
「後発医薬品」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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Branded generics - 厚生労働省


(5) Fostering of generic market - 厚生労働省


Revitalization of generic market - 厚生労働省


Launch of generics after the patent time/ Promotion of replacement with generics - 厚生労働省



generic drugs are usually cheaper than brand-name drugs  - 日本語WordNet





As a support package to enhance the reliability of generic drugs: - 厚生労働省


The retrieval result includes the pharmacy capable of preparing a prescribed medicine (original medicine) or a generic medicine to be an alternative, and a medicine charge when the generic medicine is prepared. - 特許庁


Furthermore, the particularity of pharmaceutical is getting more conspicuous, in the light of the public insurance system, the world trend toward promoted use of generic products and the development of a target patient-limited drug such as a tailored drug, etc.. - 厚生労働省


後発医薬品の使用促進のため、診療報酬上の後発医薬品の使用環境の整備を図った。 平成14年度改定では、例文帳に追加

The promotion of generic drugs requires the establishment of the respective medical fees infrastructure. In the fiscal 2002 revision, measures such as the following were taken: - 厚生労働省



To provide information useful for prescribing generic drugs. - 特許庁


Higher assessment for prescriptions that include generic drugs, - 厚生労働省


At the same time, we will strengthen actions for promotion of use of generic drugs. - 厚生労働省


To set up a relation for every patient or all the patients to normally substitute specific original medicine to generic medicine. - 特許庁


While innovative new drugs promote the quality of healthcare, the use of high quality and reasonably priced generic drugs reduces the financial burden and rationalizes health insurance finances. It follows that a balanced distribution of original and generic drugs is vital. The current status of the drug market does not allow generic drugs to fulfil their potential role. - 厚生労働省

さらに、このうち主として医薬品の卸売業を営む事業者は(社)日本医薬品卸業連合会(卸連)加盟128社(2006年度末)と、主として後発医薬品を扱う小規模の、日本ジェネリック医薬品販社協会加盟 64社(2007年 1 月現在)であると考えられる。例文帳に追加

Moreover, those who make wholesaling of mainly pharmaceutical products are 128 companies admitted in the Federation of Japan Pharmaceutical Wholesalers Association (at the end of 2006) and 64 small-scale companies admitted in the Japan Generics Distribution Associations mainly dealing with generics (as of January 2007). - 厚生労働省


In the situation that expansion of market share of generics is political task, needs of good and inexpensive generics is considered to further increase and growth is requested for good-standing major generic companies that contribute to stable supply and improvement of reliability on quality. - 厚生労働省


In addition, the role of the pharmacy is significant in promoting the use of generics. - 厚生労働省


The data extraction/transmission section 3 automatically extracts information on preparation results after a drug described in a prescription is substituted with a generic drug by referring to the prescription information database 2c and generates a generic drug substitution list 6. - 特許庁


In such situation, citizensneeds are increasing also for information on pharmaceutical products. It is required to supply easily understandable information on indication, adverse drug reactions and intake method, etc. In addition, by recent increase of medical care expense for citizens, increase of burden on patients and increase of the interest in generics, information supply is also requested on prices and equivalency of original products and generics. - 厚生労働省


From the viewpoint of the entire pharmaceutical industry including the relevant industries, it is considered that activation of new drug development will activate the OTC drug market, the generic drug market and the relevant industries, leading furthermore to sophistication and efficiency of the drug distribution supporting each market. Thus, innovation is considered to contribute to activation of the entire drug market. - 厚生労働省


A user confirms the retrieval result displayed on the user terminal 300 and has the original medicine or the generic medicine prepared at the pharmacy indicated in the retrieval result. - 特許庁


To allow confirmation of the presence/absence of a medicine including the same component as a prescribed medicine or the presence/absence of a medicine wherein interaction occurs, even in a situation where an equivalent medicine exists for a different medicine name like an original medicine and a generic medicine. - 特許庁


Generic medicines, also called late-comer drugs, are medicines which are sold after they are approved by authorities (the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in the case of Japan) following the expiration of a patent owned by the company that originally made the medicines. - 経済産業省

・ なお、同時に、医療保険財政の持続可能性との調和を図りつつ、革新的な新薬の適切な評価を行うためにも、後発医薬品や一般用医薬品の使用を一層促進していくことも重要な課題である。例文帳に追加

In order to properly reward innovative new drugs while harmonizing with sustainability of healthcare financing, further promotion of use of generics and proprietary drugs is also important task. - 厚生労働省


