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Princess Crownの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 165


This Imperial family have visited the shrine on nine occasions, including in March 30, 1920, Emperor Showa visited the temple when he was the imperial prince, and in 1962, then Imperial Prince Kinjo (later Emperor Kinjo) visited with Crown Princess Michiko (later Empress Michiko). 例文帳に追加

大正9年3月30日・昭和天皇(当時の皇太子)参拝、昭和37年・今上天皇(当時の皇太子)及び皇后美智子(当時の皇太子妃)参拝、など皇族の参拝は9回にも及んでいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since Toshifusa's aunt, Princess Takahime was FUJIWARA no Yorimichi's wife and his mother was Yorimichi's half younger sister, FUJIWARA no Takako (Sonshi), and Toshifusa was a person who was on 'Sekkan-ke (the families which produced regents) side', so his younger brother, Crown Prince Takahito (later Emperor Gosanjo) was furious after knowing about the above incident, but Imperial Princess Kenshi did not receive any practical punishment to lose her official position since Toshifusa was the relative of Sekkan-ke. 例文帳に追加

俊房は伯母隆姫女王が藤原頼通の正妻、母は頼通の異母妹藤原尊子という「摂関家よりの人物」であり、これを知った弟の東宮尊仁親王(後の後三条天皇)は怒り狂ったが、俊房が摂関家の縁者であることもあり、除位などの具体的な処罰までには至らなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even considering that the first time he was reported in "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued) was after his father, Emperor Konin, ascended the throne even then that he was considered the closest crown prince to the Imperial Throne after Emperor Koken and Emperor Shotoku died (this means that there is no record he was conferred to any position) and his sister, Imperial Princess Sakahito was born when her mother, Imperial Princess Inoe was 37 years old, so we cannot exclude the possibility of late childbearing even it was very rare case at that time. 例文帳に追加

だが、孝謙天皇称徳天皇亡き後に最も皇位に近い立場にいた筈の他戸親王の『続日本紀』における初出が、父・光仁天皇の即位後であること(つまり称徳朝における叙任記録が存在しない)や姉の酒人内親王も井上内親王が37歳の時の子であることを考えた場合、当時でも稀な高齢出産があった可能性も排除出来ない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Mizu Kagami (The Water Mirror)", when Imperial Prince Osabe, the Crown Prince of Emperor Konin was deposed and a new crown prince was to be selected, Fujiwara no Momokawa recommended Imperial Prince Yamanobe, the first Prince of Emperor Koin, but Hamanari recommended Yamanobe's paternal half-brother, Imperial Prince Hieda whose mother (Princess Owari) was from a local ruling family because he was concerned about the fact that Imperial Prince Yamanobe's mother (TAKANO no Niigasa) was from an immigrant family (Yamatouji). 例文帳に追加

光仁天皇の皇太子であった他戸親王が廃され、新たな皇太子を選定する際、光仁天皇の第一皇子・山部親王を推す藤原百川に対し、浜成は山部の母(高野新笠)が渡来系氏族(和氏)の出身であることを問題視し、山部の異母弟で母(尾張女王)が皇族出身である薭田親王を推挙したとされる(『水鏡』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After that, Michinaga's grandchild and the Emperor's cousin, Princess Teishi, made an imperial consort's bridal entry into court as the Empress of the crown prince, and she had the second prince, Takahito (Emperor Go-Sanjo) as well as two other daughters; on the contrary, his brother Emperor Go-Ichijo died without any children, and consequently the Emperor Go-Suzaku succeeded to the throne. 例文帳に追加

その後道長の孫で従姉妹の禎子内親王が入内し第二王子尊仁(後三条天皇)始め一男二女を出産、それとは対照的に兄後一条がついに皇子の誕生を見ぬまま崩御したため、その後を受けて即位した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To prevent the dispute against Emperor Saga of Imperial succession, there was an agreement to share Imperial succession from both direct Imperial lines, in fact, the succession was conducted such as Emperor Saga - Emperor Junna - Emperor Ninmyo (Emperor Junna's child), after Emperor Ninmyo, Imperial Prince Tsunesada (Emperor Junna's child, his mother was Emperor Saga's Princess) was appointed as Crown Prince. 例文帳に追加

嵯峨と皇位継承紛争を防ぐために、それぞれの直系を互いに皇位につける迭立(てつりつ)を採用することとし、実際、嵯峨-淳和-仁明天皇(嵯峨の子)と皇位継承され、仁明の次も恒貞親王(淳和の子、母は嵯峨の皇女)が皇太子に立てられていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the Crown Prince had actual political control of the Japanese Shosei, it was different from the one in China where the Empress or the Empress Dowager used to take control of politics, it is presumed that above case was formally called 'Shosei' as the Empress Dowager (Emperor Saimei) was first appointed the nominal highest position followed by former Emperor's Empress (Emperor Kotoku's Empress, Princess Hashihito). 例文帳に追加

先帝の后や母后ではなく皇太子の方が実権を握っている点で、中国の称制とは異なるが、まず母后(斉明天皇)のちに先帝の后(孝徳天皇の皇后・間人皇女)を名目上の上位者として立てていたために形式上「称制」という名称が選ばれたのであろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

FUJIWARA no Nagate, Minister of the Left, who is said to have made efforts for the investiture of the Imperial Princess Inoe and the investiture of the Crown Prince Osabe, died on March 15, 771 and the regime shifted from the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan to the Ceremonial House of the Fujiwara clan, which is also worth paying attention. 例文帳に追加

