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He published pharmaceutical books such as "Ensei Iho Meibutsuko" (Introduction to Western Medicines) in collaboration with his adopted father from 1822 to 1825, "Shintei Zoho Oranda Yakukyo" (Introduction to Pharmaceutical Botany) from 1828 to 1830, and "Ensei Iho Meibutsuko Hoi" (Introduction to Western Medicines, Expanded Edition) around 1834. 例文帳に追加

養父との共著で1822年から1825年にかけて『遠西医方名物考』(えんせいいほうめいぶつこう)、1828年から1830年にかけて『新訂増補和蘭薬鏡』(しんていぞうほおらんだやくきょう)、1834年ごろに『遠西医方名物考補遺』といった薬学書を出版している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was highly estimated to be a 'talented person' by his father, Suketsune, and was promoted up to be a Jusani (Junior Third Rank), however, he was not favored by government posts, including the fact that he was not appointed to be a Kurodo (Chamberlain), nor a benkan (official of the dajokan), both of which were regarded as conditions of a family head of the Kanjuji line, in addition to being the 4th son, he ended in a Hisangi (advisor at large). 例文帳に追加

父資経からは「器量者」として高く評価されており、従三位にまで進んだが、四男であったことに加えて勧修寺流長者の条件とされた蔵人、弁官に任じられなかったなど官職にも恵まれず非参議で終わった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After joining Shinsengumi, he became a close retainer of Isami KONOD, Head of Shinsengumi, and was treated more respectfully than other ordinary members, but the arrogance that he inherited from his father gradually showed up and he started behaving rudely with Noboru ASHIYA etc. (therefore, Toshizo HIJIKATA and Soji OKITA always kept an eye on him). 例文帳に追加

入隊後は局長・近藤勇の側近となり、他の平隊士よりも丁重に扱われたが、次第に父譲りの傲慢さが露わになり、芦谷昇たちと共に粗暴を働くようになる(その為、土方歳三や沖田総司からは終始目を付けられていた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His father Nakamaro was deeply trusted by Empress Koken and held the reins of power, and in 758 Empress Koken abdicated the throne to Prince Oi (Emperor Junnin), who was recommended by Nakamaro, while Nakamaro was appointed to the position of Taiho (Udaijin [Minister of the Right]) and given the name of EMI no Oshikatsu. 例文帳に追加

父の仲麻呂は孝謙天皇の信任厚く、権勢を欲しいままにし、天平宝字2年(758年)、孝謙天皇が譲位して、仲麻呂が推す大炊王が即位すると(淳仁天皇)、仲麻呂は太保(右大臣)に任ぜられ、恵美押勝の名を与えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Emperor escaped from Oki Province with help from the Nawa clan such as Nagatoshi NAWA as the message of 'as gods saved King Goujian of Yue, so they will never give up on you, and some faithful retainers like Fan Li shall come to save you' suggested, and when he raised an army at Mt. Senjo of Hoki Province, Takanori and his foster father joined the army and rendered distinguished military service in the war. 例文帳に追加

この時彫られた「天勾践を空しうすること莫れ、時に范蠡の無きにしも非ず」の言葉通り、翌年に名和長年ら名和氏の導きにより天皇が隠岐を脱出、伯耆国船上山において挙兵した際には、高徳も養父とともに赴いて幕府軍と戦い戦功を挙げたとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "the Azuma Kagami" (the Mirror of the East), Kagemitsu started to Kamakura on June 21, 1185 as an envoy of Yoshitsune and sent the following message to Yoritomo, the elder brother of Yoshitsune: 'on the 21st we will arrivie at Sako Station with the father and son of TAIRA no Munemori and TAIRA no Kiyomori who are captives of the Battle of Dan no Ura and we will arrive at Kamakura tomorrow.' 例文帳に追加

