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該当件数 : 37



It has a built-in auto-play function that can play 100 pieces of music.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


Gosaga-in strengthened the function of insei by formalizing the system of delivery, which was a position for the delivery of reports from Benkan (弁官) and Kurodo (蔵人) to the Emperor, and by establishing In-no-hyojo, where the In, together with Hyojo-shu, participated in decision/permission regarding lawsuits.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is said that TAO Yuan Ming held a Kin with no strings and fiddled with it when he was drunk, although he could not play it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The role was to perform that of a secretary like taking charge of transmitting Chokushi (imperial orders) and Joso jointly with Kurodo no to.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The Jin no Sadame made use of Kurodo (Chamberlains) to transmit its decisions to the Emperor and his Sessho (Regent) or Kanpaku (Chief Adviser).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



An acceleration sensor, a light emission means and an automatic playing means are incorporated in the mobile phone. - 特許庁


To provide a microphone device with a portable video accompanying function, wherein the video accompanying function is built in the microphone main body and the device is capable of outputting a video, a caption, and an accompanying signal to TV, FM radio, etc., by wire or wireless without a separate KARAOKE device. - 特許庁


After kurodo dokoro (the Chamberlain's Office) was established, tenmon hakase and others began to submit misso to kurodo (chamberlain), bypassing Onmyo no kami, and the kurodo mediated the misso to the emperor (due to the nature of the matter, the misso often took place in the middle of the night or in the early morning, in which case the tenmon hakase was exceptionally allowed to report the misso directly to the emperor.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A music playing data generating device has a function of separating source music playing data (source data) recorded in one channel into a plurality of channels and can reproduce new channel-separated music playing data by an attached or internal sound source. - 特許庁



The two armed representation depicting the goddess playing a biwa (Japanese flute) can be seen in the Womb Realm Mandala of the Mandala of the Two Realms used in Esoteric Buddhism.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The Benzaiten statue (two armed seated statue) at Shirakumo-jinja Shrine in Kyoto is unique as it is the same bodhisattva form playing a biwa that can be seen in the Womb Realm Mandala.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They always served for emperors and were in charge of Naishi no kami's roles such as introducing messages and transmitting imperial orders, and transmitted the official orders to Kurodo (Chamberlain).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Shokei was able to report to an emperor through Kurodo (Chamberlain) or the court, not via the Daijokan (Grand Council of State), asking for instructions from a Sekkan (regent to the emperor) as needed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an antenna for an automobile incorporated with an antenna exerting high transmitting/receiving effects under circumstances with a poor radio environment such as an automobile. - 特許庁


A playing section 10 consists of a head 11, a neck 12, strings 13, a bridge 14 in which a vibration pickup is built, and a frame 15. - 特許庁


To generate ampler musical tone data by utilizing built-in accompani ment pattern data and sequence data with each other. - 特許庁


To provide a heat storage capable of eliminating a dead space not used for heat exchange and having wave-absorbing effect. - 特許庁


Reporting the status of extraordinary astronomical events and the good omens they contained in sosho (reports to the Emperor) to the Emperor, conducted through the Onmyoryo (Bureau of Divination) or Kurododokoro (the Chamberlain's Office), was called tenmon misso.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Fuhito, the clerical official who received the sobun again from Shikiji-kugyo would exit from Jin-no-za (the court of Shikiji-kugyo) to submit relevant sobun with remarks of imperial decision to Kuroudo (chamberlain of imperial court) as well as to Shikiji-kugyo and Benkan (a division of Daijokan, the Grand Council of State, responsible for controlling central and provincial government affairs).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


All sound source functions are included in a guitar case, and a strap attached to the case for easily carrying the guitar can be also used as the strap when it is played, and a load for carrying the guitar is alleviated, when it is played while moving. - 特許庁


A microcomputer incorporated in this electronic musical instrument reads musical performance data out of a memory such as a RAM sequentially with time and turns on key depression instructing lamps 12 according to the musical performance data to instruct keys to be pressed. - 特許庁


