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to annotate the textcomment upon the textadd explanatory notes to the text  - 斎藤和英大辞典


to annotate the textadd explanatory notes to the text  - 斎藤和英大辞典


The above are commentaries.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Later commentary on "The Tale of Genji"  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Others include "Shoshingesho Chushaku" (Notes on Shoshingesho) and "Shoshinge Taii" (Shoshinge Summary).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Konkomyo saishookyo chushaku (Commentary on the Golden Light Sutra of the Most Victorious Kings), Volumes 1-10  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The "Jodoron" is a commentary on the "Muryoju-kyo Bussetu Muryoju-kyo" (the Sutra on the Buddha of immeasurable life), which means that this book is an additional commentary on it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Annotative texts line of Beppon refers to the existing annotations which were originally explanations on picture scrolls, old annotations, old genealogies, and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is a written record of lectures or commentary written in the form of a lecture, organized to be understood easily while referring to various preceding commentaries.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Kon Komyo Saisho-O kyo Chushaku (Commentary on the Golden Light of the Most Victorious Kings Sutra): Vols. 5 and 9  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Segment from the Imuro Edition of Konkomyo Saishoo Chushaku (Commentary on the Golden Light Sutra) Volumes 2 and 4  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(To be precise, "Treatise on the Pure Land" itself was the commentary on "Sutra of Immeasurable Life"; Tan-luan annotated the commentary again.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The works which were annotated or presented by a lecturer were mostly Chinese classics, Buddhist literature, and a part of national literature.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Sengaku quoted the part shown as follows from the 'Kanajo' (Japanese preface) of "Kokin Wakashu" (A Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry) in his commentary on the Manyoshu called "Manyoshu Chushaku."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In providing commentaries on Kojiki in "Kojikiden," he established Kokugaku (the study of Japanese classical literature), which worships the age of Japanese deities.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Then, he provided ancient words with Japanese reading and detailed commentaries. (This style was taken over by Kenji KURANO, who later wrote "Kojiki zenchushaku" (a comprehensive commentary on the Kojiki).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Many commentaries on the Pure Land philosophy that have been written in China and Japan since the ancient times have mainly been compiled according to these three sutras.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This is a commentary on "Treatise on the Pure Land" (its formal name: "Muryoju-kyo Ubadaisha Ganshoge" [Upadesa on the Sutra of Immeasurable Life]) written by Tenjin (Seshin) (Vasubandhu).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The "Kojiki-den" (Commentary on the Kojiki) composed of the forty four volumes by Norinaga MOTOORI during the Edo period, a commentary comprising a huge volume, is a classic study of the "Kojiki."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Kojikiden" or "Furukotofumi no tsutae" is forty-four volumes of commentaries on "Kojiki" (The Records of Ancient Matters) by Norinaga MOTOORI, a scholar of Japanese classical literature in the Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Kojikiden" is not only comprehensive commentaries on "Kojiki," but also had an immense impact on research into ancient literature and history.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, there are various criticisms from people who oppose his commentaries and interpretations.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Bankoku Koho Reikan" eight-volume book, translator's notes by Ryushu TAKATANI and foreword and proofread by Masanao NAKAMURA, published by Seibiko in 1876.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the front side 10, the title of a book 20, illustrations, pictures, photographs or the like, which are the same as those of the conventional book jacket cover, are printed. - 特許庁


Very few facts are able to tell their own story, without comments to bring out their meaning.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


