意味 | 例文 (9件) |

英訳・英語 age-specific
該当件数 : 9件
When it is decided that the service target user STY is within a specific age range LAR by this specification, the data processing apparatus permits the provision of the age-limited service ACS. - 特許庁
An execution planning means 3 makes the execution plan of a loan to a loan object person based on the providing rate at a providing starting age specified by the means 2 and the data 12 of the loan object person. - 特許庁
The age verification device includes: a detection means for detecting person information including at least face information from an acquired image of the object person; and an age specification means for specifying whether the person is obviously over or under the age limit, or a person to be verified who is not identified, on the basis of the person information. - 特許庁
Thus, the service target user STY is permitted to receive the age-limited service ACS only by picking up the image of the age-limited article STP which the user can not possess unless the user is within the specific age range LAR. - 特許庁
To enable us to judge to what average physical shape of an age group a specific body as the object approximates by diversely classifying physical shapes of the human body. - 特許庁
The access to the smoking space SS is controlled by using cigarette packs TP, allowed to only subjects AP of a particular age group, so as to easily prevent an inappropriate subject AP from accessing the smoking space SS and admit an appropriate subject AP without stress. - 特許庁
A musical retrieval mode can be set wherein an age that an arbitrary user desires is specified based upon age data linked to the user ID recorded in a user-based age recording file and an input condition of past age or grade of the user and musical pieces to be retrieved are extracted according to the age. - 特許庁
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
Weblio例文辞書での「特定の年齢を対象とした」に類似した例文 |
the average age at which particular performances are expected to appear
a measure of age calculated by the number of years that a person or creature lives
businesses which cater to those over 65 years of age called silver businesses
the approximate age of someone
該当件数 : 9件
Thus, only when the service target user STY picks up the image of the public certification document DRC carrying the user upper half body photograph YFG, and transmits it, it is possible to provide the age-limited service ACS by estimating whether the user target user STY is within the specific age range LAR based on the age cultural characteristics ADS which are not biological characteristics PDS of the user upper half body photograph YFG. - 特許庁
Efforts are being made to encourage business operators to offer elderly persons some form of work such as subsidy for raising the retirement age (to subsidize small and medium-size business operators who have raised the retirement age to 65, introduced the continued employment system for people aged 70 or older who are willing to work, or abolished the retirement age system), subsidy for trial employment of middle and old aged people (by supporting business operators that hire middle-aged persons aged 45 or older on a trial basis (monthly payment of 40,000 yen per person with 3 months of benefit term at maximum )), subsidy to develop the employment of specific job seekers (to subsidize some part of their wages to business operators who hire elderly persons introduced by the job placement office ‘Hello Work’ as continued hired workers). - 厚生労働省
意味 | 例文 (9件) |
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