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bridge bankの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 38


It is the issue of a bridge bank, I assume. 例文帳に追加

ブリッジバンクの話でしょう。 - 金融庁

If you go along this bank, you will see a bridge. 例文帳に追加

この土手について行くと橋があります - 斎藤和英大辞典

If you go along this bank, you will see a bridge. 例文帳に追加

この土手に伝って行くと橋がある - 斎藤和英大辞典

18:00 '17:30' (11:30) Get aboard on the yakata-bune boat from the Inuyama-bashi Bridge at the right bank of the river. 例文帳に追加

1800「1730」(1130) 犬山橋右岸の乗船場より屋形船に乗船。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This is also apparently another name for Azuma-bashi Bridge that leads to the west bank of Sumida-gawa River. 例文帳に追加

また、西側の隅田川に架かる吾妻橋の別称であるともいわれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A wooden bridge over the Kizu-gawa River (Kyoto Prefecture) connects with Yawata City on the opposite bank. 例文帳に追加

木津川(京都府)に架かり、対岸の八幡市とを結ぶ木造橋。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He also opened a road to Osaka; it merged in Noso with the road by the Yodo-tsutsumi bank (Bunrokutei Bank) and continued from Fushimi, crossed the Uji-gawa River (Yodo-kobashi Bridge), passed near the Yodo-jo Castle, crossed the Kizu-gawa River (Kyoto Prefecture) (Yodo-obashi Bridge), and ran along the left bank of the Yodo-gawa River until it reached Osaka. 例文帳に追加

また、伏見からの淀堤(文禄堤)の道と納所で合流し宇治川(淀小橋)を渡り、淀城下を経て、木津川(京都府)(淀大橋)を渡り淀川左岸に沿って大坂へ向かうという道が開かれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kashiwara City Hall, the northern end of Kunitoyo-bashi Bridge and Japan Railway Takaida Station (Kashiwara City, Osaka Prefecture) (the right side bank route) 例文帳に追加

柏原市役所・国豊橋北詰・JR高井田駅(大阪府柏原市)(右岸ルート) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yorimasa's forces tore down the Uji bridge and waited for the enemy on the far bank, engaging them in a battle of archery across the river. 例文帳に追加

頼政の軍は宇治橋の橋板を落として待ち構え、川を挟んでの矢戦となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Shimogamo Nishi-dori Street runs northward on the east bank of the Kamo-gawa River (in Yodo-gawa River system) from the east end of Aoi-bashi Bridge on Shimogamo Hon-dori Street to the front gate of Kyoto Prefectural Botanical Garden. 例文帳に追加

鴨川(淀川水系)の東岸を葵橋東詰の下鴨本通から北へ京都府立植物園正門まで。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During Meiji period, the aforementioned section, combined with the road section from Rokujizo, running along Uji-gawa River's right bank in the downstream direction until it reaches Kangetsu-kyo Bridge, was designated 'Nara-kaido Road.' 例文帳に追加

明治時代には、前記区間と六地蔵から宇治川右岸を下り観月橋までを含めた区間が「奈良街道」と位置付けられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kasagi Town Hall and Kasagi Elementary School are located on the north bank of the river, and the Kasagi-Ohashi Bridge (Kyoto and Nara prefectural road No.4, Kasagi Yamazoe Route) connects the north and south sides. 例文帳に追加

北岸に笠置町役場と笠置小学校があり、笠置大橋(京都府道・奈良県道4号笠置山添線)が南北を結んでいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Meiji period, its new route was developed by building Kunitoyo-bashi Bridge at the north of Kokubu-mura village and laying a road on the south bank of the River Yamato. 例文帳に追加

明治時代に入ると、国分村の北に国豊橋が架けられ、亀ノ瀬の対岸の大和川南岸壁を開削して新たなルートが開設された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For example, barbecues are prohibited near Hiiragino-entei Bank as well as in the vicinity of Demachiyanagi Station and Kamo-ohashi Bridge. 例文帳に追加

