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該当件数 : 50



beyond or outside an area of immediate interest  - 日本語WordNet


Thank you for your attention to this very important matter. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


3. Reckless inclusion of non-trade items - 経済産業省




(d) 互いの関心事項における活動を支えるための情報と知見の共有例文帳に追加

(d) Sharing information and knowledge in support of activities of mutual interest; and - 厚生労働省



To provide a method in which a user does not need to click through a number of web pages until the user is able to find an item of interest even when the item of interest is not on the web page selected from search results. - 特許庁


Based on this information, a driver interest item anticipating means 3 anticipates items in which the driver has interest, and a presentation information acquisition means 4 prepares the information to be presented to the driver. - 特許庁

それぞれの分科会はそれ自身の組織を持ち, ニュースレターや雑誌を出版したり, その特別な関心事項についての会議を開いたりする.例文帳に追加

Each Special Interest Group has its own organization, sometimes publishes a newsletter or journal, and holds conferences on topics of its special interest.  - コンピューター用語辞典


Each side discussed recent changes in financial policy and raised a number of market access concerns.  - 財務省



The meeting focused on common issues of the two countries, such as macro-economic developments and policy challenges, financial sector, and global issues.  - 財務省



The Finance Dialogue will be held once a year, in principle, to take place alternately between two countries and issues of mutual interest will be discussed.  - 財務省


It was agreed that this meeting was a constructive channel to share views on issues of mutual concern and to promote mutual understandings.  - 財務省


They enjoyed an open and helpful exchange of views on a wide range of economic issues of mutual interest in a candid way.  - 財務省


We had a valuable opportunity to exchange views on current macroeconomic and financial developments, regional financial cooperation and other issues of common interest.  - 財務省


We had an in-depth exchange of the views on current macroeconomic and financial developments, regional financial cooperation and other issues of common interest.  - 財務省


To acquire related information to each user's interest among programs by widely searching it including recorded programs. - 特許庁

FTA/EPA における非貿易的関心事項として、 資源、エネルギー、環境等に加え、労働も見逃せな い分野である。例文帳に追加

Labor issues should also be mentioned (in addition to mineral resources, energy and environment) as a non-trade issue of FTAs/EPAs. - 経済産業省


The true customer who has a need adapting to the business contents can be secured since the interest item met to the needs of the site visitor (customer) is grasped from the inquiry content to make a content for dealing with thereafter adapted to the interest item of the customer. - 特許庁


To easily make a survey of how much a listener is actually interested in matters that an explainer side wants the listener to be interested in by applying speech recognition and voiceprint authentication after a new article or new system is somewhat explained to the listener. - 特許庁


In addition, both sides endorsed the results of the first EU-Japan Insurance Dialogue held in Brussels in January 2009.  - 金融庁


As foreign exchange is under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Finance, I will continue to dispassionately watch the future trend in the market while maintaining strong interest.  - 金融庁


Recognizing the importance of our human resources and the need for cooperative research to prepare for policy dialogue and consultation, we agreed to establish a network of research and training institutions to conduct research and training on issues of mutual interests.  - 財務省


Fruitful discussions were held in a friendly atmosphere on issues including macroeconomic developments in Japan and the EU, regulatory and supervisory developments in financial services, and international issues of common interest to Japan and the EU.  - 財務省


Both sides exchanged views on international issues of joint interest such as corporate governance, accounting and auditing issues, as well as issues related to the New Basel Capital Accord.  - 財務省


We will continue to work towards concluding the Doha Round negotiations, including outcomes in specific areas where progress is possible, such as trade facilitation, and other issues of concern for least developed countries.  - 財務省


To contribute to confidence, we need to pursue in 2012 fresh, credible approaches to furthering negotiations, including the issues of concern for Least Developed Countries and, where they can bear fruit, the remaining elements of the DDA mandate.  - 財務省


According to this, an interest item common to the user A and the user B can be known, and the communication between the users can be more smoothly promoted. - 特許庁


According to such a system 102, advertisement is displayed, while precisely reflecting a subject of interest of the user, and thereby the advertising effect of the advertiser is improved. - 特許庁


To provide a market information providing device for appropriately providing market information regarding an item concerned in common by the group members of a community site. - 特許庁


To provide a streaming advertisement distribution system that can provide an advertisement medium with a high advertisement efficiency to a sponsor and allow a viewer to view/listen to items of interest as advertisement distribution accompanying a moving picture distribution service. - 特許庁


Thus, it is possible to perform appropriate information provision matched with the concerning items of the customer, and to ensure a true customer who has compatible needs. - 特許庁


The document including the item that the user is interested in is automatically retrieved speedily printed to provide its hard copy for the user by executing those steps (402, 404, and 408). - 特許庁


The document including the item that the user is interested in is automatically retrieved and speedily printed to provide its hard copy to the user by executing those steps (302, 304, 306, 308, and 310). - 特許庁


We noted that energy security and sustainable development are of vital interest to APEC and that climate change and clean development will be a key focus for APEC Leaders in 2007. - 経済産業省

次官級で計5 回「合同ハイレベル・グループ」が開催され、関税、非関税措置、知的財産権、政府調達等を含む双方の関心事項が議論された。例文帳に追加

The “Joint High-Level Group” has met five times in total at the vice-ministerial level, discussing issues of interest to both sides including tariffs, non-tariff measures, intellectual property rights and government procurement. - 経済産業省


