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該当件数 : 92



an external loan [debt]  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


Foreign debt is 39 percent of gross domestic product. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文

1 つ目は対外債務の問題である。例文帳に追加

Firstly, it is the foreign debt issue. - 経済産業省


"Foreign claims and debts" includes foreign direct investment, and other foreign claims and debts. - 経済産業省



America's foreign debt shot past $500 billion. - Tatoeba例文



That country denied payment of its foreign debt. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


America's foreign debt shot past $500 billion.  - Tanaka Corpus


The income balance remained in surplus, but foreign assets fell below foreign debts,with the United Kingdom again becoming a net debtor nation. - 経済産業省


the state of having difficulty in refunding because of accumulated external official debt  - EDR日英対訳辞書



Introduce the temporary moratorium of external debt upon approval of the IMF. - 財務省



Establish systems for high-frequency monitoring of private external liabilities. - 財務省

第2-2-2-3 図 ブラジルの対外債務残高と外貨準備高の推移例文帳に追加

Figure 2-2-2-3 Transition of Brazil's foreign debt and foreign currency reserve - 経済産業省

*3:対外銀行純債務残高/名目GDP×100 (2008年9月現在)例文帳に追加

*3:Net external position vis-a-visbanks/nominal GDP×100as of Sep. 2008) - 経済産業省


Second, Central and East European countries have an enormous amount of debt. - 経済産業省


In addition, it leads to the increase of external debts in the high dollar situation. - 経済産業省

対外債務残高の推移を見ると、リーマン・ショック前後に外国資本の流出と債務残高の減少が顕著にみられる(第1-5-2-16 図)。例文帳に追加

The transition of external net debt balance remarkably shows an outflow of foreign capital and a decline in debt balance before and after the failure of Lehman Brothers (see Figure 1-5-2-16). - 経済産業省


According to external net debt balance, South Korea is a net debtor nation and it is quite unlikely to produce a massive surplus in income balance. - 経済産業省


Meanwhile, Brazil’s greatest challenge is its public debt that reaches approximately 60% of GDP (of which approximately 25% is external debt). - 経済産業省


For example, it can be said that the net indebtedness to other countries and public debt outstanding compared to GDP is rising higher and is currently coming to a head. - 経済産業省


In 1989, foreign assetsundercut foreign debts, and the United Sates became a debtor nation. - 経済産業省


Most of the external debts of the US are denominated in the dollar, and therefore, if the dollar depreciates, the value in foreign currencies of US debts becomes smaller, which allows the US to control an increase in its debts. - 経済産業省


Under such circumstances, it will not become difficult for the country to pay interests on debts in the near future even if the balance of net external debts remains high. This has allowed foreign capital to continue flowing into the US without increasing risks concerning US debts. - 経済産業省

民間銀行の融資残高の維持、Collective Action Clauses、Temporary Stay(公的/民間部門の対外債務の一時的モラトリアム)例文帳に追加

Maintenance of exposure of private financial institutions, Collective action clauses, Temporary stay (temporary moratorium of the external debt of the public and private sectors) - 財務省


Other common points are falling net foreign claims and deficits on income balances. - 経済産業省

2001 年、経済危機に陥ったアルゼンチンはデフォルトを宣言し、対外債務の支払いが滞っている。例文帳に追加

Argentina lapsed into economic crisis in 2001, declared default and got behind in payments of external debt. - 経済産業省


In the past, Latin American economy often suffered from foreign credit crises and financial crises. - 経済産業省


(a) Open economy from a blocked economy to break down confusion caused by the foreign debtcrisis and hyperinflation - 経済産業省


Work with officials in the region to monitor and prevent an excessive increase in the external liabilities of their financial and corporate sectors and a shortening in the maturity structure of those liabilities.  - 財務省


The balance of foreign debt consistently increased from 1996, from which time data acquisition is available, and the net balance of foreign debt excluding foreign credit as of the end of 2010 was 107% of GDP, the highest level among major heavily-indebted counties in the euro zone. - 経済産業省


The U.S. is a net foreign debtor, but the income balance keeps in surplus because the profit margin of external assets is high at about 10% (see Figure 3-1-3-8). - 経済産業省


According to one calculation, if the non-performing loans of financial institutions and shortage of reserves of social security funds are added to the domestic debt and external debt, the comprehensive burden on national finance is over 70 percent of GDP17, indicating a situation that could hardly be called optimistic. - 経済産業省


It is therefore important to limit the aggregate volume of short-term borrowing from overseas creditors to a level that is manageable under a country's reserves. - 財務省


We support the ongoing discussions with emerging creditors in various for a with a view to ensuring external debt sustainability of low-income countries.  - 財務省


