
「Direct Imperial rule」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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Direct Imperial ruleの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 68


The most widely-accepted theory is the direct line imperial succession code theory that Koyata IWASAKI presented in 1951 in his article 'The permanent code established by his majesty Emperor Tenchi,' in which he argues that this is the law that determinates the imperial succession rule, eliminating collateral successions between brothers. 例文帳に追加

歴史学者の間で最も有力なものは1951年に岩橋小弥太が論文「天智天皇の立て給ひし常の典」で提唱した直系皇位継承法説で、兄弟継承を排して天皇の子への皇位継承を定めた法だとするものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Emperor Godaigo attempted to rehabilitate the political power and influence of the Court through the return to direct Imperial rule, but his attempts left many in the samurai class in particular disgruntled, until in 1336 the most powerful member of the Kawachi-Genji (Minamoto clan), Takauji ASHIKAGA, became estranged from Emperor Godaigo, leading to the collapse of the Imperial government. 例文帳に追加

後醍醐天皇は天皇親政によって朝廷の政治を復権しようとしたが、武士層を中心とする不満を招き、1336年(建武3年)に河内源氏の有力者であった足利尊氏が離反したことにより、政権は崩壊した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, the control of the Regents was waning, direct Imperial rule was resurging following Emperor Gosanjo ascending the throne, and influence amongst the Minamoto and Heike gradually reversed: parent and child in the Earlier Nine Years' War, subjugation in the Later Three Years' War, standing of class and military leaders, increasing wariness of the Imperial Court towards the deepening trust between regional warriors and MINAMOTO no Yoriie of the Kawachi-Genji (Minamoto clan), and under the rule of Emperor Shirakawa relations gradually began to grow frosty. 例文帳に追加

さらに、摂関家の支配が弱まり、天皇親政が復活した後三条天皇以降、源平間の形勢は次第に逆転へと向かい、父と親子二代で前九年の役、後三年の役を平定し、武功と部門の棟梁としての名声、地方武士からの信頼ともに厚かった河内源氏の源義家に対する朝廷の警戒が強まり、白河天皇の治世下においては次第に冷遇されていくようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In order for Saccho and Iwakura group to obtain real power, it was necessary for them, through military uprising, to abolish regent, chancellor and other conventional posts mainly taken up by pro-Tokugawa people, to establish a new system to realize direct rule by the emperor, and to inhibit Yoshinobu from being the core of the new government by asking him to surrender the post and domains (former terriroty of the bakufu) to the Imperial Court, and this situation led to the movement of the Restoration of Imperial Rule. 例文帳に追加

薩長や岩倉らが実権を掌握するためには、武力蜂起により親徳川派中心の摂政・関白その他従来の役職を廃止して天皇親政の新体制を樹立し、慶喜には辞官・納地(旧幕府領の返上)を求めて新政権の中心となることを阻止することが必要となり、王政復古(日本)へ向かっていくことになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although the decree asserted 'restoration' of Imperial rule, it intended to completely change the traditional organization of the Imperial Court including Sessho (regent) and Kanpaku (chief adviser), expel senior court nobles, nip the possibility of the Tokugawa dominating the new government in the bud, and establish a new government to be lead by some of the court nobles including Iwakura and the major members of Satsuma and Choshu Domains under the name of the direct rule by the Emperor. 例文帳に追加

王政に「復古」するといいながらも伝統的な摂政・関白以下の朝廷の秩序を一新することで上級公家を排除し、徳川が新政府の主体となる芽をつみ、天皇親政の名の下、岩倉ら一部の公家と薩長が主導する新政府を成立・宣言する内容であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After returning to the capital, Godaigo entered the throne room on Tomikoji hill and repudiated Kogon's imperial rank, ushering in a new era of direct Imperial rule (and of his own second ascension, he insisted that he was not "returning to the throne" but rather had continuously been ruling since 1318); in Kyoto, Takauji ASHIKAGA, who with Imperial Prince Morinaga had directed the attack on Rokuhara, requested more troops from all the various provinces, and by paying and supplying the samurai that came to the capital, Takauji assumed military command over the government of Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

