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該当件数 : 808



They welcomed the important role played by civil society in the development of proposals designed to make the debt relief under the HIPC Initiative deeper, broader and faster.  - 財務省


We welcome the launch of the Climate Investment Fund (CIF) and its successful mobilization of funds totaling as much as USD 6.1 billion, including our contribution of up to USD 1.2 billion.  - 財務省

委員会は、拡充されたHIPCイニシアティブと新たな貧困削減戦略アプローチの効果的な実施を促進するために、世銀とIMFが合同実施委員会(joint implementation committee:JIC)を設立したことを歓迎した。例文帳に追加

The Committee welcomed the establishment by the Bank and the Fund of a joint implementation committee (JIC) to facilitate effective implementation of the enhanced HIPC Initiative and the new poverty reduction strategy approach.  - 財務省


We commend the Brazilian authorities for their able economic stewardship and successful cooperation with the IMF, and we welcome their recent decision to continue these strong policies without an additional IMF program.  - 財務省



We also welcomed the ongoing work on facilitating trade in remanufactured products, which saves natural resources and contributes to green growth, and instructed officials to take further steps in this regard in 2011. - 経済産業省



We welcomed the impressive efforts by a number of emerging market economiesto strengthen their domestic policies in light of the financial market pressures that have spread over the past year.  - 財務省


We are committed to addressing the tensions stemming from the current challenges on our fiscal deficits, debt and growth, and welcome the decisive actions taken in the US and Europe.  - 財務省


We welcome the establishment of the FSB as a legal entity with greater financial autonomy and enhanced capacity to coordinate the development and implementation of financial regulatory policies, while maintaining strong links with the BIS. - 財務省


We welcome the creation of a "Rapid Response Forum", to improve the international communityfs capacity to coordinate policies and develop common responses in time of market crises.  - 財務省



We welcome progress made since the IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings in Tokyo on the G20 Leaders' commitments in Los Cabos to provide the IMF with resources via bilateral arrangements, and call on the IMF and lending countries to finalize the remaining agreements. - 財務省



We welcomed the ADB's technical support for ABMI as well as for the capacity building to set up the EWS in participating member countries.  - 財務省


We also welcomed our membersefforts in modifying existing regulations to facilitate the issuance of and investment in local currency denominated bonds under the ABMI.  - 財務省


I welcome the progress being made by the IMF on various fronts, including the refinements of the framework for debt sustainability analysis and the deepening of vulnerability assessments.  - 財務省


To provide a display device which is welcomed by an operation company, sponsors, and passengers and contributes to public good, by using a mobile object like a taxi as a mobile advertising tower. - 特許庁


We welcome the expansion of the APEC Services Trade Access Requirements (STAR) Database as a powerful, business-friendly tool to facilitate services trade in the APEC region. - 経済産業省

・ 製薬企業が日本に研究開発の拠点・基盤を置いて、日本オリジンの新薬を開発することは歓迎すべきである。また、そのような企業に対する国の支援は十分検討されるべきである。例文帳に追加

It is welcome that pharmaceutical companies place their hub / base for research and development in Japan and develop new drugs made in Japan. Also, support by the government to such companies should be sufficiently examined. - 厚生労働省


As a result, transition progress has been made in each country. Japan welcomes such transition progress, as it is one of the contributing factors behind the recent good macroeconomic performance in these countries.  - 財務省


With regard to the Fund’s lending facilities, we welcome that progress has been made, in particular, based on the lessons that originated from the experience of the Asian financial crisis.The lending facilities reform aims at the streamlining and simplification of the Fund’s conditionality, including the abolition of the structural performance criteria.  - 財務省


Economic growth is certainly an essential factor to achieve sustainable poverty reduction. In this context, I welcome the fact that the developing countries have demonstrated growth that outpaces the world economy on the whole.  - 財務省


We welcome IOSCO’s report on the functioning of the credit default swap markets and ask IOSCO to report on next steps by the November 2012 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ meeting.  - 財務省


We welcome international efforts in launching the Green Growth Knowledge Platform and will continue exploring options to provide appropriate support to interested developing countries.  - 財務省


In consequence of our recommendations made in Paris, we welcome the cooperation that has taken place between ILO and IMF, in collaboration with other international organisations, on sustainability of social protection floors and encourage its continuation.  - 財務省

また、地域及び個別国に係る経済サーベイランスレポートの定期的な提出、8 カ国との政策対話の実施、関係当局との緊密な関係の構築等の AMRO のサーベイランス活動の順調な開始を歓迎例文帳に追加

We were also encouraged by the successful start of AMRO's surveillance activities, including submitting periodical regional and country economic surveillance reports, conducting country consultations to eight member countries and establishing cordial relationship with various authorities.  - 財務省


On December 3, 1204, a party was held at Tomomasa HIRAGA's residence for gokenin (immediate vassals of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods) who came to Kyoto to welcome Shogun Sanetomo's wife, a daughter of Nobukiyo Bomon.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Japan welcomed this tribute as the second coming of the 'barbarian country' Goguryeo and, highly valuing friendly relations with Balhae in relation to their struggle with Silla, they dispatched envoys.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

我々は、CMIMのサーベイランス・ユニットとして、 AMROの設立を歓迎。AMROは、地域経済の監視・分析を行い、リスクを早期に発見し、改善措置の実施を速やかにし、CMIMの意思決定を効果的にすることに貢献。例文帳に追加