A microcomputer built in this electronic musical instrument reads performance data stored in memory such as RAMs time sequentially and turns on the press-key instruction lamps 12 according to the performance data to instruct pressing the keys. - 特許庁


The dramas of Ningyo Joruri progressed in accordance with the performance of Gidayu-bushi (a kind of Joruri), so the programs of Kabuki whose stories came from Ningyo Joruri (for example, "Yoshitsune Senbonzakura" [Yoshitsune and One Thousand Cherry Trees] & "Kanadehon Chushingura" [The Treasury of Loyal Retainers]) are similarly accompanied by Gidayu-bushi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Sensor information including respective sensor signals and identification information for identifying interface devices is transmitted to a musical performance processor 51 from a musical performance interface device 11 as a percussion instrument having a piezosensor 12 inside, a musical performance interface device 21 having an atmospheric pressure sensor 22 detecting the air pressure in a balance ball, and a musical performance interface device 31 as a baton having a three-dimensional acceleration sensor 32. - 特許庁


Nijo showed an interest in establishing direct administration and ordered Tadachika NAKAYAMA, Kurodo no to (chief of Kurodo-dokoro), to address the Emperor directly; and, Munemori played the role of messenger to convey the order. (Source: Article for November 18, 1161 in "Sankaiki (Tadachika NAKAYAMA's diary)").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although Tsuneosa was appointed to Ushoben (Minor Controller of the Right) in 1863 and Kurodo (Chamberlain) in 1864, he was dismissed from the government posts and placed under house arrest over the charge of the involvement of Kinmon Incident (Conspiracy of Kinmon) as the Kashuji family had been the Shisso family (the family which served as the intermediary between the Court and the Shogunate government) of the Mori clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The front stage catalyst 41 is arranged on the upstream side of an NOx occlusion catalyst 42, and an HC trap agent such as zeolite which exhibits an HC trap function is eliminated from catalyst species of the front stage catalyst 41. - 特許庁


To provide a deterioration prevention system for a lubricant having superior oxidation preventing effects at the time of storage and use of the lubricant without using large-sized facilities. - 特許庁


A theme music is demonstratively played by a sampler built in the game machine 1, and guide lamps attached the keys of a keyboard 6 are lighted in sequence in response to the musical sound. - 特許庁


When a start button is operated (S410: Yes), the time (t) of a timer 16 is set to 0 and a MIDI message is sent to a sound source incorporated sequencer 2 to start the automatic performance (S412). - 特許庁


To enable a listener to clearly hear an alarm sound through a musical sound generating device having a function which is built in object equipment and adds sound effect and a function which generates a sound and plays BGM. - 特許庁


To quicken a time up to registration by registering a new music with a self-made melody function without remodeling a sound source LSI itself. - 特許庁


To sequentially change and reproduce images by applying cross face processing to a plurality of video data while holding down the manufacturing cost and restraining the processing load of a built-in processor, in a Karaoke device for reproducing image data in performing Karaoke performance. - 特許庁


To provide table opening and closing structure providing an effect of facilitating, etc., opening/closing operation of a table without generating problems, where a keyboard can not be installed stably or where the operation of a mouth is obstructed, by providing an area required in the case of manipulating a unit incorporated in an independent disk from outside of the independent disk. - 特許庁


Whether the time (t) exceeds time T1 (S420) is monitored, and if so (S420: Yes), an indication is sent to the DSP 17 to stop the sound recording and a MIDI message is sent to the sound source incorporated sequencer 2 to stop the automatic performance. - 特許庁


A high-speed processor 200 built in a body 1 of an automatic music player as the image signal generating device calculates the sliding speed, sliding direction and sliding time based on the pulse signals A and B, and controls the movement of a character 73 displayed on a screen 82 according to the calculated values. - 特許庁



When one video work in the work list corresponding to the specified musical piece is specified and the event operation is done on the mobile terminal, the mobile terminal transmits by radio a musical performance booking signal including information for discriminating the specified musical piece and specified work to the circumference by its internal short-distance radio communication means. - 特許庁


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浜島書店 Catch a Wave
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