
「過度の」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(11ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 過度のの意味・解説 > 過度のに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 3841


④ 報酬委員会等は、報酬体系の運用状況の監視を通じ、報酬額が短期的な収益獲得に過度に連動したり、過度の成果主義を反映したりするといった問題が生じていないか等を確認しているか。例文帳に追加

(iv) Whether the compensation committee, etc., through monitoring how the compensation structure is operated, checks whether any problems have arisen, such as compensation being excessively linked to short-term earnings or being overly reflective of performance.  - 金融庁


To solve the problem that, when lithium ion secondary cells or the like are used as battery cells Ca1 to Can and Cb1 to Cbn, the remaining capacity of the battery cells become excessively large or excessively small, resulting in the reliability thereof being deteriorated. - 特許庁


To prevent invalidation of low and high luminance parts in a technology for preventing an excessive contrast emphasis with respect to a technology to prevent the excessive contrast emphasis in an image display apparatus. - 特許庁


To provide an apparatus and a stringing method for cable relaxation prevention which allow stringing of a cable without excessive relaxation produced in the cable or excessive tension exerted on the cable regardless of the type of the cable. - 特許庁



To provide a permeability detector capable of being manufactured inexpensively without causing air bubbles when hardening a sealing material for securing a moisture-proof property in the permeability detector for an apparatus. - 特許庁



To provide an air conditioner for a vehicle capable of preventing excessive refrigerating capacity increase at last in transferring from an idling state to a travelling state and preventing excessive lowering of evaporator outlet air temperature. - 特許庁


To provide a collision avoidance assisting device for a vehicle, for predicting a risk of colliding into a moving object (or a moving obstacle), including a pedestrian, more accurately, but without troubling a driver excessively, due to excessively high estimation of the risk. - 特許庁


A console control part 40 controls the display of the medical image 17 so that respective portions of the medical image 17 are set to permeability levels corresponding to the set information obtained from the permeability setting part 44. - 特許庁


This constitution can prevent the generation of knocking of the engine by excessively advancing the ignition timing and prevent the excessive increase of the creep traveling speed by the ignition timing rotation speed control during creep traveling. - 特許庁



To solve problems that occupants in a cabin feel disagreeable if knocking is excessive, and the fuel consumption or the output performance is degraded if knocking is excessively suppressed. - 特許庁



To provide a fishing rod producible by a simple method, sensitively sensing the strike of a fish while maintaining the flexural rigidity of an excessive aim and having actions with suppressed excessive rebounding. - 特許庁


The original way of writing the title is "Bussetsu Amida Sanya Sanbutsu saru butsudan kadonindo kyo Sutra, Part 1" and "Bussetsu Amida Sanya Sanbutsu saru butsudan kadonindo kyo Sutra, Part 2," as translated by Zhi Qian-koji in Yuezhi, Go.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

酸素透過度:5.0(cc/m^2 ・24hrs.atm)以下、水蒸気透過度:5.0(g/m^2 ・24hrs)以下の透明ガスバリヤー性フィルム3を透明合成樹脂板2の両面に積層する。例文帳に追加

A transparent gas-barrier film 3 with an oxygen permeability of 5.0 (cc/m^2.24 hrs.atm) or less and a water vapor permeability of 5.0 (g/m^2.24 hrs) or less, is laminated on both surfaces of a transparent synthetic resin sheet 2. - 特許庁


That is, a control circuit controls the permeability to gradually return to 100% by lowering the permeability of the permeability variable window pane down to about 50% in the case of detecting that the vehicle gets out of the tunnel. - 特許庁


To avoid excessive correction of an air-fuel ratio when air-fuel ratio feedback control is resumed and to avoid excessive delay of the resumption of the air-fuel ratio feedback control. - 特許庁


When printing is executed, the paper transmittance detection sensor 81 detects transmittance of a paper passing it during paper transport from the paper feed cassette 71 to a transfer part 63. - 特許庁


To suppress excessive deterioration of scavenging efficiency of an internal combustion engine caused by excessive increase in turbine inlet exhaust pressure in a control device for the internal combustion engine with a turbocharger. - 特許庁


A permeability setting part 44 sets permeability gradually to higher values so as to draw a concentric circle from a center part of a medical image 17 displayed on an image display area 48 to an edge part. - 特許庁


To provide a device and method for accurately measuring water vapor permeability for eliminating bad influence of a foreign substance adhered to a test piece surface. - 特許庁


To provide a temperature control mechanism of a power supply device capable of preventing excess cooling or excess heating of a battery pack used for a vehicle. - 特許庁


This plant culture container is formed by using on a part or the whole a film or a sheet having carbon dioxide transmittancy of 15,000-300,000 cc/atm×m^2×24hr and water vapor transmittancy of 40-250 cc/atm×m^2×24hr. - 特許庁


