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該当件数 : 962



A comparison of the two groups showed two prominent features. - 英語論文検索例文集


A comparison of the two groups showed two prominent features. - 英語論文検索例文集


A face characteristic detection part 12 detects the characteristic of the face from the image photographed by the camera 2. - 特許庁


He was born in the area currently named Miyoshi City, Tokushima Prefecture on March 20, 1522 as the son of Motonaga MIYOSHI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(2) 庁の長官は,総理大臣が任免する。庁の2名の副長官は,長官の提案に基づき,監督権を行使する大臣(以下「大臣」という)が任免する。例文帳に追加

(2) The Office's President is appointed and released by the Prime Minister; its two vice presidents are appointed and released ?on the President's proposal ? by the minister exercising the rights of supervision (hereinafter referred to as "the Minister"). - 特許庁



A characteristic point detecting part 2 detects P characteristic points of each image and obtains a measurement matrix W therefrom. - 特許庁

補正前の請求項1、2 に係る発明には特別な技術的特徴が無く、補正前の特別な技術的特徴を変更する補正請求項3 に係る発明に特別な技術的特徴が発見された。例文帳に追加

The inventions claimed in claims 1 and 2 before the amendment do not have an special technical feature, and a special technical feature was found in the invention claimed in claim 3 before the amendment.  - 特許庁

狭帯域化エキシマレーザ(20)の中心波長を検出する波長検出器(2) の内部又はその近傍の環境特性として、少なくとも温度T又は圧力Pのいずれか一方を検出し、その環境特性の変化量が予め定められた所定の値を越えたことを検知したときに、中心波長を補正するための補正パラメータを獲得することによって波長検出器(2) を較正する。例文帳に追加

A wavelength detector 2 is calibrated by acquiring a correction parameter for correcting a center wavelength, when at least either temperature or pressure is detected as environmental characteristics inside or near the wavelength detector 2 for detecting the central wavelength of a narrow-band excimer laser 20 and the excess of a predetermined, a specific value by the amount of change in the environmental characteristics is detected. - 特許庁


(2) A manufacturing method for a polishing pad in which the surface of the polishing layer is ground after a polishing layer and a cushion layer are piled up. - 特許庁


さらに、前記環境特性の変化量が所定の値を越えない場合にも、予め定められた所定時間毎に波長検出器(2) を較正する。例文帳に追加

Furthermore, even if the amount of change in the environmental characteristics does not exceeds a specified value, the wavelength detector 2 is calibrated at each predetermined specified time. - 特許庁


補正前の請求項1に係る発明は「特定成分X」という特別な技術的特徴を有しているが、補正前の請求項2 に係る発明は当該特別な技術的特徴を有していないため、補正前の請求項1、2 に係る発明は発明の単一性の要件を満たさない。例文帳に追加

Although the invention claimed in claim 1 before the amendment has a special technical feature, that is, "specific component X," the inventions claimed in claims 1 and 2 before the amendment do not meet the requirements of unity of invention since the invention claimed in claim 2 before the amendment does not have said special technical feature.  - 特許庁


The feature parameter from a feature detection circuit 4 provided to the pre-filter block 2 is supplied to a bit rate setting part 5. - 特許庁


Accordingly the inventions in claims 1 and 2 have a special technical feature, and they comply with the requirement of unity of invention.  - 特許庁


In the glass substrate for a display, a surface projection is ≤2 pieces/m^2 in an unpolishing state. - 特許庁


In the method of detecting the solidification structure of steel, a cross-section of a sample of a steel casting piece is polished, a surface other than a polished surface 2 of a sample 1 is electrically insulated to be an electrically insulated surface 3, and the polished surface 2 is corroded. - 特許庁


Sergeant Major Hasdgawa slipped behind and got lost, finding a charcoal house in Hirasawa about 2 p.m. and stayed there along with a few people following him.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A face detection unit 2 detects a face included in an image, and a feature amount acquisition unit 3 acquires a feature amount of the face such as positions of both eyes and a position of a nose from the detected face. - 特許庁


(2) Municipalities and special city wards shall establish a special account for income and expenses regarding Long-Term Care Insurance pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Orders.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

施行規則第 25 条の 8 第 2 項では、同条第 1 項の「特別な技術的特徴」とは「発明の先行技術に対する貢献を明示する技術的特徴をいう」と規定している。これは、「技術的特徴」が「特別」であるためには、この「技術的特徴」によって発明の「先行技術に対する貢献」がもたらされるものでなければならないことを意味する。例文帳に追加

