
「契約不履行」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 契約不履行の意味・解説 > 契約不履行に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 61



non-fulfilment of an agreement  - 斎藤和英大辞典


non-fulfilment of a contract  - 斎藤和英大辞典


He is in default  - 斎藤和英大辞典


He is a defaulter.  - 斎藤和英大辞典



He is in default―a defaulter.  - 斎藤和英大辞典


19.3.4. 不履行の場合における契約当事者の法的責任例文帳に追加

19.3.4. the liabilities of the contracting parties in case of non-performance; - 特許庁

全員 契約不履行で訴えてやる!例文帳に追加

I will sue all of you for breach of contract! - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


a contract concerning compensation for damages following default of an obligation, called {a fault stipulation}  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Publication, etc. of the Fact of Non-Performance of the Basic Contract for Implementation of Dispute Resolution Procedures  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



a breach that does not destroy the value of the contract but can give rise to a claim for damages  - 日本語WordNet



the legal right of a bank to seize deposited funds to cover a loan that is in default  - 日本語WordNet


Therefore, it developed into a big issue as a default of the agreement, and a lawsuit was formed as well.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As a result this situation produced a breach of contract shortly after the forest of field practice was established.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore, the contract may be terminated ("kaijo") in the event of default or if any latent defects are found in the products.  - 経済産業省


a breach serious enough to destroy the value of the contract and to give a basis for an action for breach of contract  - 日本語WordNet

第十六条 使用者は、労働契約不履行について違約金を定め、又は損害賠償額を予定する契約をしてはならない。例文帳に追加

Article 16 An employer shall not make a contract which fixes in advance either a sum payable to the employer for breach of contract or an amount of compensation for damages.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

当事者間での話し合いは失敗に終わり、ABA 社は破産を申立て、州は契約不履行を理由に契約を解除した。例文帳に追加

As consultation between the parties failed, ABA applied for bankruptcy, and the state terminated the agreement because of an alleged breach of the agreement. - 経済産業省


a form of life insurance whereby on the death or default of a participant his share is distributed to the remaining members  - 日本語WordNet


B. Management of credit risk (possible risk of loss arising from the business partner’s default or other reasons)  - 金融庁

Azurix 社は、州の契約不履行および解除が、①収用に相当し、②公正衡平待遇義務に違反するとして仲裁を申し立てた。例文帳に追加

Azurix requested arbitration on the grounds that the state’s breach and termination of the agreement were (i) equivalent to expropriation and (ii) in breach of fair and equitable treatment. - 経済産業省


A Vendor commits a contractual default where he supplies a defective product which cannot perform its stated functions.  - 経済産業省


4.Disclaimer clause of defect warranty liability or non-performance of the main obligation  - 経済産業省


i) Clauses restricting the right of a consumer to terminate a contract, as stipulated by Article 570 of the Civil Code among other articles, to terminate contracts due to defects and non-performance of the business entity, or clauses expanding the rights of business entities to terminate contracts.  - 経済産業省

194条 著作者に対しては,著作物を創作する契約又は既に存在する著作物を公表する契約を果たすことを強制することはできない。ただし,そのような契約不履行による損害については著作者に責任があるとすることができる。例文帳に追加

Sec.194 Breach of Contract An author cannot be compelled to perform his contract to create a work or for the publication of his work already in existence. However, he may be held liable for damages for breach of such contract. - 特許庁


A service center 1 collectively mediates the conclusion of indemnity agreement between a power source entrepreneur 2 having a power generation facility 6, and an insurance company 4, and also enters an indemnity agreement with a power company 5, so as to have the insurance company compensate for the penalty at power supply contract nonperformance. - 特許庁


(I) Contractual regulations Where a contract has been concluded between a provider and a user that prohibits communication of IDs and passwords to third parties, users who sell or disclose IDs or passwords on the internet bear contractual liability (liability for the non-performance of contractual obligations).  - 経済産業省

第五十二条の六十八 指定紛争解決機関は、手続実施基本契約により加入銀行が負担する義務の不履行が生じた場合において、当該加入銀行の意見を聴き、当該不履行につき正当な理由がないと認めるときは、遅滞なく、当該加入銀行の商号及び当該不履行の事実を公表するとともに、内閣総理大臣に報告しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 52-68 (1) In cases where non-performance of the obligations to be incurred by a Member Bank under a Basic Contract for Implementation of Dispute Resolution Procedures arises, when a Designated Dispute Resolution Organization has heard opinions from said Member Bank and finds there are no justifiable grounds for such non-performance, said Designated Dispute Resolution Organization shall publicize and report to the Prime Minister the trade name or name of said Member Bank and the fact of such non-performance, without delay.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