A drawing processing part 540 replaces the character element detected by the character detecting part 510, with a substitutive figure having the transmittance determined by the transmittance determination part 530 and draws the substitutive figure to be superposed on a background element. - 特許庁


Since the cylindrical part 53 is constituted to bump against the excessive deflection regulating sloped face 12C as a means for regulating excessive deflection exceeding the elastic limit of the lance 12, the lance 12 is prevented from excessively deflected even when the lance 12 has structure exposed in an outer face 10A of a housing 10 to be elastically displaced toward its outside. - 特許庁


To effectively suppress the excessive heating on the peripheral of observation tissue by using the conventional endoscope as it is and detecting the heat on the periphery of the observation tissue. - 特許庁


To secure deformation quantity within a required range of a shutter opening and closing spring of a recording medium cartridge and to prevent excessive deformation. - 特許庁


To prevent an excessive increase in internal pressure as the temperature of an engine side mass rises, and to prevent leakage of grease as the internal pressure is released. - 特許庁


As a result, excessive reduction of the liquid pressure in a plunger chamber 170 of a pressure-reduction valve 90 is suppressed and generation of the self-excitation vibration is suppressed. - 特許庁


To restrain motor failure due to excessive tightening of a screw member by restraining looseness in a motor housed in a motor retaining part. - 特許庁


To provide an image forming apparatus capable of restraining excessive temperature rise in an area through which recording material having narrower width than the heating area width of a heating body does not pass. - 特許庁


In its turn, since an excessive increase in consumption motive power of the compressor 10 is restrained just after starting the compressor 10 and an excessive increase in pressure in an evaporator 30 can be restrained before starting the compressor 10, a coefficient of performance can be prevented from being excessively deteriorated just after starting the compressor 10. - 特許庁


However, this aims to maintain the effectiveness of internal control, and does not seek to create excessive burdens on companies.  - 金融庁


The rule in itself takes into account the fact that excess pursuit of profits by banks conducting proprietary trading constituted a cause of the financial crisis.  - 財務省


To provide a tatami cleaning sheet preventing excessive wetting of tatami and resulting damage, while also preventing yellowing of rush woven tatami surfaces. - 特許庁


Controlling temperature differences among the barrel mold 3, the upper and lower molds and the bearings prevents the build up of an excessive compression force among the molds, and hence the breakage of the molds. - 特許庁


To enhance safety by stabilizing the insertion and removal and by preventing an excessive negative pressure in a trachea in an automatic phlegm aspirator which inserts and removes a phlegm aspiration tube by two rollers. - 特許庁


To inhibit the elevation of the exhaust gas temperature in the stopping of a gas turbine and to prevent each equipment of an exhaust system from receiving the excess heat hysteresis. - 特許庁


To prevent occurrence of excessive friction between a cross shaft and a tip shaft by controlling compression deformation of a bearing cup bottom part side. - 特許庁


To provide a cooling device for an internal combustion engine, suppressing excess engine temperature rise caused by gas intrusion into cooling water. - 特許庁


To provide a warm bubble system, and a warm bubble generating portion which is advantageous to controlling excessive contact of a washing solution prior to foaming with the body. - 特許庁


To prevent the excessive deformation of a fin during the fin shuts without the increase of a cost in a registor of a fin-shut structure. - 特許庁


As a result, as an excessive current does not flow through a specified lamp, the lowering of lamp life caused by a current deviation can be prevented. - 特許庁


To restrain unnecessary increase of fuel consumption of an internal combustion engine while appropriately restraining excessive temperature rise of a piston of the internal combustion engine. - 特許庁


To reduce influences of burrs in respective layer members of a motor, eliminating excess complication in a manufacturing process of the motor and not requiring an additional cost. - 特許庁


Thus, light is not irradiated directly to the near-field light generating part, thereby preventing excessive temperature rise of the near-field light generating layer. - 特許庁


To provide an exhaust emission control system capable of suppressing an excessive temperature rise in an exhaust emission control device when an additive agent is added to exhaust air. - 特許庁


To provide an unbreakable card type portable machine capable of preventing a crack of an inside wiring board and damage of a mounting part, even if excessive bending stress is applied. - 特許庁


To provide a chip packaging method and a chip package for preventing an excessive overflow of a mold resin. - 特許庁


To avoid a damage of a slide switch by an excessive force when it is switched, and to easily identify the switching state of the slide switch with the naked eye. - 特許庁


To restrain excessive cooling of a fuel cell, prevent deterioration of power generating efficiency, and improve starting performance of the fuel cell at low temperature. - 特許庁



These actions will help mitigate the risk of excessive volatility in capital flows facing some emerging economies.  - 財務省


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