Article 25octies(2) provides that the wordspecial technical featurestipulated in the Article 25octies(1) means “a technical feature defining a contribution made by an invention over the prior art.In other words, the “technical feature” must create a contribution over the prior art in order to be recognized as a special one.  - 特許庁


(2) A prefecture, according to the request of a Specified Municipality, may provide necessary advice or information such as indicating standards for an adjustment percentage of insurance premiums pertaining to said Municipal Mutual Fiscal Stabilization Project.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(2) The grinding device is provided with a grinding head, the grinding pad of (1) opposed to the grinding head, a grinding surface plate for fixing the grinding pad and a driving device for turning the grinding head and/or the grinding surface plate. - 特許庁


(2) If the appointer has taken a disciplinary action set forth in the preceding paragraph and the Board considers it particularly necessary to do so, the Board may state its opinions on the publication of an outline of the disciplinary action to the appointer.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) 本条規則において,「特殊な技術的特徴」とは,各クレームされた発明を全体として考慮したときに,先行技術への改善である貢献を定義付ける技術的特徴をいう。例文帳に追加

(2) In this rule, “special technical featuresmeans those technical features which define a contribution which each of the claimed inventions, considered as a whole, makes over the prior art. 26. Certain matters prescribed under section 26 - 特許庁


The direction detecting part 2 can be provided with a first storage memory for storing voice source characteristics inputted in advance as a video conference participant, and a voice source characteristics comparing means for comparing the characteristics of a newly inputted voice source with those of the voice source stored in the first storage memory. - 特許庁


The photographed data by the camera 2 is acquired by an image data acquiring part and a feature quantity extraction part extracts the feature quantity showing the reflection characteristics of the surface Wf to be inspected on the basis of the acquired image data. - 特許庁


The search server 2 performs matching of the feature data transmitted from the TV 1 and feature data of respective songs managed in advance, and specifies the song that was being played when the search of song information was instructed. - 特許庁


A surface of the wood building material impregnated with resin is finished by at least ≥2 polishing processes. - 特許庁


Tamekane KYOGOKU (1254 - April 16, 1332) was a late Kamakura-period waka poet.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This pedestrian detecting device has a pedestrian detecting sensor 2, and an arithmetic operation part 3; and is characterized in that the pedestrian detecting sensor 2 is composed of a load sensor having an optical fiber extended to a front part. - 特許庁

権利所有者は,(2)にいう存続期間の満了前,1 年未満かつ 6 月超の時期に OSIM に提出する書面による請求に基づいて,第 2 回目,かつ,最終である追加 2 年間の更新を取得することができる。例文帳に追加

The owner of the right may obtain, based on a written request filedwith OSIM, the renewal of the utility model protection for a second andlast two year-period, but not earlier than one year and not later thansix months before the expiry of the duration referred to in paragraph(2). - 特許庁

また、特許請求の範囲の最初に記載された発明が特別な技術的特徴を有しない場合には、「第Ⅰ部第2章 発明の単一性の要件」の「4.2 特許請求の範囲の最初に記載された発明が特別な技術的特徴を有しない場合の審査対象」に示したところに照らして、発明の単一性の要件を問わずに審査対象となる範囲を調査対象とする。例文帳に追加

Where the invention first mentioned in the claims lacks a special technical feature, the subject of the examination will be selected as the subject of the search in accordance with the provisions of4.2 Subject of Examination Where the Invention First Mentioned in the Claims Does Not Have Any Special Technical Feature” (“Part I Chapter 2 Requirements of Unity of Invention”), without considering whether the requirements of unity of invention are met.  - 特許庁


A facial area expansion section 3 and a feature quantity detection area extracting section 4 determine a feature quantity detecting area for detecting the feature quantity for personal identification, from the image data obtained by operating the imaging section 1 in the second operation mode, based on the face area detected by the facial area detecting section 2. - 特許庁


The gutter structure is characterized in that a crime prevention detecting device 2 is fixed at the bottom surface of a gutter 1 by a holder 4 and a vibration damper 3 is inserted between the bottom surface of the gutter 1 and the crime prevention detecting device 2. - 特許庁


The lens barrel (1) includes a detection part (1b) detecting a connection state to a camera body (2), and a drive mechanism (16) changing the lens barrel length when the connection state to the camera body (2) detected by the detection part (1b) is changed. - 特許庁


