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該当件数 : 115


② 研究開発推進体制の整備例文帳に追加

[2] Establishment of research framework - 厚生労働省


(6) Strengthen government's promotion organization. Build organization. [1] Strengthen METI's initiatives [2] Build all-Japan organization - 経済産業省


b) Further promotion of the certified investor protection organization system  - 金融庁


(1) Promotion of skills development programs by employers - 経済産業省



Support and Advance the Multilateral Trading System  - 経済産業省



- Build strong R&D management foundation. - 経済産業省


(9) Arrangement of the promotion system by the public and private sectors - 厚生労働省

第10章 行政体制の整備・情報政策の推進目次例文帳に追加

Chapter 10 Restructuring of the administration system and promotion of information policyTable of contents - 厚生労働省


Promotion of system improvement toward the establishment of integrated community care system - 厚生労働省



(i) Is the Screening Division established independently from the Marketing and Sales Division, etc. and is the situation avoided where the director in charge of the division concurrently takes charge of the Marketing and Sales Division, etc., for example, in order to prevent interference from the Marketing and Sales Division?  - 金融庁



Many companies are promoting economic value-based risk management as part of the development of integrated risk management systems.  - 金融庁


In particular, a decision was made on the staffing of the secretariat of the headquarters for the promotion of the civil servant system reform.  - 金融庁


5. Promoting the free trade system and constructing the strategic foreign economic relation - 経済産業省


(4) Program for development of quality control systems for the marine products industry (fiscal 2011 budget: ¥90 million)  - 経済産業省


(4) Program for development of quality control systems for the marine products industry (fiscal 2012 budget: ¥70 million) (Continuation) (See p. 213.)  - 経済産業省

第11章 行政体制の整備 (省内事業仕分け、広報、アフターサービスの推進等)例文帳に追加

Chapter 11 Restructuring of the administration system (Promotion of screening process within the ministries, public newsletter, after care service, etc.) - 厚生労働省


During this time, the supporters of the new order resigned from the cabinet, and Hiranuma designated the Imperial Rule Assistance Association a public interest association and made the supporters of the new order within the Association resign.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Therefore, starting in the early eleventh century, the national government actively promoted the reformation of the national system through decentralization, establishing a system called a dynastic nation-state.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is also important that arrangements for their implementation be put in place ensuring consistency throughout local government as a whole. - 経済産業省


The development of domestic resources and independently explored & developed energy & natural resources should be promoted, as well as construction of optimum production systems & the maintenance and strengthening of the domestic supply network. - 経済産業省


Aiming for COE of Integrated Area Studies (Promotion of Educational and Research System Utilizing the Field Stations)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The third is to strengthen market surveillance in order to steadily implement the Better Market Initiative and establish reliable and vibrant markets.  - 金融庁


The fourth is to improve the framework for implementing further measures to protect users of financial services.  - 金融庁


Strengthening of a multifaceted free trade structure will be indispensable in further promoting free trade in the future. - 経済産業省

(オ) 需給構造の最適化、(カ) 国際協力の推進、(キ) 安的・経済的・クリーン・安全なエネルギー供給体制の構築例文帳に追加

(e) Optimize the supply-demand structure (f) Promote international cooperation (g) Develop stable, economical, clean and safe energy supply systems - 経済産業省


Movement toward the promotion of free trade system and construction of strategic foreign economic relation is discussed below. - 経済産業省

③ 欧州、アジア地域などの地域ごとに国際物流拠点の整備と集約化を推進し、地域の効率的な物流体制を構築した。例文帳に追加

(c) Moved forward with development and centralization of international distribution centers for each region in Europe, Asia, etc., and built efficient regional distribution systems. - 経済産業省


Strengthening of control and monitoring systems for agricultural chemicals, etc., and the promotion of pre-export inspections, through on-site inspections and bilateral discussions. - 厚生労働省


Strengthen the structure of Employment Support Teams (partnership between Hello Work and welfare offices, etc.) to facilitate one-on-one total employment support. - 厚生労働省


The national government and local governments shall endeavor to secure public health nurses, registered dietitians, etc. to implement policy relating to health promotion and improve their qualifications, to cooperate with exercise coaches working for health promotion, such as health and exercise trainers, and with general and sports physicians, and to create systems to support volunteer organizations and self-help groups, including those with members promoting dietary improvement, the spread of exercise, stopping smoking, etc. - 厚生労働省


Furthermore, the new economic policy outline, which was one of the key points of the new order movement, faced opposition from the financial world, with Ichizo KOBAYASHI, the Minister of Commerce and Industry, clashing with Vice-Minister, Nobusuke KISHI, the driving force behind the outline, whom Kobayashi criticized as 'a red.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In order to foster children’s concepts of career and work, career education was promoted through the establishment of a framework for local cooperation and the implementation ofCareer Start Week,” a workplace experience project intended mainly for lower secondary school students that lasts at least 5 days. - 経済産業省


