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該当件数 : 1381



To provide a method for arranging photocatalysts formed of titanium dioxide on a sapphire substrate in a nanometer-order cycle through utilizing the characteristic of the sapphire substrate the step structure of which changes with heat treatment. - 特許庁


The wavelength converting element is formed of a ferroelectric substrate which has a structure constituted by periodically arranging two kinds of polarizing regions 10 and 20 whose polarizing directions 11 and 21 are not parallel to each other. - 特許庁


In this case, when the inclination θk of the isolator 1 to the horizontal plane is set so that high frequency vibration surpasses, since a building vibrates in small amplitude and a high frequency, and the structure strong against long-period earthquake motion and wind vibration is realized. - 特許庁


A pulse signal including the estimated frequency and phase is generated, and a tempo clock pulse signal for expressing the beat of the audio signal is generated by periodically selecting a pulse from the pulse signal according to a rhythm structure (the number of beats) of the audio signal. - 特許庁



To provide cubic garnet-related type lithium ion conductive oxide having the long period property and the modulation property of a crystal structure to be suitable for the improvement of ion conductivity, and a method for producing the same and an electrochemical device using it as a member. - 特許庁



This multiband superconductor having the domain structure with the thin domain wall is provided by making a potential fluctuated at a period ofof an interband phase difference compete with a potential fluctuated at a period of π or less, and by generating thereby breakage of time symmetry in the multiband superconductor. - 特許庁


To obtain a structure for simplifying a hardware configuration and facilitating software processing, in a signal processor 21 for calculating periods of pulse signals (SEN0 to SEN5) outputted from a plurality of sensors and phase differences between the respective pulse signals. - 特許庁


Respective first electrode 333 is arranged obliquely with respect to the electro-optical crystalline substrate 331, and that the diffraction gratings produced inside the periodically polarization-reversed structure satisfy the Bragg conditions of diffraction, and Bragg diffracted beam BL or the 0-th order beam is emitted. - 特許庁


The color filter for a liquid crystal display element includes a coloring layer (A), having a phase difference including both a liquid crystal including a spiral structure with a spiral cycle pitch of 0.25 μm or less, and at least two types of dye pigments absorbing visible light regions. - 特許庁



To provide a light transmissive film with a uniform touch panel screen, improving the reliability of the touch panel, with stripes formed on the surface difficult to observe with naked eyes, and with an unclear superposition of the stripes and other periodical structure, and a method for manufacturing the same. - 特許庁



In this case, even if a light flux containing the P-polarized light and the S-polarized light is incident to the periodic structure member, while altering the incident angle, the polarization splitter can split the P-polarized light and the S-polarized light contained in the incident light flux with high accuracy, regardless of the incidence position. - 特許庁


Five lines of first electrodes 333 are arrayed on one side principal surface 332 of an electro-optical crystalline substrate 331, while they are separated from one another in the X direction that is substantially vertical to the traveling direction Z of incident light L1 which travels in a periodically polarization-reversed structure of the electro-optical crystalline substrate 331. - 特許庁


The resin composition for laser engraving includes (a) a cross-linking agent having two or more of cross-linkable groups, (b) a polymer having reactive groups capable of reacting with the cross-linkable groups and forming a cross-linked structure, and (c) a metal compound including metal atoms selected from a group comprising group-1 elements to group-15 elements in a periodic table. - 特許庁


Each of the upper block 1 and the lower block 3 has a minute periodic structure made of the same material as that of the substrate 2 and an effective refractive index to be fixed by dividing the refractive index of the material and that of the space proportionally by an area ratio. - 特許庁


The subwavelength structure optical element comprises a substrate having a plurality of protruded parts which are arranged in a lattice shape with a period shorter than the used wavelength, a hard film is formed on the surface of the protruded part and a water-repellent film is formed on the surface of the hard film. - 特許庁


A DLC (Diamond Like Carbon) film 2 formed on the sliding face of a base material 1 in a sliding material is irradiated with a pulse laser (e.g. a femtosecond laser) of low fluence, thus the irradiated region is made into a reformed region 3 modified into glassy carbon, and further, a fine periodic structure 4 is formed. - 特許庁


For a digitizer of a construction that surface resistances of two layers mutually conduct at a depressed point, a pulse drive, instead of a static DC drive, that is dynamic and repeated at a fixed interval is used, the high side or low side of the pulse is set as the reference voltage level, and a detection signal is measured through a smoothing circuit. - 特許庁


