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The Beginning Was the Endの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 154


The hereditary stipend during the Edo period was 1800 koku at the beginning and 2860 koku at the end of the period. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代の家領は、初め1,800石、幕末は2,860石。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was created at the end of the Kamakura period (the beginning of the 14th century). 例文帳に追加

鎌倉時代末期、14世紀の初頭に成立。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His speech was a diatribe against the opposite party from beginning to end. 例文帳に追加

彼の演説は反対党の罵倒で持ちきっていた - 斎藤和英大辞典

His speech was a diatribe against the opposite party from beginning to end. 例文帳に追加

彼の演説は反対党攻撃で持ち切っていた - 斎藤和英大辞典


The argument was shallow from beginning to end.例文帳に追加

議論は表面的なことに終始した - Eゲイト英和辞典


The result was good at the beginning of the month, but it went worse the end of the month. 例文帳に追加

月初の成績はよかったのですが、月末の成績は悪化しました。 - Weblio Email例文集

a popular song that was current between the end of the Meiji period and the beginning of the Taisho period in Japan, called 'Dekanshobushi' 例文帳に追加

でかんしょ節という,明治末期から大正初期の流行歌 - EDR日英対訳辞書

This was the period at the end of Emperor Keitai's reign and the beginning of Emperor Kinmei's reign. 例文帳に追加

これは、継体朝が終わり欽明朝が始まった時期に当たる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

and Ben Gunn, the half-idiot maroon, was the hero from beginning to end. 例文帳に追加

そしてうすらぼけのベン・ガンが、最初から最後までヒーローなのだった。 - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』


Let me tell my story from beginning to end―(普通の言い方は)―This is how it happened―(古文体にては)―The manner of it was as follows: 例文帳に追加

事の次第をひと通りお聞き下さい - 斎藤和英大辞典


The stipend during the Edo period was 1000 koku at the beginning, which was later raised to 1500 koku and up to 2044 koku by the end of the Edo shogunate period. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代の家禄は初め1000石、後に1500石へ加増、幕末は2044石。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The shakuhachi was first transmitted to Japan sometime around the end of the seventh century to the beginning of the eighth century as an instrument used in the performance of gagaku (court music of a type developed in Tang dynasty China). 例文帳に追加

日本には雅楽楽器として、7世紀末から8世紀はじめに伝来した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The southern edge of the podium was increased by 2.2 m between the end of the Nara period and the beginning of the Heian period. 例文帳に追加

基壇の南辺は、奈良時代末から平安時代初期に南側へ2.2m拡張されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Asuka Period is a period in Japanese history, stretching from the end of the 6th century to the beginning of the 8th century, during which the capital was located in a place named Asuka. 例文帳に追加

飛鳥時代(あすかじだい)は、古墳時代の終末期と重なる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tomomune HIKI (the date of birth and death unknown) was a busho (Japanese military commander) from the end of the Heian period into the beginning of the Kamakura period. 例文帳に追加

比企朝宗(ひきともむね、生没年未詳)平安時代末期、鎌倉時代初期の武将。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From its stone masonry pattern, the stone chamber was thought to have been built from the end of the sixth century to the beginning of the 7th century. 例文帳に追加

石室はその石積様式から6世紀末から7世紀初めに構築されたと考えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

FUJIWARA no Motonari (date of birth and death unknown) was an aristocrat from the end of the Heian period to the beginning of the Kamakura period. 例文帳に追加

藤原基成(ふじわらのもとなり、生没年未詳)は、平安時代末期、鎌倉時代初期の貴族。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tango no Naishi (year of birth and death unknown) was a woman who lived from the end of the Heian period to the beginning of the Kamakura period. 例文帳に追加

丹後内侍(たんごのないし、生没年未詳)は、平安時代末期、鎌倉時代初期の女性。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kagesue KAJIWARA was a busho (Japanese military commander) who lived from the end of the Heian period to the beginning of the Kamakura period. 例文帳に追加

梶原景季(かじわらかげすえ)は、平安時代末期から鎌倉時代初期の武将。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

MINAMOTO no Noriyori was a busho (Japanese military commander) from the end of the Heian Period to the beginning of the Kamakura Period. 例文帳に追加

源範頼(みなもとののりより)は平安時代末期から鎌倉時代初期にかけての武将。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hisanao KAMACHI was a Japanese military commander lived from the end of the Heian Period through the beginning of the Kamakura Period. 例文帳に追加

