
「"Growth Rate"」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(16ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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"Growth Rate"を含む例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 770


“Export-driven modelmeans the countries and regions that have high dependency on export (see Figure 1-2-4-39) and experienced a downturn of exports due to a sharp decline in demand from developed countries after the crisis but improved its economy due to the factors such as the increased export to China after the crisis. “Export-driven modelmeans the countries and regions that have high dependency on export (see Figure 1-2-4-39) and experienced a downturn of exports due to a sharp decline in demand from developed countries after the crisis but improved its economy due to the factors such as the increased export to China after the crisis. In ASEAN, it applies to Singapore (GDP growth rate in 2009: minus 2.0%, Estimated GDP of 2010: 6.3%), Malaysia (2009: minus 1.7%, 2010: 5.3%) and Thailand (2009: minus 2.3%, 2010: 4.0%).例文帳に追加

「輸出主導型」の国・地域は、輸出依存度(第1-2-4-39 図)が高く、危機後には先進諸国の需要が急減したことにより輸出が後退したが、危機後中国向け輸出等の増加を通じ、景気の持ち直しがみられた国を指し、ASEANではシンガポール(同-2.0%→ 6.3%)、マレーシア( 同-1.7% → 5.3%)、タイ( 同-2.3%→ 4.0%)などが該当すると考えられる。 - 経済産業省

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), this decline in the economic growth rate is the result of decreased consumption, investment and exports due to the deteriorated foreign capital acquisition environment with declined foreign capital inflow influenced by the outbreak of the global financial crisis, shrank overseas demand and reduced money transfer to home countries by migrants and workers who moved from Latin America to other countries such as the U.S.例文帳に追加

IMFによれば、こうした経済成長率の低下は、世界経済危機の発生による海外からの資金流入の減少等の対外資金調達環境の悪化や海外需要の後退、及び、中南米から米国等の海外に出向いている労働者・移民による本国宛の送金(郷里送金)が減少し、消費、投資、輸出が落ち込んだことによる。 - 経済産業省

Next, a breakdown of the contribution rate by item to the growth rate in order to determine growth factors in household income reveals that in the U.S. contribution to growth is well balanced between employment remuneration, interest, and dividends while in Japan employment remuneration is substantially negative in contribution and interest income is also negative, reflecting the low level of interest rates in Japan (see Figure 2-2-52).例文帳に追加

次に、家計所得の成長要因を探るため成長率の項目別寄与度分解を行うと、米国は雇用者報酬、利子、配当がバランスよく成長し家計所得の成長に貢献しているのに対し、我が国は雇用者報酬が大きくマイナスに寄与するとともに、低金利を反映して利子収入もマイナスに寄与している(第2-2-52図)。 - 経済産業省

In this chapter we focus on labor productivity, which is important for maintaining and improving the growth rate of Japan's economy. We outline the level of and changes in labor productivity seen at SMEs thus far, and analyze the observable efforts that are common to SMEs with high labor productivity, with a view toward identifying the kind of challenges that should be addressed by SMEs in order to improve labor productivity.例文帳に追加

本章では、我が国経済の成長率を維持・向上させるために重要な労働生産性に着目して、これまでの中小企業の労働生産性の水準や変化を概観するとともに、労働生産性の向上のために中小企業はどのような課題に取り組むべきかという視点に立って、労働生産性が高い中小企業に共通して見られる取組について分析していく。 - 経済産業省


According to the above figure, Germany, which recorded the first negative growth (0.2%) quarter-on-quarter in eleven quarters since the 1st quarter of 2009, has exceeded France and has been the only major country at a high level beyond 100, markedly different from other major countries. In addition, Germany's real GDP growth rate throughout 2011 was 3.0%, far exceeding the 1.5% of the euro area average.例文帳に追加