『吾妻鏡』によると、元暦2年(1185年)5月15日義経の使者として鎌倉へ向かい「壇ノ浦の合戦の捕虜である平宗盛・平清宗親子を連れ15日に酒匂駅に着くので、明日鎌倉へ入りする。」と伝える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When he was aged 5, his real father Sukeyasu KAWAZU was assassinated by a member of the family, Suketsune KUDO, and after that, he was brought up by the Soga clan, the feudal load of Soga-so Estate in Sagami Province (present Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture) and the family into which his mother remarried, and he came to use the name of Soga clan. 例文帳に追加

5歳の時、実父河津祐泰が1176年(安元2年)に一族の工藤祐経に暗殺され、その後母の再嫁先である相模国曾我荘(現在の神奈川県小田原市内)の領主曾我氏において養育され、曾我氏を称した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When he was aged 3, his real father Sukeyasu KAWAZU was assassinated by a member of the family, Suketsune KUDO, and after that, together with his older brother Sukenari he was brought up by the Soga clan, the feudal load of Soga-so Estate in Sagami Province (present Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture) and the family into which his mother remarried, and he came to use the name of Soga clan. 例文帳に追加

3歳の時、実父河津祐泰が1176年(安元2年)に一族の工藤祐経に暗殺され、その後母の再嫁先である相模国曾我荘(現在の神奈川県小田原市内)の領主曾我氏において兄祐成とともに養育され、曾我氏を称した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is believed that at the Ichinomiya of Shimotsuke Province which was supposedly under control of the Keno (or Kenu) clan, Soen took a seat of honor which was superior to Shinto priests, thereby making it possible to infer that Soen may be related to the Keno clan (i.e. Soen was possibly an illegitimate child of the father of the Fujiwara clan and the mother of the Keno clan). 例文帳に追加

宗円は毛野氏の支配下にあったと推測される下野國一之宮において、その神職者より上座に座したことが伝えられており、このことから毛野氏の流れを汲む人物(毛野氏への藤原氏の落し種)と推察されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When MINAMOTO no Yoritomo rose an anti-Heishi (anti-Taira clan) army in September 1180, he and his father, Michikiyo, locked themselves in the headquarter castle, Takanawayama-jo Castle in Kazahaya County, Iyo Province (located in present-day Hojo City, Ehime Prefecture), in concert with such rising and expelled mokudai (deputy kokushi, or a deputy provincial governor) of TAIRA no Koremori in 1181. 例文帳に追加

治承4年(1180年)8月に源頼朝が反平氏の兵を挙げると、それに呼応し治承5年(1181年)に父通清と共に本拠の伊予国風早郡高縄山城(愛媛県北条市)に拠って平維盛の目代を追放した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When in March or April, 940, an imperial edict was issued to hunt down and kill Masakado who pretended to be the "New Emperor," Tamenori joined the imperial army as a commander and succeeded to defeat Masakado in cooperation with Sadamori and FUJIWARA no Hidesato, rescuing his father Korechika who had previously been raided and detained by Masakado. 例文帳に追加

天慶3年2月(940年3月~4月)、「新皇」を僭称した将門の追討に官軍大将の一人として貞盛・藤原秀郷と協力して将門と戦い征伐に成功し、先に将門に襲撃され抑留されていた父の維幾を救援した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On January 7, 1870, Nishikubo was born in Hachinohe, Nabeshima Village, Saga County, Hizen Province; in 1874 he moved to Tokyo with his father, and in August 1875, entered Tomoe First Elementary School in Tomoe-cho, Shiba Word, Tokyo (later the school was changed its name to Tomoe Elementary School, and belonged to Minato Word, and closed in March 1991). 例文帳に追加

明治2年12月6日に肥前国佐賀郡鍋島村八戸に生まれた西久保は明治7年父に従い東京へ移住、明治8年8月から東京芝区巴町の第一番小学鞆絵学校(後の港区立鞆絵小学校。平成3年3月閉校)に入校する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since being from such noble family which ancestor had established great achievement in many battles and their names as samurai had spread among Kanto region, it is not surprising that his father was worried about national affairs; in 1865 he went to Kiyo (Nagasaki)and studied medicine at the 'Yojosho' which later became Nagasaki Medical School. 例文帳に追加

