discussions among the ASEAN member countries and Japan.例文帳に追加

本年の会合は本日から4日間、社会的弱者の貧困削減をメインテーマとしてASEAN各国及び日本での情報の共有、情報交換、議論を行います。 - 厚生労働省

During this 8th meeting, we were able to exchange information and share valuable experiences under the theme ofPoverty alleviation with a focus on vulnerable people ― through strengthening collaboration between the social welfare and health services ―”.例文帳に追加

第8回を迎えました本会合では、「社会的弱者の貧困対策~保健と福祉の連携強化を通じて~」というテーマで皆様方と情報を交換し、経験を共有いたしました。 - 厚生労働省

Construct a broad welfare support network covering private businesses and organizations, to urgently deal with vulnerable people (the elderly and disabled in need of help) in time of disasters, and strengthen disaster measures.例文帳に追加

災害時に災害弱者(高齢者・障害者等支援が必要な方々)に対し緊急的に対応を行えるよう、民間事業者、団体等の広域的な福祉支援ネットワークを構築し、災害対策の強化を図る。 - 厚生労働省

It is the common challenge for all the participating countries to realize people’s self-sustenance and self-fulfillment, as well as to improve their quality of life and reduce poverty by supporting the entire community including socially vulnerable people, through collaboration between social welfare and health services.例文帳に追加

社会的に弱い立場にいる人々を含めた地域社会全体を保健と福祉の連携により支えることで、人々の自立と自己実現を図り、生活の質を向上させ、貧困削減に繋げていくことは、参加各国の共通の課題です。 - 厚生労働省

From these points of view, he pointed out the facts that the Shingon-ritsu sect established original Kaidan (platform for Buddhist rite of giving the commandments) for the official Kaidan which had been designated by the nation to give people the commandments independently, and taught people through 'the relief of the individual' including the relief of the socially vulnerable people such as hinin (the people at the lowest rank in Japanese caste system of the Edo period) by conducting social works, and the approval for giving the commandments to women (nun) who had been forbade to receive them by the nation. 例文帳に追加

この観点より、真言律宗がどの新仏教宗派よりも先に国家公認の戒壇に代わる独自の戒壇を樹立して独自の授戒を開始し、社会事業を通じて非人などの社会的弱者を救済し、あるいはこれまで国家から授戒を拒否されてきた女性(尼)への授戒を認めるなど、個人の救済を通じて社会に対する布教を行った事実を指摘した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In order to prevent the lives of poor people, who are most vulnerable to crises, from deteriorating further, it is important for the IDB to encourage the implementation of appropriate measures to deal with poverty through dialogue with the governments of the region and to actively provide loans and technical assistance focusing on reduction of poverty and income disparity. 例文帳に追加

危機に対して最も脆弱である貧困層が、更なる生活苦に陥ることがないよう、IDBが各国政府との政策対話を通じて適切な貧困対策の実施を促すと共に、貧困削減・格差是正にフォーカスした融資や技術協力を積極的に実施することが重要です。 - 財務省


Recovery plans should serve people by addressing the social and human dimensions of the crisis, through support for the most vulnerable, including active labour market policies, skills development, income support, effective social safety nets, pensions, education and enhanced training projects. 例文帳に追加

回復への計画は、積極的労働市場政策、技能開発、所得支援、効果的な社会的セーフティーネット、年金、教育、及び強化訓練プロジェクト等を含む、最も脆弱な人々への支援を通じて、危機の人的・社会的側面に対応することにより、人々の役に立つべきである。 - 経済産業省


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