2009年第1四半期以来11四半期ぶりに前期比マイナスとなったドイツ(同-0.2%)も、同図ではフランスを上回り主要国で唯一100を超える高水準で推移しており、他の主要国との差が鮮明になりつつある。なお、ドイツは2011年通年の実質GDP成長率も3.0%とユーロ圏の1.5%を大きく上回っている。 - 経済産業省


The euro area's industrial production was recovering modestly after having bottomed out in the first half of 2009. However, in 2011, the European debt crisis was worsening partly because of the questions raised about Greece's debt restructuring, which brought the worsening of business sentiment and the lowering corporate demand for equipment investments. Thus, the pace of recovery became sluggish and the growth rate in 2011 year-on-year recorded +3.5%, slowing markedly from +7.4% in 2010.例文帳に追加

ユーロ圏の鉱工業生産は、2009年前半を底として緩やかな回復を続けてきていたが、2011年に入りギリシャの債務再編が市場で取りざたされるなど欧州債務危機が深刻化し、企業の景況感の悪化や設備投資意欲の低下を招いたことから回復のペースが停滞し、2011年の前年比伸び率は+3.5%と2010年の同+7.4%から大幅に鈍化した。 - 経済産業省

Due to the onset of the world economic crisis in 2008, Germany's real GDP growth rate sharply declined to -3.5% year-on-year, but Germany escaped from an extremely deteriorating fiscal condition because of several factors including the successful control of unemployment thanks to the abovementioned working hour account system, etc., and the quick achievement of economic recovery based around exports to emerging economies and others leveraged by a high degree of international competitiveness.例文帳に追加

2008年の世界経済危機の発生により、ドイツの同年の実質GDP成長率も前年比-3.5%と大きく落ち込んだが、上述の労働時間口座制度などが奏功し失業者の急増を抑制できたこと、また高い国際競争力を背景に新興国向けの輸出などを梃子(てこ)にしていち早く景気回復を遂げたことなどから極端な財政状況の悪化を免れている。 - 経済産業省

The support for Greece has been reviewed on a quarterly basis by three bodies, the European Commission, IMF and ECB, since the first financial aid program was implemented in May 2010. However, examining this report in chronological order, it is indicated that the economic situation of the country has gone from bad to worse since the finance program was started, and especially the actual GDP growth rate forecast from 2011 to 2012 has been repeatedly revised downward.例文帳に追加

対ギリシャ支援は2010年5月の第1回融資実行以来、欧州委・IMF・ECBのトロイカによる四半期毎のレビューが行われているが、当該報告書を時系列で確認すると同国の経済情勢は融資プログラムの開始以来悪化の一途をたどっており、特に2011年から2012年にかけての実質GDP成長率予測は下方修正が繰り返されている。 - 経済産業省

According to the European Commission's estimate contained in the strategy, if these are all achieved, almost a half of the EU's trade will be covered by the FTA, the rates of tariffs on exports from the EU will be halved to1.7% on average, and the rates of tariffs on imports to the EU will be 1.3% on average (lowered by approximately 1/5). And as a result, a benefit of 600 per person will be provided to consumers in the EU, and the growth rate of the EU will be raised by at least 1%.例文帳に追加

戦略の中に盛り込まれた欧州委員会の試算によれば、これらがすべて実現するとEUの貿易のおよそ半分がFTAの対象になり、EUの輸出品に係る関税率は平均1.7%に半減、EUの輸入品に係る関税率は平均1.3%に低下(およそ5分の1の引下げ)することでEUの消費者には一人あたり年間600ユーロの便益がもたらされ、EUの成長率は1%以上引き上げられることになる。 - 経済産業省


Being led by United States of America, the monetary easing policy was advanced in the advanced economies, and abundant supply of money were flowing into the emerging economies, which were maintaining a high growth rate. Then, the foreign reserve increased in the emerging economies, and soon they started to invest in National Bonds circulated by advanced economies, mainly by the United States of America. This created a reverse cycle as funds from the emerging economies flowed back to the advanced economies. And it strengthened downward pressure to their long-term interest rate.例文帳に追加