蒲池久直(かまちひさなお)は、平安時代末期から鎌倉時代初頭の武将。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kagetoki KAJIWARA was a busho (Japanese military commander) from the end of the Heian period and the beginning of the Kamakura period. 例文帳に追加

梶原景時(かじわらかげとき)は、平安時代末期から鎌倉時代初期にかけての武将。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tamekazu SAWA (1812-1889) was Kugyo (a Court noble) who lived from the end of the Edo period to the beginning of the Meiji period. 例文帳に追加

澤為量(さわためかず、1812年(文化(元号)9年)-1889年(明治22年))は幕末・明治初期の公卿。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moritsuna SASAKI was a Japanese military commander who lived from the end of the Heian period to the beginning of the Kamakura period. 例文帳に追加

佐々木盛綱(ささきもりつな)は、平安時代末期から鎌倉時代初期の武将。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This idea was brought to fruition in Kanpyo and Engi eras, from the end of the 9th century to the beginning of the 10th century. 例文帳に追加

この政策が結実したのが9世紀末~10世紀初頭の寛平・延喜期であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although it was lower ranked samurai's casual wear in the beginning, it became the second most formal dress after daimon (crested formal robe) in the end of the Muromachi period. 例文帳に追加

始めは下級武士の普段着であったが、室町時代末期には大紋に次ぐ礼装となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the end of the Edo period to the beginning of the Meiji period, it was called "chosen seibatsu" (punitive expedition to Korea) or "seikan" (punitive expedition to Korea). 例文帳に追加

幕末から明治初期にかけては朝鮮征伐、征韓などと呼ばれるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the end of January to beginning of February 1184 (January under the old lunar calendar), Yoshinaka was appointed to seii taishogun (or seito taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the eastern barbarians"). 例文帳に追加

寿永3年(1184年)1月には征夷大将軍(または征東大将軍)に任ぜられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a viewpoint that the end of the Ishiyama War was the beginning of separation of politics and religion in Japan. 例文帳に追加

これが日本における政教分離の基礎となったとする見方もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the end of Edo period and the beginning of the Meiji Restoration, Motoosa MIBU was one of shichikyo-ochi members (defeated seven nobles). 例文帳に追加

幕末、明治維新期の壬生基修(もとおさ)は、七卿落ちの一人。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshimori WADA was a busho (Japanese military commander) from the end of Heian period to the beginning of Kamakura period. 例文帳に追加

和田義盛(わだよしもり)は、平安時代末期から鎌倉時代初期の武将。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shitokan-sei system was introduced into Japan around the end of seventh century to the beginning of eighth century when the Ritsuryo system, which was based on the Ritsuryo of Tang, was established. 例文帳に追加

日本では、7世紀後半-8世紀初頭の時期に唐律令をもとにして律令制が始まると、四等官制も一緒に導入された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Judging from the style of the details, it can be guessed that the east pagoda was built at the end of the Nara period and that the west pagoda was from late Nara period to the beginning of the Heian period. 例文帳に追加

細部の様式等から、東塔は奈良時代末期、西塔はやや遅れて奈良時代最末期から平安時代初頭の建築と推定される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kokyu (Koshi, 551 B.C. - 479 B.C.) was born in Lu at the end of the Zhou period when the merit system was widespread and public order based upon social status was beginning to collapse, and he advocated the reorganization of public order based upon social status and politics of humanity, ideally returning to the beginning of the Zhou period. 例文帳に追加

孔丘(孔子、紀元前551年‐紀元前479年)は実力主義が横行し身分制秩序が解体されつつあった周末、魯国に生まれ、周初への復古を理想として身分制秩序の再編と仁道政治を掲げた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The term was used from the end of the Heian Period to the beginning of modern times, and in the Edo Period the son was called heyazumi (literally, a person living in a room) 例文帳に追加

平安時代末期から近世の初め頃まで使われた語で、江戸時代に入るとこれを部屋住み(へやずみ)と呼ぶようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kumihama Prefecture was established for a short time, from the end of the Edo period to the beginning of the Meiji period, and its prefectural government office was placed in the remains of Kumihama local magistrate office. 例文帳に追加

のち、幕末から明治の一時期には久美浜県が設置され、県庁が同代官所跡に置かれたこともある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the beginning, because the assassins were talking in Iyo dialect, it was thought that the deed was done by Sanosuke HARADA and Kuwajiro OISHI of the Shinsengumi (a group who guarded Kyoto during the end of Tokugawa Shogunate). 例文帳に追加