Then, construction on the Hondo (main hall) was started in 991 and completed in 995 (during this time, Kaneie died in 990).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The drowsiness detector 1 measures the heartbeat or the pulse of a driver with a physiological index meter 2; extracts a heartbeat feature amount, obtains a standard deviation value of the heartbeat feature amount; and corrects the standard deviation value of the heartbeat feature amount by the heartbeat feature amount. - 特許庁


This glass substrate for display is a glass substrate used for display having an area of not smaller than 0.1 m^2 and a thickness of not greater than 2.5 mm, and it has not more than 2 piece/m^2 surface protuberances and it is not polished. - 特許庁


(2) Certification Committee members shall be appointed by the mayor of a Municipality (or the ward mayor, for special city wards; the same shall apply hereinafter) and shall be a person with relevant knowledge and experience pertaining to health care, medical care, or for the administration of public aid of an Insured Person Requiring Long-Term Care, etc.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(2) Board members are appointed by mayors of municipalities (including mayors of special wards; the same shall apply hereinafter) from those who have academic backgrounds concerning healthcare and welfare of persons with disabilities, or others.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

長官は,特許庁を管理し,かつ,特許庁の職務を遂行する責任を負う。長官は,特許庁の内部組織に関する規則を公布する。長官は,職員を任命し,かつ,これに対する職務上の指揮監督権を行使する。長官は,諸国際機関及び諸同盟において特許庁を代表する。長官は,外国特許庁との間の2 国間又は広域条約に署名する。例文帳に追加

The President shall manage the Patent Office and shall be responsible for the performance of the tasks of the Office; he shall issue the internal organizational regulations of the Office; he shall appoint the staff and exercise official supervision over them; he shall represent the Patent Office in the international organizations and unions; he shall sign bilateral and regional treaties with foreign patent offices.  - 特許庁


Then, when an inspector adjusts the threshold of the amount of feature of a section 2 for adjusting the threshold of the amount of feature on the screen, the shape of the model expressed by the defect model image is changed on the screen so that the defect model image is included in the range of the threshold after adjustment. - 特許庁


Subject to the provisions of this Act, the officers appointed under subsection (2) shall discharge under the superintendence and directions of the Controller such functions of the Controller under this Act as he may, from time to time by general or special order in writing, authorize them to discharge. - 特許庁

2.AJCCEP は、この枠組みを調整し及び実施するための必要に応じ、他の機関を設置することが出来る。その中には、この枠組みに従って行われる他の措置の実施を監督し、調整し及び検討することを含む。例文帳に追加

2. AJCCEP may establish other bodies as may be necessary to co-ordinate and implement this Framework, including the supervision, co-ordination and review of the implementation of other measures undertaken pursuant to this Framework - 経済産業省


(2) If the court finds it necessary, it may seek a statement of opinion with respect to procedures for the special liquidation of such Liquidating Stock Company from the government agency that supervises the business of the Liquidating Stock Company, or entrust the investigations to the same.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


This plate for microscopic observation consists of a synthetic resin and the wet tension of at least the segments of the plate surface, which segments come into contact with the specimen, is specified to 3.5×10^-2 to 9.5×10^-2 N/m by a plasma or a corona discharge treatment. - 特許庁


A grinding pad of the invention is characterized in that a grinding layer has dimple holes with an area of 0.01-7 mm^2 and a total area of the dimple holes is 0.01-5.00% of the total area of the grinding layer. - 特許庁


(2) When a Specified Municipality intends to formulate or revise a plan set forth in the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as a "Municipal Daycare Plan"), the municipality shall take necessary measures in advance to reflect the opinions of the residents.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(1) 本法に定めた事件については,特許庁は2月又は4月の期限を定めることができる。一定の特別な事情においては,特許庁は6月の期限を定めることができる。例文帳に追加

(1) In the cases provided by this Act, the Patent Office may set two-month or four-month periods as time limits. In certain special circumstances, the Patent Office may establish a time limit of six months.  - 特許庁


A video recording viewing apparatus 1 detects a video interval on the basis of a variation of a feature quantity of video and audio in a video image and transmits the detected video interval as the attached information to the video image together with a feature quantity by a representative image feature quantity extract means 13 to an attached information management apparatus 2. - 特許庁



(2) The polishing method includes fixing an object to be polished on a polishing head, and rotating the polishing head and/or polishing platen in a state that the polishing pad described in (1) fixed to the polishing platen is brought into contact with the object to be polished. - 特許庁


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