① 本契約のいかなる規定にかかわらず、不履行有限責任組合員が有する組合持分に関して、組合員集会において議決権を行使できず、その他本契約において意思決定に係る出資口数及び対象持分割合に基づく比率の計算から除外されるものとすること。例文帳に追加

(i) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, to deny the Defaulting Limited Partner’s right to exercise its voting rights at any meeting of Partners with respect to its Partnership Interest and to otherwise exclude it from the calculation of any voting ratio required to make a decision based on the Number of Partnership Units and based on the Percentage Interests;  - 経済産業省

一 当該貸付けの契約に基づく債務の不履行の場合には、特定公正証書により、債務者等が直ちに強制執行に服することとなる旨例文帳に追加

(i) To the effect that, in the case of default under the Contract for the Loan, the Obligor, etc. shall immediately be subject to compulsory execution under the Specified Notarized Deed; and  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To guarantee a buyer or seller loss when a transaction contract is defaulted in an electric commerce system in which an intermediary computer intermediates transaction contents between a buyer computer and a seller computer. - 特許庁


To minimize the risk of a power source entrepreneur at power supply contract nonperformance, due to unscheduled stoppage, etc., of a power generation facility for supplying power to a power system. - 特許庁


If a contractual relationship is formed, the verification authority must abide by the Recipient Terms/CPS. In such case, if the identification procedure of the verification authority does not follow the procedures specified in the Recipient Terms/CPS, it will be contractually liable for any failure.  - 経済産業省


If a contractual relationship is formed, the verification authority must abide by the Recipient Terms/CPS. In such case, if the identification procedure of the verification authority does not follow the procedure specified in the Recipient Terms/CPS, it will be contractually liable for any failure.  - 経済産業省


(III) Cases in which the buyer may claim from the seller monetary compensation If the subject item of the transaction is in any way defective or if some obligations have not been performed as required by contract, the buyer may claim a reasonable amount of damages.  - 経済産業省


Also, regardless of whether the goods are specific and/or unspecific, if a party suffers damages because of the nonperformance of the counterparty of its duties (delivery duty, payment duty, etc.), such suffering party may claim a significant amount of compensation.  - 経済産業省


On the other hand, where the provider bears contractual obligation to host the transmission of such information, the provider may be held liable for mistakenly deleting such information, if the transmission of such information was lawful.  - 経済産業省

SaaS(Software as a service)利用契約において SLA(Service Level Agreement)を定める場合、義務規定として設けた場合、そのサービスレベルを達成できなかった場合には、債務不履行責任(民法第415条)を負うことになる。例文帳に追加

Where a Service Level Agreement ("SLA") is executed with the user of a SaaS, if the parties stipulate to the SLA as a legal obligation, a party who fails to achieve the pre-agreed service level shall bear liability for non-performance of obligations (Article 415 of the Civil Code).  - 経済産業省

この場合、ID・パスワード等をインターネット上で販売又は開示したユーザーは、契約上の責任(債務不履行責任・民法第 415条)を負う。例文帳に追加

In such cases, users who sell or disclose such IDs/Passwords on the internet bear contractual liability (liability for the non-performance of the main obligations; Article 415 of Civil Code).  - 経済産業省

情報の発信者との間に会員契約などが存在し、当該契約に基づいて発信者に対して、情報についてホスティングを提供する義務を負う事業者が、情報に違法性がないにもかかわらず、削除依頼に応じて削除してしまうと、契約に基づく債 務(ホスティングを提供する義務)の不履行となる。 アクセス権限が特定人に限定されているような場合は、特定電気通信にあたらない。例文帳に追加

If a business entity that is contractually obligated to provide certain hosting services to the sender of the information based on a membership agreement with him/her, for example, deletes certain lawful information at another person's request, such entity will not be considered to be performing its contractual obligations (to provide hosting services).  - 経済産業省


(1) Where the user is a consumer Some license agreements have disclaimer clauses concerning defect warranty liability or main obligation of the contract. However, in consumer contracts, the following special clauses are likely to be declared invalid as violations of Subparagraphs 1, 2, or 5, Paragraph 1, Article 8 r Article 10 of the Consumer Contract Act: .  - 経済産業省


When a contract is concluded, users must generally use the database itself and the information and data included in such database in accordance with the applicable conditions of use, and the provider of the database is deemed able to assert contractual liability (liability for non-performance of the main obligation, Article 415 of Civil Code) with respect to acts of use by the user outside the contract.  - 経済産業省

