意味 | 例文 (13件) |

英訳・英語 improve one's luck
該当件数 : 13件
To provide a examination system in which examination problems, that are used in an evaluation examination repeatedly executed for many examinees, are periodically, appropriately and efficiently reviewed and updated. - 特許庁
Researchers, etc. should review and update processing, testing and inspection methods as necessary to reflect the latest scientific findings and technology. - 厚生労働省
To eliminate trouble of reassembly due to defect of characteristics by enabling independent characteristic test of a pump part before integration of a control apparatus and a motor. - 特許庁
Therefore, the mount positions of the microphone, the camera, the antenna and the like can be changed easily, without causing such the change that the qualification test should be executed again. - 特許庁
2012 年度税制改正により、対象資産に製品の品質管理の向上に資する試験機器等を追加する等の見直しを行うとともに、その適用期限を2014年3月31日まで2年延長する。(新規)例文帳に追加
The revisions to the tax system in fiscal 2012 added, among other things, test instruments contributing to improvements in product quality control to the scope of assets covered, and the period of effect was extended for a further two years to March 31, 2014. (New)発音を聞く - 経済産業省
To provide a timer or the like for examination enabling production of an answer, while acquiring intuitively a rough progression state in a middle stage of a test time, and also enabling checking or correction of the answer in the latter half of stage of the test time, while paying attention to a residual time in the second unit. - 特許庁
To provide a timer or the like for taking examination, capable of performing reexamination or correction of answers in a stage of the latter half of test time, while paying attention to the remaining time of a second unit by preparing the answers, while intuitively grasping a rough situation of progress, at the intermediate stage of the testing period. - 特許庁
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
Weblio例文辞書での「験直しをする」に類似した例文 |
to go about anything in earnest
for repair
It is under repairs―undergoing repairs.
the act of supervising the translation of something
during the examination
something performed tentatively
The examination is at an end―over.
to prepare oneself for an examination―read up for an examination
I am worrying myself over the examination―(他動詞構文にすれば)―The examination worries me.
to watch over the students at an examination―invigilate
該当件数 : 13件
In a client/server type examination system, a portion of the problems having high correct answer rates in the past examination result is periodically replaced by a category of the problems having low correct answer rates so as to conduct the review of the examination problems, that are repeatedly used, in an appropriate and efficient manner. - 特許庁
Parts to be stuck with needles in a pincushion into which needles are stuck when not being used are numbered 2 and stuck with pins used for marking or pinning and sewing needles. - 特許庁
5カ年計画においては「中間年で達成状況を評価し、それに基づいて必要な見直しを行う等、我が国の状況を反映した方策を採っていくことが適当である」としていたことから、 今般、「新たな治験活性化5カ年計画の中間見直しに関する検討会」を設置し、以下のとおり、検討を行った。例文帳に追加
As the 5 Yearly Plan stipulates that it is "appropriate to take measures that reflect the situation in Japan by evaluating the progress made in the mid-term year and conducting necessary reviews based upon this evaluation, etc.," an "Investigative Commission for the Mid-Term Review of the New 5 Yearly Clinical Trial Activation Plan" was established and reviews were conducted as follows: - 厚生労働省
In the mid-term review, the items that were being worked upon up to now for the infrastructure development of clinical trials and studies centered on core hospitals and central medical institutions, etc., were evaluated in view of the changes in the clinical trial/study environment, such as the rapid increase in the number of multinational clinical trials after the establishment of the 5 Yearly Plan, and the following items were set as the points for consideration: - 厚生労働省
To provide a flame-proof monitoring apparatus in which mount positions of a flame-proof microphone, a flame-proof camera, a flame-proof antenna and the like can be changed easily, without causing such a change that a corresponding qualification test should be executed again, and to provide an abnormity monitoring system using the flame-proof monitoring device. - 特許庁
In order to help SMEs to turn their businesses around, resident experienced experts in business rehabilitation at Business Support Council for SME will continue to handle queries from SMEs about business rehabilitation and provide advice on solutions.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
意味 | 例文 (13件) |
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