米国を中心に先進国で金融緩和が進められ、潤沢となったマネーが高成長を維持する新興国に流入する一方、新興国では外貨準備が拡大し、その運用先として米国を始めとする先進国の国債への投資が進むと、先進国に資金が還流し、長期金利の押し下げ圧力が働く。 - 経済産業省


The Chinese nominal GDP was only 364.5 billion yuan in 1978 when the reformation and opening policy began, but after the high growth for 30 years, it became “the world’s factory” and afterward, transformed the figure to “the world market” with high growth rate. In 2010, the nominal GDP reached 39,800 billion Yuan (or US$5,900 billion), 110 times larger than the amount in 1978, and accounted for 9.5% of the whole world.例文帳に追加

中国の名目 GDP は、改革開放の始まった1978年にはわずか3,645億元にすぎなかったが、その後30年間に渡る高成長を経て、「世界の工場」へ、さらには巨大かつ成長率の高い「世界の市場」へと大きくその姿を変容させており、2010年は実にその110倍の39兆8,000億元(5兆9,000億ドル)と世界全体の9.5%を占めるに至っている。 - 経済産業省

The target of the real GDP growth rate for the next 5 years was decided at an average of 7% per year, but this was a lower level than 7.5% and 11.2% which were initial target of the 11th Five-Year Plan and the actual performance carried out respectively. It made clear that the Chinese government aimed at the qualitative enhancement rather than the quantitative expansion of the economic growth.例文帳に追加

今後5年間の実質 GDP 成長率の目標は年平均7%とされているが、これは、「第11次5か年計画(2006~2010年)」の当初目標である7.5%と実績である11.2%のいずれをも下回る水準であり、経済成長の量的拡大より質的充実を目指すという中国政府の姿勢が鮮明になっている。 - 経済産業省

The real GDP growth rate of these LDC countries increased rapidly since the 1990s, and was at 6.1% year-on-year in 2005. Looking at movements in the per capita GDP, however, this growth is low compared to countries with medium incomes, which continue to have equally high growth and of which many are developing countries, and it appears that the economic growth is not leading to increases in income (Figure 1-1-46).例文帳に追加

これらLDC 諸国の実質 GDP 成長率は、1990 年代以降急速に高まっており、2005 年では前年比 6.1%となっているが、1 人当たりGDPの推移を見ると、発展途上国が多く同等の高成長を続けている中所得国と比べてもその伸びは低く、経済成長が所得向上に結びついていない姿が見てとれる(第1-1-46図)。 - 経済産業省

Comparing China’s incremental capital-output ratio,26 which can be obtained by dividing investment as a percentage of nominal GDP by the real GDP growth rate, with that of Japan, South Korea, and ASEAN4 during high-growth periods, in order to see investment efficiency, China’s investment efficiency has been gradually declining, and it can be seen that China’s investment efficiency from 2000 through 2006 was lower than that of these Asian countries (Table 1-3-8).例文帳に追加

中国の投資効率を見るために、投資の対名目GDP比を実質GDP成長率で除して得られる限界資本係数を日本、韓国、ASEAN4の高度成長期のそれと比較すると、中国の投資効率は徐々に低下しており、2000年~2006年の中国の投資効率はこれらアジア諸国よりも低いことが分かる(第1-3-8表)。 - 経済産業省

Due to the expanded production volumes of the manufacturing industries in East Asia, along with the construction of efficient production networks and its move toward service-based economies, there is a growing demand for services to business. Although the growth rate of each country varies in terms of its share of the domestic service industries of intermediate input among all industries, the overall growth can be seen in the East Asia region as a whole (Column Figure 8-2).例文帳に追加

また、東アジアにおける製造業の生産量の拡大及び効率的生産ネットワーク構築や経済のサービス化などを背景として、全産業の中間投入に占める自国のサービス産業比率も、国別に差異はみられるものの全体として上昇しているなど、事業所向けサービスへの需要の高まりもうかがえる(コラム第8-2図)。 - 経済産業省