In order to properly reward innovative new drugs while harmonizing with sustainability of healthcare financing, further promotion of use of generics and proprietary drugs is also important task. - 厚生労働省


③ That pharmacies are concerned about matters such as the increase in stockpiles and dead stock and in the time spent on supplying information to promote generic drugs. - 厚生労働省


Further, the data extraction/transmission section 3 automatically sends the generated generic drug substitution list 6 to the medical institution or an insurance doctor. - 特許庁


Also from the viewpoints of decreasing the patient’s burden and improving the public finances for medical insurance as well as appreciating the innovative new drugs, it is important to promote use of good-quality generic products, and the government is also going to pursue the program to steadily achieve the targeted share of generic products. - 厚生労働省

②薬局における後発医薬品の調剤や情報提供について調剤報酬に加算する等の措置を行った。 平成18年度改定では、医師が後発医薬品に変更して差し支えない旨の意思表示を行いやすくするため、処方せん様式を変更した。例文帳に追加

Dispensing fee premiums for pharmacies dispensing and supplying information on generic drugs. In the fiscal 2006 revision, the prescription format was changed to facilitate the decision by physicians to switch to generic drugs. - 厚生労働省

・ また、政府が取るべき施策については、「革新的医薬品・医療機器創出のための 5 か年戦略」を 3 省庁連携の下に本年 4 月にまとめたところであり、これを中心としつつ、後発医薬品市場の育成、一般用医薬品市場の育成、流通機能の効率化・高度化も含めた総合的なアクションプランをこのたび策定した。 (本ビジョンの構成とフォローアップの仕組み)例文帳に追加

For the measures and policies that the government should take, the “Five-Year Strategy for Creation of Innovative Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices” was summarized in April this year under cooperation of 3 ministries. Mainly based on this strategy, a comprehensive action plan including fostering of generic market, fostering of proprietary drug market and streamlining / grade-up of distribution function was established this time. (Construction of this vision and the follow-up system) - 厚生労働省


As the reason for increasing M&A, in the situation that research and development expenditure will internationally increase acutely by competition of new drug development in the future and the share of generics is increasing worldwide, securement of size of research and development expenditure, supplement of pipeline for preventing profit decline due to income reduction after patent time of original products and aiming increase of sales strength are considered. - 厚生労働省


On the contrary, from the other viewpoint of the whole pharmaceutical industry including related industries, it has also repercussion-growth structure that innovation is affecting activation of market of the whole industry such that research and development / innovation take a lead in the whole industry which become new product group in generic market after termination of patent time. - 厚生労働省


The state or territory is among the least developed states or territories according to the UN's classification at the time in question or has insufficient manufacturing capacity in accordance with the Annex to the WTO's General Council Decision of August 30, 2003 (the WTO Medicines Decision); - 特許庁


To quickly find drugs written in a prescription while it is a generic drug boom for pharmaceuticals (off-patent drugs can be made at a lower price and it is combined with the encouragement measure of saving medical expenses of the country) and the rapid increase of drug names causes a big confusion in the field of dispensing. - 特許庁

後発医薬品(ジェネリック)のシェアは16.8%(H16 年度医薬工業協議会調べ)であり、主な新薬開発国と比べてもシェアが低い(図表 12)。例文帳に追加

The share of generics is 16.8% (surveyed by the Japan Generic Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association in 2004) and the share is lower in Japan than in other countries that develop new drugs (Fig. 12). - 厚生労働省


This is considered attributable to that the public healthcare insurance system in Japan differs from that in other countries and that generics companies cannot sufficiently obtain confidence of healthcare professionals, etc. - 厚生労働省


As the meticulous responses to delicate needs, they are required to deliver the drugs to even a place inconveniently located in terms of public transportation and also required to actively line up generic products. - 厚生労働省

③ 例えば後発医薬品などの特定の製品分野や、診療所、薬局の個店など特定のユーザー、特定の地域に特化し、その特徴に合わせた流通網や情報サービスを行う「特化型」例文帳に追加

[3] “Specific-type” that is specialized in a specific product field such generic field, specific users such as clinics / pharmacies or specific regions, providing distribution network and information service tailored to individual characteristics. - 厚生労働省


An overview of 'Medical fees for generic drugs' was supplied on the MHLW Web site and - 厚生労働省


Generic drug manufacturers have been instructed to make efforts to ensure stable supplies, improve the package insert information, provide an information supply framework and supply relevant information promptly - 厚生労働省