当初、刺客が「こなくそ」と伊予弁を話していたことなどから、新選組の原田左之助や大石鍬次郎らの仕業とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the beginning, the temari ball was made by winding thread around a core; and at the end of the 16th century, cotton was used to create a spherical object with higher elasticity. 例文帳に追加

当初は、芯に糸を巻いただけの物であったが、16世紀末頃より、芯にぜんまい綿などを巻き弾性の高い球体を作った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Unkei (unknown birth date - January 10, 1224) was a sculptor of Buddhist statues who was actively engaged in his career from the end of the Heian period to the beginning of the Kamakura period. 例文帳に追加

運慶(うんけい、-貞応2年12月11日(旧暦)(1224年1月3日))は、平安時代末期、鎌倉時代初期に活動した仏師。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This dispute was far from the intention of the Ministry of Education from beginning to end (a similar dispute occurred even in our time that was known as the "Agnes Dispute"). 例文帳に追加

文部省の意向とは全く違う次元で論争は終始した(現代でも問題になっているアグネス論争も類似した論争である)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Modern Sokyoku began with 'Tsukushi goto' (a type of solo koto music) which was completed by Kenjun, a musician who was active from the end of Sengoku (Warring states) period to the beginning of the Edo periods. 例文帳に追加

近世箏曲は、戦国末期から江戸時代はじめにかけて活躍した賢順が完成した「筑紫箏」(つくしごと)を始祖とする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was nervous from beginning to end at the ball in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, since it was the first time for him to attend such an event. 例文帳に追加

トスカーナ大公国の舞踏会の時は、初めての出来事であった余りにジュリアンは終始緊張していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was impossible to know when the Kobunin was founded mainly because "Nihon Koki" was scattered and ultimately lost; but from the other records of Hiroyo, it was estimated that the Kobunin was founded from the end of the Enryaku era (782 - 806) to the beginning of the Daido era (the first year of Daido was 806). 例文帳に追加

弘文院設立の時期は『日本後紀』の散逸などにより不明であるが、広世に関する他の記事から延暦年間末期から大同(日本)年間初頭(大同元年は806年)の設立と推定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is known from the excavated tiles that the temple was founded in the mid-Nara period and underwent repairs between the end of the Nara period and the beginning of the Heian period. 例文帳に追加

出土した瓦から、創建は奈良時代中頃で、奈良時代末から平安時代初期に修理が行われていることが分かる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The most up-to-date knowledge that Toyama obtained in Europe and the US from the end of the Edo period through the beginning of the Meiji period was important for the Japanese government at that time. 例文帳に追加

幕末期から明治初期にかけて欧米で学んだ外山の新知識は当時の政府には重要であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the ritsuryo system (system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo codes), which started around the end of the seventh century or the beginning of the eighth century, the basic unit for tax collection was every single person. 例文帳に追加

7世紀末から8世紀初頭に始まった律令制では、人民一人ひとりを租税収取の基礎単位としていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Sai-in garan of Horyu-ji Temple, which was reconstructed from the end of the seventh century to the beginning of the eighth century, has the pagoda (left) and main hall (right) side by side in the courtyard surrounded by roofed corridors. 例文帳に追加

法隆寺西院-7世紀末から8世紀初頭にかけて再建された法隆寺西院伽藍は、回廊内の左に塔、右に金堂が建つ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tomogoro ONO, a technician and a bureaucrat from the end of Edo period to the beginning of the Meiji period, was also a wasan mathematician, and it is said that he applied wasan for calculating the shipping route of Kanrin Maru (the first Japanese ship ever to cross the Pacific). 例文帳に追加

幕末・明治初めの技術官僚小野友五郎も和算家であり、咸臨丸の航路の計算には和算を用いたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It has been said that the Hashihaka Tumulus was created between the end of the third century and the beginning of the fourth century, which does not match the period of Himiko's reign. 例文帳に追加

従来、上記の箸墓古墳の築造年代は古墳分類からは3世紀末から4世紀初頭とされ、卑弥呼の時代とは合わないとされてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, it was not until after the Meiji Restoration, which saw the end of the long period of national isolation and the beginning of Japan's search for models abroad, that the Japanese government began the full-scale hiring of foreigners. 例文帳に追加

しかし外国人の雇用が本格化するのは鎖国が解かれ先進海外に範を求めるようになった明治維新以降である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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