例文 (31件) |
該当件数 : 31件
The Patent Authority shall advertise its decision on an administrative re-examination. - 特許庁
The advertisement of the filing of a request for re-examination shall also state the name or firm name of the person who has requested the re-examination. - 特許庁
If re-examination or termination of the basic patent has been requested prior to the request for re-examination of the certificate, the request for re-examination of the certificate shall be suspended until a final decision concerning the basic patent has been made. - 特許庁
第三十八条 保険給付に関する決定に不服のある者は、労働者災害補償保険審査官に対して審査請求をし、その決定に不服のある者は、労働保険審査会に対して再審査請求をすることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 38 (1) A person who has a complaint about a decision in respect of insurance benefits may file an application for examination to an industrial accident compensation insurance examiner, and a person who has a complaint about a decision by the examiner may file an application for re-examination with the Labor Insurance Appeal Committee. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
A copy of each report relating to an examination or a re-examination under this Act must, subject to Chapters 15 and 17, be given to the applicant or patentee, as the case requires. - 特許庁
第六条 保険会社等は、政府の再保険に関する事項につき不服があるときは、財務大臣に対し、審査を申し立てることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 6 (1) Insurance companies, etc. may apply for review to the Minister of Finance when they have complaints on matters concerning government reinsurance. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Where a decision to refuse registration is cancelled on reconsideration, a decision as to substance shall be taken by the President of the Patent Office. - 特許庁
Where a decision to refuse registration is cancelled, a substantive decision on reconsideration shall be taken by the President of the Patent Office. - 特許庁
A re-examination proceeding in respect of a claim of a patent shall be completed within twelve months of the commencement of the proceedings under subsection (1). - 特許庁
「再審査」は,次の事項を意味する。 (a) 標準特許を求める出願に関する完全明細書に関して-第9章に基づく完全明細書の再審査,及び (b) 革新特許を求める出願に関する完全明細書に関して-第9A章第2部に基づく革新特許の再審査 「登録簿」は,第186条に記載した特許登録簿を意味する。例文帳に追加
Re-examination means: (a) in relation to a complete specification relating to an application for a standard patent - the re-examination of the complete specification under Chapter 9; and (b) in relation to an innovation patent - the re-examination of the innovation patent under Part 2 of Chapter 9A. - 特許庁
The Registrar shall send a copy of the re-examination report to both the applicant for revocation of the patent and the proprietor of the patent, and he shall take into consideration the conclusions of the re-examination report in making his determination on the patent or the patent as amended. - 特許庁
第三条 弁護士は、当事者その他関係人の依頼又は官公署の委嘱によつて、訴訟事件、非訟事件及び審査請求、異議申立て、再審査請求等行政庁に対する不服申立事件に関する行為その他一般の法律事務を行うことを職務とする。例文帳に追加
Article 3 (1) The duties of an attorney, upon the request of the party or the concerned parties, or upon the entrustment of public agency, shall be to engage in acts relating to lawsuits, non-contentious cases, and objections, request for re-examination, appeals, and other petitions against administrative agencies and other general legal services. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第百九十四条 特許庁長官又は審査官は、当事者に対し、審判又は再審に関する手続以外の手続を処理するため必要な書類その他の物件の提出を求めることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 194 (1) The Commissioner of the Patent Office or the examiner may request a party in a case to submit documents or other materials necessary for a procedure other than one relating to a trial or a retrial. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
二 その意匠又はその意匠と同一若しくは類似の意匠に関する審査、審判、再審又は訴訟の当事者又は参加人から請求があつたとき。例文帳に追加
(ii) so requested by a party or an intervenor of examination, trial, retrial or litigation relating to the design or a design identical with or similar to the design; - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第六十条の三 意匠登録出願、請求その他意匠登録に関する手続をした者は、事件が審査、審判又は再審に係属している場合に限り、その補正をすることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 60-3 A person undertaking a procedure with regard to an application for design registration, a request or any other procedures relating to design registration, may make amendments only while the case is pending in examination, trial or retrial. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
④ 平成21年10月23日薬食審査発1023第4号「ヒト用医薬品の心室再分極遅延QT間隔延長の潜在的可能性に関する非臨床的評価について」(ICH Q7B ガイドライン)例文帳に追加
(4) October 23, 2009, PFSB/ELD Notification No. 1023-4. "Nonclinical Evaluation of the Potential for Delayed Ventricular Repolarization (QT Interval Prolongation) by Human Pharmaceuticals" (ICH Q7B) - 厚生労働省