百戰千鬪の功を樹て、武名を関東に揚げたる名門の裔なるを以て、君及嚴父の國事を憂ふるもの、蓋偶然に非ざるを知るべし、君は慶應元年、崎陽に遊學して醫術を長崎醫学校の前身たる『養生所』に研究する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He also revised and enlarged the "Seisetsu Naika Senyo" (Selected Points of Western Theories on Internal Medicine) that had been translated by his adoptive father Genzui, and invented new characters for describing medical terms (he did not apply some Chinese characters which had already existed to new concepts, he practically made new characters [although those look like Chinese characters even to Chinese and Japanese]) including '' which refers to secretor and '' which refers to pancreas; this was one of Genshin's epoch-making achievements. 例文帳に追加

また、養父玄随の訳した『西説内科撰要』の増補改訂版を作成し、分泌器官に用いる「腺」や膵臓の「膵」の字など医学用語を作成(字を発見し当てはめたわけではなく造字した)したのも玄真の功績の一つである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that Shingen expelled his father and misled his enemies by using tricks (not that Shingen's actions were especially strange considering it was the Sengoku period (warlike period)), but Kenshin was furious as it was contrary to his morals. 例文帳に追加

信玄が父親を追放したり、謀略を駆使して敵を貶めたりするのは謙信に言わせるところの道徳観に反しており(もっとも、戦国という時代を考えれば、信玄の行いは別にあってもおかしくないものだが)、謙信は信玄の行いに激怒したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many parts of Tomomasa's life are unknown, but it is considered that at first he called himself Honto as a Buddhist monk in the Shokoku-ji Temple in Kyoto, and in 1458, a person was granted an audience with Seitaishogun (the great, unifying leader) Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA as a representative of Mochitomo, Tomomasa's father, and this person is regarded as Tomomasa. 例文帳に追加

その生涯には不明な部分も多いが、初めは僧侶として京都の相国寺において本東と名乗り、長禄2年(1458年)に父持朝の名代として征夷大将軍足利義政に拝謁した人物が朝昌の前身にあたると考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After his father Kim Chun-chu, who had not ascended the throne as King Muyeol yet, established a close relationship between Tang China and Silla and returned to the country, Kim Beopmin visited Tang in June 650 in order to report the victory of a local war against Baekje in 649 and present a great peace poem of five-word verses written by Queen Jindeok, admiring the prestige of the Tang Dynasty. 例文帳に追加

武烈王として即位する前の父・金春秋が唐と新羅との緊密な関係を築いて帰国した後、649年の百済との局地戦の戦勝報告と、真徳女王が唐の威光を称えて作った五言太平頌を献上することとを任務として、金法敏は650年6月に唐を訪れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 682 under the reign of King Sinmun, the five-mausoleum system for religious services for ancestral mausoleums in Silla was established in order to enshrine the souls of the five kings of his father King Munmu, grandfather King Muyeol, great-grandfather Galmunwang (Kim ), great-great-grandfather King Jinpyeong, and progenitor Great King (the earliest ancestor of the royal line of the Kim clan, the 13th Michu Isageum). 例文帳に追加

神文王の7年(687年)に新羅の祖廟の祭祀として、神文王にとっては父の文武王、祖父武烈王、曽祖父文興葛文王(金龍春)、高祖父真平王、及び太祖大王(金氏王統の始祖である13代味鄒尼師今)の五廟の制度が整備された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the reign of the 36th ruler, King Hyegong, the five-mausoleum system was applied to his father King Gyeongdeok, grandfather King Seongdok, King Munmu, King Muyeol and Michu Isageum, and King Munmu was specially regarded as a key ancestor whose position should not be changed for generations together with King Muyeol and Michu Isageum. 例文帳に追加

第36代の恵恭王の時代には、五廟の対象を恵恭王の父景徳王・祖父聖徳王、文武王、武烈王、味鄒尼師今としており、文武王は武烈王・味鄒尼師今とともに代々不変の宗として特別な位置づけとされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