帰京した後醍醐は富小路坂の里内裏に入り、光厳天皇の皇位を否定し親政を開始(自らの重祚<復位>は否定し、文保2年から継続しての在位を主張)するが、京都では護良親王とともに六波羅攻撃を主導した足利高氏が諸国へ軍勢を催促し、上洛した武士を収めて京都支配を指揮していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During his younger days (especially between 1876 to 1885), he was greatly influenced by Nagazane MOTODA and Takayuki SASAKI, scholars of the Chinese classics who acted as his jiho (aides) and were supporters of direct imperial rule, and there was a period when he was skeptical about western literature and tried to actively gain control of the government. 例文帳に追加

若い頃(とりわけ明治10年代)には、侍補で親政論者である漢学者元田永孚や佐々木高行の影響を強く受けて、西洋の文物に対しては懐疑的であり、また自身が政局の主導権を掌握しようと積極的であった時期がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Kiyomori took a neutral position when FUJIWARA no Shinzei (Michinori) fell into conflict with FUJIWARA no Nobuyori and the sect supporting direct Imperial rule by Emperor Nijo, in the Heiji Disturbance in 1159, he purged the anti-Shinzei sect, including FUJIWARA no Nobuyori, FUJIWARA no Tsunemune, and FUJIWARA no Korekata, that had seized political control, and this allowed him to dramatically raise his political position. 例文帳に追加

藤原信西(通憲)と藤原信頼・二条親政派の対立では中立的立場をとっていたが、平治元年(1159年)の平治の乱で政権を握った藤原信頼・藤原経宗・藤原惟方などの反信西派を一掃することで、急速にその政治的地位を高めることになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the beginning, the new government did not have any separate government by retired emperors, nor did it make the usual appointments of regent, chief advisor, or Seii taishogun, instead aiming to centralize all political power; superficially, the government was dressed in the guise of a restoration to direct Imperial rule, but in fact it was a government set on a truly progressive course, one that rejected the old principle of putting precedent first. 例文帳に追加

新政の当初は院政を行わず、摂政・関白や征夷大将軍などを設置せずに政治権力の一元化を目指しており、表面的には復古王政を装いつつ、内実は先例主義を否定する革新的な政治路線であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1318, Emperor Godaigo of the Daikakuji line, who had ascended the throne and started a direct imperial rule, plotted to overthrow the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and when he carried away the Three Sacred Treasures to Kasagi-yama Mountain to raise forces in 1331, the bakufu petitioned for the ascension of Emperor Kogon of the Jimyoin line. 例文帳に追加

文保2年(1318年)に践祚して親政を開始した大覚寺統の後醍醐天皇は倒幕計画を企て、1331年に三種の神器を持って笠置山へ入り挙兵すると、幕府の奏請により持明院統の光厳天皇が践祚される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This era was highly regarded due to the direct rule by the emperor, and sekkan were not appointed because Emperor Uda was disgusted with the Ako Incident and was not born from a mother from the Fujiwara family having an imperial mother, and because Tokihira, the head of the Fujiwara family, was still young. 例文帳に追加

また、天皇親政が行われた治世と評価されたが、摂関不設置は阿衡事件に懲りた宇多天皇が皇族を母とする藤原氏腹でない天皇であったことと、藤原氏藤氏長者時平がまだ若かったことが原因とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kuge Shinsei (new laws issued by the Imperial Court) in 1261 and 1263 encouraged 'respect for gods and Buddha' and, under the direct rule by Emperor Kameyama that followed, performance of Shinto and Buddhist rituals was declared in 1273 with mention of specific measures in the form of succeeding Kocho Sinsei (of 1261 and 1263). 例文帳に追加

また、弘長元年(1261年)、同3年(1263年)に出された公家新制においては「神仏尊重」が謳われ、続く亀山天皇親政下、文永10年(1273年)には弘長新制を受け継ぐ形で具体策を掲げた神事仏事の興行が宣言されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

So Iwakura and Ito eliminated the position of jiho to eradicate the course of direct imperial rule but the Emperor Meiji himself sided with jiho such as Nagazane MOTODA and Takayuki SASAKI, treating them as his private brains, and tried to realize their ideal monarch. 例文帳に追加