また、井上内親王の立后と他戸親王の立太子に尽力したと言われている左大臣藤原永手が宝亀2年(771年)の2月21日(旧暦)に他界して、藤原氏内部における藤原北家から藤原式家への政権移動があったことも注目すべき事柄である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When he and the Crown Princess Michiko visited Himeyuri-no-to Tower (The Tower of Lilies) for offering flowers on July 17, two members of radical parties (Isao CHINEN belonging to the preparatory society for Okinawa liberation alliance and the other belonging to the communist alliance) lurking at the spot hurled a Molotov cocktail at the Imperial couple (so-called "The incident at Himeyuri-no-to Tower.") 例文帳に追加

7月17日、美智子妃を伴いひめゆりの塔に献花のため訪れたところ、その場に潜んでいた過激派二人(沖縄解放同盟準備会メンバーの知念功と共産主義者同盟のメンバー二人)から火炎瓶を投げつけられる(ひめゆりの塔事件。) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This was due to the fact that the father of the princess of Imperial Prince Tamehira was Sadaijin MINAMOTO no Takaakira, and the Fujiwara clan feared that if Imperial Prince Tamehira became Crown Prince and assumed the Imperial Throne, MINAMOTO no Takaakira would become a maternal relative and could be placed in a dominant position. 例文帳に追加

これは為平親王の妃の父が左大臣源高明であり、もしも、為平親王が東宮となり将来皇位につくことになれば源高明が外戚となり権勢を振るうことになりかねず、これを藤原氏が恐れたためであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Each page has five columns: the first column has the Emperor's brief biography; the second column has important incidents around the Imperial Palace; the third column has matters about the Retired Emperor, the Crown Prince, the Imperial Prince, the Imperial Princess, and an empress; the fourth and the fifth columns have personnel affairs of important offices such as sessho (regent), kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor), a minister, seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians"), and Konoe no daisho (Major Captain of the Palace Guards). 例文帳に追加

各ページ5段構成となっており1段目には天皇の略歴、2段目には皇居及び重要な事件、3段目には上皇・東宮・皇子皇女・后妃、4・5段目には摂政・関白・大臣・征夷大将軍・近衛大将などの要職補任が記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to old Imperial House Act implemented before World War II, a person of royalty or new nobility was qualified to marry a man of royalty, and there existed a consuetude that a legitimate wife of the main branch of the Imperial Family who was a future Empress (i.e., the crown princess) should be limited to a female from royalty or the Old Sekke. 例文帳に追加

戦前の旧皇室典範に於いては皇族男子との結婚資格は皇族と華族に与えられていたが、将来の皇后たるべき皇室嫡流の正室(即ち皇太子妃)となるべき者は、皇族若しくは旧摂家の女子に限るという不文律が存在した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the title of the book suggests, the book mentions each Emperor's posthumous name or the name bestowed after death which is followed by a brief biography, and the incidents that took place during his reign were written briefly in chronological order, and moreover there are categories of abdicated Emperor, Crown Prince, consorts of Emperor, the high priestess of Ise, Sekkan (Regent and Chancellor), Otodo (Minister), Dainagon (chief councilor of state), Sangi (Councillor), Kuroudono kami, Prince and Princess, in which the name of the person in question is mentioned. 例文帳に追加

内容は書名のとおり、各天皇ごとに諡号あるいは追号を掲げて、略歴や在位中の出来事の摘要を編年体で記し、さらに太上天皇・皇太子・後宮・斎宮・摂関・大臣・大納言・参議・蔵人頭・皇子女などの各項を設けて、該当者の人名を記している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However there were no male Imperial successors born into the family since Imperial Prince Akishinonomiya Fumihito, for forty years, in addition to this, the Crown Prince, Imperial Prince Naruhito's first child was the Toshinomiya Imperial Princess Aiko, there was a movement to revise the Imperial House Act to allow female Emperors or Emperors in female lineage to succeed to the Imperial Throne. (Please refer to the issue of Imperial Succession) 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、皇族男子は秋篠宮文仁親王以来、40年間誕生せず、皇太子徳仁親王の第一子も内親王である敬宮愛子内親王であったことから、女性天皇や女系天皇を認めるように皇室典範を改正しようとする動きが見られていた(皇位継承問題を参照)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, other than the graves for the emperor, the empress, the grand empress dowager, and the empress dowager, all of the following are called 'mausoleum,' such as the graveyards of 'Emperor Tsuison' (a title of emperor given to an imperial prince who never ascended to the imperial throne after his death), 'Emperor Sonsho' (a title of Retired Emperor given to an imperial prince who never ascended to the imperial throne during his lifetime), so-called 'Kamiyo Sanyo' (three deities) (also called Hinata Sanyo, Ninigi, Hoori, and Ugayafukiaezu), a part of graveyard of Yamato Takeru, and a graveyard of Iitoyo no himemiko (Crown Princess Iitoyo) (also called Emperor Iitoyo). 例文帳に追加

なお、実際には天皇・皇后・太皇太后・皇太后の墓の他にも、「追尊天皇」・「尊称天皇」の墓所や、いわゆる「神代三代」(日向三代とも、ニニギ・ホオリ・ウガヤフキアエズ)の墓所、ヤマトタケルの墓所の一部および飯豊青皇女(飯豊天皇とも)の墓所は「陵」を名乗っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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