① That the full trust of medical professionals cannot be won due to the existence of generic drug manufacturers with deficiencies in stable supply, information supply and other respects, - 厚生労働省

以上の指摘を踏まえれば、イノベーションを適切に評価し、国際的に競争力のある市場とし、同時に医療保険財政の持続可能性を確保していくためには、特許期間中にリスクとイノベーションに見合うリターンが得られ、かつ特許期間満了後は再審査期間を経た上で、後発医薬品に着実に置き換わるという仕組みに向けた検討が必要である。(2007 年度)なお、薬価制度の検討・運用に当たっては、医薬品の安定供給等に配慮が必要である。例文帳に追加

With reference to the above points, to assure a fair valuation of innovation, a globally competitive market and the sustainability of health insurance finances, discussion should be held on a mechanism for achieving returns during the patent life commensurate with the risks and innovation and allowing steady generic substitution on patent expiry and completion of the reexamination period. (Fiscal 2007) Matters such as the stable supply of drugs should be considered in conjunction with the review and implementation of the drug pricing system. - 厚生労働省


Regarding social security-related expenditures, we will place priority on measures to ensure the safety and security of people's lives, such as maintaining a sufficient number of doctors in the prefectures where doctors are in demand. At the same time, from the viewpoint of curbing expenditures through continued efforts to reform the social security system, we will implement measures such as revising medical fees and drug prices in a priority-oriented manner, promoting the use of generic drugs and having employee insurance systems provide financial support to the government-managed health care system. - 財務省


Purpose of sections 21.02 to 21.2 is to give effect to Canadas and Jean Chretien’s pledge to Africa by facilitating access to pharmaceutical products to address public health problems afflicting many developing and least-developed countries, especially those resulting from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other epidemics.  - 特許庁

このため、安定供給、情報提供等の課題に対する取組も含め、厚生労働省として、「医療・介護サービスの質向上・効率化プログラム」(2007 年 5 月 厚生労働省)に定められた「平成 24 年度までに、後発医薬品のシェア(数量ベースで 16.8%(平成16 年度)を 30%(現状から倍増)以上に)という目標を着実に達成するため、総合的な施策を講じることとする。(2007 年度~)例文帳に追加

The MHLW will therefore implement an overall package of measures, including initiatives to tackle issues such as stable supply and information supply, to ensure the steady achievement of the target of at least a 30% generic market share (double the current) by fiscal 2012 (16.8% by volume (fiscal 2004)) set out in the 'Program to Improve the Quality and Efficiency of the Medical and Nursing Services' (MHLW May 2007) (Fiscal 2007 ~ ) - 厚生労働省


附則4に列挙されている国であって世界貿易機関加盟国でない場合に,次のとおりである場合: (i) その国名が,政府開発援助を受ける資格のある国として経済開発協力機構の一覧に最早掲載されていない。 (ii) 当該国が,国家の非常事態又は他の緊急事態に最早直面していない。 (iii) 当該国が,認可により当該国に輸入された製品を商業目的に使用することを許可した。又は (iv) 当該国が,総会決議第4条にいう方策を取ることを怠った。 (e) 附則3又は附則4に列挙されている国又は世界貿易機関加盟国の場合に,当該国又は世界貿易機関加盟国が後発発展途上国として国際連合により認定された。並びに (f) 附則2から附則4までの何れかに列挙されている国又は世界貿易機関加盟国の場合に,総会決議1(a)に定義される医薬品を輸入しない旨を,当該国がカナダ政府に通知した,又は世界貿易機関加盟国が知的所有権の貿易関連側面に関する協定の協議会に通知した。例文帳に追加

In the case of a country listed in Schedule 4 that is not a WTO Member, (i) the name of the country is no longer on the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s list of countries that are eligible for official development assistance, (ii) the country no longer faces a national emergency or other circumstances of extreme urgency, (iii) the country has permitted any product imported into that country under an authorization to be used for commercial purposes, or (iv) the country has failed to adopt the measures referred to in Article 4 of the General Council Decision; (e) in the case of any country or WTO Member listed in Schedule 3 or 4, the country or WTO Member has become recognized by the United Nations as a least-developed country; and (f) in the case of any country or WTO Member listed in any of Schedules 2 to 4, the country has notified the Government of Canada, or the WTO Member has notified the TRIPS Council, that it will not import pharmaceutical products, as defined in paragraph 1(a) of the General Council Decision.  - 特許庁


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