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The people, whether military or civilian, killed in the war amounted to 14,000 in numbers (Taiwan History Dictionary).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


small shrubby tree of Japan and Taiwan  - 日本語WordNet


Not only monaka with azuki bean jam but also those with lotus-pip paste are popular in Taiwan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For this student, my oldest brother who was in Taiwan as an artillery member of the Taiwan Governor-General Office sent me a letter asking me 'to take care of the student called Zenpei OGASAWARA among the new students in the army cadet school this year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In September in the same year, Kyoto City Assembly elected Kojuro NAKAGAWA as the first candidate for mayor of Kyoto City, while he was staying in Taiwan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



On the other hand, a high rate of companies intend to reduce production or close production facilities in the Philippines, Taiwan, Singapore, and central-western China. - 経済産業省


Then, on May 2, when the main unit led by Tateki TANI and Noriyoshi AKAMATSU left Nagasaki by order of Saigo in two small warships which were got from the Edo Bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), the government officially approved it and on May 6, when they went ashore in southern Taiwan, they skirmished with the Taiwanese aborigines.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Takamori SAIGO, who was younger, received a secret order to conduct reconnaissance in Taiwan from Saiakira SHIMAZU, the lord of domain of Satsuma, so he landed in a small fishing village, Nampo-o, So-chin, Giran-ken (Nan Fang Ao, Suao Township, Yilan County) from North of Taiwan, Keelung, and he lived there pretending to be Ryukyuan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Elementary and secondary education for the mainlanders (Japanese) was charged by the elementary and secondary schools under the old system of education in accordance with the same Act of Education with the one enforced in Japan, while the one for Taiwanese was charged by kogakko (public schools) and higher elementary schools in accordance with the Act of Taiwanese Education.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


次いで1988 年に台北支社(台湾)を開設し、翌年から就学前の年長児向けの家庭学習商品「こどもちゃれんじ」(台湾では「巧連智」)事業を始め、対象学齢を拡大した(現在は幼児向け講座と学1、2 年生向けの低学年版、3、4 年生向けの中学年版を展開)。例文帳に追加

In 1988, it opened the Taipei Branch (Taiwan) and started the business of study-at-home material for pre-school children called the “Kodomo Challenge” (“in Taiwan) from the following year, then expanded the target school age (currently, there are infant courses, early elementary grades version for first- and second-grade primary school students, and the version for third to sixth grades). - 経済産業省



Some Japanese-style izakaya bars had served takoyaki since early times, and in 2001 the Taiwanese enterprise Ship of the Sun 'Octopus small meatball' established corporation in the mainland China and started opening a far-reaching chain in big cities.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although the war with Qing was over, Ogai was ordered to work in Taiwan which had been ceded to Japan (this placement was considered to be in harmony with that of Masanao KOIKE who was working in Korea).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This Zenpei OGASAWARA was born in 1881, left Iwate Prefecture, his home town, when he was sixteen years old, had been under the generous patronage of General Nogi, continually changed the place in Sendai, Taiwan, Tokyo, and Hokkaido, served in the Japanese-Russo War, and died in 1908 at the age of twenty-eight.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Though elementary and secondary schools were initially separated for Taiwanese and Japanese and the Japanese received a privileged treatment in examination, the difference was gradually becoming smaller as the Japanese rule progressed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In March 1941, the Act of Taiwanese Education was amended again, which amendment integrated Banjin Kogakko (public schools for Taiwanese aboriginal people) and Kogakko into Kokumin gakko and some schools were re-established as the ones for aboriginal children.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Subsequently the Xiaotzukeng Power Plant in the Xindian River and the Jhuzihment Power Plant in Meinong Township, Kaohsiung County were constructed in 1909, and the Chiahui Power Plant in the middle of Taiwan in 1911.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Taiwan, many people feel a strong affinity toward Japan107 and Japanese culture, food, and contents have spread and a huge variety of the service industry including the retail industry, convenience stores, and department stores in addition to the manufacturing sector have already advanced. - 経済産業省


Fixed number of places were perpared for children of Kuomintang Party members who received education in primary schools, junior high schools and high schools in Japan to study in Taiwan University as a student from overseas, and some professors who were educated in Japanese before World War II taught in Japanese these students who could not speak Chinese well.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Baiu (called also "tsuyu" and written also as "" [meaning 'rain of molds']) is a rainy period from May to July every year which is typical meteorological phenomenon seen in a wide area covering Japan excluding Hokkaido and Ogasawara Islands (Bonin Islands), the southern part of Korean Peninsula, coastal area of People's Republic of China including south and center China and Taiwan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As their technological strength is one of the things that gives Japanese SMEs their edge, “leaks of technologies and know-how” and “proliferation of counterfeit goods and other infringements of intellectual property rights” are also issues that cannot be ignored, and, among the NIEs, are cited by large proportions of enterprises in Taiwan and Korea as well as in China.  - 経済産業省


However, apple farmers in Japan did not bow to the tide of globalization or decrease their operations. Instead, they changed their sales strategies and ventured into the upper market segment in Southeast Asia—their conventional market—and promoted their products positively in Taiwan, since trade liberalization was implemented there. - 経済産業省


If we look at the state of intellectual property right infringements and responses according to size of enterprise (Fig. 2-2-28), it emerges that the incidence of infringements is highest in China and the NIEs (principally Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Korea), and a high proportion of SMEs, while aware of infringements, ignore them as they are unable to take any countermeasures (see Case 2-2-12).  - 経済産業省


Gaichi postal saving, Gaichi money order, Gaichi money order savingServices provided by the postal offices located in Korea, Taiwan, the Kwangtung Leased Territory, Sakhalin, Kurile Islands, the South Sea islands, Ogasawara Islands, Volcano Islands, Iotori Island, Iheya-Village and a part of Nansei Islands located below 27 degrees north latitude including Daito Islands (Article 2 of the Act on Special Treatment of Military Postal Savings, etc.).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

一方、中企業が大勢を占める台湾に比して、韓国は古くは財閥系の大手企業の存在が大きかった。 今でこそ、ITベンチャーを数多く輩出しているが、製造業の領域では半導体や液晶などのハイテク産業が牽引しており、最近の日本からの新規投資は、高度な部品などを提供する大手企業が中心となっている。例文帳に追加

In contrast with the prevalence of SMEs in Taiwan, large chaebol enterprises have traditionally had a major presence in Korea, and while at last many IT ventures are emerging from the ranks of SMEs, manufacturing is driven by high-tech industries such as the semiconductor and LCD industries, and the bulk of recent new investment by Japanese enterprises has been by large enterprises supplying advanced components.  - 経済産業省



OKUBO didn't think Daewongun lend an ear to persuasion, and thought SAIGO will be killed (even if he won't be killed, if Daewongun rejected the envoy, it can be a legitimate reason for outbreak of war) inevitably when he went to Korea, and he felt a sense of danger that they will start the war with Korea as a result, and his strategic decision that Japan doesn't have national strength at that time to strain the relationship (as a result, wage a war) with Korea, Qing, and eventually Russia, an emotional backlash to the remaining group that ignored agreement and about to dabble in diplomatic gambling, he strongly opposed because of the presence of a diplomatic matters (Ryukyu attribution issue with Qing [see the Taiwan expedition], territorial right problem on Sakhalin and Kurile Islands with Russia, territorial right problem on Ogasawara Islands [Bonin Islands] with England, revision of the unequal treaty) that must be dealt with before Korean Peninsula problem on Japanese international standing, and he correlated it with expenses etc and appealed postponement by telling disadvantage of subjugation of Korea.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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