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Mochitaka's son, Saneyuki HOSOKAWA was no more than a puppet of Yoshitaka and his son Nagaharu MIYOSHI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Teruyoshi ICHIJO, Yachiyo no kimi (the consort of Harumori TOKUGAWA), Masa no kimi (the lawful wife of Nobumichi KOGA), Nori no kimi (the person who inherited Sanbo-in Temple) were his children.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The members of yoriaishu during the Kenji era (1275 - 1278) included TAIRA no Yoritsuna and Shinsho SUWA, who were miuchibito, civil officer Yasuari MIYOSHI, and Yasumori, who was the only shogunal retainer among them.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The temple came under the umbrella of To-ji Temple in 1879, and Daigo-ji Temple and Sanbo-in had their names on the lists of Jogaku-ji (a limited number of private temples protected by officials) and main head temples, but they became independent and publicly declared the Daigo School of the Shingon Sect in 1905.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



On January 18, 1890, the Mitsuya book was printed by Shueisha Publishers with Totaro MITSUYA from Yamagata Prefecture being the editor and publisher and with Shintaro KOBAYASHI from Tokyo being the printer.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



When the three-story pagoda was established and how the temple was constructed are shown in a historical material called 'Hokki-ji Sanjuno Robanmei' (the description carved on the base of the pagoda finial of Hokki-ji Temple) which was cited in a medieval document titled "Shotoku Taishi denshiki" (the Private Recollections of the Life of Prince Shotoku) (written by Kenshin in 1242.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As for the number of regular national public servants, we are aiming to reduce the number of regular staff of administrative bodies by 553, while staffing appropriately for the sections that are truly necessary, such as public security. - 財務省


It is said that when he directed the movie trailer "Shinjitsu Ichiro" (path of sincerity) directed by Yuzo KAWASHIMA as the chief assistant director, Masahiro SHINODA and Osamu TAKAHASHI, beginning assistant directors, watched it, they were astonished at Nakahira's outstanding talent.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Along with the bell in Jingo-ji Temple in Kyoto and the one in Byodo-in Temple in Uji, it is known as one of 'Heian Sanzetsu no Kane (Heian's Three Best Bells),' and on its four sides there are bulged inscriptions of the words chosen by SUGAWARA no Michizane and calligraphed by ONO no Michikaze.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In the past, three Kyogen performers belonging to the Okura school received the honor of being named Living National Treasure, Yagoro ZENCHIKU (Kyuji SHIGEYAMA), Sensaku SHIGEYAMA, the third (real name, Shinichi, and also Sengoro SHIGEYAMA, the 11th) and Sensaku SHIGEYAMA, the fourth (real name, Shime, and also Sengoro SHIGEYAMA, the 12th, a Kyogen performer on the active list).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



After the death of Tadamori, the Southern House of the Fujiwara Clan further declined politically as the rise of the Northern House of Fujiwara Clan mainly due to the Jowa incident broken out soon after his death, however, his great-grandson FUJIWARA no Motozane became a great poet who was counted in one of the Thirty-six Immortal Poets and his great-great-grandson FUJIWARA no Muneyo married Sei Shonagon.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1935, through his close friend Kiichiro HIRANUMA, he began to associate with the generals of Kodoha (the Imperial Way group) of the army, such as Sadao ARAKI and Junzaburo MASAKI, taking a stance which was not always compatible with the political policy of Kinmochi SAIONJI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Tadazane's younger brother, the Lord of the Mikawa-Yoshida Domain (present-day Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture), and Tadatomo OGASAWARA (whose descendants were lords of Karatsu Domain, Hizen Province [present-day Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture] at the time of the Meiji Restoration) invited Sohen YAMADA, one of the 'Four Heavenly Kings' (as the closest followers of the founder of the Sansenke tea ceremony, SEN no Sotan, were known), to revive the matcha ceremony, though separately from the Ogasawara-ryu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to an article appeared in November 684 in the "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan), 'Following 13 clans should be given the kabane of Mahito; Moriyama no Kimi, Michi no Kimi, Takahashi no Kimi, the Mikuni clan, Taima clan, Umara no Kimi, Tajihi no Kimi, Ina no Kimi, Sakata no Kimi, Hata no Kimi, Okinaga no Kimi, Sakahito no Kimi, Yamaji no Kimi' and these Kimi kabane clans are probably the descendants of Emperor Ojin and those from Emperor Keitai to Emperor Yomei.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This work and Gidayu Kyogen (Kabuki adaptations of puppet plays) received great popularity by showing the greatly worshipped academic god Tenjin in the form of SUGAWARA no Michizane, and having the story told from the point of view of a servant of a nobles with triplets to show the influence of political turmoil to the public, and having the theatrical like turn of events.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Charges by Nobushige SANADA, Katsunaga MORI, Harufusa ONO and so on on the Toyotomi side killed and injured daimyo, officers and soldiers on the bakufu side and put the headquarters of Ieyasu/Hidetada in a great confusion, however, the bakufu army surpassing in forces, gradually recovering from chaos, regained its balance, while the Toyotomi army, having lost many officers and soldiers, was destroyed at about 3:00 pm.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Foremost classical stories include the following: among those without point are long continuous stories such as "Botan Doro (A Tale of the Peony Lamp" (this is usually regarded as Kaidan-banashi), "The Story of Tasuke SHIOBARA", "The Spine-Chiller in Kasanegafuchi", "The Story of Soza ANNAKA", "Futatsu Chocho (literally, two butterflies): Chobe and Chokichi", "Chikiri Iseya", "Bunji NARIHARA", "The Vendetta under a Nursing Hackberry Tree", "Otomi Yosaburo"; short stories such as "Bunshichi's Motoyui Shop", "Mitsui's Daikoku"; stories with points include "Dream of a Leather Wallet", "Parting with Son" (and "Children Hold a Marriage Together" is the latter part), "A Dyer and Courtesan Takao", "The Pumpkin Vendor", "Onaoshi (Extension Surcharge", "Rat Hole", "Kyuzo's Lottery", "Kaji Musuko (My Son is a Firefighter)", "Kakunoshin YANAGIDA", "Kajikazawa Precipice", "Dying Incense".  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In line with the ''Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal Management and Structural Reform 2003 (Basic Policies 2003),'' we conducted prioritized and efficient allocation of budget to areas that are conducive to building a vibrant society and economy and to ensuring people's safety, such as science and technology and security measures, and focused attention on truly necessary measures in other areas as well. - 財務省


