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該当件数 : 33



a skiing organization called 'Federation Internationale de Ski'  - EDR日英対訳辞書

お店の商品も 卸先の売掛金も押さえられて例文帳に追加

The shop's stock and accounts receivable were all taken... - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


A joint association of marine product wholesalers' unions has recently declared Oct. 10 to be "Fish Day."  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


Therefore, the unloading computer 36 prohibits the unloading of the oil liquid because there are no customer data and car number data in the subscription data when a driver of a tank lorry 11 mistakes a delivery distination to prevent the unloading of the oil liquid at a separate oil station. - 特許庁



Following the passing of the Wholesale Market Act in 1923, permission for setting up the market was obtained on June 2, 1925, and Kyoto Municipal Central Wholesale Market opened on December 11, 1927 as the first central wholesale market in Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To accurately evaluate the results of business activities by letting sales representatives or a sales department more appropriately allocate data on the degree of contribution of incentives that wholesalers obtain from suppliers. - 特許庁


The yamaoroshi-haishi-moto was developed in 1909 in the National Research Institute of Brewing established through the initiation of the Meiji government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the driver turns on a loading finished button 80, hatch information including the newly set delivery address or the like is updated and stored. - 特許庁


In carrying out the unloading work, the lid member 62 have to be removed from the charging port 24 first to be able to take off an oil type key 28 from the hook 60. - 特許庁



When a checking button 84 to change the delivery address is turned on, the delivery address of unloading unfinished is deleted, and a new delivery address is set. - 特許庁



A controller 11 mounted on a tank lorry 1 reads the identification information when the identification card 21 provided at the gas station 3 of interest is set, and writes the information into oil amount confirmation data for confirming an oil amount from an underground tank 4 at the station 3 of interest for transmitting in a predetermined cycle. - 特許庁


To prepare a delivery plan having excellent transportation efficiency when delivering articles to be delivered to a plurality of delivery destinations from a plurality of delivery origins and even when loading other delivery articles after unloading delivery articles at each delivery destination and delivering them to the next delivery destination. - 特許庁

(a) 侵害商品又はサービスの生産者,流通者,供給者及び所有者並びに意図された又は関わりがあった売業者及び小売業者の名称及び宛例文帳に追加

(a) the names and addresses of the producers, distributors, suppliers and holders of the infringing goods or services, as well as the intended or involved wholesalers and retailers; - 特許庁


When merchandise is purchased, merchandise information is effectively utilized by each subject by transferring the merchandise information and customer data to necessary providing destinations such as a credit company, a maker and a wholesaler. - 特許庁


To simplify direct shipment between a producing region and a consuming region in a physical distribution by developing an automatic computer wholesale auction system by future transactions and by realizing innovation by rationalizing fresh/perishable commodity wholesale transactions. - 特許庁


A look at employers of foreign workers by industry shows that a large proportion of foreign workers are in the medical care, education and social services industry (24.1 percent), the wholesale, retail and hotel industries (19.8 percent), other service industries (21.6 percent), and the mining and manufacturing industry (19.3 percent). - 経済産業省


As Asian markets grow, demand in Japan stagnates, and customers move abroad, SMEs in manufacturing and the wholesale trade, among others, are also expanding overseas.  - 経済産業省

売業の現地での展開が拡大すればするほど、仕入として、我が国からの調達比率や調達額が拡大する傾向にあると言える(第3-3-4-1 図)。例文帳に追加

It can be said that, the more wholesalers’ development expands in foreign countries, the more the procurement ratio and amount from Japan increase (Figure 3-3-4-1). - 経済産業省


The HPS directly receives order data from an end user without passing the retail store, stores the received data as order receiving data, temporarily allocates the number of commodities received from the end user to the stock data in the wholesale store, and transmits data indicating the reception of the order and the delivery date information of the wholesale store to the retail store which is an order destination originally supposed by the end user. - 特許庁


To reduce the load of the specific operation of a delivery destination facility in each maker in a circulation field in which sales result data to which a delivery destination facility code uniquely set by each wholesales has been applied are totaled for every maker, and transmitted to each maker. - 特許庁


When the travel guide deck 21 is driven by a driving mechanism 30, a front end of the travel guide deck 21 moves up and down, and a step between the front end of the travel guide deck 21 and a floor surface 18a of the container 18 is eliminated when loading and unloading the a load in the container 18. - 特許庁


