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Korenori KAMEI (1557-February 27, 1612) was a Japanese busho (military commander).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The gradation of the high gradation image is lowered, thereby enhancing the effect of improving the moving image blurring while maintaining a gradation difference between the first and second sub-frames. - 特許庁


Thereby stimulation and unpleasant feeling can be effectively given by directly acting on 2-3 kinds of cone cells that the injurious bird and animal to be controlled have, as well as the effect for repelling the injurious bird and animal can be enhanced, as the light with two or more colors to which the injurious bird and animal are not accustomed to is used. - 特許庁


Zensho-ji Temple began with a thatched hut that was built in 1597 in Kameyama, Saga by Hideyoshi's elder sister Tomo to pray for the soul of Hidetsugu TOYOTOMI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The growth upper face of an impurity region 7 to be formed in a trench 5 is set below the lower face of a carbon film 2 as a selection mask. - 特許庁



That is, the growth upper face of the impurity region 7 to be formed in the trench 5 is suppressed to the lower face of the carbon film 2. - 特許庁


Secondly, not only is the increase in real economic growth rate not high compared with past recovery phases, but the nominal economic growth rate is also low as a result of the gradual deflation which continued until mid-2006. - 経済産業省


The magnification of the filtering surface is preferably performed by mounting a ring-shaped inner diameter adjusting instrument in the steps (1) and (2) and detaching the same in the step (3). - 特許庁


Then, the two optical members 21 and 22 are arranged such that when the inter-camera calibration device 20 moves to a predetermined position for the mark recognition camera 2 together with the component recognition camera 4, the total lengths of optical paths from the cameras 2 and 4 to the one calibration mark 23 have specified relation. - 特許庁



For the very reason of their economic magnitude, the Central and Eastern European countries that have joined the EU since 2004 account for only a small proportion (5%, 2007) of the real GDP in Europe. However, the 12 Central and Eastern European countries have achieved rapid growth at a rate of 6.3%, which is more than double the EU15 (see Table 1-2-38). - 経済産業省



Since the toner consumption is large, for example, when the apparatus which performs gradation correction as the signal processing has characteristics (2) that image density is a little higher with respect to a gradation level, the coefficient is set to be larger than in the apparatus having nearly linear characteristic (1). - 特許庁


This monitaring device is obtained by attaching plural small light weight cameras (3) to a rope (2) standing vertically from the bottom of the sea by using a weight (1) and a float (4), and performs the monitoring the fishes gathering around the artificial fish reef (5) for a long time (24 hr or longer). - 特許庁


In Section 2, we have described China’s strong economic growth. China is one of the emerging economies that are expected to be the new drivers of the global economy. Economic forecasts of major international agencies predict that emerging countries will continue to enjoy higher growth rates compared to developed countries. - 経済産業省


A compression section (2) applies variable length compression to the fixed length compression data, applies predictive differential arithmetic operation among adjacent blocks to the LH, HL coefficients as well as the LL coefficient, and applies variable length compression to the difference so as to enhance the compression rate. - 特許庁


Additionally, the temperature of an irradiator 4 of the pulse laser beams is increased to temperature required for growing the p-type nitride semiconductor 2, and the temperature of the nitride semiconductor 1 is held at temperature for preventing the crystal quality from deteriorating. - 特許庁


In the case where the apparatus has the characteristic (2) in which image density is comparatively high relative to a gradation level, toner consumption increases and, therefore, a coefficient is set larger than a coefficient for an apparatus that has substantially linear characteristic (1). - 特許庁


In response to this perception, governments continued to explore possible roads to sustained growth, and also pursued reform programs consisting of (1) measures related to updating existing measures and (2) measures designed to boost regional economic autonomy4. - 経済産業省


Emperor Goyozei (December 31, 1571 - September 25, 1617), his reign was from December 17, 1586 to May 9, 1611, he was the hundred and seventh Emperor between the Azuchi-Momoyama period and the Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Mototo (or Mototada) SONO (February 23, 1573 - March 4, 1613) was a Kugyo (high court noble) from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the early Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(1) A photograph 2, etc., which a customer desires to print to a bankbook are photographed by a scanner or a CCD camera to be inputted to a picture processor as digital picture data in a prescribed size while observing a monitor attached to the picture processor. - 特許庁


Then the article depositary machine 1 carries out registration of biological information of a depositing person read by the fingerprint button 15 and the camera 16, in relation to identification information of the bankbook 2. - 特許庁


A bottom surface 3 of a rear floor 2 of a rear cabin 1 formed inside a car is lowered to a hight position not obstructing the vertical topmost point of the top of a rear differential gear 4, and then fixed there. - 特許庁


The lower portion bearing member 9 includes a connecting pipe 93 having a predetermined length H and hanging from a lower surface of the lower portion bearing member 9, and the connecting pipe 93 engages with the pile head 2a, whereby the lower portion bearing member is fixed to the foundation pile 2. - 特許庁


The metal nanoparticles fills the gaps formed between the conductive members 2, 3, and the filling ratio of the metal in the gaps 5 formed between the conductive members 2, 3 increases by the growth or deposition of the metal nanoparticles when the composition is heated and hardened, and a specific resistance can be reduced. - 特許庁


