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7.10. 優権が請求された場合、出願には国際調査報告書又は予備審査報告書を添付しなければならない。例文帳に追加

7.10. Where a priority is claimed, an application shall be accompanied by an international search report or a preliminary examination report. - 特許庁

(3) 第26条(6)に基づきの特許出願に含まれる事項の何れかの部分に関して新規特許出願をする場合は,出願人は,第29条(2)(a)に従う代わりに,次のものに依拠する意思がある旨を書面で登録官に通知することができる。 (a) 当該の出願において作成された調査報告若しくは補足調査報告,又は (b) 当該の出願が第86条(3)に基づきシンガポールにおいて国内段階に移行した国際特許出願(シンガポール)である場合は,当該の出願の国際段階において作成された国際調査報告若しくは国際補足調査報告例文帳に追加

(3) If a new application for a patent is filed under section 26(6) in respect of any part of the matter contained in an earlier application for a patent, the applicant may, in lieu of complying with section 29(2)(a), notify the Registrar in writing that he intends to rely on -- (a) any search report or supplementary search report established in the earlier application; or (b) where the earlier application is an international application for a patent (Singapore) that has entered the national phase in Singapore under section 86(3), any international search report or international supplementary search report established during the international phase of the earlier application. - 特許庁

国際協力銀行が2011 年に企業に行ったアンケート調査によれば、中期的に有望と考える事業展開として、1 位が中国(回答の72.8%)、2 位がインド(同58.6%)で、3 位のタイ(同32.5%)以下を大きく引き離している。例文帳に追加

According to the questionnaire survey on companies conducted by Japan Bank for International Cooperation in 2011, as a promising candidate for expanding business from a medium-range viewpoint, China is ranked No.1 (72.8% of answers), followed by India (58.6% thereof) and Thailand (32.5% thereof), which achieves far higher point than other two answers. - 経済産業省

(2) 実体審査官は,また,意匠法第12条(2)にいう意味において同一のその他の意匠であっての出願日又は優日(何れか該当する日)を付した国内出願又は国際出願の主題であるものがあるか否かを国内経路又は国際経路を通じて提出された出願のファイルにより調査を行う。例文帳に追加

(2) The substantive examiner carries out search also in the file of applications filed by a national or international route for any other identical design within the meaning of Art. 12(2) of the Law on Industrial Designs, that may be the subject-matter of a national or international application bearing an earlier filing date or priority date, as appropriate.  - 特許庁


(1) 実体審査官は,意匠法第12条(2)にいう意味において同一の意匠であって出願日又は優日(何れか該当する日)の前に国内経路又は国際経路を通じてブルガリア共和国において登録されたものがあるか否かを登録意匠ファイルにより調査を行う。例文帳に追加

(1) The substantive examiner carries out search in the registered designs file for identical designs within the meaning of Art. 12(2) of the Law on Industrial Designs, registered by a national or international route in the Republic of Bulgaria prior to the application filing date or priority date, as appropriate.  - 特許庁


(5) (2)に掲げた請求書には,認証されるべき各調査報告書について,更に次の情報を含まなければならない。(a) 1つ又は複数の調査報告書について,作成した機関の本部の名称及び住所 (b) 文献調査の基礎となっている1つ又は複数の国内特許出願,広域特許出願,又は国際特許出願について,出願国名,出願番号及び出願日 (c) 上記各出願について,該当する場合は,優権を主張した国名,優番号,及び優例文帳に追加

5. The request referred to in paragraph 2 must further contain, for each search report to be validated, the following information: (a) the name and the place of the headquarters of the body having carried out the search report or reports; (b) the country, the number and the date of filing the national, regional or international patent application orapplications, which are the basis of documentary searches; (c) where applicable, the country, number and dates of priority rights claimed for each of the above mentioned applications. - 特許庁


According to a poll conducted by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), only 6.8% of Japanese-affiliated companies which see China as a promising country for their business operations listed the difficulty of fund-raising as a major problem for their doing business in the country. The largest percentage share with which the difficulty of fund-raising was cited was China’s 6.8%. A smaller 2.6% of Japanese-affiliated companies which see Indonesia as a promising business-operation country and a further smaller 1.9% of those seeing Thailand as a promising country listed the difficulty of fund procurement as their problem in the course of business operations in respective countries. - 経済産業省