特許のクレームに関する再審査の手続の終結に当たり,再審査部は,(a) 特許性がないと決定された特許のクレームを取り消すか, (b) 特許性があると決定された特許のクレームを確認するか,又は (c) 提案された補正のクレーム又は新たなクレームであって特許性があると決定されたものを特許に組み込む, とする証明書を発行しなければならない。例文帳に追加
On conclusion of a re-examination proceeding in respect of a claim of a patent, the re-examination board shall issue a certificate (a) cancelling any claim of the patent determined to be unpatentable; (b) confirming any claim of the patent determined to be patentable; or (c) incorporating in the patent any proposed amended or new claim determined to be patentable. - 特許庁
法律第48.1条(1)に基づいて特許における1又は2以上のクレームの再審査の請求に関する適切な手数料は,次の通りである: (a) 次の場合は,附則II項目14に掲げる小規模事業体手数料 (i) 再審査を請求する者が特許権者であり,かつ,小規模事業体宣言書が第3.01条に従って特許又は当該特許が基礎とする出願に関して提出された場合,又は (ii) 再審査を請求する者が特許権者でなく,かつ,小規模事業体宣言書を第3.02条に従って提出した場合 (b) その他の場合は,同項目に掲げる標準手数料例文帳に追加
The appropriate fee on requesting re-examination of a claim or claims in a patent under subsection 48.1(1) of the Act is (a) the small entity fee set out in item 14 of Schedule II if (i) the person requesting re-examination is the patentee and a small entity declaration is filed in respect of the patent, or the application on which the patent is based, in accordance with section 3.01, or (ii) the person requesting re-examination is not the patentee and they file a small entity declaration in accordance with section 3.02; and (b) in any other case, the standard fee set out in that item. - 特許庁
第六十六条 市町村長がした保護の決定及び実施に関する処分又は市町村長の管理に属する行政庁が第十九条第四項の規定による委任に基づいてした処分に係る審査請求についての都道府県知事の裁決に不服がある者は、厚生労働大臣に対して再審査請求をすることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 66 (1) A person who is dissatisfied with the determination by the prefectural governor with regard to a request for examination of a disposition concerning a decision on or the implementation of public assistance that has been given by a municipal mayor or on a disposition given by an administrative agency under the management of a municipal mayor based on the delegation under the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (4) may file a request for re-examination with the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
(2) 特許の所有者により第83条(1)に基づいて補正が提案された場合は,審査官は,当該再審査報告において,提案されている補正が, (a) 第84条(3)に基づいて許可されるべきであるか否か,また (b) 取消申請書に記載された取消理由のうちの何れかを全体的又は部分的に排除するものであるか否か, に関する意見を記載する。例文帳に追加
(2) If amendments have been proposed under section 83(1) by the proprietor of the patent, the Examiner shall in the re-examination report include an opinion as to whether the amendment proposed -- (a) is allowable under section 84(3); and (b) would overcome, in whole or in part, any of the grounds of revocation specified in the application for revocation. - 特許庁
第六十八条の四十 商標登録出願、防護標章登録出願、請求その他商標登録又は防護標章登録に関する手続をした者は、事件が審査、登録異議の申立てについての審理、審判又は再審に係属している場合に限り、その補正をすることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 68-40 (1) The person undertaking a procedure before the Patent Office with regard to an application for trademark registration, an application for defensive mark registration, any requests or any other procedures relating to trademark registration or defensive mark registration, may make amendments relating thereto only when the case is pending in examination, examination on opposition to registration, trial or retrial. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
The advertisement concerning the filing of and the decision on a request for re-examination shall state the name or firm name of the holder of the certificate, the number and date of filing of the application, the registration number of the certificate, the number and classes of the basic patent, the title of the invention and the duration of the certificate. - 特許庁
③ 上記①及び②に定める留意事項、改善事項等に関する意見に対し、研究機関の長から改善等の報告を受けた場合には、速やかに、これを再審査し、実施等又は継続等の適否、留意事項、改善事項等について、研究機関の長に対して意見を述べること。例文帳に追加
3) In cases in which the ethics committee receives a report on measures or amendments taken in response to points for consideration or amendment as described in 1) and 2), the committee shall rapidly review the report and issue its opinions to the institute director as to whether or not its implementation or continuation is appropriate, or raises any points for consideration or amendment. - 厚生労働省
出願が第15 条, 第16 条及び第18 条の( 方式) 要件に適合しないか又は部分的に適合するのみの場合は, 特許庁は, その旨を書面で出願人に通知し, その際, 適合していない点を具体的に示すとともに( 不備の更正のための) 応答の提出に関する3 月の期限を定めるものとし,同時に,出願の審査期間の経過を停止する。出願の審査期間の経過は, 出願人の応答を受領した日又は応答提出の期間が満了した日に再開する。例文帳に追加