Lastly, an ordering destination determining function 5 determines the retailer O or the manufacturing company MI as an ordering destination under specified conditions based upon the 1st and 2nd prices P1 and P2, the 1st and 2nd numbers N1 and N2 of days for delivery, and the ordering section. - 特許庁


The information referred to in paragraph (1) shall comprise the names and addresses of the producers, distributors, suppliers and any other former possessors of the products, supposed wholesalers and retail dealers, as well as information on the produced, made, delivered, received or ordered quantities and the price of such products.  - 特許庁


At a tip 19 between an unloading discharge pipe 1 of the tank lorry and a discharge hose 2, a base flange 4 at a terminal end of the discharge pipe 1, an outer periphery 22 of an inner valve 5 an internal flange 6 or the like are fastened and fixed by an inner bolt D. - 特許庁


To provide a liquid feed controller for use in a tank truck capable of automatically dividing and supplying an oil in one of tank chambers of the tank truck to separate underground tanks when unloading the oil in the truck loaded at a petroleum base to a gas station of a delivery destination. - 特許庁


To provide a carrying work planning method for efficiently allocating transporting works to transportation vehicles each having a cargo loading part and a traction part separatable from each other in distribution susceptible to cargo loading/unloading working time at a carry source and a carry destination, such as transportation of heavy loads. - 特許庁


Details of industry-specific screening specialists "Industry-specific screening specialists" are accrediting in the six main industries with which the bank does business (construction, distribution, iron/steel, machinery manufacturing, services, and wholesaling/retailing), and are drawn from staff that are in at least their fifth year with the bank; as of October 2005, 160 staff had been accredited.  - 経済産業省


(2) Efforts aimed at the development of markets overseas by SMEs Many SMEs citeoperations which make use of business connections in Japan,” “introductions and recommendations by business partners” and “use of trading companies and wholesale tradersas effective in developing markets overseas (Fig. 2-2-24). - 経済産業省


When the user ID associated with the asset ID in the stocktaking object asset storage part 5 is not associated with the asset ID in the user storage part 1, a management part 18 reads the contact destination associated with the asset ID from the user storage part 1, and transmits a message indicating a request for the approval of actual article confirmation performed by proxy to the contact destination. - 特許庁

(1)にいう情報は,その内容を次のとおりとすることができる: 名称及び宛であって,生産者,販売者,供給者及び以前にその製品又はサービスを保有していたそれ以外の者,並びに売又は小売の販売者と推定される者に関するもの, 生産,引渡,受領又は注文された数量,及びその製品又はサービスから生じた売上げに関する情報例文帳に追加

The information referred to in paragraph (1) may comprise: (i) the names and addresses of the producers, distributors, suppliers and any other persons who have previously been in possession of the products or services, as well as the supposed wholesale or retail distributors; (ii) information about the quantities that have been produced, delivered, received or ordered, as well as the proceeds from such products or services.  - 特許庁


As Fig. 2-1-104 shows, the main new fields entered by SMEs in construction since 1994 are, in descending order, construction (48.5%), services (24.2%), and wholesaling and retailing (9.3%). Thus while the highest proportion enter construction-related fields in which they can apply their existing know-how, it is also not uncommon for enterprises to enter the service and distribution industries so as to take advantage of their local knowledge (Case 2-1-12). - 経済産業省


Fig. 2-2-17 shows the current situation for each method of exporting products employed by large enterprises and SMEs, including direct export, indirect export (refers here and below to exports carried out through a third party, such as a trading company or wholesale trader within Japan or an export agent with the knowledge of the export partner) and exports abroad via a business partner, based on the Survey of Market Capture and Intellectual Property. - 経済産業省


(2)(c)及び(5)に基づき,侵害者又は(5)にいう者は,特に次の情報を提供するよう求められることがある。(a) 侵害商品又はサービスの生産者,流通業者,供給者及び所有者並びに意図された又は係わった売業者及び小売業者の名称及び宛 (b) 侵害商品又はサービスの生産,引渡,受領又は注文の数量,及び当該商品又はサービスの取引価格例文帳に追加

On the basis of paragraph (2)(c) and paragraph (5), the infringer or the person referred to in paragraph (5) may be required to provide, in particular, the following information: (a) the names and addresses of the producers, distributors, suppliers and holders of the infringing goods or services, as well as the intended or involved wholesalers and retailers; (b) the quantities produced, delivered, received or ordered of the infringing goods or services, as well as the prices obtained or given for the goods or services in question. - 特許庁


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浜島書店 Catch a Wave
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