たとえばバーベキューの禁止は、柊野堰堤(ひいらぎのえんてい)付近と出町柳駅・賀茂大橋付近の2箇所が禁止区域である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

ADB and World Bank are in a position to clear Myanmar's arrears through a Bridge Loan Operation starting in January 2013.例文帳に追加

ADBと世界銀行は、2013年1月以降、ブリッジローンにより、ミャンマーの延滞債務を解消することとしています。 - 財務省

This bank is effective in constructing a semipermanent structure having a strong foundation such as a bridge girder or a structure which is gradually washed away in case of a big downpour.例文帳に追加

橋桁のような強固な基礎を有して半永久の構造とすることも、豪雨時に徐々に流されてしまう構造でも有効なものになる。 - 特許庁

The place name originally shows Nishikyo Ward (on the right bank of the Katsura-gawa River (Yodo-gawa River system), and the area on the left bank is Sagano, Ukyo Ward, but, because the are around Togetsu-kyo Bridge including the Saga area is collectively introduced as Arashiyama in the tourist information, etc., this article provides explanations of whole area around Togetsu-kyo Bridge as Arashiyama. 例文帳に追加

本来地名としては西京区(桂川(淀川水系)の右岸)を指し、左岸は右京区嵯峨野であるが、観光案内等では嵯峨地区を含めた渡月橋(とげつきょう)周辺全域を一まとめに嵐山と称する事が多いため、本記事では渡月橋周辺全域をしての嵐山を扱う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

March 20, 1966: When the Yamashina-gawa riverbank was raised and the bridge was replaced in the vicinity of Rokujizo Station, the rail track in the vicinity was also moved and set on a newly constructed bank, and Rokujizo Station was relocated on the bank as well. 例文帳に追加

1966年(昭和41年)3月20日六地蔵付近、山科川堤防嵩上げ工事・橋梁架け替えで線路移設・築堤化、六地蔵駅も堤防上に移設。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Road starting at Fushimi, crossing Uji-gawa River at Bungo-bashi Bridge (present-day Kangetsu-kyo Bridge) and over Ogura-zutsumi Bank built in Ogura-ike Pond (between Ninomaru and Oike ponds), passing through Nishime-gawa River and Makishima, turning straight southward from Ogura, merging with another road from Uji at Okubo and leading into Nara. 例文帳に追加

伏見から豊後橋(現在の観月橋)で宇治川を渡り、巨椋池(二の丸池と大池の間)に築かれた小倉堤の堤上を進み、西目川、槇島を経て、小倉からは直線的に南下して大久保で宇治からの道と合流し、奈良へと続く。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a construction device for a temporary bridge capable of preventing the construction device from turning over even when a connection body constituted by connecting a plurality of bridge body modules mutually is extended toward the other bank of a river or the sea in a cantilever supporting condition and preventing excessive load from being applied on a supporting mechanism supporting the connection body of the bridge body modules.例文帳に追加

複数個の橋体モジュールが連結された連結体を、他方の岸に向けて片持ち支持の状態で伸ばしていった場合でも、架設装置の転倒を防止することができるとともに、橋体モジュールの連結体を支持する支持機構に過大な負荷がかかってしまうことを防止することができる仮設橋の架設装置を提供すること。 - 特許庁

If Mr. Namikawa was referring to the absence of the announcement by Incubator Bank of Japan, whose business operations were taken over by the Second Bridge Bank of Japan, our answer is that since Incubator Bank of Japan is not a listed company, I understand that it is taking the procedure to announce its financial results in the fiscal first half within three months from the end of the fiscal first half in accordance with the Banking Act. 例文帳に追加

また、第二日本承継銀行に業務を引き継いだ日本振興銀行の中間決算が未だに公表されていないという趣旨のご質問だったら、これに対する回答は、日本振興銀行は上場会社ではないため、銀行法の規定に沿って、中間事業年度経過後3ヶ月以内に、中間決算を公告すべく、手続きが進められていると認識いたしております。 - 金融庁

