
「KUMAMOTO」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(13ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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The plan of Shinohara that all army attack the castle was chosen at the military meeting at first, but they had been laying siege to Kumamoto Castle for a time by the next military meeting, and decided that the part of them should attack Okura suddenly, so Shiro IKEGAMI left with several platoons on the 23rd, but they encountered the Governmental army, which was moving south at Tahara, Takase and Ueki, and the blitz tactics failed.例文帳に追加

この軍議では一旦は篠原らの全軍攻城策に決したが、のちの再軍議で熊本城を長囲し、一部は小倉を電撃すべしと決し、翌23日に池上四郎が数箇小隊を率いて出発したが、南下してきた政府軍と田原・高瀬・植木などで衝突し、電撃作戦は失敗した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Masanao's son Kagehide TOYOTA adapted his father's work "Buko-den" for "Niten-ki;" later, in 1909, Miyamoto Musashi Iseki Kenshokai (the association in honor to the accomplishments of Musashi MIYAMOTO) of Kumamoto Prefecture regarded the descriptions in "Niten-ki" as historical facts and based on that to write "Miyamoto Musashi" (called "Kenshokai-bon"); in addition, Eiji YOSHIKAWA wrote a novel "Miyamoto Musashi" (1935-1939) based on the information of "Kenshokai-bon;"therefore, the stories written in "Niten-ki" became famous. 例文帳に追加

『武公伝』の内容は正脩の子・豊田景英によって『二天記』に再編集され、明治42年(1909年)熊本の宮本武蔵遺蹟顕彰会編纂による『宮本武蔵』通称『顕彰会本』で『二天記』が原資料の一つとなりそのまま史実とされ、さらに吉川英治が小説『宮本武蔵』(1935年-1939年)で『顕彰会本』の内容を用いたことから現代にも広く知られるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1909, Miyamoto Musashi Iseki Kenshokai (the association in honor to the accomplishments of Musashi MIYAMOTO) of Kumamoto Prefecture regarded the descriptions of the duel in "Niten-ki" as historical facts and based on that wrote "Miyamoto Musashi" (called "Kenshokai-bon"); and Eiji YOSHIKAWA wrote a novel "Miyamoto Musashi" (1935-1939) based on the information of "Kenshokai-bon;" therefore, the story of the duel written in "Niten-ki" became famous. 例文帳に追加

『二天記』が詳述した岩流との試合内容は、明治42年(1909年)熊本の宮本武蔵遺蹟顕彰会編纂による『宮本武蔵』通称『顕彰会本』で原資料の一つとなりそのまま史実とされ、さらに吉川英治が小説『宮本武蔵』(1935年-1939年)で『顕彰会本』の内容を用いたことから広く知られるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yuge-jinja Shrine in Kumamoto City is the source of a folktale which relates that 'Dokyo who had already lost his position visited this place and fell in love with a seductive, gorgeous lady called Princess Fujiko at first sight, so that he married her and enjoyed her devotion to hospitality and good copulation, which made that wild, debauchee monk Dokyo live peacefully as a good husband.' 例文帳に追加

熊本市にある弓削神社(熊本市)には「道鏡が失脚した後この地を訪れて、そこで藤子姫という妖艶華麗な女性を見初めて夫婦となり、藤子姫の献身的なもてなしと交合よろしきをもって、あの大淫蕩をもって知られる道鏡法師がよき夫として安穏な日々を過ごした」との俗話がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In order to handle this situation, Ikenoue took charge of the siege of Kumamoto-jo Castle; Yaichiro NAGAYAMA was sent to watch the coastline; Toshiaki KIRINO (Sanka-shotai platoon) advanced to Yamaga and Kunimoto SHINOHARA (Rokka-shotai platoon) to Tahara; and Murata and Shinsuke BEPPU led the Goka-shotai platoon and built the temporary headquarters in Kitome, trying to attack the Government army from multiple sides and occupy Takase. 例文帳に追加