このため、岩倉や伊藤らは侍補を廃止して親政路線を停止しようと図ったが、明治天皇自身が元田永孚・佐々木高行ら侍補に心を寄せて彼らを私的なブレーンとして遇し、彼らが期待する君主像を実現させようと試みた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Hideyoshi did not hand over all of his authorities, and he continued to rule the direct control territory of the head family of Toyotomi and the military power although he became to be called Taiko (father of the Imperial adviser) (*Taiko refers to the person who passed over his position of Kanpaku to his successor), and consequently, the contradictions derived from this dualism of power came up to the surface. 例文帳に追加

しかし、秀吉は全権を譲らず、太閤(※本来、太閤とは子弟に関白を譲った人物を指す)と呼ばれつつ豊臣宗家直轄領と軍権を掌握しつづけたので、次第に二重政権の矛盾が表面化してきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

About that time Shinpei ETO, who was the administrator of the Ministry of Justice and supported Rinsho MITSUKURI in translating the Code Napoleon, issued an instruction for the enactment of the Civil Code as early as possible; the Civil Code included reviews of the direct import of the Code Napoleon, and some drafts of the Civil Code were made mainly by the Daijokan (Grand Council of State) and the Ministry of Justice (these included the 'Minpo Ketsugi' (Civil Law resolution) in 1870, 'Kokoku Minpo Kari Kisoku' (Tentative Rule of Imperial Civil Law) in 1872, 'Shihosho Minpo Zengi' (all Justice Department resolutions on Civil Law) in 1872, and 'Minpo Kari Kisoku' (Tentative Rule of Civil Law) in 1873). 例文帳に追加

その頃、司法卿江藤新平は箕作麟祥によるナポレオン法典の邦訳を支援して、同法典の直輸入の検討も含めた早期の民法制定を指示して、太政官や司法省を中心に何度か民法の案が作成された(1870年の「民法決議」、1872年の「皇国民法仮規則」、同年の「司法省民法全議」、1873年の「民法仮規則」)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This was because there was the following dilemma behind this background; while the British parliamentary cabinet system itself demanded by the group of the Freedom and People's Rights Movement was denied and the absolutization of the Emperor's power was aimed, the direct introduction of the German Empire's system could lead to 'the direct rule by the emperor,' which was demanded by the conservatives in the Imperial Court who had gained the confidence of the Emperor Meiji at the time, because the authorization of the Emperor under the German Empire's system was so strong. 例文帳に追加

なぜなら、自由民権派が求めるようなイギリスの議院内閣制そのものは否定して天皇の権威の絶対化を目指すものの、同時にドイツ帝国の体制は皇帝の権限が強すぎるためにそのまま導入した場合、当時明治天皇からの信任が厚かった宮中保守派(中正派)が求める「天皇親政」への道を開き兼ねないとというジレンマがあったからである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Kamakura bakufu was destroyed, the Emperor Godaigo's Kemmu Restoration began, but when Takauji ASHIKAGA, who had become disillusioned with Godaigo's direct imperial rule, tried to take refuge in Kyushu, Yorinao marched out to Akamaseki barrier to meet him; while en route, however, Dazaifu (the modern-day Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture) was attacked by Taketoshi KIKUCHI and Korenao ASO, both supporters of the Emperor, and his father Sadatsune was killed in the ensuing battle. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉幕府滅亡後に後醍醐天皇の建武の新政が始まり、親政から離反した足利尊氏が九州へ落ち延びてくると頼尚は尊氏を迎えるために赤間関へ赴き、その最中に宮方に属した菊池武敏、阿蘇惟直に大宰府(福岡県福岡市)を攻められ父の貞経が戦死する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The state of rule differed between the temple and shrine -- In the temples, the right of shoen ryoshu (estate proprietor) was not divided into multiple positions in a system and the estate was put under centralized control, or alternatively, the right was divided between the main temple and inge (temple next in rank of monzeki that had imperial connections), that belonged to the main temple, to prevent an invasion from outside; but in fourteenth century, as the temples were exposed to invasions of bushi, the temples enhanced its direct rule in the shoen near the precinct of the temple to secure its kajishi (additional tax). 例文帳に追加

ただし、寺院と神社では支配の傾向に違いがあり、寺院では荘園領主としての権限が複数の職の体系に分割されずに一元的な支配が行われるか、寺院本体とそこに属する院家の間で分割され、他者の参入を防ごうとしたが、14世紀になると武士による侵略に晒されたために、寺院周辺の荘園における直務支配を強化して確実に加地子得分の確保を目指すようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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