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Sales of digital musical instruments are going well in the stagnant musical instrument market. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
However none of them except TDL and Universal Studios Japan gets a lot of business. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Both the listed companies and the sole proprietors are experiencing a similar business slump. - Weblioビジネス英語例文
Japan's poor results at the Turin Olympics need to be addressed before the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Winter Games. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
The case of Nippon spinning was especially serious, which suffered from a slump because of inferior quality of products and unfavorable sales in Chinese market with great importance and such trouble was covered up with the loan from the one-hundred and thirtieth bank. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Tamatsukuri (jewel making), one of the ritual implements manufacturing businesses, had gone downhill after the Kofun period (tumulus period), which led to the decline of the Inbe clan. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In addition, while overseas demand is sluggish for the moment amid the global recession, it will be necessary in the medium to long term to aim to capture overseas demand in a strategic manner. - 経済産業省
Some people view that capital was reinvested in real estate properties and stocks instead of underperformed exporting companies and generated asset bubble. - 経済産業省
It is believed that this was due to the reduction in the total number of financial institutions as a result of the failure of troubled institutions. - 経済産業省
Though overseas demand is currently slowing down because of the global recession, from a long-term perspective, it is necessary for Japan's industrial sector to compete for demand not only from developed nations but also from emerging economies such as China and Brazil. - 経済産業省
The Kyoto factory of Nissan Shatai Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., used to be located in the city, but the factory was shut down in 1999 due to financial difficulties. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Accordingly, a large portion of tamago kake gohan can be eaten like drinking even when you do not want to eat and cannot eat enough until lunch time due to too much drink on the previous night. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
...一方, 電圧制御増幅器(VCA)へのモノリシックまたはハイブリッド集積回路のアプローチは,高価過ぎるか,あるいは不満足な効率のために不振に陥った.例文帳に追加
... while monoliths or hybrid integrated circuit approaches to VCAs (voltage-controlled amplifiers) have been expensive, or they have suffered from poor performance. - コンピューター用語辞典
A person can get rid of nutrition supplement therapy by infusion solution, intubation/nutrition tube insertion by using essential oil of black pepper so as to ameliorate anorexia in a patient in a low nutritional state by a serious anorexia and to recover a lower nutrition state. - 特許庁
The stagnation in the rural economy is a grave problem because not only does it instigate weakened consumption and hinder the realization of sustainable economic growth led by domestic demand in the future, but also it leads to destabilizing factors in society. - 経済産業省
It was usual for Danshichi to disappear tremblinglysaying hayashikotoba (appendix yelling words), but in staging Enjaku JITSUKAWA, the second was that the young man stares at the pond where Giheiji sank and Danshichi said 'Chosaya, yosa.' - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
As for its context, other than the pressures from persons of influence as a result of laxity in the Ritsuryo system, it was the time of slump in agriculture during the Konin era, as was evident from "Nihon Koki" ("Later Chronicle of Japan") and so on. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When administering a halogen-containing medicament together with chitin and/or chitosan, at least chitin and/or chitosan orally are/is administered as capsules in an enteric form in order to prevent expression of harmful effects, i.e., leukopenia, and nausea, vomit, anorexia and headache caused by the oral administration of halogen-containing medicaments such as chlormethine. - 特許庁
This principle, led by Yoshito TAKANE, is said to have affected the present "academic freedom", and, though changed when the College of Law graduates got the bad grades in the Examination of High Civil Servants, it surely marks the dawn of the unique school tradition that took root in Kyoto Imperial University. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The Marutama Tourism Co. Ltd., (Kyoto City) the previous management and operation body of the "Koyo Paradise" and the "Ryotei Koyo," went into bankruptcy on March 1, 2006 for the financial difficulties caused by the redevelopment of the Ryotei Koyo and the Koyo Paradise. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Secondly, they face increasing difficulty raising necessary funds. However, this fund-raising difficulty has been caused in large part by sales-related problems, such as sales slumps and slow inventory turnover. - 金融庁
When Toa Kinema, which had been managing 'Tojiin Studio' originally constructed by Shozo MAKINO in the precincts of Toji-in Temple in Kyoto in 1921, went into a slump in business in September 1931; 'Tokatsu Eiga-sha Film Company' was established as an agency of the said company. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
I have not received a report concerning that, so I cannot make any comment. Generally speaking, it is easily conceivable that the economic downturn is affecting the insurance industry, or that the financial crisis is affecting insurance companies, but I have not received a report concerning this particular case. - 金融庁
Adverse effects on reproduction seen only at extremely high doses (for example, doses that induce prostration, severe inappetence, and high mortality) in animal tests are not used as the basis for classification, unless information of, for example, toxicokinetics indicating that humans are more susceptible than animals is available, suggesting that classification is appropriate. - 経済産業省
This improving agent of the indefinite complaint such as fatigue feeling, malaise, tremble, heat sensation on face, headache, dizziness, melancholic feeling, irritation, breathlessness, palpitation, insomnia, anorexia, diarrhea, perspiration, stiff shoulders, cool feeling of the limbs, pain of the limbs, nausea, etc., accompanying with the autonomic imbalance is characterized by containing Lepidium meyenii extract and royal jerry. - 特許庁
However, it is not easy to adopt locally enforced worker's protection practices, laws and regulations. There is a case that under performance of overseas business adversary affected the business of group as a whole. With another case, a Chinese maker could not obtain a certificate from the government of the country that the maker has advanced. Under these circumstances, some Chinese makers were force to review some overseas expansion plans - 経済産業省
To provide novel compounds suitable for the treatment of psychosis, schizophrenia, depression, neurological disorders, memory disorders, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, eating disorders, e.g. nervous bulimia and anorexia, and premenstrual syndrome and/or for positively influencing compulsive behaviours (obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD). - 特許庁
The reason for Carrefour’s failure in Japan may be attributed to the following two factors: (i) misreading consumers’ preferences in Japan, and (ii) a business slump in the company’s home country. Regarding (i) Carrefour’s strategy was to supply inexpensive sundries, whereas Japanese consumers were expecting products with a French flavor. Thus, the product lineup did not meet consumer expectations. It is said that Carrefour has operated successfully in South America. Regarding (ii) Carrefour has lost market share in France to hard discounters such as ALDI (Germany) and Lidl (Germany) and hypermarket franchises in the same category, and shifted its strategy to selling at low prices. This strategy is considered to have led to the aggravation of its domestic business performance. As management was replaced, the new management made a decision to withdraw from Japan and Mexico, where it was performing badly. This year, Carrefour has determined that it will withdraw from South Korea. It appears that the operation of Carrefour in Asia will be focused in China. - 経済産業省
As you know, the balance of loans provided to SMEs has been declining since September last year. The FSA's analysis of the situation as of June showed that the decline stemmed from the weak corporate earnings due to the high prices of crude oil and raw materials and sales-related problems, rather than a change in financial institutions' lending stance. As we must check the most recent situation in order to provide our assessment as of August, we have conducted a questionnaire survey through the Local Finance Bureaus and dispatched senior FSA officials to various regions to hold hearings with financial institutions and also listen to the voices of local SMEs, including the smallest companies -- I have directly issued an instruction in this regard. Probably, we will be able to get a rough picture by early next week. - 金融庁
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