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Umedani - Bunkobashi - Umemidai 5-chome - Kunimibashi-Higashi - Kunimidai 8-chome - Kunimibashi-Higashi - Ichisaka - Kizu Station - Kizu Junior High School - Yamadagawa Station - Hightouch Research Park - Nanyo High School - Kabutodai 1-chome - Takanohara Station - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
「東アジア共同体」構想に向けて、伸びゆくアジアの要素を我が国の成長に取り込むとともに、企業や才能豊かな人材が我が国で活躍できるよう国を開くための制度改革を進めていくことが期待されている(第3-1-4-5 表)。例文帳に追加
Aiming at an "East Asian Community", the element of developing Asia is used to aid the growth of this country. Institutional reform is required in order to be an advanced open country that can be active in enterprise and abundant in human resources (see Figure 3-1-4-5). - 経済産業省
大谷光暢(おおたにこうちょう 1903年(明治36年)10月1日-1993年(平成5年)4月13日)は、浄土真宗の僧で、東本願寺第24代法主(のちに門首)。例文帳に追加
Kocho OTANI (October 1, 1903 - April 13, 1993) was a monk in the Jodo Shin (True Pure Land) sect of Buddhism, and he was the 24th Hoshu (high priest) (Monshu (representative priest) later) of Higashi Hongan-ji Temple. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
At the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, he accompanied Ieyasu's main force, and was assigned as Assistant Deputy General of the Eastern Camp along with Tadakatsu HONDA, becoming a key player in the command the Eastern Camp. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In 1600, after Ieyasu TOKUGAWA and his allies moved their troops to defeat Kagekatsu UESUGI of Aizu, Mitsunari ISHIDA and his allies denounced Ieyasu and moved their troops (the West) against him and thus the Battle of Sekigahara began. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
During the night of July 18, the great allied forces, comprising the Migashimikawa army under Tadatsugu SAKAI, the yoriki (assistants to commanders) including Nagachika KANAMORI of the Oda force, and approximately 3,000 (or 4,000 men according to "The Shinchoko-ki") with 500 teppo, crossed Toyo-gawa River in secret. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
On this occasion, the negotiation was going to be reopened, but 相良正樹, the government official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, lost his patience because the negotiation was not proceeded at all, so he went to Toraifu, although he was prohibited to go out of Choryang-dong Wakan (the residence office of the Tsushima clan), and he demanded to meet with an ambassador of Toraifu in May of 1872 (go out of Wakan). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Nagamasu ODA, the younger brother of Nobunaga ODA and a famous master of tea ceremony, received domain worth 30,000 koku (an unit of assessed crop yields of the land [1 koku: about 180 liter], which was also used to express the size of the land) in Yamato Province and Kawachi Province, after military success contributing to the victory of the East camp in the Battle of Sekigahara of 1600. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Motoharu KUWAYAMA, the second son of Shigeharu KUWAYAMA, participated in the Battle of Sekigahara as part of the East camp in 1600 and received 2000 koku (an unit of assessed crop yields of the land [1 koku: about 180 liter], which was also used to express the size of the land) after the war in recognition of his military success against the troops of Yoshitsugu OTANI of the West camp. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He was initially considering taking part in the Eastern squad in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, but the Western squad wielded their influence on Ise, he and his younger brother Yukitsugu UJIIE were forced to take part in the Western squad. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
これらの2012年2 月時点での実績は、大震災によって被災した中小企業の事業立て直しのための東日本大震災復興特別貸付が累計約16 万6 千件、3 兆6 千億円あまり、被災した中小企業の資金繰り支援のための東日本大震災復興緊急保証が同約7 万2 千件、1 兆7 千億円あまり、セーフティネット保証(5 号)が同約15 万件、2兆2 千億円あまりとなっている(第1-1-16図、第1-1-17 図、第1-1-18 図)。例文帳に追加
As of February 2012, around 166,000 Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Special Loans worth a total of more than 3.6 trillion yen had been disbursed to assist the recovery of SMEs affected by the great earthquake, and around 72,000 Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Emergency Guarantees worth over 1.7 trillion yen and around 150,000 Safety-net Guarantees (No.5) worth over 2.2 trillion yen had been provided to ease the financial position of similarly affected SMEs (Figs. 1-1-16, 1-1-17, and 1-1-18). - 経済産業省
By prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, where large manufacturers; Kikkoman Corporation (Noda city), YAMASA CORPORATION, Higeta Shoyu Co., Ltd. (Choshi City) are located accounts for 34%, Hyogo Prefecture where Higashimaru Shoyu Co., Ltd. (Tatsuno City) is located accounts for 16%, occupying the majority by them; the third is Aichi Prefecture (5%), the fourth is Kagawa Prefecture (4.5%), and so on. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
After he learned that the western force for which his father fought, had lost badly to the eastern force in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 and also that Sawayama Castle had fallen, with the help of Nobutake TSUGARU, he escaped to Tsugaru in Mutsu Province with Jinnai TSUYAMA who was the father of his nanny and others. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
2005 年12月~ 2006 年2月に行われたアンケート調査結果によると、我が国製造業の現地調達先の約5 割は日系企業で占められていることから(第2-2-4 図)、現地調達率上昇の背景には、汎用品等を現地調達に切り替えることに加え、我が国企業の東アジア進出の進展もあると考えられる。例文帳に追加
According to the results of a questionnaire survey conducted between December 2005 and February 2006, 50% of the local suppliers of Japan’s manufacturing industry are Japanese-affiliated companies (Figure 2-2-4). The probable reasons for this increase in the rate of local procurement are the shift to local procurement of general purpose components and further expansion by Japanese companies into East Asia. - 経済産業省
United regional efforts to tackle various issues are effective in achieving the sustainable growth of East Asia; such issues include overcoming energy and environmental constraints, enhancing fragile infrastructures, developing the supporting industries, and tackling human resource shortage. The ERIA was proposed and welcomed by East Asian countries including the ASEAN countries as a new think tank to intellectually support efforts led by ASEAN for regional integration amid the mounting international issues arising from rapid globalization (see Figure 4-5-2). - 経済産業省
The First Troops of the Imperial Japanese Army under the command of General Tamemoto KUROKI landed on the Korean Peninsula and defeated the Russian army on the shores of the Oryokko River near Anton (present Tanton) in an engagement that lasted between April 30th and May 1st (Battle of the Oryokko River). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Baiu (called also "tsuyu" and written also as "黴雨" [meaning 'rain of molds']) is a rainy period from May to July every year which is typical meteorological phenomenon seen in a wide area covering Japan excluding Hokkaido and Ogasawara Islands (Bonin Islands), the southern part of Korean Peninsula, coastal area of People's Republic of China including south and center China and Taiwan. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
これは、先に述べた我が国製造業の東アジア現地法人の調達先の約5 割が日系企業で占められているという結果からも推察されるように、まずは現地において日系企業との取引を確保することで、事業基盤を固めることが重要との姿勢が表れていると考えられる。例文帳に追加
As previously shown, approximately 50% of the suppliers of the local corporations of Japanese manufacturing industries in East Asia are Japanese-affiliated companies, which indicates that companies consider it important to solidify their business base by first securing business with Japanese-affiliated companies in the local area. - 経済産業省
In the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, he joined the army of Mitsunari ISHIDA, the Western Army, and kept to Sawayama-jo Castle, the headquarters of Mitsunari, but when the main forces of the Western Army including those of Mitsunari were devastated in the main campaign on October 21 and the troops of Hideaki KOBAYAKAWA and other lords who belonged to the Western Army but betrayed them in favor of the Eastern Army, closed to the castle, Moritomo switched sides to Hideaki, betrayed Mitsunari and forced his family to suicide. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In the same speech, Prime Minister Aso also announced "the growth initiative towards doubling the size of Asia's economy" by 2020 through (i) "strengthening Asia's growth potential" by promoting wider-area infrastructure development, industrial development and institutional improvement integrally and systematically to dramatically develop Japan's surroundings and a wide range of industries, (ii) the "comprehensive Asian development plan" to be prepared by the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) to improve arterial infrastructure such as railways and roads, relevant infrastructure including power stations and industrial parks, industry development plans, fund-raising mechanisms and customs clearance systems to make the initiative more concrete, and (iii) expanding the middle-income class' consumption by developing safety nets and education. - 経済産業省
On January 16th, 1263, he died at the age of 90 (according to the East Asian age reckoning, and 89 in a regular way of counting) in "Zenpo-in" at Oshikoji Minami and Madenokoji Higashi (his younger brother Jin'u served as a chief monk there). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This section describes the challenges for Japanese corporate activities in the East Asian region andstrategic approaches that have proved successful for expanding business in this region, focusing on thefollowing points with regard to the approaches necessary to improve the earnings performance ofJapanese companies in the East Asian region in the future: from a macro-economic perspective on (i) thecomparative advantage structure between Japan and each region in East Asia in terms of trade; and froma micro-economic perspective on (ii) the characteristics of motivation for entry into the East Asianregion and development of business, (iii) recouping of headquarters costs and collection of profits, (iv)making the most of merits in business costs, (v) local management structure, (vi) local R&D activities,and (vii) efforts by Japanese companies with the opening of the Chinese market. - 経済産業省
The following points will be discussed with regard to the overseas business activities of Japanese companies: (1) Characteristics of motivation for entry into the East Asian region and development of business; (2) recouping of headquarters costs and collection of profits; (3)making the most of merits in business costs; (4) local management structure; (5) R&D activities; and (6) efforts by Japanese companies with the opening of the Chinese market. With regard to (1) above, the difference in comparisons between Japanese companies and foreign companies is that Japanese companies emphasize balance in production functions between China and ASEAN and foreign companies focus on the use of R&D functions. - 経済産業省
具体的には、 1 )世界経済は、緩やかに回復しつつも格差とインバランスが存在し、いまだ不安定であること。 2 )世界経済は、より力強くかつ自律的な回復を遂げる上でのリスク要因を抱えていること。 3 )格差とインバランスの拡大に伴い、国・地域間の摩擦が高まっており、G20、 APEC、 WTO 等において問題解決に向けた取組がなされていること。 4 )東日本大震災の発生後、各国のとった協調的な動きにより、世界経済はおおむね安定した動きを見せたこと(震災による影響に関しては、第4章、第5章にて詳述する)。等を示す。例文帳に追加
Specifically speaking: 1) The world economy has been recovering moderately, but the gaps and imbalances are found, which are still volatile. 2) The risk factors related to the world economy must be addressed in order to achieve stronger and self- sustaining recovery; 3) Accompanying the widening of gaps and imbalances, friction among countries and regions has been heightened. Efforts have been made to solve these problems by G20, APEC, WTO and other world organization. 4) After the Great East Japan Earthquake, the world economy has shown largely stable upward movement through cooperative support provided by various countries. (Details of the earthquake disaster will be discussed later in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5). - 経済産業省
To encourage the soldiers of the 'western' army, who were frightened by a report that Ieyasu arrived at Akasaka, Mino Province, though he was considered not to be able to move from Edo in fear of betrayal of Kagekatsu UESUGI of Aizu and Masamune DATE in the north region, Sakon led a squad of 500 soldiers to fight against the 'eastern' army of Kazuhide NAKAMURA and Toyouji ARIMA (Battle of Kuise-gawa River) in the evening before the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, and his squad and the squad of Takenori AKASHI (vassal of Hideie UKITA) won a complete victory. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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