If the application does not conform or conforms only partially to the (formal) requirements of Sections 15, 16, and 18 of this Law, the Patent Office shall notify the applicant in writing thereof, substantiating the non-conformity and determining a deadline of 3 months for the submission of a reply (for the rectification of deficiencies), and shall concurrently suspend the running of the time period for the examination of the application. The running of the time period for the examination of the application shall be resumed with the day when the reply of the applicant is received or the time period for the provision of such reply has expired. - 特許庁
Any person who, after the expiry of the time limit prescribed for resumption of the examination and other processing of a shelved application or after the refusal of the application or after the advertisement of the lapse of the patent, but prior to the advertisement under subsection 1, in good faith has commenced a commercial exploitation of the invention in this country or made substantial preparations for such exploitation may continue the exploitation retaining its general character. - 特許庁
この調整計画においては、「自社の強み・弱みに関する現状分析が当該企業によりなされているか」、「再建へ向けた明確で合理的な戦略が策定されているか」、といった項目について審査がなされるが、企業が計画を立案するに当たっては、全米12か所に設置されている地域貿易調整支援センター(TAAC:Trade Adjustment Assistance Centers)から企業診断や助言を得ることができる。例文帳に追加
These adjustment proposals are considered in regard to whether the company is aware of its strengths and weaknesses has a clear and rational strategy for recovery from the import impact. Companies can receive corporate diagnosis and counseling in preparation of their proposals from one of the 12 Trade Adjustment Assistance Centers (TAAC) set up around the country. - 経済産業省
(3) 経過規定の第5に述べる国王令に基づき事前審査を適用する技術分野に係る特許付与手続において,一旦,技術水準に関する報告書が公開された場合,当該手続を棚上げし第39条(2)に定める期間が開始するものとする。当該期間中に,出願人は事前審査を請求するか又は通常の付与手続を継続する意図を表明することができる。出願人がこの主題について意見を表明することなく期間が満了した場合は,前各項の規定に従い,この章に定める通常の付与手続に係る規定を適用し手続を再開するものとする。当該手続再開は,産業財産公報に公示される。例文帳に追加
(3) In patent grant procedures relating to technological sectors for which the grant procedure with prior examination under the Royal Decree referred to in the Fifth Transitional Provision is applicable, once publication of the report on the state of the art has taken place, the period provided for in Article 39(2) shall start, suspending the proceedings, during which time the applicant may file the request for prior examination or express his desire to continue with the general grant procedure. Where that period expires without the applicant having made a statement on the subject, the procedure shall resume in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs, with the provisions on the general grant procedure laid down in this Chapter being applicable. Resumption shall be announced in the Official Bulletin of Industrial Property. - 特許庁
なお、リーマン・ショック後の2009 年12 月に施行された「中小企業者等に対する金融の円滑化を図るための臨時措置に関する法律」は、2013年3 月末まで1 年間再延長されたが、これまでの中小企業者向けの施行実績は、2011 年9 月末時点で申込件数が累計約249 万件、実行件数が同約229 万件となっており、審査中及び取下げを除いた実行率は、おおむね97%前後で推移している(第1-1-19 図)。例文帳に追加
The Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, etc. that entered effect in December 2009 following the Lehman crisis was also extended for another year to the end of March 2013, and a total of some 2.49 million loan modification applications and 2.29 million modifications had been made to date, which translates into a modification rate of around 97% after allowing for applications that are still under examination or have been withdrawn (Fig. 1-1-19). - 経済産業省
The NSC established a Special Committee on Seismic Safety Evaluation in December 2007 in order to comprehensively investigate and deliberate seismic safety as a neutral position. The Special Committee investigates and deliberates the reevaluation (back check) of seismic safety conducted by the nuclear operator and NISA for the existing nuclear power reactor facilities and the evaluation of the facilities of the Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power Station in terms of integrity. The re-evaluation was conducted by the nuclear operator and NISA in accordance with the Regulatory Guide for Reviewing Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Reactor Facilities, which was revised in September 2006. - 経済産業省
第四条の二 大規模地震対策特別措置法(昭和五十三年法律第七十三号)第九条第一項の規定に基づく地震災害に関する警戒宣言(以下この条において「警戒宣言」という。)が発せられたときは、同法第三条第一項の規定により地震防災対策強化地域として指定された地域のうち当該警戒宣言に係る地域内に所在する保険の目的については、保険会社等は、当該警戒宣言が発せられた時から同法第九条第三項の規定に基づく地震災害に関する警戒解除宣言が発せられた日(当該警戒宣言に係る大規模な地震が発生するに至つた場合にあつては、財務大臣が地震保険審査会の議を経て告示により指定をする日)までの間、政府の再保険契約に係る地震保険契約(政令で定めるものを除く。)を新たに締結することができない。例文帳に追加