It is recommended that the prefectural governments develop systems for implementing measures against hepatitis that are consistent with regional conditions, and to promote these measures in cooperation with the relevant municipalities and special city wards, e.g., make a plan for promotion of measures for hepatitis by prefecture based on the principle of the Basic Act on Hepatitis Measures. - 厚生労働省


The national government will work toward achieving these targets by setting standards and guidelines relating to healthy diet and nutrition, promoting people’s movements relating to healthy diet through collaboration among relevant administrative organs, promoting dietary education, training human resources with specialized technical ability, and putting in place systems through cooperation between companies and civil organizations, etc. - 厚生労働省

2 国は、循環型社会の形成に関する科学技術の振興を図るため、研究体制の整備、研究開発の推進及びその成果の普及、研究者の養成その他の必要な措置を講ずるものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) The State shall take necessary measures, including improvement of research systems, promotion of research and development activities, dissemination of its results, and training of researchers, to promote the development of science and technology towards the establishment of a Sound Material-Cycle Society.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


This merger resulted from the strong pressure exerted by Shigenobu OKUMA (Minbu-no-Taifu) and Hirobumi ITO (Okura-no-Shofu) aiming to establish the centralized administrative framework by integrating a tax collection system (Minbu-sho) and a financial system (Okura-sho).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Ensuring market fairness and transparency requires further improvement in supervision and market surveillance by regulators. At the same time, it is also important to promote further strengthening of self regulatory functions by the industry, which complements the regulators' activities.  - 金融庁


Do the administrative divisions adopt a system that enables the sufficient functioning of a check-and-balance system in relation to compliance with the Foreign Exchange Act, etc. while being independent from the Marketing and Sales Division?  - 財務省


Meanwhile, given the situation that developments toward FTAs and EPAs are gaining momentum worldwide, it was decided that Japan would vigorously promote efforts aimed at FTAs as a way of complementing and strengthening the multilateral free trade system. - 経済産業省


With the interests of countries becoming more and more complicated, the enhancement of a multifaceted trade framework based on WTO rules will be indispensable in further promoting free trade. - 経済産業省

各国の利害関係がますます複雑化する中、自由貿易の一層の推進に向けて、WTO ルールに基づく多角的貿易体制の強化が不可欠である。例文帳に追加

With complicated interests of each country, strengthening of the multidirectional trade based on the WTO rules is indispensable to aim at further promotion of the free trade. - 経済産業省


In addition, to strengthen cooperation including resource companies as well as business user companies, to secure resources with supply chain from upstream to downstream, are moving forward to ensure all resources in the all-Japan system. - 経済産業省


Other systems, such as the Special Zone Advisory Council chaired by the Prime Minister and the Special Zone Promotion Headquarters for each special zone led by ministers, mayors, and private business operators, will be promptly established in order to advance the project from the top down.  - 経済産業省


San-in Godo Bank has also appointed a business matching promotion manager at each branch, and implements thorough progress management on business discussions and results. The promotion structure emphasizes on-site works.  - 経済産業省

(4) 健康・福祉対策推進等事業:近年の新型インフルエンザ、レジオネラ症等感染症の発生に対応できる体制を整えることにより、生衛業における衛生水準の維持向上を図る事業を実施した。例文帳に追加

(4) Promotion of health and welfare measures: Activities were undertaken to maintain and raise hygiene standards in the ES businesses by developing arrangements capable of dealing with outbreaks of infectious diseases, such as the outbreaks in recent years of new strains of influenza and Legionnaire’s disease.  - 経済産業省


Such risks cannot be taken merely by the resource developing company, and it is necessary, as a nation, to promote support by supplying risk money, risk taking with use of trade insurance, etc. or the establishment of appropriate risk management system, etc. - 経済産業省


With regard to the structure, a technical fellow who can provide an overview of technology and the president of an operational company who can promote development from the perspective of an entrepreneur have been selected as the top managers, and have initiated discussions that cut across business fields from the perspectives of both technology and business. - 経済産業省


Since there is an apparent trend for enterprises without a person materially responsible for IT to have difficulty realizing the effects of IT utilization, it is advantageous for a person with responsibility within the organization to create a system for promoting IT utilization - 経済産業省

今後、A社は、日・仏・米に韓国を加えた世界 4 極生産体制によるグローバルオペレーションを推進することで成長市場の取り込みを図り、事業のさらなる拡大を目指している。例文帳に追加

By advancing global operation under the Tetrapolar Global Production Structure consisting of Japan, France, the United States, and South Korea, Company A intends to capture a growing market and further expand its business in the future. - 経済産業省



Great progress was also made with the improvement of dispute settlement mechanisms and securing the enforceability of rules, leading to the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) as the driving force behind these multilateral trading systems. - 経済産業省


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