知的所有権調査報告は,クレーム,明細書及び図面に基づいて次の通り作成する。 (a)調査報告には,発明の新規性及び進歩性を査定する際に考慮に入れることができる書類であって報告作成時点で庁が利用することができるものを記載する。 (b)調査報告では,引用書類を,主張された優日前に公開されたものと,当該優日と出願日との間に公開されたものと,出願日後に公開されたものとに区別する。 (c)調査報告には,国際特許分類に基づいて出願の内容の分類を記載する。 (d)調査報告には,対応する外国出願でなされた調査において引用された書類を含めることができる。例文帳に追加

The Intellectual Property Search Report is drawn up on the basis of the claims, description, and the drawings as follows: (a) The search report shall mention those documents, available at the Office at the time of drawing up the report, which may be taken into consideration in assessing novelty and inventive step of the invention. (b) The search report shall distinguish between cited documents published before the date of priority claimed, between such date of priority and the date of filing, and on or after the date of filing. (c) The search report shall contain the classification of the subject matter of the application in accordance with the International Patent Classification. (d) The search report may include documents cited in a search established in the corresponding foreign application. - 特許庁

なお、洪水後のタイの投資・事業展開としての魅力・有望度に関しては、経済産業省(2011)では約7 割の企業(タイに投資していない企業も含む)が、述の国際協力銀行のアンケート調査では約83%の企業が洪水前と変化がないと回答しており、日系企業にとって洪水によりタイの投資としての魅力が大きく失われていないことが確認できる(第2-3-5-7 図参照)。例文帳に追加

As for the attractiveness/prospects of Thailand as a destination of investment/business expansion after the floods, about 70% of companies (including those yet to invest in Thailand) surveyed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) (2011) and about 83% of companies in the aforementioned survey of JBIC answered that there would be no change from the time before the floods, which confirms that the attractiveness of Thailand for Japanese companies to invest is still intact (Figure 2-3-5-7). - 経済産業省



In particular, the IMF should examine with fresh eyes the emerging market economies and assess the vulnerabilities of the domestic financial sector, the borrowing activities of international private capital markets, and the liquidity level of domestic financial markets.  - 財務省


具体的には、IOSCO において、⑴ 商品物市場の設計及び監視に関する指針の改訂作業の実施、⑵ 石油について、国際エネルギー機関(IEA)、国際エネルギーフォーラム(IEF)及び石油輸出国機構(OPEC)と協働して、価格公表会社によって公表された商品現物価格が市場機能等に与える影響を調査、⑶ 取引所外デリバティブ取引の監督改善及び透明性向上のために、取引情報蓄積機関設立の検討等がなされている。例文帳に追加

Specifically, the IOSCO has been preparing to implement; (1) Revision of guideline on design and surveillance of the commodity futures market, (2) Survey on impact on market function by commodities spot prices announced by the price publishing companies under coordination with International Energy Agency (IEA), International Energy Forum (IEF) and Organization of Petroleum Export Countries (OPEC), (3) Establishment of transaction information building body to supervise and improve the off-exchange derivative transaction and to enhance the transparency. - 経済産業省

財団法人国際経済交流財団のアンケート調査によると、我が国製造業が海外市場開拓に向けて有望視している事業として、約半数が環境・エネルギー分野を挙げ、以下、水ビジネスや交通インフラ分野と、医療・介護の分野が約3 割、ロボットや宇宙などの端分野が2 割強と続いている(第3-1-3-2 図)。例文帳に追加

According to the questionnaire survey of the Japan Economic Foundation, about 50 % of Japanese manufacturing industry list the Environment and energy field business as the business that they regards promising for overseas market development, then the Water business and Traffic infrastructure business and Medical, nursing, health, and child care services are listed by 30%, Frontier fields (robots, space, etc) by 20% (Figure 3-1-3-2). - 経済産業省

第三条 政府は、この法律の目的を達成するため、特定端大型研究施設のうち研究者等の共用に供される部分又は放射光専用施設を利用した研究等(以下「施設利用研究」という。)を行う者に対する支援、施設利用研究の促進のための方策に関する調査研究及び施設利用研究の促進に資する国際交流の推進その他の特定端大型研究施設の共用を促進するために必要な措置を講ずるよう努めなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 3 For achieving the purpose of this Act, the government shall endeavor to support persons engaged in the Researches, etc. utilizing the portion of the Specific Advanced Large Research Facilities that is made available for public utilization by the Researchers, etc. or the Dedicated Facilities for Synchrotron Radiation (hereinafter referred to as the "Researches Utilizing Facilities"), conduct researches and studies concerning measures to promote the Researches Utilizing Facilities, promote international exchange that would contribute to the promotion of the Researches Utilizing Facilities and take other measures necessary to promote public utilization of the Specific Advanced Large Research Facilities.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In this regard, I would like to ment ion that a joint study on infrastructure development in East Asia by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation was released in March.This study points out a number of important issues related to infrastructure developmentThe public sector cannot cover all financing needs for infrastructure development.To attract private financing, government should play a key role in improving investment climate.§ To strengthen accountability, it is important to involve civil society in infrastructure projects and introduce infrastructure service competition.I hope that future infrastructure projects by the World Bank will be guided by these findings.  - 財務省