これに対処するために、熊本城攻囲を池上にまかせ、永山弥一郎に海岸線を抑えさせ、桐野利秋(三箇小隊)は山鹿へ、篠原国幹(六箇小隊)は田原へ進出し、村田は別府晋介とともに五箇小隊を率いて木留に出張本営を設け、政府軍を挟撃し、高瀬を占領しようとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As Chizuko's reputation extended, she was introduced by Tsunehira ISERI, the principal of Kumamoto Prefectural Seisei Senior High School (at that time junior high school), and began to be studied by the scholars of the time including Shinkichi IMAMURA of the College of Medicine of Kyoto Imperial University (present Kyoto University), Tomokichi FUKURAI, professor (psychology) of Cultural School of Tokyo Imperial University (present Tokyo University) from 1909 to the following 1910. 例文帳に追加

千鶴子の評判が広がり、熊本県立済々黌高等学校(当時は中学)の井芹経平校長が紹介し、1909年から翌1910年にかけ、京都帝国大学(現:京都大学)医学科大学の今村新吉教授(医学)や東京帝国大学(現:東京大学)文化大学の福来友吉助教授(心理学)などの当時の学者が研究を始めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The kilns for sueki included Ohata kiln (Akita Prefecture), Izumiyaji kiln, Shintame kiln (Yamagata Prefecture), Iizaka kiln (Fukushima Prefecture), Kanei kiln (Gunma prefecture), Kande Kiln, Uozumi kiln (Hyogo Prefecture), Kameyama kiln (Okayama Prefecture), Tokameyama kiln (Kagawa Prefecture), (Kumamoto Prefecture), all of which were not equipped with bunen-chu, and unglazed practical ware including jars, pots were created in plenty. 例文帳に追加

これら須恵器系の窯には、大畑窯(秋田県)、泉谷地窯・新溜窯(山形県)、飯坂窯(福島県)、金井窯(群馬県)、神出窯・魚住窯(兵庫県)、亀山窯(岡山県)、十瓶山窯(香川県)、樺番丈窯(熊本県)があり、いずれも分焔柱をともなわない窖窯で壺、鉢はじめ庶民のための無釉の生活用具が多数製作された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is an opinion that the main political regime of the Japanese Islands until the end of the seventh century existed in Kyushu and that the Yamato Kingdom was only one regional government, but since iron swords believed to be King Wakatakeru's were found in the Inariyama burial mound (Saitama prefecture) and the Eta Funayama burial mound (Kumamoto prefecture), this theory is not thought to be valid. 例文帳に追加

7世紀末まで日本列島を代表する政権は九州にありヤマト王権は一地方政権に過ぎなかったとする説もあるが、埼玉県稲荷山古墳と熊本県江田船山古墳から「ワカタケル大王」と推定される銘の鉄剣が出土していること、様々な考古学的遺物などから成立する余地はないと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Note however that the Haniwa (terra-cotta figurine) standing statue of an armed male currently owned by Tokyo National Museum was excavated from a site in the city of Ota in Gunma Prefecture, while the items excavated from the Higo Eta Funayama Tumulus, also owned by Tokyo National Museum, were excavated from a site in Tamana-gun in Kumamoto Prefecture, and finally the gilt bronze harness excavated from the Hyuga Province Saitobaru Tumulus, now owned by the Gotoh Art Museum, was excavated from Saito City in Miyazaki Prefecture. 例文帳に追加

なお、現在東京国立博物館が所蔵する埴輪武装男子立像は群馬県太田市、同じく東京国立博物館が所蔵する肥後江田船山古墳出土品は熊本県玉名郡、五島美術館が所蔵する日向国西都原古墳出土金銅馬具類は宮崎県西都市でそれぞれ出土したものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In this battle, Yaichiro NAGAYAMA, a brave general of the Satsuma army, encouraged his warriors through the following appeal but could not change the battle situation to their advantage: 'Why are you so cowardly?; If we allowed the enemy to seize this place, how the soldiers stationed outside Kumamoto Castle would become?; Only what is important is to defend this place to the last; It is for that achievement that you are to be praised as a good warrior, if alive, or a loyal retainer, if dead; Fight desperately until all of our weapons are used up' (according to "Satsunan Ketsurui-shi" (the history of Satsunan full of blood and tears)). 例文帳に追加