She escaped from her stepmother who had tried to kill her, to Mt. Hibari of Yamato Province, where she became a nun at Taima-dera Temple (another legend says that it was because she mourned over her father's degradation), and she made devotional exercises at the temple and gained assistance from Buddha due to her virtues, and she could make Taima mandala (mandala based on Kanmuryoju-kyo [The Amitayur dhuyana Sutra]) weaving with lotus thread in one night. 例文帳に追加

継母の暗殺から大和国雲雀山に逃れて、當麻寺(たいまでら)に入り尼となり(一説には父の左遷を悲しんだためとされる)勤行に励んで、徳によって仏の助力を得て、一夜で蓮糸で当麻曼荼羅(観無量寿経の曼荼羅)を織ったとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Aizo SOMA and the members of Kinshukai were worried about Iguchi's future, and decided to establish a private school 'Kensei Gijuku' with the support of Kiyo USUI, an influential person in the village and Yasubei SOMA, Aizo's father, so that Iguchi could start his ideal education. 例文帳に追加

ことの成り行きを心配した相馬愛蔵ら禁酒会のメンバーが、井口が理想の教育を行えるようにと、村の有力者臼井喜代、愛蔵の父相馬安兵衛の援助を得て、私学校「研成義塾」を村に作ってくれることになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1862, when Hisamitsu SHIMAZU, the father of Satsuma Domain, decided to come to Kyoto with his army, people construed it that he came to Kyoto to overthrow the Shogunate, thus Kuniomi HIRANO, Hachiro KIYOKAWA, and Torataro YOSHIMURA drew roshi (masterless samurai) in Kamigata (Kyoto and Osaka area), and planned to raise an army in collusion with the radical party of feudal retainers of Satsuma Domain including Shinshichi ARIMA (Fushimi gikyo [heroic deed in Fushimi.]) 例文帳に追加

文久2年(1862年)、薩摩藩国父島津久光が率兵上京することになり、世間はこれを倒幕のための上洛だと解して、平野国臣、清河八郎、吉村虎太郎らは上方に浪士を集めて、有馬新七ら薩摩藩士の過激派と結託して挙兵を策した(伏見義挙)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shingo NASU, one of the assassin of Toyo YOSHIDA, who was hidden in the residence of Satsuma Province since May 23, 1862 when the Namamugi Incident occurred, wrote a letter of October 7 of the year to his father-in-law and older brother, saying that it was the Kizaemon's younger brother Yukigoro (Shigeru) who slashed the English man in the Namanugi Incident. 例文帳に追加

生麦事件の起きた文久2年(1862年)5月23日以来、京都薩摩藩邸に匿われていた吉田東洋暗殺犯の一人である那須信吾がその年の10月7日付で義父と兄に宛てた書簡の中に、生麦事件で英国人に斬りつけたのは、喜左衛門の弟である幸五郎(繁)だと書いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Following the retirement of Daewongun (a title of biological father of King in Yi Dynasty Korea, who is not previous king) in December, 1873, who had advocated seclusion policy, and the death by execution of Kundo Dong-Jun AHN in April, 1874, Moriyama was sent to Korea again in May, 1874 and discussed with Kundo Seog-un HYEON about establishing new relationship between Japan and Korea. 例文帳に追加

明治6年(1873年)12月の朝鮮国で排外論を唱える大院君の引退、明治7年(1874年)4月の訓導・安東晙の刑死を受けて、同年5月に再び朝鮮国へ派遣され、訓導玄昔運などと日朝新関係成立について協議した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the records, after his father, Yoshinaka, was killed by Tamehisa ISHIDA in Awazu, Omi Province, and also his older brother, MINAMOTO no Yoshitaka (Shimizu no Kanja), by the Hojo clan, his mother, Tomoe Gozen, is said to have given birth to Yoshimune in her home town of Shinano Province, and hid herself with the baby deep in the mountains in Kiso fukushima Town, Shinsyu. 例文帳に追加