After completing shape forming of the diamond tip mounted on the distal end of the diamond cutting tool such as a diamond cutting tool, an ultrashort pulsed laser beam is cast to the surfaces of the diamond tip in contact with a workpiece so that a finely rugged surface having a periodic structure of 5 nm to 3,000 nm is formed. - 特許庁


In the process S103, a semiconductor region is etched using a first mask having the array of patterns including first-nth pattern parts and first-nth periodic structures for a diffraction grating corresponding to the first-nth pattern parts respectively are formed in the respective element sections of the semiconductor region. - 特許庁


The employed photoelectric conversion element comprises a photonic crystal which is composed primarily of a photoelectric conversion substance and a light emitting dye contained in the photonic crystal, and the photonic crystal has a periodic structure which restrains light emission of the light emitting dye. - 特許庁


To provide a polishing device and method capable of performing accurate polishing without the polishing unevenness caused by the cyclic groove structure formed in the face of the polishing face of a polishing pad in the polishing device using a polishing pad having a polishing face of 1 to 2 times the diameter of a workpiece. - 特許庁


On the light emitting surface 16 of the multilayered laminated structure 18 constituted of a substrate 11, a first semiconductor layer 12, and a second semiconductor layer 13, an antireflection filter 17 composed of a plurality of projecting sections arranged in a cycle shorter than the wavelength of the light outputted from the light emitting surface 16 is formed on the surface 16. - 特許庁


Materials and waveguide length are selected to compensate the temperature coefficient of the refractive index of the semiconductor optical waveguides 9 and the temperature coefficient of the refractive index of the polymer optical waveguides 9 to control the optical length in one period of the structure of the distributed reflection optical waveguide constant, thereby eliminating the temperature dependence. - 特許庁


The electrolyte composite and its manufacturing method, and the non-aqueous electrolyte secondary battery 1 containing the electrolyte composite, contain a high molecular compound, which has a structure expressed with a following formula (1) as a repeating unit, and a metal ion salt belonging to the 1st family or the 2nd family of the periodic law table. - 特許庁


A pulse signal including the estimated frequency and phase is generated, and pulses are periodically selected from the pulse signal according to a rhythm structure (the number of the beat) of the audio signal, and thereby, a tempo clock pulse signal which expresses a meter of the audio signal is generated. - 特許庁


To prevent a polarization reversal part adjacent along a light advancing direction from being connected when manufacturing periodic polarization reversal structure by a voltage impression method, and to make the polarization reversal part continuous slenderly between the light advancing direction and a vertical direction. - 特許庁


The recording medium X1 has a lamination structure comprising the background layer 11 at the transition temperature and in the second state, and the recording layer 12 made of the perpendicular magnetization film formed on the background layer 11 and including periodic distortion in an inward direction. - 特許庁


To prevent a crack in a Z plate due to generation of abnormal discharge in heating, cooling of an element, and to prevent deterioration of conversion efficiency in a wavelength conversion element which consists of the Z plate consisting of ferroelectric single crystal and in which periodic polarization reversal structure is formed. - 特許庁


To provide a pattern matching method which enables the selection of an appropriate object pattern to be measured even on a sample including a periodic structure, and to provide a computer program for bringing a computer to execute the above pattern matching. - 特許庁


Periodic structures 70a, 70b, 70c to diffract light guided in the in-plane direction of a light-emitting element and to take the light out of the element are not disposed in a light-emitting region 100, and disposed in a non-emitting region 101 positioned outside and inside the light-emitting region 100. - 特許庁


To provide a molded product having a thin platy matrix composed of a cured material of a photopolymerizable composition, and a plurality of columnar structures disposed in the matrix and having a refractive index different from the matrix, the arrangement period of the columnar structures being controlled to be <5 μm. - 特許庁


When plural photosensitive material layers 11, 12 each having a desired pattern are periodically laminated to obtain a laminated structure, the under surface of the upper layer side one of photosensitive material layers adjacent to each other in the laminating direction is formed apart from the substrate in the gaps in the pattern of the lower layer side one. - 特許庁


The inductance element includes a magnetic material part 2 provided on a board 1 and coil conductors 3, 4 connected such that the magnetic material part 2 is surrounded helically, and the magnetic material part 2 has a structure in which a magnetic material layer 2a and a nonconductive layer 2b are periodically repeated. - 特許庁