A suction pad used for the suction surface of a suction jig to carry or fix parts and the like by evacuation comprises a porous sintered compact having a three-dimensional network structure in which mutually communicated voids are formed between solid scaffolds formed by sintering fine particles and also voidage is set within a range of 50-95 vol.%. - 特許庁


Since Sangaku-shinko faith originally developed from a form of animism faith worshipping nature, it took the form of syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism until the end of Edo period, but since this syncretism was banned under the order for the separation of Buddhism and Shintoism in the Meiji period, temples and shrines, including Dewa-sanzan Mountain, where Shugendo of the Shingon Esoteric Buddhism was strong, were separated, many of the main faith continued in shrines.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Three main schools of thought arose--the group made up of KAMO no Mabuchi, Munetake TAYASU, and others, which took the Manyoshu as its model; the group that included KADA no Arimaro and Norinaga MOTOORI, which took the Shin kokin wakashu as its model; and the group whose adherents included Roan OZAWA and Kageki KAGAWA, which took the Kokin wakashu as its model--these groups vigorously studied the Manyoshu, the Kokin wakashu and the Shin kokin wakashu, a state of affairs that continued until the early Meiji period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


6. Restrictive requirement shall apply to heads of relevant municipalities and food business operatorsconcerned not to distribute any log-grown brick caps (outdoor cultivation) produced inUtsunomiya-shi, Ashikaga-shi, Sano-shi, Kanuma-shi, Moka-shi, Otawara-shi, Yaita-shi,Nasushiobara-shi, Sakura-shi, Nasukarasuyama-shi, Kaminokawa-machi, Mogi-machi,Ichikai-machi, Haga-machi, Mibu-machi, Shioya-machi and Takanezawa-machi for the time being. - 厚生労働省


2. Restrictive requirements shall apply to heads of relevant municipalities and food businessoperators concerned not to distribute any Log-grown shiitakes (outdoor cultivation) produced inUtsunomiya-shi, Ashikaga-shi, Tochigi-shi, Kanuma-shi, Nikko-shi, Moka-shi, Otawara-shi,Yaita-shi, Nasushiobara-shi, Sakura-shi, Nasukarasuyama-shi, Kaminokawa-machi,Mashiko-machi, Motegi-machi, Ichikai-machi, Haga-machi, Mibu-machi, Shioya-machi,Takanezawa-machi, Nasu-machi and Nakagawa-machi for the time being. - 厚生労働省


条 本邦に在留する外国人は、本邦に入つたとき(入管法第二十六条の規定による再入国の許可を受けて出国した者が再入国したとき及び入管法第六十一条の二の十二の規定による難民旅行証明書の交付を受けて出国した者が当該難民旅行証明書により入国したときを除く。)はその上陸の日から九十日以内に、本邦において外国人となつたとき又は出生その他の事由により入管法第章に規定する上陸の手続を経ることなく本邦に在留することとなつたときはそれぞれその外国人となつた日又は出生その他当該事由が生じた日から六十日以内に、その居住地の市町村(東京都の特別区の存する区域及び地方自法(昭和二十二年法律第六十七号)第二百五十二条の十九第一項の指定都市にあつては区。以下同じ。)の長に対し、次に掲げる書類及び写を提出し、登録の申請をしなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 3 (1) All aliens in Japan shall apply for registration with the mayor or head of the city, town or village (in the case of Tokyo, which is divided into special wards or in the case of the cities designated in Article 252-19, paragraph (1) of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947), ward; hereinafter the same) in which his/her residence is located, submitting the documents and photographs specified in the following items, within 90 days of the day of landing in cases where the alien has entered Japan (except for cases where an alien who departed from Japan with re-entry permission under Article 26 of the Immigration Control Act re-enters Japan and cases where an alien who departed from Japan with refugee travel documentation under Article 61-2-12 of the Immigration Control Act enters Japan possessing the subject refugee travel document) or within 60 days of the day of his/her becoming an alien or the day of his/her birth or the occurrence of other relevant causes in cases where he/she becomes an alien while in Japan or when he/she comes to stay in Japan without following the procedure for landing provided for in Chapter III of the Immigration Control Act due to birth or other causes:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

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