第四十二条 貸金業を営む者が業として行う金銭を目的とする消費貸借の契約(手形の割引、売渡担保その他これらに類する方法によつて金銭を交付する契約を含む。)において、年百九・五パーセント(二月二十九日を含む一年については年百九・八パーセントとし、一日当たりについては〇・三パーセントとする。)を超える割合による利息(債務の不履行について予定される賠償額を含む。)の契約をしたときは、当該消費貸借の契約は、無効とする。例文帳に追加

Article 42 (1) With regard to a contract for monetary loans made by a Money Lender on a regular basis (including contracts where money is to be delivered based on a discount of negotiable instruments, security by sale, or any other method similar thereto), where a contract for interest whose interest rate exceeds 109.5% per annum (in the case of a leap year, such interest rate shall be 109.8% per annum, and the per diem interest rate shall be 0.3%) has been concluded (agreed liquidated damages for default shall be included as interest), said contract for monetary loans shall be void.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

①事業者の責任を制限する条項に対する規制消費者契約法第8条は、事業者の消費者に対する債務不履行責任、不法行為責任、瑕疵担保責任等の損害賠償責任を全面的に免責する条項を無効とし ている。例文帳に追加

(i) Regulations on provisions limiting the liability of business entity Article 8 of the Consumer Contract Act prescribes that any provision is invalid which fully discharges a business entity from its liabilities for default, unlawful act or compensatory damages such as liability to comply with the warranty against defects.  - 経済産業省


For example, a buyer may terminate a contract: if a seller defaults; if a buyer does not perform its obligation; if any latent defects ("kashi") are found in used goods purchased; according to a provision prescribed in the terms and conditions of contract (e.g. exhibition terms and condition) permitting termination in certain circumstances; or, if both parties agree to the termination.  - 経済産業省


(A) Cases where a seller defaults If a seller and a buyer have concluded a sales agreement for certain goods, and if the goods delivered to the buyer differ from those specified in the sales agreement, the buyer may claim for the delivery of goods as specified in the sales agreement.  - 経済産業省


In general, if the goods delivered to a buyer differ from those specified in the description of the goods in the sales agreement, the buyer may claim for the termination of the contract due to the default of the seller to perform its obligation to deliver the goods as specified in the description.  - 経済産業省


If the contractual provisions executed between the right holder and the person offering the programs, etc. referred to in the models discussed herein expressly prohibit the acts of offering programs, etc. specifically referred to in each model, such person offering them shall bear liability for non-performance of contractual obligations and be subject to paying compensation for damages (Article 415 of the Civil Code).  - 経済産業省

2. 組合員が本契約に基づく支払義務の履行を怠ったことにより本組合又は他の組合員に損害が発生した場合には、当該組合員は当該不履行により本組合又は他の組合員が被った一切の損害を賠償する責任を負うものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) If the Partnership or any Partner suffers damages or losses due to any Partner’s failure to perform any payment obligation under this Agreement, the defaulting Partner shall indemnify the Partnership or the other Partner for all damages or losses suffered by them due to such failure.  - 経済産業省

契約関係が成立していなければ免責条項の効力は認められないが、これが認められる場合であっても、消費者契約においては、債務不履行や債務の履行に際してなされた不法行為による損害賠償について、全部を免責する条項や一部(認証機関の故意又は重過失による場合に限る。)を免責する条項は無効とされると考えられる(消費者契約法第8条)ほか、個 別の事情を考慮して、その有効性が問題とされる場合があるものと解される。例文帳に追加

Furthermore, even if there is such a relationship or agreement, the disclaimer of a verification authority is invalid if it totally exempts or partly exempts the verification authority from any liability to compensate damages to an innocent party which resulted from the non-performance of an obligation or from a tort, or where the authentication authority acted illegally or breached contract deliberately or with gross negligence (Article 8 of the Consumer Contract Act).  - 経済産業省


5. 有限責任組合員が本契約上の支払義務の履行を怠った場合には、無限責任組合員は、当該有限責任組合員に対して履行の懈怠を書面により通知するものとし、当該有限責任組合員がかかる通知の到達の日から[ ]日以内に支払いを行わない場合において、無限責任組合員が通知したときは、当該有限責任組合員は、「不履行有限責任組合員」となる。無限責任組合員は、その裁量により、不履行有限責任組合員に関して、以下の一又は複数の取扱いを行うことができる。例文帳に追加

(5) If any Limited Partner fails to perform any payment obligation under this Agreement, the General Partner shall give notice in writing of such failure to such Limited Partner. If the Limited Partner fails to make such payment within [__] days after receipt of such notice, the Limited Partner shall be deemed a “Defaulting Limited Partner” upon the General Partner so notifying. The General Partner may, in its discretion, take one or more of the following measures against a Defaulting Limited Partner:  - 経済産業省


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