The optical element 10 is a plate-like or sheet-like optical element in which a microscopic periodical structure 11 having a wavelength plate function is formed at least on the surface or the inside thereof, wherein a plane formed by an phase advancing axis (m) and a phase lagging axis (p) is curved in a phase advancing axis direction. - 特許庁


The optical element for polarizing light comprises a substrate with a main surface which includes a 1st axis and has periodical ruggedness in the direction of the 1st axis, and a lamination structure body which is arranged on the main surface and alternately laminates a 1st dielectric layer and a 2nd dielectric layer differing from the 1st dielectric layer in the refractive index. - 特許庁


At first, an upper side surface of a substrate is made to have the periodical structure of alternate horizontal and inclined planes by forming a horizontal plane 11a on the first region 5a of the upper side of the substrate 10 and an inclined plane 11b on the second region 5b thereof with photolithography and dry etching. - 特許庁


To provide a detection method of a tracking error signal in which reduction in tracking error signal is made small even though the range of an objective lens shift becomes large and no phase shift occurs with respect to the periodic structure of the recording surface of an optical disk during DVD-RAM recording. - 特許庁


In the photonic crystal 1 having a laminated structure in which a plurality of pairs of an Si film 3 and an SiO_2 film 2 are cyclicly laminated, the Si film 3 has the extinction coefficient in visible rays range of which the wavelength is from 480 to 800 nm is smaller than the extinction coefficient of a bulk Si single crystal. - 特許庁


The first conductor layer 20 has such a pattern that a unit shape constituted by linking a pair of patch 21 and branch 22 in an (x) direction is further arranged cyclically in the (x) direction, and an EBG body structure is constituted together with the dielectric substrate 10 and the second conductor layer 30. - 特許庁


Planar light sources periodically arranging EL elements 100R, 100G, 100B emitting light in red, green, and blue incorporating an optical resonator structure on one glass substrate 103 are arranged on the rear side of an optical modulation panel 101 having no color filter. - 特許庁


The fiber grating 12 has 1st and 2nd sectors alternately arranged in the long axial direction, and each of the 1st sectors periodically changes its refractive index in the long axial direction. - 特許庁


A polarized light separation element comprises, in order from a light incident side, an incident-side multilayered film 3c which is configured by stacking a plurality of dielectric films, and a one-dimensional grid structure 3a which has a grid cycle smaller than a wavelength of incident light and is formed from a metal. - 特許庁


The surface of a transparent medium A for diffracting transmitted light by rugged structure periodically formed on a plane, a spherical surface, or a surface other than the spherical surface is filled with a transparent medium B having a higher refractive index and lower dispersion as compared with the medium A. - 特許庁


The magnesium alloy is a magnesium alloy containing Mg, Zn and Y and contains at least a granular intermetallic compound Mg_3Y_2Zn_3 phase 3 and an Mg_12ZnY phase 2 showing a long period structure, and further, the intermetallic compound Mg_3Y_2Zn_3 phase 3 has a particle size ranging from 40 to 2,500 nm. - 特許庁


To provide a harmonic generation device with a periodic polarization reversal structure for converting a wavelength of a fundamental oscillated from a solid state laser oscillator to generate a harmonic, which allows a high oscillation efficiency of a harmonic and a reduction in size. - 特許庁


A flexible magnet sheet is of stripe-like multipole magnetization structure where N-poles and S-poles are alternately disposed, wherein a magnetization pitch is 2.0 mm or below, and the horizontal component of a leakage magnetic field shows a curve continuously and cyclically repeating increase or decrease. - 特許庁


In a radio communication system having a periodical frame structure, as a method for performing band reserving transmission of the plurality of frames by one time reservation request, reservation is released when transmission is finished or cut off from a network is performed, and band reservation is performed over the continuous plural frames. - 特許庁


Consequently the influence of jitters due to a signal reflected by each of impedance mismatched positions of both the substrates 100, 200, is restrained so that the high speed signal transmission wire packaging structure capable of resisting signal transmission of a short signal switching period can be provided. - 特許庁


An n-type silicon substrate is irradiated with nanosecond pulse lasers at the same time from two geometrically symmetric directions to cause the interference of beams and a cyclic groove structure of a submicron order (100 nm-1 μm) is formed on the surface of the substrate to adsorb surface modifying molecules on the surface of the substrate. - 特許庁



To realize illumination with little irregularity in a view field by using a diffusion plate as a surface light source together with an optical element having a one-dimensional periodical structure in a transmissive illumination apparatus for a stereomicroscope for observation in a wide magnification range. - 特許庁


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