The transition of sales volume of overseas affiliated companies shows a decline in the latter half of 2008 due to the effect of the world economic crisis; however, it also shows that sales volume in Asia, which demonstrates a high economic growth rate, has been expanding more rapidly than in the case of any other region. Such sales volume in Asia exceeded that in North America in the third quarter of 2006, making Asia the region generating the largest sales volume (Figure 2-1-3-3).例文帳に追加

海外現地法人の売上高の推移を見ると、昨年後半は世界経済危機の影響により減少はしているものの、高い経済成長率を誇るアジアにおける売上高は他の地域以上のペースで拡大しており、2006年第3四半期に北米を上回り、最も売上高が大きい地域となっている(第2-1-3-3図)。 - 経済産業省

However, given that the growth rate of business output prices has slowed since 2006 (Figure 1-2- 28) due to decreases in profits and to the inhibited growth24 of unit labor costs25, and given that, up until now, there have been no signs that inflationary expectations will rise, it could be argued that, at present, the risk of stagflation in the US economy is not high.例文帳に追加

しかしながら、企業の産出価格の伸び率は、利潤の削減と単位労働コスト上昇率の抑制によって、2006年以降鈍化傾向にあること(1-2-28図)、また、前述のとおり、これまでのところインフレ期待も上昇する兆しが見えないことから、米国経済においては、今のところスタグフレーションとなる可能性は高くないと言える。 - 経済産業省

Matsuura and others (2008) studied the influence from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by the Japanese electric machine industry to the domestic productivity of those companies, which executed the investment. In the study, investments were categorized in horizontal FDI and vertical FDI. It indicated that horizontal FDI did not have much influence on domestic companies' productivity while vertical FDI had significant positive influence on domestic productivity level as well as its growth rate.例文帳に追加

我が国の電機機械産業における対外直接投資が、進出企業の国内における生産性に与える影響を分析した松浦他(2008)では、直接投資を水平的直接投資と垂直的直接投資に分類し、水平的直接投資は国内企業の生産性に大きな影響を与えていない一方、垂直的直接投資は、国内の生産性の水準に対しても、その成長率に対しても有意に正の影響を与えていることが示されている。 - 経済産業省

In the second quarter of 2006, the real GDP growth rate was 11.4%, significantly above the government’s target of 8%, and fixed asset investment saw accelerating growth of a total of 29.8% in January through June, 2006 (of which urban area investment was 31.3%). In response to these and other factors, the deposit reserve requirement ratio and interest rate on loans were increased, and in addition to adjustment guidance for the start of new construction projects, further strengthening of investment control measures was carried out, including strengthening the supervision of local governments and discount window operation for banks.例文帳に追加

2006年第2四半期においては、実質GDP成長率が11.4%と政府目標である8%を大きく上回るとともに、固定資産投資も2006年1~6月期累計で29.8%(うち、都市部投資は31.3%)と伸びを加速させたことなどを受けて、預金準備率や貸出金利の引上げ、新規着工プロジェクトの整理指導に加え、地方政府に対する監督の強化や銀行に対する窓口指導等の投資抑制策の一層の強化を行った。 - 経済産業省


By breaking down the annual average growth rate in real value added of Japanese service sector over the four years from 2001 to 2004,19 into contribution of the increase in labor input (considering labor quality in addition to the number of employers and the total working hours) and that of labor productivity, it is clear that only three industries achieved the real value added growth by raising labor productivity: financial intermediation, communications, and real estate (Figure 3-3-6).例文帳に追加

我が国サービス産業の実質付加価値の2001 年から2004 年まで4 年間の年平均上昇率を、労働投入量(被雇用者数、総労働時間に加えて労働の質を考慮)増加の寄与と労働生産性上昇の寄与に分解すると、労働生産性を上昇させることによって、実質付加価値の上昇を実現している業種は、金融仲介業、通信業、不動産業の3 業種のみであることがわかる(第3-3-6図)。 - 経済産業省


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