In Australia39, where exportation of agricultural products is an important economic activity, and thus a stable water supply that affects crop situations is a national concern, water right trading began in 1994. - 経済産業省

2. 参加者は、パンデミックインフルエンザや新興/再興感染症に関連した、幅広いお互いの関心事項における協力の拡大を定める計画である。例文帳に追加

2. The Participants continue to provide for an expansion of cooperation across a broad range of mutual interests related with pandemic influenza and ERIDCC. - 厚生労働省


A broad exchange of views took place in a constructive and productive spirit - on issues related to macroeconomic developments and policy responses in the EU and in Japan, regulatory and supervisory developments in the European and the Japanese financial services' area, as well as international topics of common interest.  - 財務省


Ministers noted that the exchange of views and information within the Public Debt Management Forum was highly useful and beneficial to ASEM partners, and expressed the need for a regular, annual discussion of topics of mutual interest in this field.  - 財務省


There has been a controversy within the WTO as to the inclusion of non-trade items (such as labor standards and environmental issues) into WTO agreements. If they were once included in a PTA, it might become a standard for future PTAs, and also for the WTO agreements, to include them without any debate. - 経済産業省


While the history of search words and browsing history imply the user's personal interests and thus they are highly private matters, cookie information or IP addresses alone generally are not enough to identify particular individuals. Therefore the acquisition of such information is in itself unlikely to pose serious problems in connection with the privacy or protection of personal information.  - 経済産業省


On the other hand, for Japanese companies moving forward with international expansion, lagging improvements of such infrastructure and systems become the main reasons pushing up costs in supply chains, so more efficient distribution is becoming a great matter of interest from the perspective of ensuring and improving international competitive strength. - 経済産業省


Since the middle of the year, investors have grown increasingly risk-averse as a result of the global stock price plunges, preferring the yen as a safe haven. Needless to say, the foreign exchange market is under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Finance. However, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) will also continue to calmly monitor future market developments with strong interest.  - 金融庁


Against a background of an overall deepening of EU-Japan relations, also within the framework of the EU-Japan Action Plan, a broad exchange of views took place- in a constructive and fruitful atmosphere - on issues related to macro economic developments and policies in the EU and in Japan, regulatory and supervisory developments in the financial services' area and international issues of common interest.  - 財務省


This method for automatically executing the conceptual highlighting of the electronic text (a) selects a set of the conceptual keywords related to the user's concerns, (b) generates a list of the sentence and other information containing one or more conceptual keywords, and (c) automatically highlights the sentence and the other information containing the conceptual keywords in the electronic text. - 特許庁


The user action information gathering system gathers user action information associated with interesting items of a user from first media constructing an advertisement network, and provides advertisements targeting the user based upon the user action information when the user visits second media or use services that the second media provide. - 特許庁

ちなみに第4 回日伯貿易投資促進合同委員会は、2010 年11 月に東京で開催され、ブラジル側からは豚肉の対日輸出解禁、コーヒー豆の残留農薬基準の見直しなどが提起され、日本側からは移転価格税制、技術移転にかかる問題点、ビザ取得年数といった、双方の関心事項や将来的な協力関係の可能性についても幅広く意見交換が行われた。例文帳に追加

By the way, the fourth meeting of Japan Brazil Trade and Investment Promotion Joint Committee was held in Tokyo in November 2010 and Brazil proposed removal of embargo on exporting pork to Japan and revision of the criteria for pesticide residue of coffee beans, and Japan proposed to remove problems in transfer price taxation system, technology transfer system and to be permitted number of years for visa. Also, matters on mutual interests and possibility of future cooperation were extensively discussed. - 経済産業省


The FSA has already revised the guideline for supervision regarding the sale of derivatives in fiscal 2010 based on the analysis of requests for consultation and complaints from companies that incurred losses from derivatives contracts. We will continue to take appropriate actions when necessary to protect customers. I have grave concern about this matter and I intend to deal with it appropriately based on the results of the investigation.  - 金融庁


1. Japan presents this proposal with the intention that energy services should be included in the discussion for the negotiations on trade in services, given the importance of energy services for economic activities. The proposal is submitted in accordance with paragraph 2(b) of the "Roadmap" adopted at the Special Session of the Council for Trade in Services on 25 May 2000, which allows Member Countries to make further or more detailed proposals in the future.  - 経済産業省


このため、社会的協力はいかなる関心事項も扱うことが できるとし(同第2項)、優先すべき措置として貧 困の削減や差別との戦いを促進すること、経済的 社会的発展過程における女性の地位を向上させる こと、労使関係、労働条件、社会保障及び職務保証 を発展・近代化させること、職能訓練・人材育成を 促進すること、中小・零細企業における雇用創出機 会を生み出すためのプロジェクトを促進すること 等を列記している(同第4項)。例文帳に追加

This agreement also provides that cooperation may cover any area of interest of the parties (Article 44, Item 2); and lists priority measures aimed at: reduction of poverty and the fight against social exclusion; promoting the role of women in the economic and social development process; developing and modernizing labor relations, working conditions, social welfare and employment security; promoting vocational training and development of human resources; and promoting projects and programmes which generate opportunities for the creation of employment within micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (Item 4). - 経済産業省


日本語ワードネット1.1版 (C) 情報通信研究機構, 2009-2024 License. All rights reserved.
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.License
Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright(C) 2024 金融庁 All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, All Right reserved.
Copyright (C) 1994- Nichigai Associates, Inc., All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 株式会社 高電社 All rights reserved.
Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright(C) 財務省
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