We welcomed the establishment of AMRO, which, as the surveillance unit of CMIM, plays an important role to monitor and analyze regional economies, and to contribute to early detection of risks, swift implementation of remedial actions, and effective decision-making of CMIM.  - 財務省

我々はこの目的のための世界食糧計画(WFP)、世界銀行その他による努力を支持し、緊急のニーズに応えための新たな 12 億ドルの緊急資金支援ファシリティーについての世界銀行の最近の発表を歓迎例文帳に追加

We are supporting efforts by the WFP, the World Bank and others to this end and welcome the World Bank's recent announcement of a new $1.2bn rapid financing facility to address immediate needs.  - 財務省


We welcome the recent robust growth experienced by many African economies and are committed to working together with African countries to maintain and strengthen this favorable momentum.  - 財務省

この点に鑑み、IMF によるこれらの地域への技術協力や政策提言を通じた関与、及び、対外資金需要を満たすための要求があった場合、IMF が適切な金融支援を提供する用意があることを歓迎例文帳に追加

In this regard, we support the IMF engagement in the region, through enhanced technical assistance and continued policy advice, and its readiness to provide relevant financial support, tailored to each country's specificities, where requested to meet external financing needs.  - 財務省

我々は、資金洗浄やテロ資金供与に対する闘いにおける、とりわけ戦略上の欠陥を有する国・地域についての声明を本年 2 月に発出した点での、金融活動作業部会(FATF)の前進を歓迎した。例文帳に追加

We welcomed the progress by the Financial Action Task Force in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, particularly regarding the issue of a public statement on jurisdictions with strategic deficiencies last February.  - 財務省


There is a description in the "Onjo-ji bunsho" (documents compiled by Onjoji Temple) that a welcome party was held at the guest house in the north part of Korokan when the monk Enchin returned to Japan after studying abroad by a ship owned by the merchant Enko LI () in 858.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Edo period, however, the circumstances changed, and they seemed to be rather favorably accepted to quit Ninja and return to field, because it helped reducing the cost for Musoku's salary (later mention).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Further to our 2004 commitment to achieving high standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes, we welcome the release of the Global Forum on Taxation 2006 assessment which shows that progress has been made in the implementation of those standards.  - 財務省


Next, I am very happy to know that the debt relief for five countries in the region; Bolivia, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, and Nicaragua, has been approved by the Board of Governors.  - 財務省


We reaffirm our commitment to enhance transparency and appropriate regulation in financial commodity markets, and thus we welcome IOSCO's report on the implementation of its Principles for the Regulation and Supervision of Commodities Derivatives Markets.  - 財務省


We are encouraged by progress on the modernization agenda, designed to improve the Bank’s effectiveness and efficiency to deliver more and better results.  - 財務省

我々は,マリオ・ドラギ(Mario Draghi)氏の行ってきた仕事に感謝し,マーク・カーニー(Mark Carney)カナダ中央銀行総裁のFSB議長への任命,フィリップ・ヒルデブランド(Philipp Hildebrand)スイス国立銀行総裁のFSB副議長への任命を歓迎する。例文帳に追加

We thank Mr Mario Draghi for the work done and we welcome the appointment of Mr Mark Carney, Governor of the Central Bank of Canada as Chairman of the FSB, and of Mr. Philipp Hildebrand, Chairman of the Swiss National Bank as Vice-Chairman.  - 財務省


We also welcomed the expansion in the membership of the FSB and committed to strengthen its institutional underpinnings so that the FSB can play a more prominent role in promoting international financial stability.  - 財務省


We also welcome development and implementation of a roadmap to ensure the quality and integrity of the medical products supply chains and availability of safe and effective medical products to our citizens. - 経済産業省


We welcomed the launch of the APEC Services Trade Access Requirements (STAR) Database, a valuable business tool, cataloguing regulatory requirements in a range of services sectors across select APEC economies.  - 経済産業省


Japan has just contributed Euro 3 million to SEI, and welcomes that its term is to be extended to enter into the second phase.  - 財務省


We took stock of the progress of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) towards a new global regime for bank capital and liquidity and we welcome and support its work.  - 財務省


We welcome the recent statement of World Bank and IMF that up to eleven countries could benefit from HIPC debt relief by early spring.  - 財務省


The two Prime Ministers welcomed the report presented to them by the Joint Study Group, which comprised government officials, prominent academics and business leaders from the two countries. - 経済産業省


In this regard, we welcome the High Level Panel fellowship program and MDB's efforts to develop and strengthen regional public-private partnerships practitioner's networks;  - 財務省


We welcomed Russia's strong growth and significantstructural reforms, and encourage further progress in strengthening thefinancial sector, improving corporate governance and the investment climate, andcombating terrorist financing.  - 財務省


As Japan put priority on international cooperation in environmental and energy sectors, we welcome the IDB's strengthening relationships with the JBIC and the JICA.  - 財務省


We welcome the efforts of donor countries to help the reconstruction of tsunami-ravaged countries and urge all donors to move quickly from pledges to action.  - 財務省


We welcome work on regulatory cooperation and convergence to facilitate the robust deployment of new automotive technologies, such as electric vehicles and vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communications. - 経済産業省



In the tax area, we welcome the OECD report on addressing base erosion and profit shifting and acknowledge that an important part of fiscal sustainability is securing our revenue bases. - 財務省


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