In Germany, a variety of enterprises, such as major and mid-sized enterprises, are carrying out overseas business activities. - 経済産業省
ABC's stock is regarded as a middle-sized stock because it is a middle-sized company with long-term good performance and financial health. - Weblio英語基本例文集
Major enterprises could have an overseas presence independently and support systems have been launched for mid-sized enterprises by the government and the private sector. - 経済産業省
Let us imagine, for example, the typical pattern where the buyer is a middle-tier enterprise and the acquired enterprise is a small enterprise. - 経済産業省
Especially from among the small and medium listed companies, which address the assessment of the internal control under limited resources etc, many requests were received regarding standards for internal control assessment procedures, seeking simplification and clarification, etc. to match the actual situations of small and medium listed companies. - 金融庁
Particularly when medium and small-scale enterprises with generally weaker financial bases try to raise funds from financial institutions or investors, they may be able to use the "Intellectual Capital Statement" to highlight their strengths, with a potential effect of facilitating financing for medium and small-scale enterprises. - 経済産業省
In the bottom of the 11th inning, Murakami Shoki of Chiben Gakuen hit an RBI double over the center fielder to give his team a walk-off victory. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
Among larger establishments, on the other hand, a different trend is evident, with sales up from 100 in 1985 to 157.6 in 2002 at medium establishments, 179.0 at middle-tier establishments, and 180.0 at large establishments, despite going into decline after peaking in 1997 at medium establishments and 1999 at middle-tier and large establishments. It can thus be seen that an upsizing trend is underway in the Japanese retail sector (Fig. 2-3-27). - 経済産業省
Some mid-level singers, such as Natsuko GODAI, Fuyumi SAKAMOTO, Kaori KOZAI, and Ayako FUJI, debuted and created hits in such times, from the 1980s to the early 1990s. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In Kansai Kabuki, which did not have a sufficient number of middle class actors because of the successive deaths by famous actors during and after the War, Jukai played a central role together with Jusaburo BANDO and, after Jusaburo's death, kept watching it as the leader. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
First, in the areas of information supply and consultation, the fact is that a Japanese mid-to-large company or SME going to Asia will not receive a ready welcome from a local financial institution because of the language problem and the lack of information as to the degree of its creditworthiness. - 金融庁
企業は若手社員には、語学力に加え、外国人との商談を行い、外国人とチームで働くことのできる能力を、中堅人材には海外拠点のマネジメント能力を求めている(第4-2-5-1 図)。例文帳に追加
In addition to foreign language ability, enterprises are requiring young employees to demonstrate an ability to conduct business negotiations with foreigners and work in a team with foreigners, and mid-level employees to demonstrate an ability to manage overseas bases (Figure4-2-5-1). - 経済産業省
As I just mentioned, in contrast to information-rich major trading houses and major banks, mid-to-large companies and SMEs lack information when going overseas. Therefore, the Japanese government, as well as the FSA, is committed to giving them robust assistance- in creating a structure or system of information (representing the best public-private balance). - 金融庁
In the late 1970's, manzai became popular through the TV shows on the Fuji television channel, namely "Kao Meijin Gekijo" and "THE MANZAI," and some mid-career and young manzai-shi including duos of Yasushi YOKOYAMA and Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA, Kausu and Botan NAKATA, Comedy No.1, Two-Beat, Sento and Ruisu HOSHI, The Bonchi, Norio NISHIKAWA and Yoshio KAMIGATA, Shinsuke and Ryusuke as well as BB achieved significant popularity. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Examples of IT use are presented so that second-tier enterprises and SMEs can see its effectiveness in business innovation, and training sessions for entrepreneurs will be staged on the methods of actual IT use for management reforms and for the development of internal CIOs, etc.(continuation) (included in \\600 million budget) - 経済産業省
(3) 中小建設企業の新事業展開、経営力の強化を支援するため、大手・中堅建設企業が有するノウハウ・技術を集約し、中小建設企業に対して①技術マッチング支援、②ノウハウアドバイス支援を行う「ノウハウ・技術移転支援事業」を実施した。(新規)例文帳に追加
(3) In order to assist the development of new business and enhance the management capabilities of small and medium building contractors, the “Know-How and Technology Transfer Support Program” was implemented to pool the know-how and technologies of leading and mid-tier building contractors and provide the following forms of support to small and medium building contractors: (1) technological matchmaking support, and (2) know-how and advisory support. (New) - 経済産業省
Partners for collaboration with SMEs lacking in areas of pure research and know-how regarding market development as described in the preceding section include a diverse variety of entities, such as middle-tier and large enterprises, central and local government research institutes, and universities, as well as SMEs in other fields. - 経済産業省
If acquisition talks go well and a new proprietor is sent in from the buyer (i.e., the middle-tier enterprise), the seller (previous president) will go around introducing the new president to interested parties, explaining that a successor has at last been found and asking for their continued cooperation and custom. - 経済産業省
As, naturally, this arrangement will not be sustainable over the long term without a certain level of assistance from a Japanese public agency or otherwise, JBIC and Japanese financial institutions will partner with each other to support local subsidiaries of participating mid-to-large companies and SMEs through information supply, consultation and other services by, among other actions, having the financial institutions send their staff members. - 金融庁
Regarding this point, considering requests and opinions of companies which implemented the system, in order to create an efficient system while ensuring the system's effectiveness, the FSA is creating an efficient internal control report practices "casebook" for small and medium companies, and performing a review to establish efficient operation for the internal control report system. - 金融庁
Answering the question just posed to the Minister as to whether there is any specific deal with respect to establishing a Japan Desk or making an MOU, there is not yet a specific agreement that JBIC has entered into with any local financial institution, etc. overseas. As JBIC itself does not have much contact with mid-to-large companies and SMEs located in Japan, the initial step will be for (Japanese) regional financial institutions to comprehend the needs of those mid-to-large companies and SMEs and then JBIC will, based on the needs thus grasped, move on to make a decision in the capacity of JBIC as to which local financial institution, etc. to enter into an MOU with. An agreement being an agreement, however, an MOU will be made naturally as a result of negotiation with the prospective party to it and other actions will then follow, including establishing a Japan Desk and sending staff members of the regional financial institution in the capacity of JBIC staff members. While I suspect that it will take some time before any MOU is entered into between JBIC and a local financial institution, etc., my guess is that the process of sending regional financial institution staff members to JETRO could happen a little earlier. - 金融庁
36 ドイツ貿易・投資振興機関へのヒアリング調査によると、同機関はあらゆる規模の会社に対してサービスを提供しているが、従来サービスの利用者のほとんどが中堅企業だったのに対し、2011 には大手企業からまとまった調査を受託したことがあり、今後、企業の支社がないような遠い地域への海外事業活動を検討する中で、大企業へのサービスの提供も増加する可能性はあるとのことである。例文帳に追加
36 According to a hearing survey with Germany Trade and Invest, most of service users were mid-sized enterprises. But a large-scale survey requested by a major enterprise in 2011 shows that the provision of services to large enterprises may also increase in the future in considering overseas business activities in a distant region where no offices of enterprises are located. - 経済産業省
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