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該当件数 : 36件
In more detail, it is classified into large tamaawa -> middle tamaawa -> small tamaawa. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To automatically feed even a few small ball tubular threads and small or large diameter ball cheeses. - 特許庁
It is a small sized type mikan mainly of M and S size, and smaller than Aoshima unshu. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To safety cut padding fixed to a small-ball part of a mold. - 特許庁
Ink drops of three kinds of volume, i.e., a large drop, an intermediate drop and a small drop, are prepared for halftone printing and three kinds of waveform are prepared, respectively, for the large drop, intermediate drop and small drop. - 特許庁
There is almost no gap between the finish end of the large droplet gathering pattern POD and the start end of the small droplet gathering pattern PKD when the discharge speeds of the large droplets and the small droplets are substantially the same ((B) in the figure). - 特許庁
The inside of this outer fabric is filled with deodorizing/drying cottons and fine balls such as beads. - 特許庁
Mr. Kodama is hoping Matsui will succeed in the major leagues and bring in more Japanese guests. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
When counting from 1 to 10, the small balls 4 are moved and when counting 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50, the big balls 5 are moved. - 特許庁
Landing position is shifted in the scanning direction, and thereby the gap H2a is formed ((C) in the figure), when the discharge speed of the small droplets is slow. - 特許庁
Then, a small droplet gathering pattern PKD is formed adjacent to the finish end of the large droplet gathering pattern POD in the Y direction. - 特許庁
As for the small balls 4, two balls of 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, and 9 and 10 are distinguished by using different colors so as to easily distinguish reciprocating the pool. - 特許庁
To make it possible to determine whether or not there is difference between discharge speeds of large droplets and small droplets having different volumes discharged from the same nozzle in a recording head. - 特許庁
The time T (h) required for after-ripening is expressed by the formula: T=[24 × (size parameter) × (ripeness degree parameter)]±12. - 特許庁
The remains of a ritual place (from the location of Makimuku Hishiro Imperial Palace of Emperor Keiko described by the Imperial tradition, some artifacts have been discovered, such as a jasper Magatama, stone Kushiro, jasper Kudatama (for threaded necklace), glass beads, and the earthenware from the late 4th century. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
One drive waveform is selected out of four drive waveforms, that is, a non-jetting waveform, a small dot waveform, a middle dot waveform and a large dot waveform, with respect to each of timely continuous driving periods of an inkjet head. - 特許庁
A bijouterie 4, a main bead 5, a plurality of small beads 6 and four heaven beads 7 are threaded on a string 2 to form a loop, the both ends of the string 2 are passed through a string catch and dewdrop-shaped beads prevents the pull-out of the string catch. - 特許庁
An image processor 6 binarizes a photographed image, extracts geometric characteristic parameters of individual graphic forms contained in the binarized image, extracts graphic forms, the characteristic parameters of which meet designated conditions as an image on the upper edge of a small lens previously formed on the spectacle lens, obtains the reference position according to the position of the upper edge of the small lens and obtains deviation of angle of the spectacle lens. - 特許庁
When the string catch 1 is slid toward the dewdrop-shaped beads 3 and the bijouterie 4 is slid similarly, clearances are formed between the bijouterie 4, the main bead 5, the plurality of small beads 6 and the four heaven beads 7 respectively to enlarge the internal circumference of the loop. - 特許庁
At that time, the formal name used at Ginza (an organization in charge of casting and appraising of silver during the Edo period) was 'Kodamagin,' but in the books of old coinage, such as "Kinginzuroku" (Gold & Silver catalog) and "Sanka zui" (Illustrations of the three types of money), it was recorded under the name of 'Mameitagin'. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Mr. Kodama, the president of the restaurant, says, "It's important for Matsui to get used to the new environment. Of course, food is a great part of it. I want him to come to my restaurant so that I can help him." - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
8 reidama (spirit beads) which appear in "Nanso Satomi hakken den" (The story of eight dog samurai and a princess of Satomi family in Nanso region) are 8 big beads that flown from crystal-made juzu that was possessed by Princess Fusehime and the remaining 100 small beads are connected and becomes juzu that Chudai hoshi possesses. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The curling-like game tool comprises a target main stone as a flat spherical body having a smooth bottom surface and a plurality of a gliding minor stones as flat spherical stones each having a smooth bottom surface to be glided and the target main stone is made heavier then the minor stones. - 特許庁
After purging operations (S3, S7, S11, S15) are completed, wiping operations (S4, S8, S12, S16) are respectively performed and, in the flushing operations, at first, flushing by a small ball waveform is performed (S18, S19) and, thereafter, flushing by a large ball waveform is performed (S20, S21). - 特許庁
In 1601, Keicho Chogin (oval silver coins) were made in Fushimi Ginza (silver mint) and since then, Chogin of a consistent standard had been coined by the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and after the Genwa era, Mameitagin (small coins) of the same quality were made as a permanent small currency unit. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a bifocal lens for presbyopia correction which is a lens comprising a base lens A1 and a small lens A2 embedded in a portion of it and prevents dust and unnecessary matter from sticking and secures an area for a hyperopic part A1 nearby a lens lower part A2. - 特許庁
The multifocal spectacle lens has a pair of refraction surfaces on an outer side and inner side, wherein the outside is formed as a multifocal face comprised of a base lens region and a small lens region and the inside is formed as an aspherical face and when an astigmatism correction function is imparted to the spectacle lens, an astigmatism correction characteristic is imparted to the inside. - 特許庁
Chogin in the beginning of Keicho era was cut by chisel in accordance with trade price, but in order to stop it, in 1620, Edo bakufu started to mint mameita-gin (small silver) composed of flat particle whose karat was the same as chogin (0.1 to 10 monme), and prohibited its cutting by chisel thereafter. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Provided is the bifocal lens for presbyopia correction characterized in that the lens comprises the base lens A1 and small lens A2 embedded therein and an eyeball-side two-lens joint part A3 has a surface which is vertically smooth and continuous and is joined to a horizontal joint part A3 with a step. - 特許庁
In the liquid drop ejector comprising a channel unit including a liquid containing chamber filled with liquid and an ejection opening communicating with one longitudinal end of the liquid containing chamber, and an actuator arranged on the liquid containing chamber, a pulse waveform 200 being applied for the print instruction of one microdot 1 consists of an ejection pulse signal X and an additional pulse signal Y. - 特許庁
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