Article 4-2 (1) When a warning declaration about an earthquake disaster under the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 9 of the Act on Special Measures for Large-scale Earthquakes (Act No. 73 of 1978) (hereinafter referred to as "warning declaration" in this Article) is issued, insurance companies, etc. may not enter into any new earthquake insurance contract to be covered by the reinsurance contract of the government (excluding those prescribed by a Cabinet Order) for subjects located in areas pertaining to said warning declaration and designated as areas for intensified countermeasures against the earthquake by the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 3 of the same Act from the time when the warning declaration is issued until the day when the warning declaration is withdrawn under the provision of paragraph (3) of Article 9 of the same Act (or, where the large scale earthquake pertaining to the warning declaration does occur, until the day designated by the Minister of Finance in a public notice after consultation with the Earthquake Insurance Council). - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
2 特許法第六条から第九条まで、第十一条から第十六条まで、第十七条第三項及び第四項、第十八条から第二十四条まで並びに第百九十四条(手続)の規定は、商標登録出願、防護標章登録出願、請求その他商標登録又は防護標章登録に関する手続に準用する。この場合において、同法第六条第一項第一号中「出願審査の請求」とあるのは「登録異議の申立て」と、同法第七条第四項中「相手方が請求した審判又は再審」とあるのは「その商標権若しくは防護標章登録に基づく権利に係る登録異議の申立て又は相手方が請求した審判若しくは再審」と、同法第九条中「拒絶査定不服審判」とあるのは「商標法第四十四条第一項若しくは第四十五条第一項の審判」と、同法第十四条中「拒絶査定不服審判」とあるのは「商標法第四十四条第一項又は第四十五条第一項の審判」と、同法第十七条第三項中「二 手続がこの法律又はこの法律に基づく命令で定める方式に違反しているとき。」とあるのは「二 手続がこの法律又はこの法律に基づく命令で定める方式に違反しているとき。二の二 手続について商標法第四十条第二項の規定による登録料又は同法第四十一条の二第二項の規定により更新登録の申請と同時に納付すべき登録料(商標法第四十三条第一項又は第二項の規定により納付すべき割増登録料を含む。)を納付しないとき。」と、同法第十八条の二第一項中「できないもの」とあるのは「できないもの(商標法第五条の二第一項各号(同法第六十八条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)に該当するものを除く。)」と、同法第二十三条第一項及び第二十四条中「審判」とあるのは「登録異議の申立てについての審理及び決定、審判」と、同法第百九十四条第一項中「審判」とあるのは「登録異議の申立て、審判」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加
(2) Articles 6 to 9, 11 to 16, 17(3) and 17(4), 18 to 24 and 194 (procedures) of the Patent Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to an application for trademark registration, an application for defensive mark registration, any petitions or any other procedures pertaining to trademark registration or defensive mark registration. In this case, the portion "file a request for the examination of an application" in Article 6(1)(i) of the Patent Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "file an opposition to registration," the portion "an adverse party files a petition for a trial or retrial" in Article 7(4) of the Patent Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "an opposition to registration in relation to the trademark right or the right based on defensive mark registration is filed or a trial or retrial is filed by an adverse party," the portion "trial against an examiner's decision of refusal" in Article 9 of the Patent Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "trial under Article 44(1) or 45(1) of the Trademark Act," the portion "trial against an examiner's decision of refusal" in Article 14 of the Patent Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "trial under Article 44(1) or 45(1) of the Trademark Act," the portion "(ii) where the procedures do not comply with the formal requirements provided by this Act or an order thereunder" in Article 17(3) of the Patent Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "(ii) where the procedures do not comply with the formal requirements provided by this Act or an order thereunder; (ii)-2 where, pertaining to the procedures, the registration fee under Article 40(2) of the Trademark Act or the registration fee (including the registration surcharge due and payable pursuant to Article 43(1) or 43(2) of the Trademark Act) payable at the time of application for registration of renewal pursuant to Article 41-2(2) of the Trademark Act is not paid," the portion "not amendable" in Article 18-2(1) of the Patent Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "not amendable (except cases filing under any of the items in Article 5-2(1) of the Trademark Act (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 68(1) of the Trademark Act))," the term "trial" in Article 23(1) and 24 of the Patent Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "examination and decision on an opposition to registration, trial" and the term "trial" in Article 194(1) of the Patent Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "opposition to registration, trial." - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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※この記事は「日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム」の2010年9月現在の情報を転載しております。 |
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