それによると、父・義仲が近江国粟津で石田為久に討たれた後に、兄・源義高(清水冠者)が北条氏に殺害されると、母・巴御前は郷里・信濃国で義宗を出産したとされ、信州木曽福島町の山奥に身を潜めたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the Kanno Disturbance, on Tadayoshi's side, he confronted the Hatakeyama clan who was on Takauji's side, in March 1351, he attacked Kuniuji HATAKEYAMA and his father Takakuni HATAKEYAMA at Iwakiri-jo Castle in Mutsu Province (present-day Rifu-cho, Miyagi Prefecture) and made them commit suicide, but he was temporarily forced to leave Taga-jo Castle when he was attacked by Akinobu KITABATAKE of the Southern Court who took advantage of infighting in the Northern Court. 例文帳に追加

観応の擾乱には直義方として尊氏方の畠山氏と対立、観応2年2月(1351年3月)畠山高国・国氏父子を陸奥岩切城(現宮城県利府町)に攻めて自刃させたが、北朝方の内訌の機に乗じた南朝方北畠顕信に攻められ一時、多賀城を退去。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His younger sister Tosa OTAKA married Yuen NAKAI, who was the director of Suisaikan school and whose father was Riken NAKAI, director of Kaitokudo school ("Kinsei Gakugei Ronko - Hagura Keisho Ronbunshu" [Discussion on the Studies in the Early Modern Times - Collected Articles of Keisho HAGURA] edited by Jun SUZUKI and published by Meiji Shoin), but she died at such a young age of 25. 例文帳に追加

妹に大高土沙がおり、懐徳堂学主中井履軒の息子で、水哉館館主であった中井柚園に嫁したが(『近世学芸論考-羽倉敬尚論文集-』鈴木淳編、明治書院)、二十五歳の若さで没している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His father, Iesada, was known as the most loyal subject in the Taira family, and Ietsugu also served TAIRA no Kiyomori as the so called "central core" of the Taira family's private army who controlled the samurai in Iga Province, which was traditionally under the influence of the Ise-Heishi (Taira clan). 例文帳に追加

父、家貞は平家随一の忠臣として知られ、家継もまた伊勢平氏の伝統的勢力圏である伊賀国を本拠として同地の武士を統率する、いわば平家の私的軍事力における中枢的存在として平清盛に仕えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Tsunemasa had taken over the post of Hitto karo of the Toyooka clan from his father Tsuneaki, and he had gotten married to Marihime, the daughter of the former lord of the domain Takasumi KYOGOKU, the confrontation with the present lord of the domain Takanaga KYOGOKU had become very serious regarding the reformation of the domain duties, and so in 1747 he resigned his position as karo and left the Toyooka domain. 例文帳に追加

父毎明から豊岡藩筆頭家老職を受け継ぎ、また前藩主京極高住の娘万里姫を妻に迎えたが、当代藩主・京極高永とは藩政改革を巡って対立を深め、延享4年(1747年)に家老を辞して豊岡藩を去ることになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is not exactly unclear when he was born or became a successor of the family; however, because of the description in Rurido Engi (writing about the history) saying 'On April 8, 1169 during the reign of Minamoto no Koreyori', it can be said that at least around then, he had already succeeded to the family because of his father's retirement or death. 例文帳に追加

惟頼がいつ頃生まれ、いつ頃に家督を継いだかは不明であるが、瑠璃堂縁起という書物に「嘉応元年(1169年)四月八日源惟頼の御世」との記述がある事から、この頃には、父の隠居又は死により、家督を継いでいたものと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ienaga defeated TAIRA no Tomomasa, and working with Kagesue KAJIWARA (or his father Kagetoki), he captured the beaten vice-shogun or Sanmi no chujo (Junior Third Rank) of Ikuta no mori, TAIRA no Shigehira, however, his oldest son Yoriie SHO was killed in the battle and Ienaga lost the direct line taking over as head of the family. 例文帳に追加

家長は、平朝昌を討ち取り、敗走した生田森の副将軍三位中将平重衡を須磨区海岸で梶原景季(あるいはその父景時)と共に捕える功績を上げるが、長男である庄頼家が戦死し、家督を継ぐべき直系が絶える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to Sakyo Shinbetsu (clans branched out of a family of god in the Eastern Capital Offices) Vol.2 of "Shinsen Shojiroku" (Newly Compiled Register of Clan Names and Titles of Nobility), Katari shared the right and left of Emon (gates of Imperial palace) to guard with his father (his elder brother in another theory), Muroya, and also according to Sakyo Shinbetsu Vol.1, SAEKI no Himatsuri no miyatsuko shared a common ancestor with the Otomo clan (the descendant clan of Amenooshihi no mikoto) and he seems to have been a descendant of Katari. 例文帳に追加