出願人は次の手数料を,受理官庁としての資格での特許商標庁に納付しなければならない。 (i) 特許協力条約に基づく規則の規則15.1にいう基本手数料を,出願の受領から1月以内に(ii) 前記規則の規則15.1にいう指定手数料を,国際出願日又は優権を主張しているときは優日から1年以内に。ただし,後者の場合では,出願の受領から1月以内に常に納付することができることを条件とする。 (iii) 前記規則の規則16.1にいう調査手数料を,出願の受領から1月以内に (iv) 前記規則の規則14にいう受理官庁としての特許商標庁の出願取扱手数料(送付手数料)を,出願の受領から1月以内に,及び (v) 前記規則の規則15.5にいう確認手数料を,国際出願日又は優権を主張するときは優日から15月以内に例文帳に追加

The applicant shall pay the following fees to the Patent and Trademark Office in its capacity of receiving Office: (i) the basic fee referred to in Rule 15.1 of the Regulations under the Patent Cooperation Treaty within 1 month from the receipt of the application, (ii) the designation fee referred to in Rule 15.1 of the said Regulations within 1 year from the international filing date of the application, or, if priority is claimed, from the date of priority, provided that in the latter case the fee may always be paid within 1 month from the receipt of the application, (iii) the search fee referred to in Rule 16.1 of the said Regulations within 1 month from the receipt of the application, (iv) the fee for the handling of the application by the Patent and Trademark Office as receiving Office (the transmittal fee) referred to in Rule 14 of the said Regulations within 1 month from the receipt of the application, and (v) the confirmation fee referred to in Rule 15.5 of the said Regulations within 15 months from the international filing date of the application, or, if priority is claimed, from the date of priority.  - 特許庁

(a) 第29条にいう審査報告又は調査及び審査報告,第30条(2)(b)(vi)にいう特許性に関する国際予備報告又は何れかの国際予備審査報告を根拠として特許が付与された場合に, (i) 特許付与を求める所定の書類が提出され,特許付与についての所定の手数料が納付された時の当該特許出願の少なくとも1のクレームが,当該報告が交付された時の状態での出願の, (A) 審査され,かつ (B) 当該報告中で引用されている, 何れのクレームにも関係していなかったこと,又は (ii) 当該出願の審査官が,当該報告を作成する前に,関係行技術のすべては考慮しなかったこと例文帳に追加

(a) where the patent was granted on the basis of any examination report or search and examination report referred to in section 29, any international preliminary report on patentability referred to in section 30(2)(b)(vi) or any international preliminary examination report, that -- (i) at least one claim in the application for the patent at the time the prescribed documents for the grant of the patent were filed and the prescribed fee for the grant of the patent was paid was not related to any claim in the application at the time the report was issued -- (A) which has been examined; and (B) which is referred to in the report; or (ii) the Examiner of the application did not consider all the relevant prior art before preparing the report; - 特許庁


For the cause of inferiority of continental Europe in international competitiveness in the service field to the United States and the United Kingdom, it is pointed out that excessive restrictions suppress the increase in productivity. For example, according to an investigation by the OECD, in comparison between major advanced countries in degree of regulation in the specialized services sector such as the legal, accounting and engineering sectors as expressed in the index, the regulations of continental European countries such as Italy and Germany are much stricter than those of the United States and the United Kingdom. - 経済産業省



(5) Where the applicant has filed a request and paid the fee for an examination report under subsection (2)(c)(i), (d)(i) or (e)(i) or (4), the Registrar shall -- (a) cause the application to be subjected to an examination by an Examiner to determine -- (i) whether the conditions specified in sections 13 and 25(4) and (5) have been complied with; (ii) whether the application discloses any additional matter referred to in section 84(1); and (iii) whether the application discloses any matter extending beyond that disclosed in the application as filed, taking into consideration all the relevant prior art, if any, that the Examiner is aware of or that has been referred to in the search report or international search report, as the case may be; and (b) upon receiving the examination report prepared by the Examiner, send the applicant a notification and a copy of the examination report. - 特許庁


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