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該当件数 : 33


ビル内に オープンエアの空間を 作ることにより例文帳に追加

That creates an openair space in the building - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


The slot is provided with a slot open part where the spatial width is constricted at its inner peripheral end, and a general part where the spatial width is wider than the slot open part at its outer peripheral side. - 特許庁


When the file subject to access by AP 22 is a file 42 operated by an open system OS 4, an input/output control means 21 transfers the channel program to the memory space of the open system OS 4 with an inter-OS data transfer means 3. - 特許庁


To provide a method and system for converting a color space while a black is preserved, which functions with an open color management system. - 特許庁



To celebrate the 450th anniversary of 'Chiso,' it opened a retail shop 'Soya' on the ground floor of the head office building with a new concept of kimono (Japanese clothing) proposing integration into the living space of modern life and urban scenes.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To provide an inexpensive floor blowing type air conditioner capable of preventing inflow of outdoor air from outside an air conditioning target area such as an open space without impairing the design of a ceiling. - 特許庁


An elastic small piece is extended in a vertical direction for the curler slender main body and touches the head part, and an open space for a hair bundle to pass is formed in other parts of the slender body. - 特許庁


To provide an open showcase of high energy saving performance by suppressing temperature rise in a showcase storage space due to the influence of air current outside of a showcase body. - 特許庁


To provide environment under which various transactions are electronically executed by n to m and a third party can execute new service and to provide an open and secure business media space in which business security is assured. - 特許庁



To provide an environment allowing various transactions to be electronically carried out n to m and allowing a third party to implement a new service; and to provide an open and secure business media space where business security can be ensured. - 特許庁



To surely suck and remove gas while improving working environment in an open type fume hood with a working space open to the front. - 特許庁


Since this storage equipment 1 has a sense of stability, being different from a top heavy open showcase opening its front face, it can provide comfortable space for allowing the customer to do shopping with a sense of security even if it is installed in any section of a store. - 特許庁


To provide open roof structure for realizing an extremely compact structure, and reducing the capacity of a resultantly lost space to the minimum. - 特許庁


In the building 10, an open space A0 as an opened space, which is horizontally opened outdoors, is provided between a building body 11 and a partition wall 14. - 特許庁


This lighting system 10 includes: a plurality of ceiling luminaires 13 embedded in a ceiling of an open office 1; a plurality of light guide plates 14 arranged in a space inside of the open office 1 to emit the light from surfaces thereof; and a control section 15 controlling lighting of the ceiling luminaires 13 and the light guide plates 14. - 特許庁


It comprises the connection space which is networked for communication between input and output color devices, the input color profile for each input color device, the output color profile for each output color device, and an open color manager which links with the output color device, for which a prescribed input color device is selected. - 特許庁


To provide a tattoo device, an open round needle for a tattoo and an apparatus for manufacturing the same as well as a tattoo erasing device, an open round needle for erasing the tattoo and an apparatus for manufacturing the same capable of storing many collars in a space among the needles and having a small damage to a skin. - 特許庁


To provide a strong common space structure capable of taking various shapes by a combination of poles and frame members, and causing no damage to anywhere of a room in a structure for continuously connecting a space structure constructed for a required purpose in the sufficiently opened relationship with an external space other than the structure for opening an office. - 特許庁


To provide a water-tank test device for vehicles which can test not only a vehicle traveling along a track in an open space, but also a vehicle traveling in a tunnel, or the like, and can reproduce the motion of the vehicle itself correctly by adjusting the grounding force of a vehicle model. - 特許庁


Between a front face wall 8b in a heat insulating casing with which a goods displaying space part in an open showcase is covered and a kick plate 19 disposed inward the front face wall 8b, a receptacle 21 is disposed through a prescribed mounting member 22 so as to direct its plug insert face 21a substantially downward. - 特許庁


To provide an open show case by which a straightening area is secured without extending a straightening plate and a holder for attaching a display plate can be easily attached to the straightening plate to enable an upper space of a refrigeration room to be effectively usable. - 特許庁


To provide a commodity management system which can be used in open space such as a shop in a station needing no installation of a wireless gate such as a conventional theft prevention tag system, and capable of warning that a purchased commodity is left behind. - 特許庁


To provide an RF coil system for an open MR apparatus in which, concerning an interest examination volume, while high sensitivity is given in a detection mode, RF magnetic field generated in a transmit mode and a spatial sensitivity profile in the detection mode are limited as much as possible. - 特許庁


To provide a roof opening/closing device to realize a large serviceable space of a luggage room by accommodating a roof panel and a rear window in a compact fashion in a vehicle body of a type convertible to an open car in which the roof and the rear window are converted from a fitted condition to an accommodated condition. - 特許庁


It is formed free to change over the channel to a first storing state to make the channel normal open and to a second storing state to make the channel normal close by storing the valve unit in the storing space free to reverse so that the axial direction of the spool becomes reversed. - 特許庁


In the manufacturing method, manufacturing processes can be decreased, by detecting whether the circuit pattern is proper, and an open-circuit or short-circuit defect in an optical inspecting process and the yield of following processes can be improved. - 特許庁


To surely guide an unfrozen water flowing down from a distal end of an oblique chute in a tank for storing an icemaking water while an inner upper space of an ice storage cabinet is wisely assured by improving a shape of a distal end of the chute. - 特許庁


Then, when a priority mode is set in the parking support control part (315), the vehicle is guided so that a space with the necessary open distance or more (that is, a space without any obstacle) about the door can be secured at the both sides of the vehicle at the door side as the object of the priority mode (320, 355). - 特許庁


To provide technology for mapping a control register to a memory space and IO space in an open-system server mounted with a bus of an industry standard, and allowing simultaneous access from a plurality of OSs operating under control of a LPAR (Logical Partition) control program to a device holding only one control register for controlling the device. - 特許庁


The front of a ceiling panel 12, provided to jut out of the top of the main body of an open show case 1, is provided with an eaves 27 which juts out downwardly, and the rear of that eaves 27 is provided with a storage 18 for a seat member 17, which can cover the front opening of a goods display space 5 provided within the case body. - 特許庁


To provide a magnetic resonance device that is of type for scanning a sensor head on a plane to be measured, is of an opening type for generating a static magnetic field on an open surface, can insert a radio frequency magnetic field deeply into a measuring object, has an accurate radio frequency magnetic field generating coil, and has a spatial resolution. - 特許庁


To provide a magnetic resonance apparatus excellent in spatial resolution by making a high frequency magnetic field deeply into an object to be measured and improving precision of a high frequency magnetic field generation coil in the magnetic resonance apparatus of a type which makes a sensor head scan on a surface to be measured and the magnetic resonance apparatus of an open type which generates a static magnetic field on an open surface. - 特許庁



This antenna assembly structure of a radio communication terminal has a rod antenna, a stage type antenna formed as layered structure in which a lot of loop-shaped antennas each of which has an opening part are coupled alternately facing the coupling parts, a central hole which enables the rod antenna to extend upward from the device body, and an inner space for accepting the stage antenna is formed. - 特許庁


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