Though Odoi was built west of Sanjo Ohashi Bridge over the Kamo-gawa River (west of the Kawaramachi-Sanjo Crossing), a check station was established on the east bank of the Kamo-gawa River in and after the early-modern age and thus the place name Awataguchi remains near Keage. 例文帳に追加

御土居が設けられたのは鴨川三条大橋の西岸(河原町三条交差点の西側)であるが、近世以前に鴨川の東岸に関が設けられたことがあり、蹴上の近くに粟田口という地名が残っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The order also adds the road from Higechaya-oiwake on the Tokaido Road going south through Yamashina Basin, passing through Rokujizo, running along Uji-gawa River's right bank and merging with Yamato-kaido Road at Fushimi Kangetsu-kyo Bridge as Nara-kaido Road. 例文帳に追加

後に、東海道の髭茶屋追分から山科盆地を南下し六地蔵に至り、そこから宇治川右岸を通って伏見観月橋で大和街道と合流する道を奈良街道として加えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Takase-gawa River draws water from 'a branch of the Kamo-gawa (Yodo-gawa River system) bunryu' (a branch of the Kamo-gawa River) that runs side by side on the west bank of the Kamo-gawa River (Yodo-gawa River system) from the south of Nijo-ohashi Bridge. 例文帳に追加

高瀬川は、二条大橋の南で鴨川(淀川水系)西岸を併走する「鴨川(淀川水系)分流」(鴨川の分流)から取水する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the left bank of the Shijo-to-Nishi-Kyogoku-bashi Bridge portion of the river, Someiyoshino cherry trees are lined for a very long distance, and their blossoms in full bloom provide a magnificent view, are favored by citizens as a beauty spot to enjoy cherry blossoms. 例文帳に追加

また、四条~西京極橋の左岸にはソメイヨシノの桜並木が延々と続き、開花シーズンになれば壮麗な眺めになり、桜の名所の一つとして市民に親しまれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kodo' leads to Mizugamoto where once Taishi-do (a sacred place for Priest Kobo-daishi) was built (refer to "Meguri") and to Machi-daira where once had a legend of Otonomiya and ruins of a house surrounded with a stone wall (refer to "Meguri"), after that the road descends to the bank of Jinno-gawa River at Shimoyamaguchi near Mitadani Bridge. 例文帳に追加

古道からは大師堂があったと伝えられる(『めぐり』)水ヶ元、大塔宮伝説や石垣をめぐらせた屋敷跡がある(『めぐり』)待平を経て、三田谷橋近くの下山口で神納川のほとりに降りる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a water level meter enabling measurement of a water level by looking from right above without bending forward for easily measuring the water level of an area of river, lake and the like below from the height such as a position on a bank and a bridge.例文帳に追加

前かがみにならずに真上から見て水位を測ることができ、堤防の上や橋の上等の高い所からその下方にある川や湖等の水域の水位を容易に測れる水位計を提供する。 - 特許庁

About 11 years ago, when I was a rookie lawmaker, I proposed schemes for bankruptcy and pre-bankruptcy procedures. One of the proposed schemes intended to resolve a crisis by shutting down the troubled bank in question, which could be done in a variety of ways, such as by a bridge bank or a payoff (limited deposit protection). The other scheme was intended to support the troubled bank without shutting it down, under an arrangement called open bank assistance. 例文帳に追加

11年くらい前に、私が1年生議員のころ、私が提案した破綻処理・破綻前処理のスキームにおいては、一つは銀行のシャッターを閉めて破綻処理をするやり方、これはブリッジバンクですとかペイオフとかいろいろなやり方があるわけですが、一方、破綻前処理、銀行のシャッターを下ろさないまま、オープンバンク・アシスタンスという形で行うものもあるのではないかという提案をしたわけであります。 - 金融庁