『新撰姓氏録』左京神別中によれば、談は父(一説には兄)の室屋とともに衛門の左右を分衛したと記述され、また同じく右京神別上によれば佐伯氏(さえきのひまつりのみやつこ)は大伴氏(天忍日命の後裔氏族)と同祖で、談の後裔とされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the position of regent was vacant after Takatoki became a monk in March 1326, the Nagasaki family who recommended Kunitoki HOJO, the son of Takatoki' mistress who was a daughter of his vassal had a conflict with the father of Takatoki's wife, Tokiaki and the Adachi family who recommended Takatoki's brother, Yasuie HOJO (Karyaku Rebellion). 例文帳に追加

正中(元号)3年(1326年)3月、出家した高時の後継者を巡り、高時の妾で御内人の娘が産んだ北条邦時を推す長崎氏に対し、高時の舅である時顕と安達一族が反対して高時の弟北条泰家を推す対立が起こった(嘉暦の騒動)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As an heir of Shigetada, he built Minami-yamashiro-jo Castle in Yamada County, Owari Province (present day around Kakeshita Town, Seto City, Aichi Prefecture) and lived there until his death in Jokyu War in 1221, the war he fought hard for the retired Emperor with his father and his eldest son, Kanetsugu. 例文帳に追加

重忠の嫡男として尾張国山田郡(尾張国)内(現在の愛知県瀬戸市掛下町付近)に南山城を築き居住したとされが、承久3年(1221年)の承久の乱で長子・兼継を従え父と共に後鳥羽上皇方に参じ奮戦するも敗北し、鎌倉幕府軍に討ち取られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, by reason that Kintsune SAIONJI, a brother of Teika's second wife, began to play an important role in the Imperial Palace as the father-in-law of Michiie KUJO, and adopted FUJIWARA no Tameie, son of Teika and his second wife, Tameie came to be treated as a legitimate son of Kintsune, which put Mitsuie in a delicate position. 例文帳に追加

加えて後妻の兄弟であった西園寺公経が九条道家を娘婿として朝廷にて重きをなし、定家と後妻の間の子である藤原為家を猶子としていたことから、嫡男として扱われるようになると、光家の立場は微妙なものとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the mythology, while the passion of this goddess was shown when she saved her husband as he underwent the hardship imposed by her father in Nenokuni, it was also shown when she became furiously jealous over Nunakawa-hime, a partner of her husband's tsumadoi. 例文帳に追加

この女神の持つ激情は、神話において根の国における自分の父の試練を受ける夫の危機を救うことに対して発揮されるが、一方で夫の妻問いの相手である沼河比売に対して激しく嫉妬することによっても発揮される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Retired Emperor Sutoku hoped to get his son, Imperial Prince Shigehito, to ascend the Imperial Throne when Emperor Konoe died in 1155, but his father, Cloistered Emperor Toba, got Imperial Prince Masahito (another brother of retired Emperor Sutoku), who was supported by Bifukumonin and FUJIWARA no Michinori, to ascend the Imperial Throne instead. 例文帳に追加

久寿2年(1155年)に近衛天皇が崩御すると崇徳上皇は御子の重仁親王の即位を望むが、父・鳥羽法皇は美福門院や近臣の藤原通憲の推す雅仁親王(崇徳上皇のもう一人の弟)を後白河天皇として即位させてしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tadafuyu ASHIKAGA, who was Takauji's bastard son and Tadayoshi's foster son, who was staying in Bingo Province after being named the Nagato tandai (Shogunal deputies in Nagato) in April, heard about the events in Kyoto and tried to go to Kyoto to help his foster father Tadayoshi, but Moronao commanded Norimura AKAMATSU (Enshin) to stop Tadafuyu's movement toward Kyoto and asked Takauji to attack Tadafuyu. 例文帳に追加

