
「father」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(271ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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While Emperor Konoe was in power, Chancellor FUJIWARA no Tadamichi incurred the anger of his father, FUJIWARA no Tadazane, and Tadamichi's position as leader of the Fujiwara clan was passed to his younger brother, FUJIWARA no Yorinaga; at this time, Tadazane asked the Emperor to strip Tadamichi of his position as Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor), but Emperor Toba, who was ruling as a cloistered emperor at the time, helped resolve the situation by issuing an Imperial decree for Yorinaga to become Nairan in exchange for Tadamichi being allowed to retain his position as Kanpaku. (Until this time, it had not been possible for the positions of Kanpaku and Nairan to be filled at the same time.) 例文帳に追加

近衛天皇の時に摂政藤原忠通が父藤原忠実の怒りを買って、藤氏長者の座を弟の藤原頼長に奪われた折、忠実から天皇に対して忠通の関白解任を求められたが、院政を行っていた鳥羽天皇の介入で忠通の関白留任と引き換えに頼長にも内覧の宣旨が下った(関白と内覧が並存する事はこれまでありえなかった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Around this period, the Emperor's loss of power was remarkable, and the 3rd Shogun of Muromachi Bakufu, Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, is said have planned to take over the Imperial throne by making his son, Yoshitsugu ASHIKAGA, heir, but since the death of Yoshimitsu, when the Imperial Court tried to give the honorable title Daijo Tenno to Yoshimitsu, the 4th Shogun of Muromachi Bakufu, Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA, strongly refused to accept this (it is said that it was because he didn't like his father since Yoshimitsu cared more about Yoshitsugu than himself), the truth is not yet certain. 例文帳に追加

この頃は天皇の権威の低下が著しく、室町幕府三代将軍足利義満は、自分の子足利義嗣を皇位継承者とする皇位簒奪計画を持ったと言われるが、義満の死後、朝廷が義満に太上(だいじょう)天皇の尊号を贈ろうとした際には、室町幕府四代将軍足利義持がこれを固辞している(義満が自分より義嗣をかわいがっていたため、父を快く思わなかったためといわれている)ので、その真相については未だ定かではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Among adopted children and children considered as his, there are: MINAMOTO no Narinobu (son of Prince Munehira, nephew of Rinshi), whose father became an ordained monk and passed away so his relative, Michinaga, took guardianship; FUJIWARA no Nobumoto (Norimichi's son, later FUJIWARA no Michimoto) and FUJIWARA no Kaneyori (Yorimune's son), who were Michinaga's biological grandsons but Michinaga adopted them in order to facilitate their promotion; and the brothers adopted for the same reason, FUJIWARA no Kanetsune and Domyo (Betto of Shitenno-ji Temple), who were biological sons of Michitsuna, who was Michinaga's half brother by a different mother. 例文帳に追加

なお、養子・猶子となった者に実父の出家・死去によって縁戚の道長が後見を務めた源成信(致平親王の子・倫子の甥)、道長の実の孫でその昇進の便宜のために道長が養子とした藤原信基(教通の子、後の藤原通基)・藤原兼頼(頼宗の子)、同様のケースと考えられる道長の異母兄道綱の実子である藤原兼経・道命(四天王寺別当)兄弟が挙げられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At that time, the shogunate ordered an Imperial command by force, to go to the capital of the father and son of the domain of Choshu and to send five nobles to Edo, and sent two councilors to Kyoto with four battalions with guns to realize that revival of three things of Sankin-kotai (daimyo's alternate-year residence in Edo), and they were forced to exchange the security of the Imperial Palace's gates of domain to shogunate army, but Shoshidai (local governor) ordered the bull and Denso (job title referring to one who relays messages of court's people to Emperor) to reject that, instead of that an urgent order sent to the general was urgent. 例文帳に追加

この頃幕府は武力で勅命を出させ、長州藩主父子の出府、五卿の江戸への差し立て、参勤交代の復活の3事を実現させるために、2老中に4大隊と砲を率いて上京させ、強引に諸藩の宮門警備を幕府軍に交替させようとしていたが、それを拒否する勅書と伝奏が所司代に下され、逆に至急将軍を入洛させるようにとの命が下された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the past, it had been said that he fought in the Battle of Sekigahara (1600) for the Western army (the Toyotomi forces), because the Shinmen clan, which Muni SHINMEN (Musashi's father) had served once, fought under Hideie UKITA of the Western army; however, according to "Kuroda-han Bugencho" (The Register of the Kuroda Clan), since before the battle, Muni had served the Kuroda family which had governed Buzen Province (the information is found in the article of 1602 and 1604 of the register), therefore, presumably, in the battle Muni and Musashi fought for the Eastern army (the Tokugawa forces) following Yoshitaka KURODA (Josui KURODA) in Kyushu region. 例文帳に追加