According to an order of Kyoto Prefecture issued in the Meiji period, the road starting from Kyoto and through Fushimi-kaido Road (the road section from Kyoto and Fushimi later renamed Takeda-kaido Road) to Fushimi and onward over Ogura-zutsumi Bank in Ogura-ike Pond, crossing Izumi-ohashi Bridge over Kizu-gawa River and reaching the boundary to Yamato Province is named Yamato-kaido Road. 例文帳に追加

明治時代の京都府令によると、京都から伏見街道(後に京都・伏見間の経路は竹田街道に変わる)を通り、伏見を経て、巨椋池の小倉堤上を通り、木津川(京都府)を泉大橋で渡り大和国境に至る道を大和街道。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As I have just mentioned, our guess is in several months. As, however, the bridge bank itself can legally exist for two years as a general rule and up to three years including an optional extension of one year, an acquirer financial institution, or the final transferee, is to be found in those three years, which effectively makes the deadline three years. 例文帳に追加

先ほど申し上げたように、数カ月の間だとは考えております。ただ、この承継銀行そのものが、法律上、原則として2年で、延長できて1年、最大3年ですから、その3年以内に最終的な受け皿金融機関を探すことになりますので、デッドエンドとしては3年ということになります。 - 金融庁

According to the reclamation method, an arched bridging pier 10 is constructed in a boundary area between an existing bank E1 extended from an existing reclaimed land and a reclamation water zone A, by using steel sheet piles and land-fill materials, and a mobile bridge 4 reaching the floating pier 2 is extended from the bridging pier 10.例文帳に追加

既設埋立地から延ばした既設堤体E1と埋立水域Aとの境界部に、鋼矢板と埋立材とを用いてアーチ形の架橋桟橋10を構築し、この架橋桟橋10に浮桟橋2の可動橋4を橋渡す。 - 特許庁

To provide a structure of a seaweed bed using a concrete structure installed in the river or sea for protecting a seaweed fed provided in a portion of a bank, a bridge pier or a wave absorbing block that is installed under water from sedimentation of soil and insect damage by herbivorous fish.例文帳に追加

河川または海の水中に設置されるコンクリート構造物たとえば堤防、橋脚、消波ブロック等の水中に設置される部分に設けられる藻場を、土砂の堆積から守り、また藻食性魚類の食害から守るコンクリート構造物利用の藻場の構造の提供。 - 特許庁

The reasons why this application was approved included not only superior plan contents, but also the swift progress in advancing the organizational structure prior to the project, and the ease of consulting with group member Sugakawa Shinkin Bank about bridge financing until the subsidies were disbursed. 例文帳に追加

同事業に採択された要因として、優れた計画内容だけでなく、同事業を知る以前から組織化や迅速な体制づくりが進んでいたことや、交付までのつなぎ融資について、グループに参加する須賀川信用金庫への相談等も受けやすい環境にあったこと等を挙げている。 - 経済産業省

Now, let me answer the question(*) that I received in the previous press conference from Mr. Namikawa of Toyo Keizai, who is here today. He asked me about the absence of the announcement of the financial results of Incubator Bank of Japan in the fiscal first half. The Second Bridge Bank of Japan, which has taken over the business operations of Incubator Bank of Japan, is not a listed company, so I understand that it is taking the procedure to announce its financial results in the fiscal first half within three months from the end of the fiscal first half in accordance with the Banking Act. 例文帳に追加

それから、(前回の記者会見で質問を頂きました)東洋経済の浪川さんが(本日の記者会見に)おられますので、この前、確か、日本振興銀行の中間決算が未だ公表されていないが事実関係は如何にという(趣旨の)ご質問だったと思いますけれども、日本振興銀行から業務を引き継いだ第二日本承継銀行は上場会社ではないため、銀行法の規定に沿って、中間事業年度経過後3ヶ月以内に、中間決算を公告すべく、手続きが進められていると認識いたしております。 - 金融庁