尊氏の庶子で直義の猶子となり、4月に長門探題に任命されて備後国に滞在していた足利直冬は、京都での事件を知ると、養父直義に味方するために上洛しようとするが、師直は赤松則村(円心)らに命じて直冬の上洛を阻止し、尊氏に直冬追討を要請する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition to these examples, there were frequently cases, such as the Protector family of Kawachi Province and the Hosokawa clan, who held the position of Kanrei, where deputy Protectors (shugo) drove their lords from power and replaced them; other cases of shukun oshikome include when Harukata SUE engineered the banishment and annihilation of Yoshitaka OUCHI, and when Shingen TAKEDA brought about the exile of his own father, Nobutora TAKEDA. 例文帳に追加

またその他、河内守護家畠山氏や管領家細川氏では守護代による主君廃立がたびたび行われ、陶晴賢による大内義隆の追放・討滅、武田信玄による父武田信虎の追放なども主君押込めの一例とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the end of that same year (1397) Yoshihiro was ordered to strike down the Shoni clan, and began fighting with them in Chikuzen Province only to lose his younger brother Mitsuhiro OUCHI in battle, and worse still, no order was given to reward the fallen Mitsuhiro's son for his father's sacrifice, only increasing Yoshihiro's discontent; but what provoked his indignation still more was the rumor that Yoshimitsu had secretly commanded the Shoni and Kikuchi clans to strike down Yoshihiro. 例文帳に追加

同年末、義弘は少弐氏討伐を命じられ、筑前国で戦い弟の大内満弘が討死するがその子への恩賞の沙汰が無く不満を募らせ、更に義満が裏で少弐氏と菊地氏に義弘を討つように命じていたとの噂があり憤慨していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Michikane's activity was obviously planned together with his father Kaneie, and the path to Gankei-ji Temple was guarded by bushi sent by Kaneie, and if Michikane was about to be made a priest with Kazan, the bushi were supposed to rescue him by force. 例文帳に追加

道兼の行動はもちろん父兼家と示し合わせてのものであり、花山が元慶寺へ向かう道筋は兼家が派遣した武士たちにより警備されており、道兼が花山とともに出家させられそうになったときは武士たちが実力で救出する手はずになっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During this process Shinzei and the his family (the Fujiwara) each rose to remarkable prominence; FUJIWARA no Toshinori and Sadanori (sons of Shinzei and their mother was the daughter of TAKASHINA no Shigenaka) worked as Controllers with their father at running the Records Office, while FUJIWARA no Shigenori and Naganori (sons of Shinzei and their mother was FUJIWARA no Asako, who was also known as Emperor Goshirakawa's wet nurse) were awarded control over Totomi and Mino Provinces, respectively. 例文帳に追加

この過程で信西とその一族の台頭は目覚ましく、高階重仲の女を母とする俊憲・藤原貞憲は弁官として父と共に実務を担当する一方で、藤原朝子(後白河の乳母)を母とする藤原成憲・藤原脩憲はそれぞれ遠江・美濃の受領となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This was due to the fact that the father of the princess of Imperial Prince Tamehira was Sadaijin MINAMOTO no Takaakira, and the Fujiwara clan feared that if Imperial Prince Tamehira became Crown Prince and assumed the Imperial Throne, MINAMOTO no Takaakira would become a maternal relative and could be placed in a dominant position. 例文帳に追加

これは為平親王の妃の父が左大臣源高明であり、もしも、為平親王が東宮となり将来皇位につくことになれば源高明が外戚となり権勢を振るうことになりかねず、これを藤原氏が恐れたためであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

TAIRA no Masamori was from the Sadamori branch of the Kanmu-Taira clan and his father, Masahira, was not such a powerful member among the warrior aristocracy, but donated his property in Iga Province in 1097 to the Rokujyo-in Temple (Retired Emperor Shirakawa's daughter, Ikuhomonin no Mido) and established Tomoda no sho. 例文帳に追加