慶長5年(1600年)の関ヶ原の戦いでは従来、父無二の旧主君であった新免氏が宇喜多秀家配下であったことからそれに従って西軍に参加したと言われてきたが、父の新免無二が関ヶ原の戦い以前に東軍の黒田家に仕官していたことを証明する黒田家の文書(『慶長7年・同9年黒田藩分限帖』)が存在することから、父と共に当時豊前を領していた黒田孝高に従い東軍として九州で戦った可能性が高い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The story of the duel was developed by added Ganryu's origin and detailed descriptions of the fight in "Honcho Bugei Shoden" (1716), "Heiho Taiso Bushu Genshin-ko Denrai" (1727), "Buko-den" (finished in 1755) and so on; and at last, Kagehide TOYOTA based on his father's book "Buko-den" to write "Niten-ki" and added many unreliable description including about Ganryu's origin, Ganryu's original name Kojiro SASAKI, Musashi's letter, the date of the duel April 13, 1612, the permission from lords, and the details of the duel. 例文帳に追加

『本朝武芸小伝』(1716年)、『兵法大祖武州玄信公伝来』(1727年)、『武公伝』(1755年に完成)等によって成長していった岩流の出自や試合の内容は、『武公伝』を再編集した『二天記』(1776年)によって、岩流の詳しい出自や氏名を佐々木小次郎としたこと、武蔵の手紙、慶長17年4月13日に試合が行われたこと、御前試合としての詳細な試合内容など、多くの史的価値が疑わしい内容によって詳述された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because Emperor Shijo had died in 1242, a prince of Emperor Juntoku, Chuseio, was to be enthroned as the new Emperor; however, Yasutoki strongly objected to this because the father, the Emperor Juntoku, had been a leader in the Jokyu War, and Yasutoki took an attitude that he would compel Chuseio to abdicate if his enthronement was realized; therefore, Yasutoki forcibly enthroned the new Emperor Gosaga against the complaints and opposition of the court nobles. 例文帳に追加

仁治3年(1242年)に四条天皇が崩御したため、順徳天皇の皇子・忠成王が新たな天皇として擁立されようとしていたが、泰時は父の順徳天皇がかつて承久の乱を主導した首謀者の一人であることからこれに強く反対し、忠成王即位が実現するならば退位を強行させるという態度をとり、貴族達の不満と反対を押し切って後嵯峨天皇を新たな天皇として即位させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because there is an entry in "ODA Nobukatsu Bungencho" (registers of vassals of Nobukatsu ODA) that says that a woman called 'Azuchi-dono' was given chigyo fief worth 600 kanmon, that she was listed third in the order of female vassals following Nobukatsu's lawful wife and Tokuhime, that she was listed prior to 'Okatadono-sama,' who is believed to be Dota-gozen, and that her name included 'Azuchi' from Azuchi-jo Castle, it can be assumed that she retained a prominent position in the Oda family and she could be the lawful wife of Nobunaga, the deceased father of Nobukatsu ODA. 例文帳に追加

『織田信雄分限帳』に「安土殿」という女性が、600貫文の知行を与えられているのが記載されており、女性としては信雄正室、徳姫に続き三番目に記載され、土田御前と推測される「大方殿様」よりも先に記載されている事、安土城の「安土」という土地を冠されている事から、織田家における地位の高さがうかがえ、織田信雄の亡き父・信長の正室にあたるのではないかとも考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Heike Monogatari" (The tale of the Taira clan), Yoshimori said 'Even if my father dies and my descendants die, nothing makes me happier than seeing Lord Yoritomo. Please pursue your original dream and take the country. When it happens, please appoint me as the Samurai-dokoro betto. After FUJIWARA no Tadakiyo who used to be the Kazusa no suke (Assistant Governor of Kazusa Province) was appointed to the Samurai-dokoro betto for eight provinces by the Taira family, I envied his power and I have always prayed to the Hachiman Daibosatsu (Great Bodhisattava Hachiman) that one day I would like to become one'. 例文帳に追加

『平家物語』によれば、この時、義盛は「父が死に、子孫が死んでも、頼朝公のお姿を見ればこれに過ぎる悦びはない。どうか本懐を遂げて天下をお取りください。その暁には私を侍所の別当に任じてください。上総国だった藤原忠清が平家から八カ国の侍所別当に任じられ、その威勢をうらやましく思い、いつか自分もと八幡大菩薩に祈願いたしたのです」と願ったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, the political structure and financial/military support at that time were insufficient to maintain such a situation, and because many Emperors were young and short-lived in the middle of the Heian period, there was no Joko with the energy and health needed to exercise sufficient authority; consequently, this structure by which authority was exercised by the Emperor's father gradually declined and was eventually replaced by a system called Sekkan seiji (摂関政治), in which a member of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan exercised rights and performed duties in place of the Emperor, became widespread. 例文帳に追加