After the transfer of the business operations of Incubator Bank of Japan to the Second Bridge Bank of Japan, DIC, as the financial receiver, will have the right to pursue criminal and civil responsibility, while Resolution and Collection Corporation (RCC), which is a fully owned subsidiary of DIC, will also continue to have the same right as the receiver of non-performing assets. There is no change in the principle that the responsibility of the former management team and other people concerned will be pursued during the process of loan collection. That decision concerns the transfer of business operations to the Second Bridge Bank, not the sale to a private company, and some operations will be transferred to RCC. I am also aware of the so-called eight-month rule. Therefore, the pursuit of responsibility will not end there. 例文帳に追加

第二承継銀行への事業譲渡後においては、預金保険機構が金融(整理)管財人として、また不良債権を譲り受けたRCC(整理回収機構)、これは預金保険機構の100%子会社で、このRCCにも引き続き必要があれば、刑事上、民事上の責任を追及する権限がございますが、それが回収業務を進める中で日本振興銀行の旧経営陣等の責任追及を引き続き厳格に行っていくという本質は変わりません。民間への譲渡先が決まるわけではなく、あくまでブリッジバンクでございまして、RCCに行く分もありますから、8か月間ルールというのもあると聞いておるわけです。そういったことで、そこで責任追及が終わるというわけではないと思っています。 - 金融庁

To address the problem of digital divide, Japan announced just prior to the Kyushu-Okinawa G7 Summit a comprehensive co-operation package based on official financial assistance. In addition, Japan urges the Bank, the Asian Development Bank and other multilateral development banks to help bridge digital divide by making use of their expertise and their experiences in global and regional programs. Japan is willing to support these efforts. 例文帳に追加

また、デジタル・ディバイドの問題への対応として、我が国は公的資金による包括的協力策を実施することを九州沖縄サミットに先駆けて発表し、また、世界銀行・アジア開発銀行をはじめとする国際開発金融機関の専門性と世界的・地域的な取組みにおける優位性に着目して、これらの国際開発金融機関における情報技術関連の取組みを要請するとともに、我が国はこうした取組みを支援することとしている。 - 財務省

In the westward direction, through the section sharing lanes with the Arashiyama Main Line, Keifuku Electric Railroad from Nishioji-dori Street to Kadonoji-dori Street, it turns northwest, merges with Old Nijo-dori Street (Taishimichi (the road that Prince Shotoku took)), runs west again, passes through Uzumasa (Koryujimae) and Katabiranotsuji, merges with Fushihara-dori Street on the left bank of the Katsura-gawa River (Yodo-gawa water system) and leads to Arashiyama (Togetukyo Bridge). 例文帳に追加

西は、西大路通から葛野大路通までの京福電気鉄道嵐山本線併用軌道区間を越えると北西に進み、旧二条通(太子道)と合流すると再び西に向かい、太秦(広隆寺前)、帷子辻を経て、桂川(淀川水系)左岸で罧原通と合流し嵐山(渡月橋)に至る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Meiji period, an ordinance for granting rewards was prescribed by imperial edict -- such that rewards were to be granted to the most conspicuous among: those who saved a life; koshi; junson; giboku; hard-working businessman; a person who involved in invention and innovation; and those who served the public interest by devoted themselves to education, hygiene, social service, projects to prevent epidemics, repair and construction of road, alveus, bank, and bridge, construction of school and hospital, and development of farms and fields. 例文帳に追加

明治になって、勅令によって褒章条例がさだめられ、人命救助者、孝子、順孫、義僕、精励実業家、発明改良家、教育、衛生、社会事業、防疫の諸事業、道路、河渠、堤防、橋梁の修築、学校、病院の建設、田野の墾闢などにつくして公衆の利益をはかり、成績のすこぶる顕著なものにたいして褒章をあたえることにした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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