The 1996 figures of "foreign direct investment" and "other foreign claims and debts" are based on "long-term capital" and "short-term capital" in the bulletin, respectively. - 経済産業省


1996 figures for "foreign direct investment" and "other foreign claims and debts" are based on "long-term capital" and "short-term capital" in the bulletin. - 経済産業省

経常収支赤字の悪化を受けて、米国の対外債務残高は拡大を続け、2005 年末には過去最大の2兆5,462 億ドルを記録した。例文帳に追加

Faced by a worsening current account deficit, the United States saw a continuous expansion of its net external debt, which hit a record high of US$2.5462 trillion at the end of 2005. - 経済産業省

一方、対外債務残高の対名目GDP 比を見ると、2003年末以降2005 年末までは減少傾向にある(第1-2-9図)。例文帳に追加

The country saw a declining trend, however, in its net external debt in nominal GDP terms from the end of 2003 through the end of 2005 (Figure 1-2-9). - 経済産業省


If the current account is not improved, the net external debt balance of the United States will continue to grow, and there are concerns that this will no longer be sustainable at some point in time. - 経済産業省


These indicators are (i) public debt and fiscal deficits; and private savings rate and private debt (ii) and the external imbalance composed of the trade balance and net investment income flows and transfers, whilst taking due consideration of exchange rate, fiscal, monetary and other policies.  - 財務省


The sharp fall in the value of home currencies increased the foreign debts of financial institutions and companies that were borrowing in foreign currencies, including the U.S. dollar. The rapid outflow of foreign capital lead to a significant decline in the value of real estate and stock prices; this, combined with the increase in bad debts and concerns over the repayment of foreign debts, triggered the financial crisis. - 経済産業省


For a country, which hasunsustainable debt and is committed to policies that will avoid a return to theParis Club, as well as to seeking comparable treatment from its other externalcreditors, including the private sector, the Paris Club would define a processto provide debt relief in stages.  - 財務省


In addition, the sovereign debt, budget deficit, private savings rate, private debt and foreign balance ("actual current-account balance" = "balance of trade" + "income balance" + "capital transfer" taking the exchange rate, fiscal and monetary policies, foreign reserve into consideration) were adopted*9 as indicators for the "referential guideline". - 経済産業省


Secondly, the “foreign exchange reserves/short-term debtillustrates the ability of foreign exchange reserves to finance the debt whose payment will be due in a year in which external financing becomes difficult, and one year is used as a benchmark. - 経済産業省

米国の経常収支と対外純資産の推移を確認すると、2005 年には、経常収支赤字が拡大したにもかかわらず、対外債務は縮小した(第1-1-2-7 図)。例文帳に追加

Looking at the current account in the United States and net overseas assets, even though the current account deficit increased in 2005 net indebtedness to other countries contracted (Figure 1-1-2-7). - 経済産業省

危機後の経常収支と対外純資産の関係をみると、2008 年は経常収支赤字が大幅に縮小したにもかかわらず、対外債務が大幅に拡大した(第1-1-2-7 図)。例文帳に追加

When the relationship between the current account budget and net external assets after the crisis is examined, even though the current account deficit significantly shrank during 2008, net indebtedness to other countries largely rose (Figure 1-1-2-7). - 経済産業省


The necessity to improve the external balance of the United States As was mentioned in 2. (3), in order to stabilize the net external debt balance as a percentage of nominal GDP, it is important to reduce the current account deficit. - 経済産業省


More specifically, (A) price fluctuations of U.S. external assets surpassed that of foreign assets in the U.S., (B) reflecting that currency market moved toward the weakening dollar, the apprised value of external assets based on U.S.$ increased, and (C) other evaluation adjustments brought the decrease of net external assets in total - 経済産業省

対外債務残高の対名目GDP 比が減少傾向にある要因としては、①米国の対外債務の大半がドル建てである一方、対外資産の過半が外国通貨建てであるため4、2002年以降続くドルの減価傾向の中で、ドル建てで見た米国の対外資産の評価額が増加していること、②株式等米国が保有する対外資産の評価額が上昇していること、③所得収支が黒字を計上していることなどが挙げられる(第1-2-10図)。例文帳に追加

This declining trend can be attributed to: (a) a consistently weakening trend in the US dollar since 2002, which has reduced the assessed value of US external debts, the majority of which are denominated in the US dollar, while boosting the assessed value of US external assets, the majority of which are denominated in foreign currencies;10 (b) an appreciation in the assessed value of external assets such as corporate stock held by the United States, and; (c) a surplus in US income balance (Figure 1-2-10). - 経済産業省


However, I must point out that you can't really generalize all these early and intermediate transition countries.  - 財務省



Among these early transition countries, some in Central Asia and the Caucasus, in particular, are beset with high level of external debt. They also lag behind in improving the climate for private investments.  - 財務省

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