From around that time, he started working on a systematic annotation for Manyoshu and completed the "Manyoshu Chushaku" (Annotated Manyoshu) (Manyoshusho, Sengakusho) between 1266 and 1269.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The annotated texts on Manyoshu he completed throughout his life, in addition to the "Manyoshu Chushaku" (Annotated Manyoshu) were produced on the basis of being used by many researchers as authentic books on Manyoshu and were used until the late Meiji period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Around the seventeenth century, when the study of commentary became popular, "Oral Records of the Tosa Diary" was written by Yuzuru KISHIMOTO in the various shoron, becoming the first example.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Shomono is a general term for books of commentary on Chinese literary works created from the mid-Muromachi period to the early Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Making the most of colloquial elements, they were written in kana (the Japanese syllabary), and are therefore of great value not only as commentary but also as a reference for studying the Japanese of the latter half of the medieval period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, due to the nature of commentary and explanation, it was common to see shomono which emulated the contents of previous compositions, in this way shomono differs from general literary works.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At that time, the lord of the Mito Tokugawa family Mitsukuni TOKUGAWA wished to collect transcribed and published books on "Manyoshu" to revise them, and Choryu SHIMOKOBE was in charge of making commentary during the Kanbun and Enpo periods.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This book is representative of Keichu's commentary and approach supported by his extensive knowledge of Buddhist scriptures and Chinese classic books that was not biased by the author's opinion or ideology.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In "Kojiki-den" (Commentary on the Kojiki), Norinaga's extensive commentary book on "Kojiki," he already pointed out in the section 'matters concerning Kana' of the first volume, that 'even for the same sound, it uses different phonetic characters depending on the words.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Norinaga's most important works are "Kojikiden," a book compiling commentaries on "Kojiki" that took approximately 35 years to write; "Genji Monogatari Tama no Ogushi," commentaries on Genji Monogatari; and "Tamakatsuma."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On that occasion, Harumichi reflected on himself and determined to complete the book, and in the following eight years, made all the annotations (to paragraph 164, volume 37); in September of 1886, at last he completed "Koshi-den" that Atsutane had left with his dearest wish.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Out of 44 volumes of "Kiden," Volume 1 provides general remarks (an outline), including 'Naobinomitama' (a book of Shinto), Volume 2 commentaries on the preface and the genealogy of gods, and the rest, Volume 3 to 44, commentaries on the text.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In giving commentaries on "Kojiki," he believed all the stories in it to be true, and strongly supported "Yamatogokoro" (literally, "the heart of Japan") while denying "kan gokoro" (literally, "the heart of Kara (an ancient Chinese dynasty)," a Confucian view.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is fair to say that today's commentaries on "Kojiki" have mostly adopted the reading and interpretation by Norinaga although some corrections have been made to them by later researchers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The earliest extant record of a census conducted in Edo surivives in an annotation in the "Shoho Jiroku," (Chronicles of the Shoho Era) which indicates that there were 353,588 people in Edo as of June 17th, 1693 (6th year of Genroku), and it is also said that this was ordered by Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA to root out demagogues.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Literary works were mainly annotated by priests of the Five Zen Monasteries, and compared with the annotation of Chinese classics made in the late Edo period, they seem to have their own tendencies; for example, shomono annotated "Kobun Shinpo" instead of "A standard of Composition," "Santaishi" instead of "Selected Poems of the Tang Dynasty," and Northern Sung poetry instead of Southern Sung poetry.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Oyama insists that Dogo yuokahimeibun was forged during the Kamakura period because it first appeared as quotations in the "Manyoshu Chushaku" (Annotated Manyoshu) written during the Bunei era (1264 - 1275) by Sengaku and the "Shaku Nihongi" (Annotated Nihonshoki) written between 1274 and 1301 (Iyo no Kuni Fudoki Itsubun).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On one hand, on the rear side 10', a sentence suitable for the foreseen situation of the book 20, pictures, photographs or the like, which are different from those on the front side and suitable for the foreseen situation of the book 20 may be printed in addition to the title of the book 20, its authors, its illustrations printed on the front side. - 特許庁


After the accomplishment of "Dainichi-kyo Sutra," "初会金剛頂経"(Sarvatathāgatatattvasaṃgraha) and their commentary, Mandala, which showed the world view of Mikkyo incorporating various Buddhas, was produced; thus the Buddhas of Mikkyo were placed into a hierarchyand systematized, as all Buddhas were created from Issainyorai (一切如来), the Five Buddhas of Wisdom around Dainichinyorai: Gochinyorai (五智如来).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although Kundoku (reading Chinese texts as Japanese texts) for the 156th poem '自得' includes the following three reading examples, none of these has become an established theory: (1) 'Even we met each other last year, there are many nights when we do not sleep together' (Zenchushaku [a comprehensive commentary]), (2) 'As the figure of the deceased appears in my dream, there are many nights when we do not sleep together' (Shichu [Personal Notes]) and (3) The same meaning as the above (2) (Koten Taikeihon [anthology of classical Japanese literature]).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, the concept of Suijaku came from a Chinese character, (jaku), which first appeared in the Tenun chapter of "Soshi (Zhuang-zi)" or in its phrase of '所以' (the path of edification), and was later referred to by Guo Xiang of West Jin, the writer of "Zhuang-zi Commentary" who developed his own theory in the chapter of "Seong-wang (Daiseigaio)" and defined jaku as a royal reign, citing "所以" as a born saint.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This term comes from the following citation of Amida-kyo Sutra; 'Sharihotsu, those who carefully listen to the teaching surely want to attain enlightenment and be reborn in the Pure Land; Sharihotsu, Shozenkon Fukutoku (good deeds and happiness) cannot enable them to be reborn in the Pure Land.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Citing that "Daiju gatsuzokyo" shows 'Though so many people in Mappo (Age of the Final Dharma) practice and learn, no one has achieved.' ("Jodo Shinshu Seiten (Shichiso hen) (original version and commentary version)", cited from Hongwanji Publishing Company) from "Anrakushu" in "Senchaku-shu" (Passages on the Selection of the Nenbutsu in the Original Vow) to show that the opposite 'Shodo-mon' was difficult to be the main doctrine and to prove, he considered this as the reason to enter Jodo-mon instead of Shodo-mon,.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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