この時、薩軍の猛将永山弥一郎は「諸君何ぞ斯(かく)の如く怯なる、若し敵をして此地を奪はしめんか、熊本城外の我守兵を如何にせん、大事之に因て去らんのみ、生きて善士と称し、死して忠臣と称せらるゝは唯此時にあり、各死力を尽し刀折れ矢竭(つ)き而して後已(やまん)」(『薩南血涙史』)と激励したが、戦況を逆転することはできなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While the King of Wa called himself the King of Wakoku, or the King of Wa to the dynasties in the Asian Continents, in the country, he called himself the king or the great king (Yamato sovereignty), or amenoshitashiroshimesu okimi (the title of the king of Wa), judging from an iron sword carved with letters, ' 天下獲□□□鹵大王 (the title of king),' which was excavated in the Eta Funayama Tumulus in Kumamoto Prefecture. 例文帳に追加

倭国王は、大陸王朝に対しては倭国王もしくは倭王と称したが、倭国内においては、熊本県の江田船山古墳から出土した鉄剣・鉄刀銘文に「台天下獲□□□鹵大王」とあったことから王または大王(ヤマト王権)、治天下大王(あめのしたしろしめすおおきみ)と称していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, two national colleges of technology in each of four regionsMiyagi, Toyama, Kagawa and Kumamotounderwent restructuring, including reorganization and enhancement of specialized courses, in order to diversify the range of subjects available while maintaining economies of scale, and to achieve higher levels of science and technology and strengthen industry-academia collaboration in response to the advance of science and technology.例文帳に追加

さらに、科学技術の高度化等に対応するため、スケールメリットを生かしつつ学科の多様化や、専攻科の充実を通じた高度化、産学連携の強化などの実現を目指すため宮城・富山・香川・熊本3地区各1校の国立高等専門学校について、学校の改組+専攻科の拡充などを含む再編整備を行った。 - 経済産業省

On the same day, SAIGO held a council of war, and Kohei proposed the plan that 'the troops should attack Nagasaki from sea and then divide into two groups, one of which would raid Kobe and Osaka and the other of which would raid Yokohama and the headquarters in Tokyo', whereas Oshisuke NOMURA proposed the plan of heading east through three courses that 'the army should divide into three groups, one of which would go to Nagasaki by sea and head east from there, another of which would go to Shikoku and Osaka by sea through Buzen and Bungo Provinces and head east from there, and the other of which would head east by land through Kumamoto, Saga, and Fukuoka,' but both of the plans seemed to have little chance of succeeding for the Satsuma army, which had no warship but only three steamships; finally, they adopted the IKEGAMI's plan of 'deploying part of the army in Kumamoto Castle to defend the region and having the main force headed east by land.' 例文帳に追加

この日、西郷を中心に作戦会議が開かれ、小兵衛の「海路から長崎を奪い、そこから二軍に分かれて神戸・大阪と横浜・東京の本拠を急襲」する策、野村忍介の「三道に別れ、一は海路で長崎に出てそこから東上、一は海路から豊前・豊後を経て四国・大坂に出てそこから東上、一は熊本・佐賀・福岡を経ての陸路東上」する策即ち三道分進策が出されたが、小兵衛・野村忍介の策は3隻の汽船しかなく軍艦を持たない薩軍にとっては成功を期し難く、池上の「熊本城に一部の抑えをおき、主力は陸路で東上」する策が採用された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Representative of the Tozama Daimyo were the Kaga Domain of the Maeda clan, famous for the million koku of Kaga, the Satsuma Domain of the Shimazu clan, a family famous from the Kamakura period, the Sendai Domain of the Date clan, the Fukuoka Domain of the Kuroda clan, the Hiroshima Domain of the Asano clan, the Choshu Domain of the Mori clan, the Yonezawa Domain of the Uesugi clan, the Saga Domain of the Nabeshima clan, the Kumamoto Domain of the Hosokawa clan, the Okayama and Tottori Domains of the Ikeda clan, the Tokushima Domain of the Hachisuka clan, the Tosa Domain of the Tosa Yamauchi clan, and the Akita Domain of the Satake clan. 例文帳に追加

代表的な外様大名としては、加賀百万石として有名な前田氏の加賀藩、鎌倉時代以来の名家である島津氏の薩摩藩や伊達氏の仙台藩、黒田氏の福岡藩、浅野氏の広島藩、毛利氏の長州藩、上杉氏の米沢藩、鍋島氏の佐賀藩、細川氏の熊本藩、池田氏の岡山藩と鳥取藩、蜂須賀氏の徳島藩、土佐山内氏の土佐藩、佐竹氏の秋田藩といった国主が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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