During this period, the chapters of Kiritsubo (The Paulownia Court) and Yume no Ukihashi (The Floating Bridge of Dreams) were added, which had been copied by Dozo(1508-1571), the 25th monzeki (the priest in charge) of the Shogoin Temple who is known for having engaged in mediation to make peace between the Mori clan and the Amako clan, and his nephew Docho (1544-1608).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Therefore, this method enables enhancement of accuracy in positioning at the time of setting up the stator body consisting of an oscillator 3, a shaft 2, and a support plate 1 or when an ultrasonic motor is being assembled to be elevated, and can realize an ultrasonic motor stable in performance and high in productivity. - 特許庁


With today's decision, members committed themselves to achieving such reform within two years at the maximum, and to carrying out necessary work expeditiously. Although it is highly valuable in itself, the reform will not be truly meaningful without accomplishing the total package by resolving remaining issues. - 財務省


In the method, an end face of a metal plate 2 is photographed by a CCD camera 12, and obtained gray-scale image data are binarized by a binarization processing section 20 and subjected to a scaling process in a scaling processing section 24, and then each region in a binarized image is extracted by a region extracting section 26. - 特許庁

学生の職業観の醸成や働くことに対する理解を深めてもらうとともに、成長企業(中堅・中小・ベンチャー企業)の魅力発信・人材確保を目的に、全国に11 の地域プロジェクトチーム(管理法人・経済団体・企業・大学)を組成し、人文・社会科学系の大学1、2 年生を主なターゲットに、大学内での魅力的な成長企業の経営者等によるリレー講座、大学外での成長企業等の取材や就業体験を通じた魅力発信レポートの作成を行った。例文帳に追加

In order to improve studentsoccupational awareness and strengthen their understanding of what it means to work, 11 regional project teams (consisting of representatives of management corporations, business organizations, enterprises, and universities) were set up around Japan to publicize the attractions of working at growth enterprises (small, medium, mid-tier, and venture enterprises) and the employment opportunities offered by them. Targeting mainly first- and second-year university students in the humanities and social sciences, these teams organized on-campusrelaylectures taught in turn by the proprietors of attractive growth enterprises. Off campus, meanwhile, they produced reports highlighting the attractions of SMEs based on interviews conducted at growth enterprises and studentsexperiences of their internships at these and other enterprises.  - 経済産業省

行政長官は,細則により次のことをするができる。 (a) 附則1(パリ条約加盟国及び世界貿易機関協定加盟国)に次の名称を加えること(i) パリ条約に加盟した国 (ii) 世界貿易機関協定に加盟した国,地域又は地方 (b) 附則1から次の名称を削除すること (i) パリ条約を破棄通告した国 (ii) 世界貿易機関協定を破棄通告した国,地域又は地方 (c) 附則1をその他の点で補正すること (d) 附則2(周知商標の決定)を補正すること (e) 附則3(団体標章)を補正すること,及び (f) 附則4(証明標章)を補正すること例文帳に追加

The Chief Executive in Council may by regulation-- (a) add to Schedule 1 (Paris Convention countries and WTO members) the name of-- (i) any country which has acceded to the Paris Convention; (ii) any country, territory or area which has acceded to the World Trade Organization Agreement; (b) delete from Schedule 1 the name of-- (i) any country which has denounced the Paris Convention; (ii) any country, territory or area which has denounced the World Trade Organization Agreement; (c) otherwise amend Schedule 1; (d) amend Schedule 2 (determination of well-known trade marks); (e) amend Schedule 3 (collective marks); and (f) amend Schedule 4 (certification marks).  - 特許庁


A seamless long sheet-like floor material 1 is arranged at an approximately center part in a longitudinal direction on a vehicle floor, and plate-like members 2, 2 for nipping and fixing an edge 1a of the floor material 1 between it and a floor bottom are arranged between a widthwise edge 1a of the sheet-like floor material 1 and a wall 21 on a vehicle side face. - 特許庁

第2 章においては、世界の成長センターであるアジア経済が、世界の工場としてのみならず世界の市場としても存在感を高めていること、今後のアジアの持続的成長実現に向けては、インフラ整備に加えて、少子高齢化、環境等の共通課題の克服が重要であり、その解決には、アジア、さらにはアジア太平洋ワイドでの国際協力による解決が有効であることを確認した。例文帳に追加

In chapter 2, we first confirmed that Asian economy, as a center of world economy growth, has been gaining more existence not only as a global factory but also as a global market. For Asia's continuous growth, in addition to establish good infrastructure, we need to overcome our common problems, such as population aging from low birth rate and environmental issues. We also confirmed that international cooperation in Asia and even Asia-Pacific range is effective in order to solve the problems. - 経済産業省


The camera unit 5 converts a video signal of the mail article 2 obtained by the linear array CCD into a digital video signal, detects the envelopes of the digital video signal for the fetching direction (forward direction) of the linear array CCD and its opposite direction, and corrects the gradation and the light distribution of the digital video signal, based on the envelope detection data in both the directions. - 特許庁



2. The suspension is an unfavorable result not only for Japan but for all WTO Members who support and reap the benefits of the multilateral trading system. It is a matter of concern should world economy growth through trade increase stall. In particular, it is a blow for developing countries that the prospect for conclusion of the negotiations by the end of the year has now become remote. This is in light of the current Round’s strong emphasis on benefiting developing countries, especially the LDCs.  - 経済産業省


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