平正盛は、桓武平氏貞盛流の伊勢平氏に出自し、その父の正衡までは軍事貴族の中でもそれほど有力な一族ではなかったが、永長2年(1097年)伊賀国の所領を六条院(白河上皇の娘・郁芳門院の御堂)に寄進して鞆田荘を成立させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to Hashimoto, Kiyomori seized the chance by making Moriko (who was the widow of the former Regent) the foster mother of the prince that Shigeko gave birth to, and therefore Kiyomori became the 'father of the foster mother of the Crown Prince' and used this as a reason to promote him to Nai-daijin and Daijyo-daijin (Hashimoto 200622-24). 例文帳に追加

橋本によれば、清盛はこの状況を奇貨として滋子の生んだ皇子の養母を「先の摂政の未亡人」である盛子に引き受けさせ、「東宮の養母の父親」である清盛が内大臣や太政大臣に出世する口実としたとされる(橋本200622-24)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hideyoshi agreed with the recommendation, and then, Harusue and Geni proposed to Nobusuke's retired father, Sakihisa KONOE (former Kanpaku and Dajodaijin), that Hideyoshi be adopted by Sakihisa and be appointed to Kanpaku, and that the position of Kanpaku be given in the future to Nobusuke as Hideyoshi's successor. 例文帳に追加

秀吉もこれに賛同して、晴季と玄以は早速先に引退していた信輔の父・近衛前久(元関白・太政大臣)に対して秀吉を前久の猶子として関白を継がせ、将来的には信輔を後継として関白職を譲る案を提示した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The five sekke including Nobusuke KONOE and his father accepted the appointment of Hideyoshi to Kanpaku because they had presumed that Hideyoshi, the ruler of Japan, would temporarily assume the position of Kanpaku to settle the dispute and relinquish it to Nobusuke KONOE in due course, and that the position of Kanpaku would be rotated among the five sekke again as it had been. 例文帳に追加

近衛親子を初めとする五摂家が秀吉の関白就任を容認したのは、天下人である秀吉が相論収拾のために一時的に関白に就任して時が来れば近衛信輔に地位が譲られて再び以前のように五摂家間の持ち回りになるものと解釈されていたからである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The cloistered emperor was surprised by the firm attitude of Kiyomori, and used the Joken (the son of Shinzei) as the messenger, and said that he would not interfere with political duties hence forwards, and it was interpreted that the dismissal of Kanpaku father and son from their posts made the cloistered emperor and Kiyomori reconcile temporarily. 例文帳に追加

清盛の強硬姿勢に驚いた法皇は、静憲(信西の子)を使者として今後は政務に介入しないことを申し入れたため、一時は関白父子の解任で法皇と清盛が和解するのではないかという観測も流れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the description of June 2, 886 in "Uda Tenno Gyoki" compiled in volume 30 of "Seiji Yoryaku," the Emperor was disappointed and got angry with Mototsune because when the Emperor asked Mototsune by saying "you have served as acting Sessho so far, but please assume the position of Sessho since we are like father and son," Mototsune replied by saying "I was told your order." 例文帳に追加

また、『政事要略』巻30に採録された『宇多天皇御記』仁和4年6月2日条には天皇が以前「卿従前代猶摂政焉、至朕身親如父子、宜摂政耳」と基経に伝えたことに対して基経が「謹奉命旨必能奉」と解答しているのに裏切られたと憤慨する記述が残されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although the donation was already made by Yoshitomo in April 1145, Tsunetane offered money for festivals to the feudal lord Masatomi of the Ise priest family, a Shinto priest of the Ise-naiku (inner shrine), in accordance with 'a deed of father Tsuneshige,' and offered the Ise-jingu Shrine a deed stating that kajishi and the position of a local official to manage a shoen estate would be inherited by his children and descendants. 例文帳に追加

すでに天養2年(1145年)3月、義朝による寄進があったが、常胤は「親父常重契状」の通り、領主・荒木田神主正富(伊勢内宮神官)に供祭料を納め、加地子・下司職を常胤の子孫に相伝されることの新券を伊勢神宮へ奉じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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