だが、当時はまだこの状態を常に維持するための政治的組織や財政的・軍事的裏付けが不十分であり、平安時代中期には幼く短命な天皇が多く十分な指導力を発揮するための若さと健康を保持した上皇が絶えて久しかったために、父系によるこの仕組みは衰退し、代わりに母系にあたる天皇の外祖父の地位を占めた藤原北家が天皇の職務・権利を代理・代行する摂関政治が隆盛していくことになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The problem of embezzling of jisharyo (holdings of temples and shrines) by kokuga (imperial household officials or an estate manager) or bushi (samurai) was the background of the tendo -- But in some cases, as Buddhist monks and Shinto priests inherited the shoryo, which was necessary for maintenance of the facilities and support of the rituals, accompanying their religious belief (Buddhist monks inherited the shoryo from the master to the disciple, correspondingly to the case of the Shinto priests where they inherited the shoryo from father to children), they began to privatize the shoryo such that they could use the shoryo for private purposes, which had nothing to do with their religious activities, or that they sold the shoryo to the other person at their own discretion in the worst cases. 例文帳に追加

その背景として国衙や武士による寺社領の横領という問題もあったが、僧侶や神官によって信仰に付随して施設や儀式の維持とそのために必要な所領が相続継承されていく(僧侶の場合は師弟間の継承が神官の子弟間の相続に相当する)うちに私有化され、宗教とは関係のない私的目的に利用されたり、場合によっては勝手に他者に売却される場合もあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to this view, the first oracle was about an event not related to the succession to the Imperial Throne (perhaps it was related to the capital relocation to Yugenomiya Detached Palace [Yuge, in Kawachi Province, hometown of Dokyo] done in the same year), and WAKE no Kiyomaro was exiled because the plan by the Fujiwara clan (probably FUJIWARA no Nagate and his younger brother FUJIWARA no Kaedemaro) to make up an oracle using Kiyomaro was uncovered; according to this plan, the oracle says Prince Shirakabe or his son Imperial Prince Osabe should become Crown Prince (among the grandchildren of Emperor Shomu, Emperor Shotoku's father, born to his daughters married into another family, Imperial Prince Osabe was the only grandchild who had the right to ascend the Imperial Throne). 例文帳に追加

その説によれば、最初の神託は皇位継承以外の出来事に纏わる(恐らくはこの年に行われた由義宮(道鏡の故郷である河内国弓削)遷都に関する)ものであって、これに乗じた藤原氏(恐らくは藤原永手とその弟の藤原楓麻呂か)が和気清麻呂を利用して白壁王あるいはその子である他戸親王(称徳天皇の父・聖武天皇の外孫の中で唯一皇位継承権を持つ)の立太子するようにという神託を仕立て上げようとしたことが発覚したために清麻呂が流刑にされたとする可能性も指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As the reason, they explained that the word 'evil customs of the past' in shinkan (Imperial letter) issued at the same time as Charter Oath was not restricted to national isolation as well as expulsion of foreigners, and Takayoshi KIDO himself used the words 'old customs', 'evil customs of the past' and 'conventions' widely as meaning of 'feudalism to be conquered' or 'closed nature to be conquered', and even Toshimichi OKUBO severely criticized the same thing as 'evil customs of the past' mentioned by Kido for 'corrupt smell of old customes', in other word, though both Satsuma and Choshu provided overseas education secretly and were liberal domains led the movement of overthrowing the Shogunate, Okubo from Satsuma recognized more about dangerous feudalism as well as closed nature than Kido from Choshu, Okubo had to criticize more extreme because of internal affair regarding father and son of the lords of his domain and internal circumstances of his domain (The Teradaya Incident - Seinan War), moreover Tomomi IWAKURA also used just the same words 'the laws of Nature' as 'reason of nature' in other document, which meant totally different from international public law. 例文帳に追加

その理由として、御誓文と同時に出された宸翰に出てくる「旧来の陋習」の語がそもそも鎖国攘夷の意味に限定されていないこと、また木戸孝允自身が「打破すべき封建性」「打破すべき閉鎖性」の意味で「旧習」「旧来の陋習」「陋習」という言葉を広く使用していること、また、大久保利通でさえ木戸の「旧来の陋習」と同じ意味のことを「因循の腐臭」とより痛烈に批判していること、つまり、薩長いずれも密留学をさせ倒幕に立ち上がった開明的雄藩であったにもかかわらず長州の木戸より薩摩の大久保のほうが藩主父子・出身藩の内部事情などのためにより批判的にならざるを得ない危険な封建性・閉鎖性をより自覚していたということ(寺田屋事件~西南戦争)、更に、岩倉具視も他の文書で「天地の公道」という全く同じ言葉を万国公法とはおよそ次元の異なる「天然自然の条理というような意味」で用いていることなどが挙げられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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